Replace Asterisk(*) with "anything" in SQL - sql

I am having a tons of URL's in my database and want to filter them by user-defined string in format something/*/something, where * stands for "anything". So when user defines checkout/*/complete, it means it filters out url's like:
How do I do that in SQL? Or should I filter out all the results and use PHP to do the job?
My SQL request now is
SELECT * FROM custom_logs WHERE pn='$webPage' AND id IN ( SELECT MAX(id) FROM custom_logs WHERE action_clicked_text LIKE '%{$text_value_active}%' GROUP BY token ) order by action_timestamp desc
This filters out all the log messages with user-defined text in column action_clicked_text, but uses LIKE statement, which will not work with * inside.

You want like. Either:
where url like '%checkout/%/complete%'
to get the urls that match he pattern. Or:
where url not like '%checkout/%/complete%'
to get the other urls.


Multi keywords search with SQL

I'm using a search bar on my website based on keyup binding and ajax requests. It works fine but I would like my search engine to be able to have finner result with multi keywords management.
However I could not find any simple method to set up this kind of search method.
Does anyone knows how to set this up ?
Here is the actual SQL request that's being made:
if ($recherche !=""){
$req = $this->bdd->prepare("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE titre LIKE :recherche OR auteur LIKE :recherche UNION SELECT videos.id_video, videos.titre, videos.lien, videos.auteur, videos.date_upload FROM videos RIGHT JOIN mots_clefs ON videos.id_video = mots_clefs.id_video AND mots_clefs.mot_clef LIKE :recherche ORDER BY date_upload DESC LIMIT ".$start.", ".$limit);
$req->execute(array('recherche' => "%".$recherche."%"));
$result = json_encode($req->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
Request example:
SELECT * FROM videos WHERE titre LIKE '%word 1 word 2%' OR auteur LIKE '%word 1 word 2%' UNION SELECT videos.id_video, videos.titre, videos.lien, videos.auteur, videos.date_upload FROM videos RIGHT JOIN mots_clefs ON videos.id_video = mots_clefs.id_video AND mots_clefs.mot_clef LIKE '%word 1 word 2%' ORDER BY date_upload DESC LIMIT 0, 20);
You can execute the above query in a loop by passing one keyword at a time.
get the entire keyword list provided by the user into a sting.
Use string.Split() method by passing comma(,) as delimiter to get the list of the keywords into an array list.
loop through the array list and pass to the query.
Make sure you append the data fetched from the SQL into a data table or dataset and Not rewrite it.
string select = "SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE [Title] LIKE '%" + strSearch.Replace(",", "%' OR [Title] LIKE '%") + "%'";

Clean a JSON in a PostGreSQL request

I have a SQL request that is almost perfect (for what I want to do):
WITH liste_fichiers_joints AS (
ARRAY_AGG (row_to_json(f)) ids_fichier
fichiers_joints fj
LEFT JOIN fichiers f ON = fj.id_fichier
nom_table = 'taches'
SELECT, t.nom, lfj.ids_fichier
FROM taches t
JOIN liste_fichiers_joints lfj ON lfj.id_dans_table =
As you may have guessed, I'd like to get in the same request getting all the tasks: the id of a task, the name of the task but also in an array all the ids and names of the attached files if there are any.
The result is nearly what I want, but the last column displays this:
I'd like to remove the uuid and status parts, I tried some subrequests, up to no avail.
Also, I'd like to remove the backslashes \, because otherwise it will be complicated to use this column as a JSON in my Javascript.
Does anybody has a clue?
Thanks in advance.
You can use json[b]_build_object() instead of row_to_json[b](): it accepts a list of key/value pairs, so you have fine-grained control about what is going into your objects.
Also, you most likely want a JSON array, rather than a Postgres array of JSON objects.
I would recommend changing this:
ARRAY_AGG (row_to_json(f)) ids_fichier
jsonb_build_object('nom', f.nom, 'date',, 'id',
) as ids_fichier

Like Clause over an 'Element' - ORACLE APEX

I encounter some problems that i don't understand with APEX.... Well, let's be specific.
I ve got a select element retrieving a top 50 of most liked url (P11_URL). This is populate by a table view, TOp_Domains.
I create an element called "Context" that have to print all text containing the URL selected by the user from the element select. Those Texts come from another table, let's say "twitter_post".
I create a dynamic action (show only) with this sql/statement:
from myschema.twitter_post
where TXT like '%:P11_URL%'
group by TXT, NB_RT, RANK
.... and it doesn't work... I think APEX don't like like clause... But i don't know how to do. Let's keep in min an url could have been shared by multiple Tweets, that's why this element "context" is important for me.
I tried to bypass the problem by building a State (in french Statique) and a dynamic action that will refresh the state but it doesn't work neither... bouhououououou
Right click on the 'P11_URL' and create DA. Event :change, Item:P11_URL. As the true action of the DA, select 'Set Value'. Write your query in the sql stmt area. In the page items to submit, select 'P11_URL' . In the 'Affected Items': select 'Context'.
Query should be :
from myschema.twitter_post
where TXT like '%' || :P11_URL || '%'
group by TXT, NB_RT, RANK
Thanks to #Madona... Their example made me realised my mistake. I wrote the answer here for futher help if somebody encouter the same porblem.
A list select element get as arguments a display value (the one you want to be shown in your screen.... if you want so....^^ ) and a return value (in order, I think to linked dynamic actions). So to solved my problem i had to shape my sql statement as:
select hashtags d, hastags r
from my table
order by 1
[let s say that now in Apex it s an object called P1_HASHTAGS]
First step problem solving.
In fact, the ranking as second value, as i put into my sql statement was making some mitsakens into my 'Where like' clause search... well... Newbie am i!
Second step was to correctly formate the sql statement receiving the datas from my select lov (P1_HASHTAGS) into my interactive report. As shown here:
Select Id, hashtags
from my table
where txt like '%'||:P1_HASHTAGS||'%'
And it works!
Thank you Madona your example helped me figure my mistakes!

looking for db2 text function or method I can do a text contain rather than like

I'm looking for a db2 function that does a text contain search. At present I am running the following query against the data below....
SELECT distinct
FROM s, repman.search_tags st
WHERE s.search_id = st.search_id
AND ( UPPER(s.search_heading) LIKE (cast('%REPORT%' AS VARGRAPHIC(32)))
OR (UPPER(st.search_tag) LIKE cast('%REPORT%' AS VARGRAPHIC(32)))
ORDER BY s.search_heading;
Which returns...
But if I change the search text to %REPORTS% rather than %REPORT% (which I need to do) the like search does not work and I get zero results.
I read a link that used a function named CONTAINS like below but when trying to use the function I get an error.
SELECT distinct
FROM s, repman.search_tags st
WHERE s.search_id = st.search_id
AND CONTAINS(s.search_heading, 'REPORTS') = 1
Has anynoe got any suggestions? I'm on db2 version DB2/LINUXPPC 9.1.6.
In order to look for a pattern in a string, you can use Regular Expressions. They are built-in DB2 with xQuery since DB2 v9. There are also other ways to do that. I wrote an article in my blog (in Spanish that you can translate) about Regular Expressions in DB2.
xmlcast(xmlquery('fn:matches(\$TEXT,''^[A-Za-z 0-9]*$'')')

T-SQL capturing Linked server name as a result column

How can I capture the (linked) server (in this case Morpheus) name as a column of the result. I do not want to define the Server name in the query itself.
,T$CPLS ""Catalog""
,T$CUNO ""Customer ID.""
,T$CPGS ""Price Group""
,T$ITEM ""Item Code""
,T$DSCA ""Description""
,T$WGHT ""Weight""
,T$SHIP ""Shipping Indicator""
,nvl(T$STDT,to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')) ""From""
,nvl(case T$TDAT
when '4712-01-01' then ' '
when null then ' '
else t$tdat
end,' ') ""To""
,nvl(t$qanp,99999999) ""Qty.""
,T$PRIC ""List Price""
,T$DISC ""Discount""
,to_char(round(t$pric * (1-t$disc/100),2),99999.99) ""Net""
,Source ""Source""
from Table(edi.ftCompositCatalog(?,?,?)) --where trim(t$item)='105188-041'
order by Source,t$cpgs,t$item",'010','145','000164') at morpheus
If, when running your query, you already know what linked server you are pointing to, then just include that as a string literal in your result:
'morpheus' ""Server Name""
Even if the linked server name is being stored in a variable, you can do this easily since you're building your query string dynamically.
If, as you say, you don't want to define it as a string literal, here is a normal way to get the host (server) name in Oracle:
If you want to embed this as a subquery or inline view in your query, I think it would work.
*Please note that some organizations & dba's do not want you to know anything about the backend environment for security reasons, but assuming you have no roadblock there, this should work.