dynamic path in Keystone file using keystone-storage-adapter-s3 - keystonejs

How do you generate a path based on dynamic data inside the model the file is being saved to? An example would be having a User model with a fileAttachment field. If one instance of the User model has a registrationNumber of 123, I want to store their file at /123/fileName.pdf. If another user has a registrationNumber of 456, I want to store their file at 456/fileName.pdf. The path field accepts a string, and unfortunately during the time it is set, there's no access to the model fields. In addition, the file is named and uploaded to AWS by the time the pre('save', ...) hook is executed which prevents renaming there.


Lambda trigger dynamic specific path s3 upload

I am trying to create a lambda function that will get triggered once a folder is uploaded to a S3 Bucket. But the lambda will perform an operation that will save files back on the same folder, how can I do so without having a self calling function?
I want to upload the following folder structure to the bucket:
The outputs will create and be saved on:
But, my project number will change, so I can't simply assign a static prefix. Is there a way of dynamically change the prefix, something like:
From Shubham's comment I drafted my solution using the prefix and sufix.
For my case, I stated the prefix being 'Project_' and for the suffix I choose one specific file for the trigger, so my suffix is '/input/myFile.csv'.
So every time I upload the structure Project_/input/allmyfiles_with_myFile.csv it triggers the function and then I save my output in the same project folder, under the output folder, thus not triggering the function again.
I get project name with the following code
key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
project_id = key.split("/")[0]

Azure Data Factory - Switch Activity - File name startsWith

I need to create a Azure Data Factory pipeline which has to first format the source file and then call another pipeline. The pipeline would be triggered every time a new file is uploaded in the source blob storage. I want to re-use this pipeline for different source file formats.
For this I intend to use a Switch activity and based on the source file name, call corresponding Copy activity to create a formatted sink file. The issue is that the source files have standard prefixes but then have a timestamp, which means that file name would be different every time, something like:
File 1:
File 2:
Can anyone help me understand how to do this?
I was thinking of using a Switch activity, and in the expression, use the #startsWith(triggerBody().fileName, ) and then in the CASE statements, I would like to provide the file name prefixes like ABCDEF, UVWXYZ etc. and then call a copy activity for each of the CASE statements.
But I am not sure how to specify the second argument in the startsWith() function.
suppose you have the filename in a variable called filename. write expression like this to find out which file we are going to load.
Have a set variable activity and assign file prefix to another variable called prefix
At the end of this set variable, your prefix will have either ABCDEF or UVWXYZ
Then, you can use a switch activity based on prefix variable and mention the cases as
for each case, you can have a copy activity for doing related transforamtions.

Get File Structure from Get Metadata in ADF

I want to get the column names for a parquet file. I have a Get Metadata module in my pipeline and it is using a parquet dataset with only the root folder provided. Because only the folder is provided ADF is not letting me get the file structure that contains the column names. The file name is not provided because that can change. Can anyone provide some advice on how to approach this?
You will need 2 Get Metadata activities and a ForEach activity to get the file structure if your file name is not the same every time.
Source dataset:
Parameterize the file name as the name changes frequently.
Preview of source data:
Get Metadata1:
In the first Get Metadata activity, get the file name dynamically.
You can also specify if your file name contains any specific pattern by adding an expression in the filename or you can mention asterisk (*) if you don’t have a specific pattern or need more than 1 file in the folder needs to be processed.
Give field list as child items when you want to get the files from the folder.
Output of Get Metadata1: Get the file name from the folder.
FoEach activity:
Using the ForEach activity, you can get the item's name listed inside the Get Metadata activity output array.
Get Metadata2:
Add Get Metadata activity inside ForEach activity to get the file structure or column list of the current file from the folder. It can loop the number of items count in the folder (1 or more).
Output of Get Metadata2:
You can parameterize your file name in dataset or via GetMeta data activity, get the list of files within the folder and then via GetMetaData activity get the list of columns for those corresponding files.

Django - Custom Sql for the User model

Which name need the sql-file in the sql folder? When I want to load custom sql for the User Model.
Initial SQL Data
From the link you provided :
The hook is simple: Django just looks for a file called sql/modelname.sql, in your app directory, where modelname is the model's name in lowercase.
So, if you had a Person model in an app called myapp, you could add arbitrary SQL to the file sql/person.sql inside your myapp directory. Here's an example of what the file might contain:

Plone 4 - Get url of a file in a plone.app.blob.field.FileField

I have a custom content type with 3 FileFields (plone.app.blob.field.FileField) and I want to get their url's, so i can put them on my custom view and people will be able to download these files.
However, when using Clouseau to test and debug, I call :
Where getFirst_file() is the accessor to the first file (field called 'first_file').
The url returned is 'http://foo/.../eat.00001', where 'eat.00001' is the object of my custom type that contains the file fields...
The interesting thing is, if I call:
It returns 'application/pdf', which is correct since it's a pdf file.
I'm pretty lost here, any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
File fields do not support a absolute_url method; instead, through acquisition you inherit the method from the object itself, hence the results you see. Moreover, calling getFirst_field() will return the actual downloadable contents of the field, not the field itself which could provide such information.
Instead, you should use the at_download script appended to the object URL, followed by the field id:
First File
You can also re-use the Archetypes widget for the field, by passing the field name to the widget method:
<metal:field use-macro="python:context.widget('first_field', mode='view')">
First File
This will display the file size, icon (if available), the filename and the file mime type.
In both these examples, I assumed the name of the field is 'first_field'.