ASP.NET Core disable Windows Authentication -

I have .NET Core MVC web application where during creation I set Windows authentication. Now I want to disable Windows authentication and enable anonymous authentication (I have my own authentication mechanism). Here is what I have set in my config file
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="false" />
My problem is that when I reopen the solution and run it, the config is changing to:
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
How it's possible that something is changing the config and what should I do to prevent this change?

The file is managed by Visual Studio and it is being regenerated.
To disable Windows Authentication, you must change project settings is Visual Studio. This setting is stored in the launchSettings.json file and Visual Studio generates applicationhost.config for the IIS Express process - when ASP.NET Core is hosted in the IIS Express.
Details about this configuration are here:


IIS Anonymous Authentication enabled but credentials required

We have a some web services hosted in IIS8 that were running fine with anonymous authentication set. Then a couple of days ago anonymous authentication was disabled in favour for windows authentication which made it impossible to connect to the web services. Now we have reverted to anonymous authentication but the site still asks for windows credentials:
The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme
'Anonymous'. The authentication header received from the server was
What we have done is this:
in web.config:
<binding name="CustomHttpBinding" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
<security mode="None">
<transport clientCredentialType="None" />
and in IIS Manager we only have Anonymous Authentication checked:
In the applicationHost.config file everything seems correct:
<location path="Path/WebServices">
<windowsAuthentication enabled="false" useKernelMode="true">
<clear />
<add value="NTLM" />
<add value="Negotiate" />
<extendedProtection tokenChecking="None" />
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="false" />
App-pools, site, and server have all been restarted/recycled.
Where else should I look? Thanks.
I agree that everything looks correct from what you've shown. I would recommend reviewing all your visible configuration for any anonymous/Windows auth that may apply that you may not be seeing. To do this, in IIS Manager click on the Server on the Left, then select Configuration Editor. On the right, select Search Configuration. The search at the top only accepts "section names" so things like WindowsAuthentication and AnonymousAuthentication are good searches. Review each place in your config that may apply to your site/app.
It turned out that the DNS pointed to a different server than the one I was doing my changes in.

Aspnet Core - web.config Authorization

I am trying to add "authorization" elements to web.config, like it used to work in classic
global configuration - should limit access "globally":
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="AD\some.user" />
<deny users="*" />
"location" based configuration:
<location path="RelativePath" >
<allow roles="AD\some.user" />
<deny users="*" />
both versions appear to be not working at all for aspnet.core hosted in IIS
What does work is this:
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Allow" roles="AD\johannes.colmsee" />
"location" based:
<location path="RelativePath" >
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Allow" roles="AD\denis.kopic" />
This works fine.
Now to my question:
does aspnet core not support the "first version" at all? Or is it something I do wrong?
ASP.NET Core does not support nor use web.config. The published web.config is there only for IIS hosting, since IIS requires this. If you happened to publish to a different web server, you could discard web.config entirely.
It should be apparent from looking at the contents of the published web.config, that it is extremely bare. Pretty much the only thing that exists is the AspNetCoreHosting module config, which of course is necessary for hosting ASP.NET Core inside IIS.
Now, as for why the second version actually did work, that's because it was placed inside system.webServer, which is directly for configuration of IIS, so IIS is doing the authorization at a very high-level before anything is handed off to your ASP.NET Core app. That may work for your needs, but it's an extremely rough-shod approach, as you'll have to likely end up defining many such sections for different paths, users, and authorization levels, and then keep that in sync with anything you end up changing in the ASP.NET Core app. Because IIS is looking at this as just static paths, if you move or rename anything, you can end up accidentally opening a hole in your security, since IIS will not yet have been configured to authorize that new location.
Long and short, you should remove all this and handle authorization via your ASP.NET Core app. Windows Auth is still supported.

Visual Studio Security popup

When I run my web application I get a Windows Security popup asking me to enter my credentials.
This is preventing me from running my program properly, how can I disable this option?
From the screenshot it looks like your web application is running with Windows authentication.
To use Forms authentication, modify your web.config as follows:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="30" />

Does the svc file for a WCF always need anonymous access?

Is it necessary to allow anonymous access for a svc file when hosting WCF in IIS 7.5? If yes, then why is such an access needed?
I found that svc doesn't need anonymous access. I think I was getting an error that seemed to be related to svc but wasn't. I am using the following security for the hosting website in IIS 7.5.
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="true" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
I found the answer, thanks to Voltagex. This answer is explained under LATEST UPDATE in my initial post. However, I am mentioning it here also.
I found that svc doesn't need anonymous access. I think I was getting an error that seemed to be related to svc but wasn't. I am using the following security for the hosting website in IIS 7.5. SVC access is closely related to the security you have specified for the website hosting your WCF. In my case, I used the following security for the hosting website, where I needed to turn off anonymous access and allow only authenticated users to access the host website file resources like svc files.
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="true" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />

Allow access to WCF based on a group set in web.config

I have created a WCF service that uses windows authentication and would like to set it so it can only be accessed if the user is in a Windows group. I Currently use the following attribute in code to make this happen
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = "Domain\MyGroup")]
Problem with this is I have to do it on each method and compile if I want to change the group. Is there a way so I can set the group that has access in the config file and for the services as an whole?
I have tried the following in my config file but this does not appear to work
<windowsAuthentication authPersistSingleRequest="true" enabled="true"/>
<add accessType="Allow" roles="Domain\MyGroup" />
Ok I figured it out. I have the config file set like the following
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
<remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
<remove users="?" roles="" verbs="" />
<add accessType="Deny" users="?" />
<add accessType="Allow" roles="Domain\MyGroup" />
Also had to set
<serviceHostingEnvironment aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />
And on my class that implements the WCF contract
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
I guess this means Im using ASP authentication rather than WCF but I works for me
The PrincipalPermission attribute is from the .NET code access security functionality and isn't related to WCF. A more flexible way to do this if the service is hosted in IIS is shown in this MSDN post. WCF also supports different custom authentication mechanisms as described here.