SQL server Rex fetch string in wildcard - sql

For example, I have got a string with table name and the schema like:
How can fetch just the table name statistical out from this string?

This is what PARSENAME is used for:
SELECT PARSENAME('[dbo].[statistical]', 1)
SELECT PARSENAME('[adventureworks].[dbo].[statistical]', 1)
SELECT PARSENAME('[adventureworks]..[statistical]', 1)
SELECT PARSENAME('[statistical]', 1)
SELECT PARSENAME('dbo.statistical', 1)
-- all examples return 'statistical'

You could alternatively try this:
declare #s varchar(100) = 'asd.stadfa';
select reverse(substring(s, 1, charindex('.', s) - 1)) from (
select reverse(#s) s
) a
charindex returns first occurence of character, so you reverse initial string to make last dot first. Then you just use substring to extract first part of reversed string, which is what you are looking for. Finally, you need to apply reverse one more time to reverse back extracted string :)


get sub string in between mix symbols

I want to get sub string my output should look like gmail,outlook,Skype.
my string values are
somthing like this as you can see its having variable length with mix symbol '.' and '#'
string values store in table form as a column name Mail_ID and Table name is tbl_Data
i am using sql server 2012
i use chart index for getting sub string
select SUBSTRING(Mail_ID, CHARINDEX('#',MAil_ID)+1, (CHARINDEX('.',MAil_ID) - (CHARINDEX('#', Mail_ID)+1)))
from tbl_data
And i want my output like:
Please help me i am newbies in sql server
This is my solution. I first get the position of the '#', and then get the position of the '.' in the string prior to it (the '#'). Then I can use those results to get the appropriate substring:
SELECT V.YourString,
SUBSTRING(V.YourString,D.I,A.I - D.I) AS StringPart
FROM (VALUES('abc#gmail.com'),
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(CHARINDEX('#',V.YourString)))A(I) --Get position of # to not repeat logic
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(CHARINDEX('.',LEFT(V.YourString,A.I))+1))D(I) --Get position of . to not repeat logic
Note for value of 'abc.def.steve#... it would return 'def.steve'; however, we don't have such an example so I don't know what the correct return value would be.
I'm posting this as a new answer, a the OP moved the goal posts from the original answer. My initial answer was based on their original question, not their "new" one, and it seems silly to remove an answer that was correct at the time:
SELECT V.YourString,
SUBSTRING(V.YourString,A.I, D.I - A.I) AS StringPart
FROM (VALUES('abc#gmail.com'),
This answers the original version of the question.
This may be simplest with a case expression to detect if there is a period before the '#':
select (case when email like '%.%#%'
then stuff(left(email, charindex('#', email) - 1), 1, charindex('.', email), '')
else left(email, charindex('#', email) - 1)
from (values ('abc#gmail.com'), ('cde.nitish#yahoo.com'), ('xyz.vijay#sarvang.com.com')) v(email)
I create a temp table with your data and write below query its worked
AND its a output of my T-SQL
abc#gmail.com gmail
cde.nitish#yahoo.com yahoo
xyz.vijay#sarvang.com.com sarvang

TSQL extract part of string with regex

i would make a script that iterate over the records of a table with a cursor
and extract from a column value formatted like that "yyy://xx/bb/147011"
only the final number 147011and to put this value in a variable.
It's possible to do something like that?
Many thanks.
You don't need a cursor for this. You can just use a query. The following gets everything after the last /:
select right(str, charindex('/', reverse(str)) - 1 )
from (values ('yyy://xx/bb/147011')) v(str)
It does not specifically check if it is a number, but that can be added as well.
You can also use the below query.
SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM('yyy://xx/bb/147011'),
CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE('/' + RTRIM('yyy://xx/bb/147011'))) - 1) AS LastWord
If numeric value has exact position defined with sample data, then you can do :
SELECT t.*, SUBSTRING(t.col, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', t.col), LEN(t.col))
FROM table t;

select all character right of forward slash in sql server?

Am using following query but this to string no form how many number but actually don't know about how many character after '/' and before ?
String data like :
Use Left, Reverse and Charindex function. Try this.
DECLARE #set VARCHAR(100)= '12/KH/123/1234'
SELECT Reverse(LEFT(Reverse(#set), Charindex('/', Reverse(#set)) - 1))
Try this.It may help you
SELECT SUBSTRING('12/KH/123/1234' ,11,CHARINDEX('/','12/KH/123/1234' ,4))

Stripping a specific part of variable in SQL

I have a variable where i dynamically store the URL
For Eg. a="https://myaccessdev.searshc.com/aveksa/main?Oid=1&ReqType=GetPage&ObjectClass=com.aveksa.gui.objects.workflow.GuiWorkflowJob&WFObjectID=3478:WPDS"
I want to strip the number in the last before ":WDPS" from this whole string.
Is there any way of doing it in SQL
I want to strip the number [...] before ":WDPS" from this whole string.
This is a perfect match for REGEXP_REPLACE:
with test_data as
(select 'https://myaccessdev.searshc.com/aveksa/main?Oid=1&ReqType=GetPage&ObjectClass=com.aveksa.gui.objects.workflow.GuiWorkflowJob&WFObjectID=3478:WPDS' str
from dual)
select REGEXP_REPLACE(str, '.*=([0-9]*):WPDS.*', '\1') from test_data
-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
-- replace everything before and after by the first capturing
-- the target string group (i.e.: the sequence between
-- parenthesis in the regular expression)
See http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/d41d8/37095 for a live demo.
If you just want the number, you can do something like this:
select regexp_substr(regexp_substr(s, '=[0-9]*:WPDS', 1, 1), '[0-9]*', 1, 1)
You can do this with regexp_substr(). I'm having trouble testing it right now. The following comes quite close:
select regexp_substr(s, '=[0-9]*:WPDS', 1, 1)
Try this
DECLARE #string varchar(255) = 'https://myaccessdev.searshc.com/aveksa/main?Oid=1&ReqType=GetPage&ObjectClass=com.aveksa.gui.objects.workflow.GuiWorkflowJob&WFObjectID=3478:WPDS'
DECLARE #end varchar(10) = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(#string),0,CHARINDEX('=', REVERSE(#string))))

T-SQL Substring - Last 3 Characters

Using T-SQL, how would I go about getting the last 3 characters of a varchar column?
So the column text is IDS_ENUM_Change_262147_190 and I need 190
SELECT RIGHT(column, 3)
That's all you need.
You can also do LEFT() in the same way.
Bear in mind if you are using this in a WHERE clause that the RIGHT() can't use any indexes.
You can use either way:
SELECT RIGHT(RTRIM(columnName), 3)
SELECT SUBSTRING(columnName, LEN(columnName)-2, 3)
Because more ways to think about it are always good:
select reverse(substring(reverse(columnName), 1, 3))
declare #newdata varchar(30)
set #newdata='IDS_ENUM_Change_262147_190'
select REVERSE(substring(reverse(#newdata),0,charindex('_',reverse(#newdata))))
=== Explanation ===
I found it easier to read written like this:
'<your char of choice>',
REVERSE(<field_name>) -- 1.
Reverse the text
Look for the first occurrence of a specif char (i.e. first occurrence FROM END of text). Gets the index of this char
Looks at the reversed text again. searches from index 0 to index of your char. This gives the string you are looking for, but in reverse
Reversed the reversed string to give you your desired substring
if you want to specifically find strings which ends with desired characters then this would help you...
select * from tablename where col_name like '%190'