Using NeverBounce to validate email -

I am using this snippet to validate my NeverBounce account:
Private Sub btnGo_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnGo.Click
Dim nb As NeverBounceSdk = New NeverBounceSdk("secret_.......")
Dim rsp As AccountInfoResponseModel = nb.Account.Info().Result
txtRes.Text = rsp.ToString
End Sub
But I do not get a response. Based on the NeverBounce documentation, this appears to be the correct approach. Do you know why this doesn't work?

Async methods must be used. See the following.
Public Async Function IsValidAsync() As Task(Of Boolean)
Dim val As SingleResponseModel = Await ValidateAddressAsync()
Return If(val.result = "valid", True, False)
End Function
Private Async Function ValidateAddressAsync() As Task(Of SingleResponseModel)
Dim nb As NeverBounceSdk = New NeverBounceSdk("NeverBounce key")
Dim mdl As New SingleRequestModel With {.email = FullAddress, .timeout = 30}
Return Await nb.Single.Check(mdl)
End Function


How to get a result from a asynchronous task

I'm a beginner using async in VB.NET. I read online help but some things aren't clear.
I try to use tweetinvi library
I got this:
Namespace tweet_invi
Class twitter_call
Public Shared Async Function twitter_get_user_info_from_id(id As Long) As Task
Dim userClient = New TwitterClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("consumerKey"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("consumerSecret"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("accessToken"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("accessTokenSecret"))
Dim tweetinviUser = Await userClient.Users.GetUserAsync(id)
Dim description As String = tweetinviUser.Description
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
And the module from where i would launch this async function
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim toto As Long = 1311275527223812096
Dim result = tweet_invi.twitter_call.twitter_get_user_info_from_id(toto)
End Sub
My issue: result is a task. How do i have to get the value of description?
You can see it in the code you posted. The second line of that method does it. You use the Await operator to await the completion of the Task.
That said, there is no result to get anyway. If you have a synchronous Sub then that becomes an asynchronous Function that returns a Task. In both cases, there is no actual value to get out of the method. As such, awaiting such a method doesn't return anything. If you have a synchronous Function with a return type of T then that becomes an asynchronous Function that returns a Task(Of T). Awaiting that gives you a result of type T.
If you had these methods:
Private Sub DoSomething()
End Sub
Private Function GetSomething() As SomeType
End Function
then you'd call them like this:
Dim someValue As SomeType = GetSomething()
If you had these methods:
Private Async Function DoSomethingAsync() As Task
End Function
Private Async Function GetSomethingAsync() As Task(Of SomeType)
End Function
then you'd call them like this:
Await DoSomethingAsync()
Dim someValue As SomeType = Await GetSomethingAsync()
VB actually does support Async Sub but the ONLY time you should ever us it is for event handlers, which MUST be declared Sub, i.e. you cannot handle an event with a Function. Also, any method in which you want to use the Await operator must be declared Async. Together, that means that you must declare the Click event handler of your Button as Async Sub and then you can await an asynchronous method in it:
Private Async Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim toto As Long = 1311275527223812096
Await tweet_invi.twitter_call.twitter_get_user_info_from_id(toto)
End Sub
With regards to the code you posted, that twitter_get_user_info_from_id method is useless. It declares and sets some local variables but does nothing with the data it gets. I suspect that that method should be like this:
Namespace tweet_invi
Class twitter_call
Public Shared Async Function twitter_get_user_info_from_id(id As Long) As Task(Of String)
Dim userClient = New TwitterClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("consumerKey"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("consumerSecret"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("accessToken"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("accessTokenSecret"))
Dim tweetinviUser = Await userClient.Users.GetUserAsync(id)
Dim description As String = tweetinviUser.Description
Return description
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
and then you would call it like this:
Private Async Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim toto As Long = 1311275527223812096
Dim userInfo = Await tweet_invi.twitter_call.twitter_get_user_info_from_id(toto)
End Sub

Getting value from Task with lambda expression

I wrote a simple code which POST credential to a website. I need the return value but I get a null which results to ArgumentException. How can I do this properly
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim routerUri = ""
Dim routerMethod = "POST"
Dim routerPostData = New Specialized.NameValueCollection From {
{"username", ""},
{"password", ""},
{"foo", "bar"}
Console.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(GetResponse(routerUri, routerMethod, routerPostData)))
End Sub
Function GetResponse(hUri As String, hMethod As String, rqParam As Specialized.NameValueCollection)
Dim uriUri As New Uri(hUri)
Dim rByte
Dim tTask = New Task(
Async Sub()
Dim task As Task(Of Byte()) = SendRequest(uriUri, hMethod, rqParam)
rByte = Await task
End Sub)
Return rByte
End Function
Async Function SendRequest(hUri As Uri, hMethod As String, rqParam As Specialized.NameValueCollection) As Task(Of Byte())
Dim rByte As Byte()
Using client As New WebClient
rByte = Await client.UploadValuesTaskAsync(hUri, hMethod, rqParam)
End Using
Return rByte
End Function
End Class
Event handlers allow for Async Subs so it would be better to just make the handler async and call the async function directly. Avoid creating new Tasks manually.
Private Async Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim routerUri = ""
Dim routerMethod = "POST"
Dim routerPostData = New Specialized.NameValueCollection From {
{"username", ""},
{"password", ""},
{"foo", "bar"}
Dim bytes = Await GetResponseAsync(routerUri, routerMethod, routerPostData)
End Sub
Where GetResponseAsync is
Async Function GetResponseAsync(hUri As String, hMethod As String, rqParam As Specialized.NameValueCollection) As Task(Of Byte())
Dim uriUri As New Uri(hUri)
Return Await SendRequest(uriUri, hMethod, rqParam)
End Function
Reference Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming

Async and Await, why two return values

I'm trying to get my head around Async and Await. It's going well but one thing I would like clarification on is why there are two return statements in my method. I'm really looking for an explanation of what is actually happening behind the scenes.
I'll post the full code below as it only amounts to around 80 lines. I'm talking about the central method AllSubfolderFiles, which has both Return counter and Return dirsFraction. What's actually happening with these?
Basically, it is a WinForm application that iterates all the files of subfolders, updating a ProgressBar for each iterated subfolder.
Imports System.IO
Public Class frmAsyncProgress
Private Sub frmAsyncProgress_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
barFileProgress.Minimum = 0
barFileProgress.Maximum = 100
btnCancel.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Async Sub btnStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPath.Text) Then
MessageBox.Show("Provide a location first.", "Location")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim sLocation As String = txtPath.Text.Trim()
If Not Directory.Exists(sLocation) Then
MessageBox.Show("Directory doesn't exist.", "Location")
Exit Sub
End If
Dim progressIndicator = New Progress(Of Integer)(AddressOf UpdateProgress)
btnStart.Enabled = False
btnCancel.Enabled = True
lblPercent.Text = "0%"
Dim allFiles As Integer = Await AllSubfolderFiles(sLocation, progressIndicator)
Debug.WriteLine(allFiles.ToString()) 'the number of subfolders iterated
btnStart.Enabled = True
btnCancel.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Async Function AllSubfolderFiles(location As String, progress As IProgress(Of Integer)) As Task(Of Integer)
Dim dirsTotal As Integer = Directory.GetDirectories(location).Length
Dim dirsFraction As Integer = Await Task(Of Integer).Run(Function()
Dim counter As Integer = 0
For Each subDir As String In Directory.GetDirectories(location)
counter += 1
If progress IsNot Nothing Then
progress.Report(counter * 100 / dirsTotal)
End If
Return counter
End Function)
Return dirsFraction
End Function
Private Sub UpdateProgress(value As Integer)
barFileProgress.Value = value
lblPercent.Text = (value / 100).ToString("#0.##%")
End Sub
Private Sub SubfolderFiles(location As String)
Dim paths = New Queue(Of String)()
Dim fileNames = New List(Of String)()
While paths.Count > 0
Dim sDir = paths.Dequeue()
Dim files = Directory.GetFiles(sDir)
For Each file As String In Directory.GetFiles(sDir)
For Each subDir As String In Directory.GetDirectories(sDir)
Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
' log the exception or ignore it
Debug.WriteLine("Directory {0} could not be accessed!", sDir)
Catch ex As Exception
' log the exception or ...
End Try
End While
'could return fileNames collection
End Sub
End Class
My assessment is that counter is returned and then marshalled back onto the UI thread as dirsFraction, but I'm not convinced by my attempted explanation.
Inside your AllSubfolderFiles function you call Task.Run and pass in an anonymous function that returns with Return counter. AllSubfolderFiles awaits the result of that call and then returns with Return dirsFraction.
So, you have 2 returns in the same function because you have an anonymous function inside your original function. You can move that function out to its own named function which will make it clearer that there are 2 different functions here.

Aramex API yielding "Server Error in '/' Application"

I am trying to implement the Aramex API for Tracking on my VB.NET website, but I'm getting an error.
Here is my code:
Imports TrackingReference
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim _Request As New ShipmentTrackingRequest
_Request.ClientInfo = New ClientInfo
_Request.ClientInfo.AccountCountryCode = "JO"
_Request.ClientInfo.AccountEntity = "AMM"
_Request.ClientInfo.AccountNumber = "20016"
_Request.ClientInfo.AccountPin = "331421"
_Request.ClientInfo.UserName = ""
_Request.ClientInfo.Password = "123456789"
_Request.ClientInfo.Version = "v1.0"
_Request.Transaction = New Transaction
Dim _Shipments As New List(Of String)
_Request.Shipments = _Shipments.ToArray()
_Request.GetLastTrackingUpdateOnly = True
Dim _Client As New Service_1_0Client()
Dim _response As ShipmentTrackingResponse = Nothing
_response = _Client.TrackShipments(_Request)
If Not _response Is Nothing Then
For Each _Result As KeyValuePair(Of String, TrackingResult()) In _response.TrackingResults
Dim _trResult() As TrackingResult = _Result.Value
For Each trR In _trResult
Response.Write(trR.UpdateLocation & "<br>")
End If
End Sub
End Class
This is my error:
I have found the Aramex Developer community to be full of questions but no answers. How can I fix the problem?

Using Async CTP Await with events?

Relevant to Silverlight 5 / Async CTP
I want to create an asynchronous function that initiates a layout update and then Awaits for the layout update to complete. Something like:
Private Async Function UpdateLayoutRoot() As Task
Await LayoutRoot.LayoutUpdated <--- (NOT valid but shows desired outcome)
End Function
How can this be done? More generally, how can you use Await to wait for existing events?
One way to accomplish this is to await on a TaskCompletionSource that is set inside the event. I don't know VB.NET, hopefully you can understand it from C#:
// The type and value returned by the TaskCompletionSource
// doesn't matter, so I just picked int.
TaskCompletionSource<int> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
// The delegate sets the TaskCompletionSource -- the result value
// doesn't matter, we only care about setting it. Keep hold of
// the delegate so it can be removed later.
EventHandler d = (o, e) => { tcs.TrySetResult(1); };
LayoutRoot.LayoutUpdate += d;
await tcs.Task;
// Don't leak the delegate!
LayoutRoot.LayoutUpdate -= d;
Thanks Cory! Your suggestion to use TaskCompletionSource is just what I needed. I've combined the use of a TaskCompletionSource with the Lucian Wischik's Async CTP specification to develop a pair of generic Silverlight 5 classes that can be used to Await any CLR, or routed event. Only the Async CTP (AsyncCtpLibrary_Silverlight) is required (The formidable Rx library is not needed). Here are the two classes:
Public Class AwaitableEvent(Of TResult)
Private eta As EventTaskAwaiter(Of TResult) = Nothing
Sub New(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal EventName As String)
eta = New EventTaskAwaiter(Of TResult)
Dim ei as EventInfo = Sender.GetType.GetEvent(EventName)
Dim d = [Delegate].CreateDelegate(ei.EventHandlerType,
Me, "EventCompletedHandler", True, True)
ei.AddEventHandler(Sender, d)
End Sub
Public Function GetAwaiter() As EventTaskAwaiter(Of TResult)
Return eta
End Function
Private Sub EventCompletedHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TResult)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class EventTaskAwaiter(Of TResult)
Friend tcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of TResult)
Public ReadOnly Property IsCompleted As Boolean
Return tcs.Task.IsCompleted
End Get
End Property
Sub OnCompleted(r As Action)
Dim sc = SynchronizationContext.Current
If sc Is Nothing Then
tcs.Task.ContinueWith(Sub() r())
tcs.Task.ContinueWith(Sub() sc.Post(Sub() r(), Nothing))
End If
End Sub
Function GetResult() As TResult
If tcs.Task.IsCanceled Then Throw New TaskCanceledException(tcs.Task)
If tcs.Task.IsFaulted Then Throw tcs.Task.Exception.InnerException
Return tcs.Task.Result
End Function
End Class
Here's an example of using the AwaitableEvent class to Await mouse, keyboard and timer events.
Private Sub AECaller()
MessageBox.Show("After Await mouse button event")
MessageBox.Show("After Await key event")
MessageBox.Show("After Await timer")
End Sub
Private Async Sub GetMouseButtonAsync()
Dim ae As New AwaitableEvent(Of MouseButtonEventArgs)(LayoutRoot, "MouseLeftButtonDown")
Dim e = Await ae
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Clicked {0} at {1},{2}",
End Sub
Private Async Sub GetKeyAsync()
Dim ae As New AwaitableEvent(Of KeyEventArgs)(LayoutRoot, "KeyDown")
Dim e = Await ae
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Key {0} was pressed", e.Key.ToString))
End Sub
Private Async Sub GetTimerAsync()
Dim StopWatch As New DispatcherTimer
StopWatch.Interval = New TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond * 6)
Dim ae As New AwaitableEvent(Of EventArgs)(StopWatch, "Tick")
Await ae
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("It's {0}seconds later!", StopWatch.Interval.TotalSeconds))
End Sub
As expected the Await statement returns control to the calling function immediately. When the events are subsequently completed, Await assigns the result (the event args appropriate for the event being monitored) and the remaining code in the asynchronous method is then run.