I am unable to automate IE11 save as functionality using UI automation as the Frame Notification Bar child elements are not identifiable via Inspect/UI spy or UI automation code. The same is working fine in other machines.
Following are the screenshots of two different machine. at one machine the objects are getting identified and in another machine its not getting identified.
I have tried to Reset also but nothing worked.
In this system image objects are visible.
in this system image objects are not visible
Any help would be appreciable.
Thanks in Advance.
I am developing web automation of Zoom meeting (all the way from creation till joining and leaving thereon).
I have been able to complete the creation, joining and screen sharing automation.
I am using --auto-select-desktop-capture-source=MyTab flag to automatically share the desired tab. Up until here, its all working fine.
Where I am stuck is that the chrome tab gets shared without system sound.
I want to automatically share the screen/tab along with system sound / tab audio.
What is the appropriate chrome flag for sharing audio along with screen?
I need for get UIelements using "UIautomation" technology from another programms in windows OS.
Some programms has "chrome-like" browsers for content rendering.
The methods are get element (like c# AutomationElement.FromPoint / FindAll) return browser element with ClassName "Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND" and Name like a "Chrome Legacy Window". But i need the content elements in that browser.
I found out that, programm "Accessibility Insights" can do it!
Run application, "Microsoft Teams", for example
Run "Accessibility Insights"
Move mouse on "Microsoft Teams", we get "Chrome Legacy Window"
After any mouse click (left/right) on target programm ("Microsoft Teams") provoke rebuild UI tree
Then UIautomation technology can get all inner UI elements in browser.
"Accessibility Insights" source code is https://github.com/microsoft/accessibility-insights-windows
I studied it very carefully, but not found code, that provide rebuilding (or, initializing?) inner UI elements.
Any one can help me?
What i should to do for win my task - get inner UI elements in chrome-like browsers at another programm on windows OS?
If you've read to the end, thank you
Accessibility Insights for Windows doesn't interact directly with the UI Automation system. It builds on Axe.Windows (Source code), which queries and exposes the UI Automation properties. In the case you're describing, Axe.Windows is walking the UI Automation tree in response to a UIA_AutomationFocusChangedEventId message from the UI Automation framework. That notification gets handled by the onFocusChangedEventForSelectingElement method of FocusTracker.cs. Hopefully that will be enough to get you started.
--Dave Tryon (Accessibility Insights team)
I am creating calculator VBO in blueprism object studio.
In application modeller I gave calc.exe path and able to launch calculator, but I am not getting identify option to spy on any element..
In Element, After clicking Launch buttion, identify is appearing for a split of sec and Launch button is coming back instead of Identify
PS- As mentioned in videos and links, I have launched calc via application modeller not directly via windows..
I am using windows 10, BluePrism V. versionenter image description here
Windows 10 calculator is complicated case, please consider using different application in your training. For example paint is much simpler to get started.
If you really need to get that going, then you may need to launch application first, using one object, and afterwards use second object to attach and interact with it.
can be two reasons
1. Either your application is not launched properly.
2. Sometimes we face problems with some versions of applications.
The best way to fix your problem is
Edit your settings remove the application path from the navigate stage.
Launch the application separately
Open Navigate stage > Action > Attach
Provide the window title within quotes (example: "Calculator")
Click OK then run the object
Now if you go to application modeller
You will be able to see the identify button under the element.
Hope this will help you.
I resolved this by unchecking "Disable invasive techniques (hooking)".
The Windows 10 calculator runs with process name win32calc which is also located under c:\windows\system32.
So when you launch the application please make you identify the applications process name and its location
I resolved this by circumventing to windows 7 calculator instead of a windows 10 calculator on windows 10.
Link to download win 7 calculator for win 10-
This will be installed in the same place as your default calculator.
The name of the app in my case was "calc1.exe" to avoid collisions with the default calculator.
I used this as my base reference app for spying and it worked.
Also note, the hover to highlight button seems to be a bit buggy, try a bit hit and trail to get you required button to be highlighted and mark using "Ctrl+LeftClick"
I am using Selenium WebDriver 2.5.0 (tried 2.13.0, it did not help).
I am trying to click on a link like this:
driver.FindElement(By.PartialLinkText("Customer - Creation").Click();
Before it worked, but I have tried to run the scripts after 3 weeks and
I observe 3 different behaviors on 3 machines:
Machine A: There is no click on the link at all, also there is no error.
Machine B: It clicks a different link! Sometimes one above, sometimes one below.
Machine C (Virtual): It works.
I have not fully tested this (spent half a day today), but did anyone stumble upon such a behaviour?
I have restarted my PC, re-added the Selenium libraries.
"SendKeys(Enter)" helps, but this issue happened not only to links, but to at least radio boxes as well, where "SendKeys(Enter)" does not work.
Please share your thoughts.
Update: Browsers are the same on at least 2 machines, Internet Explorer 8.0
Answered by nebehr.g...#gmail.com at Selenium Issues:
This issue keeps popping up from time to time and is usually returned with request for clarifications. The bottom line is, InternetExplorerDriver calculates coordinates of some objects incorrectly and clicks in the wrong place. One reason for this is zoom value other than 100%; however it is reproducible for some controls for 100% zoom as well.
I suppose it would be helpful if you could create a sample page to demonstrate this issue. In the meantime why don't you use Javascript click() method for offending controls?
One other thing to check for is the screen resolution (not the desktop resolution but the system level size of text and icons). I have two laptops in my office that are you used for testing, one running Windows 7 and the other running Windows 10. On both, the screen resolution was greater than 100% and Selenium was having problems moving the mouse to the correct location for mouse events like click and hover. As soon as the screen resolution was set to 100%, all mouse actions worked correctly.
Windows 7: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/make-the-text-on-your-screen-larger-or-smaller?v=t
Windows 10: https://superuser.com/questions/951199/windows-10-system-font-size-change
There is a lot of useful info in Andrey's answer and in the Selenium issue he mentions at https://code.google.com/p/selenium/issues/detail?id=3052. Just to tie all those pieces of info together and offer a successful workaround...
I too am experiencing the issue of clicks occurring at the wrong screen coordinates -- four years after the OP first mentioned it! As others have said:
The issue is related to InternetExplorerDriver. I have the problem
when testing IE 9, but not Chrome, Firefox or even IE 8.
As mentioned in the Selenium issue, the website I'm testing uses frames.
I tried several workarounds suggested in this post and elsewhere. All of the following did NOT help:
Updating to the latest InternetExplorerDriver (version 2.47.0)
Maximizing the browser window.
Setting browser zoom to 100%.
Using an action chain, with or without move_by_offset, instead of WebDriver's click() method.
As suggested by Andrey, what DID help is using JavaScript instead of WebDriver's click() method. Here's a line of Python code that does the trick:
This assumes that "driver" is an instance of Selenium WebDriver, and "css_selector" is a string identifying the element you want to click, and that jQuery is loaded.
Sounds like the element isn't present in the page's HTML, but is instead added dynamically once the page is loaded. What happens depends on how fast the machine is and how unique the text is. I'll bet that if you added a long sleep (e.g., a minute) you'd get the same result on all 3 machines. If so, that indicates the single most classic Selenium testing problem - trying to act on pages that aren't complete. You need to find an element to wait on that will guarantee the presence of the link you'd like to click on.
I just had the same issue in FireFox. The zoom was at 100% and the selection was by xpath an certainly correct. Turned out the problem disappeared when I maximized the browerwindow!
code :(python api)
I have a virtual machine (VMware) with Mercury Quick Test Professional 9.2 installed. I have a script to test an application, written in VB.NET using the Infragistics library.
If I access this virtual machine using my laptop (using Remote Desktop), everything works fine, the script completes without a problem. My laptop runs XP, with Windows Classic theme.
If I access this virtual machine using another machine (using Remote Desktop), the script starts fine, but stops halfway through, without no error message from QTP, nothing. This machine runs XP, with Windows Classic theme.
One difference between the two setups is the size of the screen, the laptop is 1920x1280, other machine 1280x1024.
The step where the script stops involves checking a checkbox within an UltraWinGrid. The checkbox itself is displayed, is on the screen in both cases.
Has anyone had this problem before, or have any idea why the behaviour is different between the two machines?
OK. I've found the problem. In fact, the script was failing silently because that's what the person who wrote the script told it to do. It couldn't validate something which was off screen, so the script failed.
The problem was the QTP definition of 'off screen'. I have two screens attached to my laptop, the screen for the laptop itself (1920x1200) and another screen (1280x1024). I connect to the VM for QTP using remote desktop, and it uses the settings of the screen for the laptop. This means that when I launch my QTP script, and move it to the other screen, it doesn't fit, so the screen is no longer maximized, and the object is partially off screen, so can't be found.
The fix is simple: in the Remote Desktop, use the Display tab, and set the size of the screen to a size to 1280x1024, and QTP doesn't have any more problems.
VoilĂ .
If you are not using Expert Mode, and / or are allowing QTP to do most of the work to create your repository objects, then yes it is referencing everything by pixels.
I create all of my repository objects by hand, viewing the source (in the case of automated web-application testing) and using the Object Spy for assistance where needed. I make a point to not have any positioning information as part of my object definition, for the very reason you are running in to.
For the parts of my web-app that interacted with Windows (opening a file to upload, etc.) the Object Spy was essential for the trial and error necessary to create a unique identifier for creating the repository object. But it can be done.
Ex1: File Browse Dialog
text = "Choose file"
nativeclass = #32770 (apparently some Windows VooDoo for a file open dialog?)
Ex2: Filename textbox in Browse dialog:
nativeclass = "Edit"
attached text "File &name:" (more Windows VooDoo? It woudn't work for me without the "&")
Ex3: Open Button in the dialog:
text = "&Open"
object class = "Button"
Good Luck!
Point of clarification: You mentioned that QTP stops with no error message. Does that also mean that the test results log file also has no error message? If the log has any information, that may be helpful in diagnosing the problem. Could you share the lines of code at the point where the script fails?
Also, remote desktop will resize the desktop on the remote machine. Although QTP scripts are not inherently coordinate based, individual statements can be coordinate-based relative to an object. The resolution could be an issue in that regard. For example, imagine you had a line like Button.Click(5, 150) recorded on a higher resolution machine. But if you attempted to play it back on a lower resolution machine, and the 150 is out of bounds of the object on the lower resolution, it could cause an issue.
QTP does not use screen coordinates except as a last resort, if the objects are identified as high level objects (SwfTable in this case) you should be OK, if however QTP doesn't recognise the object it falls back to WinObject and screen coordinates.
If you're using Infragistics then you should know that they extend QTP's support with their TestAdvantage product which will probably solve your issue.
#MatthieuF said:
In fact, we use the Infragistics plugin for QTP, and we still have the problem
Can you give me an example of a line that fails?
A few things:
You should be able to debug on the VM easily - just wait for it to stop, go into your object repository, and see if it can identify the object. If no then use object spy to figure out what properties are different between the OSes. If there is a difference then you can always set that property to a regular expression and have it check for both possibilities.
Assuming that isn't the issue we've run into problems using remote desktop with QTP if the Remote window is closed or minimized. For us, it was an issue where the clipboard can not be changed when an RDP window isn't visible, but there could be other surprises when using QTP that way.