How to copy data from TableA to TableB with new partitions? - sql

I have TableA that has hundreds of thousands of rows and is still increasing in size. With no partitions, the speed has decreased very noticeably.
So I made a new table called TableB made columns exactly like (both name and type) TableA in Oracle SQL Developer. (TableA and TableB are in the same database but not the same tables) I additionally created partitions for TableB.
Now, all I want to do is copy all the data from TableA from TableB in order to test the speeds of queries.
In order to test speeds of tables with partitions, I decided to copy all of the data now that TableB has all the same columns as A.
insert into TableB ( select * from TableA);
What I expected from the statement above was the data to be copied over but instead, I got the error:
Error starting at line : 1 in command -
insert into TableB ( select * from TableA)
Error at Command Line : 1 Column : 1
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-54013: INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns
54013. 0000 - "INSERT operation disallowed on virtual columns"
*Cause: Attempted to insert values into a virtual column
*Action: Re-issue the statment without providing values for a virtual column
I looked up Virtual Columns and it seems to be
"When queried, virtual columns appear to be normal table columns, but their values are derived rather than being stored on disc. The syntax for defining a virtual column is listed below."
However, I do not have any data in TableB whatsoever. TableB only has the columns that match TableA so I am unsure as to how my columns can be derived, when there is nothing to derive?

You can use the query
SELECT column_name, virtual_column
FROM user_tab_cols
WHERE table_name = 'TABLEA';
----------- --------------
Then use
to be exempt from the virtual columns, those are calculated ones from the other columns' values.

did you create table B also with derived columns ? from your question i presume you created tableB also with virtual columns..
One thing you need to notice is since you have a large volume of records to insert , use bulk mode for faster operation.. use append hint as shown below.
Please note - you need not include virtual columns in below statement as they would be calculated on the fly.
insert /*+ APPEND */ into tableB (column1, column2,...columnn) select column1, column2,...columnn from TableA


populate a table from another table including logging

I'm trying to populate a table from another table including logging.
For example there 2 tables A and B.
Data should be copied from B to A
There is one primary key called id in both tables.
The script should update the matching rows if existing.
The script should insert the missing rows from B if not found in table A
Data is expected to be around 800 k, having 15 columns.
I have no idea what you mean with "including logging", but to insert/update from one table to another, use merge:
merge into a
using b on ( =
when matched then update
set col1 = b.col1,
col2 = b.col2
when not matched then insert (id, col1, col2)
values (, b.col1, col2);
This assumes the PK is named id in both tables.
merge into tableA a
using tableB b
on ( =
when matched then update set
--list columns here
when not matched then insert
--list columns to insert here
800k shouldn't be too much to insert in one transaction. If it is too much you should use cursor with bulk collect and split merge in a few steps passing to using only part of data. How big limit set for bulk collect you need to test which gives optimal times.

How to select data and insert those data using single sql?

I want to select some data using simple sql and insert those data into another table. Both table are same. Data types and column names all are same. Simply those are temporary table of masters table. Using single sql I want to insert those data into another table and in the where condition I check E_ID=? checking part. My another problem is sometime there may be any matching rows in the table. In that time is it may be out sql exception? Another problem is it may be multiple matching rows. That means one E_ID may have multiple rows. As a example in my attachment_master and attachments_temp table has multiple rows for one single ID. How do I solve those problems? I have another problem. My master table data can insert temp table using following code. But I want to change only one column and others are same data. Because I want to change temp table status column.
insert into dates_temp_table SELECT * FROM master_dates_table where e_id=?;
In here all data insert into my dates_temp_table. But I want to add all column data and change only dates_temp_table status column as "Modified". How should I change this code?
You could try this:
insert into table1 ( col1, col2, col3,.... )
SELECT col1, col2, col3, ....
FROM table2 where (you can check any condition here on table1 or table2 or mixed)
For more info have a look here and this similar question
Hope it may help you.
EDit : If I understand your requirement properly then this may be a helpful solution for you:
insert into table1 ( col-1, col-2, col-3,...., col-n, <Your modification col name here> )
SELECT col-1, col-2, col-3,...., col-n, 'modified'
FROM table2 where table1.e_id=<your id value here>
As per your comment in above other answer:
"I send my E_ID. I don't want to matching and get. I send my E_ID and
if that ID available I insert those data into my temp table and change
temp table status as 'Modified' and otherwise don't do anything."
As according to your above statements, If given e_id is there it will copy all the columns values to your table1 and will place a value 'modified' in the 'status' column of your table1
For more info look here
You can use merge statement if I understand your requirement correctly.
As I do not have your table structure below is based on assumption, see whether this cater your requirement. I am assuming that e_id is primary key or change as per your table design.
MERGE INTO dates_temp_table trgt
USING (SELECT * FROM master_dates_table WHERE e_id=100) src
ON (trgt.prm_key = src.prm_key)
INSERT (trgt.col, trgt.col2, trgt.status)
VALUES (src.col, src.col2, 'Modified');
More information and examples here
insert into tablename( column1, column2, column3,column4 ) SELECT column1,
column2, column3,column4 from anothertablename where tablename.ID=anothertablename.ID
IF multiple values are there then it will return the last result..If not you have narrow your search..

How to fix this stored procedure problem

I have 2 tables. The following are just a stripped down version of these tables.
Id <pk> incrementing
Name varchar(50)
TableAId <pk> non incrementing
Name varchar(50)
Now these tables have a relationship to each other.
User 1 comes to my site and does some actions(in this case adds rows to Table A). So I use a SqlBulkCopy all this data in Table A.
However I need to add the data also to Table B but I don't know the newly created Id's from Table A as SQLBulkCopy won't return these.
So I am thinking of having a stored procedure that finds all the id's that don't exist in Table B and then insert them in.
INSERT INTO TableB (TableAId , Name)
SELECT Id,Name FROM TableA as tableA
WHERE not exists( ...)
However this comes with a problem. A user at any time can delete something from TableB so if a user deletes say a row and then another user comes around or even the same user comes around and does something to Table A my stored procedure will bring back that deleted row in Table B. Since it will still exist in Table A but not Table B and thus satisfy the stored procedure condition.
So is there a better way of dealing with two tables that need to be updated when using bulk insert?
SQLBulkCopy complicates this so I'd consider using a staging table and an OUTPUT clause
Example, in a mixture of client pseudo code and SQL
create SQLConnection
Create #temptable
Bulkcopy to #temptable
Call proc on same SQLConnection
INSERT tableA (..)
SELECT .. FROM #temptable
close connection
temptable will be local to the connection and be isolated
the writes to A and B will be atomic
overlapping or later writes don't care about what happens later to A and B
emphasising the last point, A and B will only ever be populated from the set of rows in #temptable
Add another column to A and B called sessionid and use that to identify row batches.
One option would be to use SQL Servers output clause:
INSERT YourTable (name)
VALUES ('NewName')
This will return the id, name of the inserted rows to the client, so you can use them in the insert operation for the second table.
Just as an alternative solution you could use database triggers to update the second table.

SQL Server Generate Script To Fill Tables With Data From Other Database?

Let's say I have two databases with identical tables, but one database's tables contains data while the other doesn't. Is there a way in SQL Server to generate a script to fill the empty tables with data from the full tables?
If the tables are identical and don't use an IDENTITY column, it is quite easy.
You would do something like this:
Again, only for identical table structures, otherwise you have to change the SELECT * to the correct columns and perform any conversions that are necessary.
And, to add to the #WilliamD answer, if there is an IDENTITY column you can use a variation of the INSERT statement.
Assuming you have two columns (Col1 and Col2, with Col1 having IDENTITY property) in the tables, you can do the following:
INSERT INTO TableB (col1, col2)
SELECT col1, col2 FROM TableA
It's necessary to list the columns in this situation.

"Merging" two tables in T-SQL - replacing or preserving duplicate IDs

I have a web application that uses a fairly large table (millions of rows, about 30 columns). Let's call that TableA. Among the 30 columns, this table has a primary key named "id", and another column named "campaignID".
As part of the application, users are able to upload new sets of data pertaining to new "campaigns".
These data sets have the same structure as TableA, but typically only about 10,000-20,000 rows.
Every row in a new data set will have a unique "id", but they'll all share the same campaignID. In other words, the user is loading the complete data for a new "campaign", so all 10,000 rows have the same "campaignID".
Usually, users are uploading data for a NEW campaign, so there are no rows in TableA with the same campaignID. Since the "id" is unique to each campaign, the id of every row of new data will be unique in TableA.
However, in the rare case where a user tries to load a new set of rows for a "campaign" that's already in the database, the requirement was to remove all the old rows for that campaign from TableA first, and then insert the new rows from the new data set.
So, my stored procedure was simple:
BULK INSERT the new data into a temporary table (#tableB)
Delete any existing rows in TableA with the same campaignID
INSERT INTO Table A ([columns]) SELECT [columns] from #TableB
Drop #TableB
This worked just fine.
But the new requirement is to give users 3 options when they upload new data for handling "duplicates" - instances where the user is uploading data for a campaign that's already in TableA.
Remove ALL data in TableA with the same campaignID, then insert all the new data from #TableB. (This is the old behavior. With this option, they'll never be duplicates.)
If a row in #TableB has the same id as a row in TableA, then update that row in TableA with the row from #TableB (Effectively, this is "replacing" the old data with the new data)
If a row in #TableB has the same id as a row in TableA, then ignore that row in #TableB (Essentially, this is preserving the original data, and ignoring the new data).
A user doesn't get to choose this on a row-by-row basis. She chooses how the data will be merged, and this logic is applied to the entire data set.
In a similar application I worked on that used MySQL, I used the "LOAD DATA INFILE" function, with the "REPLACE" or "IGNORE" option. But I don't know how to do this with SQL Server/T-SQL.
Any solution needs to be efficient enough to handle the fact that TableA has millions of rows, and #TableB (the new data set) may have 10k-20k rows.
I googled for something like a "Merge" command (something that seems to be supported for SQL Server 2008), but I only have access to SQL Server 2005.
In rough pseudocode, I need something like this:
If user selects option 1:
[I'm all set here - I have this working]
If user selects option 2 (replace):
merge into TableA as Target
using #TableB as Source
when matched then
update row in TableA with row from #TableB
when not matched then
insert row from #TableB into TableA
If user selects option 3 (preserve):
merge into TableA as Target
using #TableB as Source
when matched then
do nothing
when not matched then
insert row from #TableB into TableA
How about this?
option 2:
begin tran;
delete from tablea where exists (select 1 from tableb where;
insert into tablea select * from tableb;
commit tran;
option 3:
begin tran;
delete from tableb where exists (select 1 from tablea where;
insert into tablea select * from tableb;
commit tran;
As for performance, so long as the id field(s) in tablea (the big table) are indexed, you should be fine.
Why are you using Upserts when he claims he wanted a MERGE? MAREG in SQL 2008 is faster and more efficient.
I would let the merge handle the differences.