How to enable sidebar changelog in WebStorm? - intellij-idea

Today I added Material Theme plugin to WebStorm and I believe this is the reason behind changelist not appearing on the sidebar.
To be precise, this is what happens in IntelliJ when I make change to a specific line of code and click on the yellow bar that appeared after I removed the semicolon:
The change I made can also be seen under VCS -> Local History -> Show History menu option, which shows the diff between the previous and current version of that file.
However, performing the same action in WebStorm doesn't show the changelist/diff on the sidebar:
which means that the only way I can see it is by going to VCS -> Local History -> Show History which is very tedious:
I found being able to quickly revert/lookup the changes on the fly by clicking on that coloured bar really handy, could someone tell me if there is a setting in the IDE that enables that? I looked up and down but couldn't find anything relevant, perhaps I wasn't looking for the right keyword.
Thanks in advance.

Change markers are there for me when using Material UI plugin. Do you have Highlight modified lines in gutter enabled in Settings | Editor | General?


Is there a way to highlight text inserted since the last commit in IntelliJ in the Editor?

I'm talking about getting the same effect you get when you commit/merge/diff and are reviewing your changes.
I would like to have code I added to be highlighted. Right now if you go under VCS, Editor Gutter and VCS annotations, both of them have Foreground disabled. I was wondering if there was a way around this.
There is an IntelliJ plugin called Git Scope that provides the functionality you are looking for.
You can install it by going to Settings > Plugin > Marketplace and searching for "Git Scope".
This is not possible without an additional plugin (see the other answer). With any plugins, your current VCS changes are shown with markers in the gutter.

Remove PhpStorm blue tab underline

How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.

Intellij VCS auto update on application start

Any idea if it's possible to update my project when I open Intellij?
I found the VCS background configuration but none of the options seems to do the trick.
I don't think this is possible. You have to manually pull to fetch changes. There is a button in the top right-hand side with a blue arrow and the word VCS on it. A few fewer clicks than using the menu pull downs.

How to change color of active tab

As the title, I want to change color of active tab to make it to be more different from other. I went through but it's not enough!
Is there any way to do that?
I just found out in intellij, it's "file scope" that controls a file's background in project pane as well as in the tabs. Here is the steps to add/modify current scope/tab background.
The default Darcula theme sets the "Tests" scope to this dark green color which is very close to the tab control background. I always lost track of which tab is activated when it's one of the test files. Hope this helps.
The Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin provides a simple way of solving this problem.
Go to File -> Settings.
In Plugins type "Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter into the search box.
Click on the "Search in repositories" link.
Select the Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter and click on the green Install button.
Close the window and restart IntelliJ
The active tab should now be highlighted in purple. If required, a different color can be chosen via File -> Settings -> Tools -> Active Tab Highlighter Plugin -> Background (clicking on it brings up a color picker). I personally went with a less garish dark gray color (AAADAA).
An alternative way, Setting > File colors:
check Enable File Colors, Use in Editor Tab
uncheck Use in Project View
add new scope with your color (ex: Project Files with orange color)
For IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 (Community Edition)
You can change it in settings:
Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Editor | Tabs | Selected Tab
There you can change Background and customize the view in other ways.
Although the question is quite old, when I googled the problem, this link was in the first three results, so I'll add my 5 cents as well.
Even though I could not find the way to brighten the color of an active tab alone, I was able to solve the problem by changing the color for a given scope altogether. In my case, it was the Tests scope, set to the default green, where the active tab was barely distinguishable from inactive ones, so I went to Settings > Appearance & Behavior > File Colors (exact location may depend on your Idea's version), selected the Tests scope and selected Custom color; the exact RGB value that worked for me was 1A7250. As a side-effect, the test directory's background color in the Project view also changed, which may or may not be a bad thing.
Regards, hope this helps.
I was losing the track of active tab using the darcula theme, in a test directory with a newly created file and staged with git. I ended up changing the File status color.
You will have to make a copy of your theme first:

Change background color of highlighted HTML elements

When I hover the mouse on a HTML tag in the tiny bar under the file tab, the background of the highlighted element is very bright, and the text becomes unreadable.
I couldn't find a way to customize this in the settings, can somebody help?
Here's what I mean:
It uses your caret row color (it just automatically makes it lighter so it's more visible) and not some separate style which you can disable/modify.
ATM there is no option to disable such behaviour. I mean -- IDEA-139930 ticket is fixed, but not available in 141.xx branch that PhpStorm is currently built on.
If it annoys you a lot then right now I may only suggest to disable that breadcrumbs bar altogether until PhpStorm will move to 142.xx or newer branch. For that: Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Appearance | Show HTML breadcrumbs (you will have to close and reopen that file to see the changes).
You should post more info about specification: exact version of PhpStorm etc.
Try this: