Get grand total by column - sql

I want to calculate the grand total of a given measure in MDX by a column dimension (time dimension)
This is my MDX code:
Basically, this is what I want to get :
But this is what I get:
Thanks for any possible help

Take a look at the sample query
with member
[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountTotal]
case when [Product].[Category].currentmember is [Product].[Category].defaultmember then null
else ([Product].[Category].defaultmember,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])
({[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2012],[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2013]},
{[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountTotal]})
on columns,
on rows
from [Adventure Works]


Cumulative Sum | Exclude attribute from calculation

I am trying to do Cumulative Sum/ Running Total using the function below so the user can use any date level, but the requirement is to ignore some of the attributes from the calculation.
Function used:
SUM(NULL:Axis(1).Item(0).Item(Axis(1).Item(0).Count-1).Hierarchy.CurrentMember, [Measures].[ Number of Ticket])
The table below shows the Cumulative Sum as expected
Example - 1
Here by adding another attribute, Program Remaining, as shown below, its changes the Cumulative behavior, Because Excel will add that attribute to the grouping so it reset the cumulative sum:
Example - 2
Is there a way that I can exclude the Program Remaining attribute from the calculation (I have another 4 attributes that I want to exclude) so that the cumulative can be increased just like the first table even with adding these attribute.
I really appreciate any help
Try using the below sample query
[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountRunningtotal]
case when [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] = null then null
sum({[Product].[Subcategory].firstchild:[Product].[Subcategory].currentmember},[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])
select {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],
[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountRunningtotal]
} on columns,
non empty
([Date].[Calendar Year].[Calendar Year],[Date].[Calendar Quarter of Year].[Calendar Quarter of Year],
[Adventure Works]
So I explored the sample sent, Your only solutions is to keep the date in the inner most position, your query qouted above will break if you are not using entire members of an attribute.

MDX - How skip 0 values in MIN agregation and how exclude some percent of results?

In my cube I have
Earnings as measure with MIN aggregation
Dimension: [Localization].[Type].&[center]
Dimension: {[Date].[Year].&[2017], [Date].[Year].&[2018]}
My query is:
What are the minimum earnings of the person who decides to buy
apartments in the city center, excluding 5% of the lowest, within
last 2 years?
Now my mdx query looks like that:
[Measures].[MinEarnings] ON COLUMNS
FROM [cube]
BottomCount ([Localization].[Type].&[center], 95, [Measures].[MinEarnings]),
{[Date].[Year].&[2017], [Date].[Year].&[2018]}
I have two problems:
Some earnings are 0 - how can I skip them in calculations?
If my query correctly excludes 5% of the lowest earnings?
First of all you should use toppercent not bottomcount. you want the min salary of a person who is not in last 5% not last 5. Toppercent will give you the top 95%.
Secondly to filter 0 you can use the following syntax
toppercent (
filter([Localization].[Type].&[center], [Measures].[MinEarnings]>0)
, 95, [Measures].[MinEarnings])
Even now placing the code in the where clause might not work, however try it. I would suggest that you move the toppercent to rows , then order it, then take the top1
toppercent (
filter([Localization].[Type].&[center], [Measures].[MinEarnings]>0)
,95, [Measures].[MinEarnings])
I have an example which gives the minum sales amount of cities, notice i have replaced nulls with 0 to make it as close as possible to your case
with member [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]
case when ([Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])=null then 0 else [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] end
select [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]
on columns ,
topcount(order(toppercent(filter([Customer].[City].[City],[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]>0),95,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2]),[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount2],asc),1)
on rows
from [Adventure Works]
where [Customer].[Country].&[Canada]
in the picture below is the result before topcount 1

Calculate maximum value for a measure column without using dimension in mdx query

I would like to calculate maximum value for a measure column without using dimension in mdx query. I tried the following query to achieve this.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Max key] AS
Max([Internet Sales Amount].Members,[Internet Sales Amount].currentmember.MEMBER_KEY)
SELECT {[Measures].[Max key]} on COLUMNS
FROM [Adventure Works]
But I got the error in result.
Can anyone suggest me how to achieve my requirement using mdx query?
You've written this:
MEMBER [Measures].[Max key] AS
[Internet Sales Amount].MEMBERS
,[Internet Sales Amount].CurrentMember.Member_Key
{[Measures].[Max key]} ON COLUMNS
FROM [Adventure Works];
[Internet Sales Amount] is a measure and therefore a numeric expression so you cannot apply the functions MEMBERS or CurrentMember. [Internet Sales Amount] will not even have keys - so why are you trying to find a max key?
Max is defined here:
You have no choice but to include a set for the max to work over:
Max( Set_Expression [ , Numeric_Expression ] )
This is a valid use of max:
MEMBER [Measures].[Max Sales] AS
,[Internet Sales Amount]
[Product].[Category].[Category] ON ROWS
[Internet Sales Amount]
,[Measures].[Max Sales]
FROM [Adventure Works];
It returns this:

MDX query - Average

I would like to calculate average using a numeric value in dimension instead of using a measure. Is that possible?
Also I would like to know whether average can be calculated with a dimension that is categorized with another dimension.
Here is the Avg function onMSDN:
It gives several examples of using it with numeric expressions such as the following:
WITH MEMBER Measures.[Avg Gross Profit Margin] AS
[Ship Date].[Fiscal].CurrentMember,
[Ship Date].[Fiscal].[Date]
Measures.[Gross Profit Margin]
Measures.[Avg Gross Profit Margin] ON COLUMNS,
[Ship Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Year].[FY 2003].Children ON ROWS
[Adventure Works]

NONEMPTY behaviour seemingly not limiting results

The following script is from this MSDN article
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON 0,
{([Date].[Calendar].[Date].&[20010701], [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])}
) ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
I basically took the script and replaced the elements from the above with equivalent elements from our cube.
What would be the reason that my script is not limiting it's results to the date specified in the NONEMPTY function but is returning all customers and their lifetime sales amount?
Try this:
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON 0,
) ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]
All the customers might have a non-null internet sales amount for the date you have specified. Moreover the nonempty will just filter out those members where the condition is not met. In your case as all the customers has non-null Internet Sales value, none of the customers are filtered out. And the Internet sales amount in the axis 0 will not be limited to the date that is specified, instead it returns the sales amount for each customer across all the dates.