How to span a ConcurrentDictionary across load-balancer servers when using SignalR hub with Redis -

I have ASP.NET Core web application setup with SignalR scaled-out with Redis.
Using the built-in groups works fine:
and survives multiple load-balancers. I'm assuming that SignalR persists those groups in Redis automatically so all servers know what groups we have and who are subscribed to them.
However, in my situation, I can't just rely on Groups (or Users), as there is no way to map the connectionId (Say when overloading OnDisconnectedAsync and only the connection id is known) back to its group, and you always need the Group_Name to identify the group. I need that to identify which part of the group is online, so when OnDisconnectedAsync is called, I know which group this guy belongs to, and on which side of the conversation he is.
I've done some research, and they all suggested (including Microsoft Docs) to use something like:
static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConversationInformation> connectionMaps;
in the hub itself.
Now, this is a great solution (and thread-safe), except that it exists only on one of the load-balancer server's memory, and the other servers have a different instance of this dictionary.
The question is, do I have to persist connectionMaps manually? Using Redis for example?
Something like:
public class ChatHub : Hub
static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, ConversationInformation> connectionMaps;
ChatHub(IDistributedCache distributedCache)
connectionMaps = distributedCache.Get("ConnectionMaps");
/// I think connectionMaps should not be static any more.
and if yes, is it thread-safe? if no, can you suggest a better solution that works with Load-Balancing?

Have been battling with the same issue on this end. What I've come up with is to persist the collections within the redis cache while utilising a StackExchange.Redis.IDatabaseAsync alongside locks to handle concurrency.
This unfortunately makes the entire process sync but couldn't quite figure a way around this.
Here's the core of what I'm doing, this attains a lock and return back a deserialised collection from the cache
private async Task<ConcurrentDictionary<int, HubMedia>> GetMediaAttributes(bool requireLock)
var retryTime = 0;
while (!await _redisDatabase.LockTakeAsync(_mediaAttributesLock, _lockValue, _defaultLockDuration))
//wait till we can get a lock on the data, 100ms by default
await Task.Delay(100);
retryTime += 10;
if (retryTime > _defaultLockDuration.TotalMilliseconds)
_logger.LogError("Failed to get Media Attributes");
return null;
catch(TaskCanceledException e)
_logger.LogError("Failed to take lock within the default 5 second wait time " + e);
return null;
var mediaAttributes = await _redisDatabase.StringGetAsync(MEDIA_ATTRIBUTES_LIST);
if (!mediaAttributes.HasValue)
return new ConcurrentDictionary<int, HubMedia>();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ConcurrentDictionary<int, HubMedia>>(mediaAttributes);
Updating the collection like so after I've done manipulating it
private async Task<bool> UpdateCollection(string redisCollectionKey, object collection, string lockKey)
var success = false;
success = await _redisDatabase.StringSetAsync(redisCollectionKey, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection, new JsonSerializerSettings
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
await _redisDatabase.LockReleaseAsync(lockKey, _lockValue);
return success;
and when I'm done I just ensure the lock is released for other instances to grab and use
private async Task ReleaseLock(string lockKey)
await _redisDatabase.LockReleaseAsync(lockKey, _lockValue);
Would be happy to hear if you find a better way of doing this. Struggled to find any documentation on scale out with data retention and sharing.


Blazor concurrency problem using Entity Framework Core

My goal
I want to create a new IdentityUser and show all the users already created through the same Blazor page. This page has:
a form through you will create an IdentityUser
a third-party's grid component (DevExpress Blazor DxDataGrid) that shows all users using UserManager.Users property. This component accepts an IQueryable as a data source.
When I create a new user through the form (1) I will get the following concurrency error:
InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
I think the problem is related to the fact that CreateAsync(IdentityUser user) and UserManager.Users are referring the same DbContext
The problem isn't related to the third-party's component because I reproduce the same problem replacing it with a simple list.
Step to reproduce the problem
create a new Blazor server-side project with authentication
change Index.razor with the following code:
#page "/"
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
number of users: #Users.Count()
<button #onclick="#(async () => await Add())">click me</button>
#foreach(var user in Users)
#code {
[Inject] UserManager<IdentityUser> UserManager { get; set; }
IQueryable<IdentityUser> Users;
protected override void OnInitialized()
Users = UserManager.Users;
public async Task Add()
await UserManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityUser { UserName = $"test_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" });
What I noticed
If I change Entity Framework provider from SqlServer to Sqlite then the error will never show.
System info
ASP.NET Core 3.1.0 Blazor Server-side
Entity Framework Core 3.1.0 based on SqlServer provider
What I have already seen
Blazor A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed: the solution proposed doesn't work for me because even if I change my DbContext scope from Scoped to Transient I still using the same instance of UserManager and its contains the same instance of DbContext
other guys on StackOverflow suggests creating a new instance of DbContext per request. I don't like this solution because it is against Dependency Injection principles. Anyway, I can't apply this solution because DbContext is wrapped inside UserManager
Create a generator of DbContext: this solution is pretty like the previous one.
Using Entity Framework Core with Blazor
Why I want to use IQueryable
I want to pass an IQueryable as a data source for my third-party's component because its can apply pagination and filtering directly to the Query. Furthermore IQueryable is sensitive to CUD
UPDATE (08/19/2020)
Here you can find the documentation about how to use Blazor and EFCore together
UPDATE (07/22/2020)
EFCore team introduces DbContextFactory inside Entity Framework Core .NET 5 Preview 7
[...] This decoupling is very useful for Blazor applications, where using IDbContextFactory is recommended, but may also be useful in other scenarios.
If you are interested you can read more at Announcing Entity Framework Core EF Core 5.0 Preview 7
UPDATE (07/06/2020)
Microsoft released a new interesting video about Blazor (both models) and Entity Framework Core. Please take a look at 19:20, they are talking about how to manage concurrency problem with EFCore
General solution
I asked Daniel Roth BlazorDeskShow - 2:24:20 about this problem and it seems to be a Blazor Server-Side problem by design.
DbContext default lifetime is set to Scoped. So if you have at least two components in the same page which are trying to execute an async query then we will encounter the exception:
InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
There are two workaround about this problem:
(A) set DbContext's lifetime to Transient
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(opt =>
opt.UseSqlServer(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection")), ServiceLifetime.Transient);
(B) as Carl Franklin suggested (after my question): create a singleton service with a static method which returns a new instance of DbContext.
anyway, each solution works because they create a new instance of DbContext.
About my problem
My problem wasn't strictly related to DbContext but with UserManager<TUser> which has a Scoped lifetime. Set DbContext's lifetime to Transient didn't solve my problem because ASP.NET Core creates a new instance of UserManager<TUser> when I open the session for the first time and it lives until I don't close it. This UserManager<TUser> is inside two components on the same page. Then we have the same problem described before:
two components that own the same UserManager<TUser> instance which contains a transient DbContext.
Currently, I solved this problem with another workaround:
I don't use UserManager<TUser> directly instead, I create a new instance of it through IServiceProvider and then it works. I am still looking for a method to change the UserManager's lifetime instead of using IServiceProvider.
tips: pay attention to services' lifetime
This is what I learned. I don't know if it is all correct or not.
I downloaded your sample and was able to reproduce your problem. The problem is caused because Blazor will re-render the component as soon as you await in code called from EventCallback (i.e. your Add method).
public async Task Add()
await UserManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityUser { UserName = $"test_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" });
If you add a System.Diagnostics.WriteLine to the start of Add and to the end of Add, and then also add one at the top of your Razor page and one at the bottom, you will see the following output when you click your button.
//First render
Start: BuildRenderTree
End: BuildRenderTree
//Button clicked
Start: Add
(This is where the `await` occurs`)
Start: BuildRenderTree
Exception thrown
You can prevent this mid-method rerender like so....
protected override bool ShouldRender() => MayRender;
public async Task Add()
MayRender = false;
await UserManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityUser { UserName = $"test_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" });
MayRender = true;
This will prevent re-rendering whilst your method is running. Note that if you define Users as IdentityUser[] Users you will not see this problem because the array is not set until after the await has completed and is not lazy evaluated, so you don't get this reentrancy problem.
I believe you want to use IQueryable<T> because you need to pass it to 3rd party components. The problem is, different components can be rendered on different threads, so if you pass IQueryable<T> to other components then
They might render on different threads and cause the same problem.
They most likely will have an await in the code that consumes the IQueryable<T> and you'll have the same problem again.
Ideally, what you need is for the 3rd party component to have an event that asks you for data, giving you some kind of query definition (page number etc). I know Telerik Grid does this, as do others.
That way you can do the following
Acquire a lock
Run the query with the filter applied
Release the lock
Pass the results to the component
You cannot use lock() in async code, so you'd need to use something like SpinLock to lock a resource.
private SpinLock Lock = new SpinLock();
private async Task<WhatTelerikNeeds> ReadData(SomeFilterFromTelerik filter)
bool gotLock = false;
while (!gotLock) Lock.Enter(ref gotLock);
IUserIdentity result = await ApplyFilter(MyDbContext.Users, filter).ToArrayAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return new WhatTelerikNeeds(result);
Perhaps not the best approach but rewriting async method as non-async fixes the problem:
public void Add()
Task.Run(async () =>
await UserManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityUser { UserName = $"test_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" }))
It ensures that UI is updated only after the new user is created.
The whole code for Index.razor
#page "/"
#inherits OwningComponentBase<UserManager<IdentityUser>>
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
number of users: #Users.Count()
<button #onclick="#Add">click me. I work if you use Sqlite</button>
#foreach(var user in Users.ToList())
#code {
IQueryable<IdentityUser> Users;
protected override void OnInitialized()
Users = Service.Users;
public void Add()
Task.Run(async () => await Service.CreateAsync(new IdentityUser { UserName = $"test_{Guid.NewGuid().ToString()}" })).Wait();
I found your question looking for answers about the same error message you had.
My concurrency issue appears to have been due to a change that triggered a re-rendering of the visual tree to occur at the same time as (or due to the fact that) I was trying to call DbContext.SaveChangesAsync().
I solved this by overriding my component's ShouldRender() method like this:
protected override bool ShouldRender()
if (_updatingDb)
return false;
return base.ShouldRender();
I then wrapped my SaveChangesAsync() call in code that set a private bool field _updatingDb appropriately:
_updatingDb = true;
await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
_updatingDb = false;
The call to StateHasChanged() may or may not be necessary, but I've included it just in case.
This fixed my issue, which was related to selectively rendering a bound input tag or just text depending on if the data field was being edited. Other readers may find that their concurrency issue is also related to something triggering a re-render. If so, this technique may be helpful.
Well, I have a quite similar scenario with this, and I 'solve' mine is to move everything from OnInitializedAsync() to
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
//Your code in OnInitializedAsync()
It seems solved, but I had no idea to find out the proves. I guess just skip from the initialization to let the component success build, then we can go further.
I'm still facing the problem, seems I'm giving a wrong solution to go. When I checked with this Blazor A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed I got my problem clear. Cause I'm actually dealing with a lot of components initialization with dbContext operations. According to #dani_herrera mention that if you have more than 1 component execute Init at a time, probably the problem appears.
As I took his advise to change my dbContext Service to Transient, and I get away from the problem.
#Leonardo Lurci Had covered conceptually. If you guys are not yet wanting to move to .NET 5.0 preview, i would recommend looking at Nuget package 'EFCore.DbContextFactory', documentation is pretty neat. Essential it emulates AddDbContextFactory. Ofcourse, it creates a context per component.
So far, this is working fine for me so far without any problems...
I ensure single-threaded access by only interacting with my DbContext via a new DbContext.InvokeAsync method, which uses a SemaphoreSlim to ensure only a single operation is performed at a time.
I chose SemaphoreSlim because you can await it.
Instead of this
return Db.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.EmailAddress == emailAddress);
do this
return Db.InvokeAsync(() => ...the query above...);
// Add the following methods to your DbContext
private SemaphoreSlim Semaphore { get; } = new SemaphoreSlim(1);
public TResult Invoke<TResult>(Func<TResult> action)
return action();
public async Task<TResult> InvokeAsync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> action)
await Semaphore.WaitAsync();
return await action();
public Task InvokeAsync(Func<Task> action) =>
InvokeAsync<object>(async () =>
await action();
return null;
public void InvokeAsync(Action action) =>
InvokeAsync(() =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
#Leonardo Lurci has a great answer with multiple solutions to the problem. I will give my opinion about every solution and which I think it is the best one.
Making DBContext transient - it is a solution but it is not optimized for this cases..
Carl Franklin suggestion - the singleton service will not be able to control the lifetime of the context and will depend on the service requester to dispose the context after use.
Microsoft documentation they talk about injecting DBContext Factory into a component with the IDisposable interface to Dispose the context when the component is destroied. This is not a very good solution, because a lot of problems happen with it, like: performing a context operation and leaving the component before it finishes that operation, will dispose the context and throw exception..
Finally. The best solution so far is to inject the DBContext Factory in the component yes, but whenever you need it, you create a new instance with using statement like bellow:
public async Task GetSomething()
using var context = DBFactory.CreateDBContext();
return await context.Something.ToListAsync();
Since DbFactory is optimazed when creating new context instances, there is no significante overhead, making it a better choice and better performing than Transient context, it also disposes the context at the end of the method because of "using" statement.
Hope it was useful.

Writing an event based SignalR Notification Service using DBContext ChangeTracker - separation of concerns

I have a controller that modifies appointments in a calendar. I want to use my SignalR hub to notify users à la "User X changed {appointmentTitle}: List: {Property} {OriginalValue} {NewValue}"
I'm a beginner in C# (Syntax-wise it's ok, but OOP concepts are new); I'm trying to use events to achieve the above.
Below are the handlers and arguments, an extract from the controller and a summary of my questions.
Code is abbreviated!
public class AppointmentChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
public EntityState AppointmentState = EntityState.Unchanged;
public EntityEntry Entity = null;
public ScheduleData Appointment = null;
// maybe this could be just one, and let the consumer decide based on EntityState?
public EventHandler<AppointmentChangeEventArgs> AppointmentChanged;
public EventHandler<AppointmentChangeEventArgs> AppointmentAdded;
public EventHandler<AppointmentChangeEventArgs> AppointmentRemoved;
protected virtual void OnAppointment(AppointmentChangeEventArgs appointmentChangeEventArgs)
switch (appointmentChangeEventArgs.AppointmentState)
case EntityState.Added:
AppointmentAdded?.Invoke(this, appointmentChangeEventArgs);
case EntityState.Deleted:
AppointmentRemoved?.Invoke(this, appointmentChangeEventArgs);
case EntityState.Modified:
AppointmentChanged?.Invoke(this, appointmentChangeEventArgs);
public async Task<IActionResult> Batch([FromBody] ScheduleEditParameters param)
switch (param.Action) {
case "insert":
await _dbContext.Appointments.AddAsync(appointment);
case "update":
// .. get Appointment from DB
appointment.Subject = value.Subject;
appointment.StartTime = value.StartTime;
// ...
case "remove":
// .. get Appointment from DB
var modifiedEntries = _dbContext.ChangeTracker
.Where(x => x.State != EntityState.Unchanged && x.State != EntityState.Detached)
.Select(x => new AppointmentChangeEventArgs() { Entity = (EntityEntry) x.Entity, AppointmentState = x.State, Appointment = appointment })
if (modifiedEntries.Any())
var notificationService = new NotificationService(signalRHub, notificationLogger);
AppointmentAdded += notificationService.OnAppointmentChanged;
AppointmentChanged += notificationService.OnAppointmentChanged;
AppointmentRemoved += notificationService.OnAppointmentChanged;
await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Is it ok to use EntityEntry and EntityState in event arguments?
for each modified Entry, I can obtain _dbContext.Entry(modifiedEntry).Properties.Where(x => x.IsModified).ToList(); - but does this belong in the NotificationService class? In order to do that, I'd also need to pass the DbContext over to NotificationService.
Might there be a simpler way to achieve this? Adding and Removing handlers are easy ("User X has added|removed ... appointment {Title}"), but in order to figure out the exact changes I'll have to look at the modified properties.
I'd be grateful if you could provide an insight into how you would structure & handle this task. Thank you.
To start off, I would generally recommend you not to use events here. Events are something that may sound very useful but due to the way they work (synchronously), they aren’t really the best way to achieve this in a web context, especially in a primarily asynchronous framework like ASP.NET Core.
Instead, I would recommend you to simply declare your own type, e.g. IAppointmentChangeHandler like this:
public interface IAppointmentChangeHandler
Task AddAppointment(ScheduleData appointment);
Task UpdateAppointment(ScheduleData appointment);
Task RemoveAppointment(ScheduleData appointment);
Your NotificationService can just implement that interface to be able to handle those events (obviously just send whatever you need to send there):
public class NotificationService : IAppointmentChangeHandler
private readonly IHubContext _hubContext;
public NotificationService(IHubContext hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
public AddAppointment(ScheduleData appointment)
await _hubContext.Clients.InvokeAsync("AddAppointment", appointment);
public UpdateAppointment(ScheduleData appointment)
await _hubContext.Clients.InvokeAsync("UpdateAppointment", appointment);
public RemoveAppointment(ScheduleData appointment)
await _hubContext.Clients.InvokeAsync("RemoveAppointment", appointment);
And inside of your controller, you just inject that IAppointmentChangeHandler then and call the actual method on it. That way you have both the controller and the notification service completely decoupled: The controller does not need to construct the type first and you also do not need to subscribe to some events (which you would also have to unsubscribe from at some point again btw). And you can leave the instantiation completely to the DI container.
To answer your individual questions:
Is it ok to use EntityEntry and EntityState in event arguments?
I would avoid using it in a context outside of your database. Both are an implementation detail of your database setup, since you are using Entity Framework here. Not only would this couple your event handlers strongly with Entity Framework (meaning that everyone that wanted to be an event handler would need to reference EF even if they didn’t do anything with it), you are also leaking possibly internal state that may change later (you don’t own the EntityEntry so who knows what EF does with it afterwards).
for each modified Entry, I can obtain _dbContext.Entry(modifiedEntry).Properties.Where(x => x.IsModified).ToList();
If you look at your code, you are first calling Add, Update or Remove on your database set; and then you are using some logic to look at some internal EF stuff to figure out the exact same thing really. You could make this a lot less complex if you constructed the AppointmentChangeEventArgs within those three switch cases directly.
but does this belong in the NotificationService class? In order to do that, I'd also need to pass the DbContext over to NotificationService.
Does a notification service have anything to do with a database? I would say no; unless you are persisting those notifications into the database. When I think about a notification service, then I expect to be able to call something on it to actively trigger a notification, instead of having some logic within the service to figure out what notifications it could possibly trigger.
Might there be a simpler way to achieve this? Adding and Removing handlers are easy ("User X has added|removed ... appointment {Title}"), but in order to figure out the exact changes I'll have to look at the modified properties.
Think about it in the simplest way first: Where do you update the values of the database entity? Within that update case. So at that point, where you are copying over values from the passed object, you can also just check which properties you are actually changing. And with that, you can record easily which properties you need to notify about.
Decouple this completely from EF and you will be a lot more flexible in the long run.

Delaying writes to SQL Server

I am working on an app, and need to keep track of how any views a page has. Almost like how SO does it. It is a value used to determine how popular a given page is.
I am concerned that writing to the DB every time a new view needs to be recorded will impact performance. I know this borderline pre-optimization, but I have experienced the problem before. Anyway, the value doesn't need to be real time; it is OK if it is delayed by 10 minutes or so. I was thinking that caching the data, and doing one large write every X minutes should help.
I am running on Windows Azure, so the Appfabric cache is available to me. My original plan was to create some sort of compound key (PostID:UserID), and tag the key with "pageview". Appfabric allows you to get all keys by tag. Thus I could let them build up, and do one bulk insert into my table instead of many small writes. The table looks like this, but is open to change.
int PageID | guid userID | DateTime ViewTimeStamp
The website would still get the value from the database, writes would just be delayed, make sense?
I just read that the Windows Azure Appfabric cache does not support tag based searches, so it pretty much negates my idea.
My question is, how would you accomplish this? I am new to Azure, so I am not sure what my options are. Is there a way to use the cache without tag based searches? I am just looking for advice on how to delay these writes to SQL.
You might want to take a look at (and the Cloud Cover episode it links to), which talks about a highly scalable way to count things. (It might be overkill for your needs, but hopefully it gives you some options.)
You could keep a queue in memory and on a timer drain the queue, collapse the queued items by totaling the counts by page and write in one SQL batch/round trip. For example, using a TVP you could write the queued totals with one sproc call.
That of course doesn't guarantee the view counts get written since its in memory and latently written but page counts shouldn't be critical data and crashes should be rare.
You might want to have a look at how the "diagnostics" feature in Azure works. Not because you would use diagnostics for what you are doing at all, but because it is dealing with a similar problem and may provide some inspiration. I am just about to implement a data auditing feature and I want to log that to table storage so also want to delay and bunch the updates together and I have taken a lot of inspiration from diagnostics.
Now, the way Diagnostics in Azure works is that each role starts a little background "transfer" thread. So, whenever you write any traces then that gets stored in a list in local memory and the background thread will (by default) bunch all the requests up and transfer them to table storage every minute.
In your scenario, I would let each role instance keep track of a count of hits and then use a background thread to update the database every minute or so.
I would probably use something like a static ConcurrentDictionary (or one hanging off a singleton) on each webrole with each hit incrementing the counter for the page identifier. You'd need to have some thread handling code to allow multiple request to update the same counter in the list. Alternatively, just allow each "hit" to add a new record to a shared thread-safe list.
Then, have a background thread once per minute increment the database with the number of hits per page since last time and reset the local counter to 0 or empty the shared list if you are going with that approach (again, be careful about the multi threading and locking).
The important thing is to make sure your database update is atomic; If you do a read-current-count from the database, increment it and then write it back then you may have two different web role instances doing this at the same time and thus losing one update.
Here is a quick sample of how you could go about this.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Threading;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// You would put this in your Application_start for the web role
Thread hitTransfer = new Thread(() => HitCounter.Run(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1))); // You'd probably want the transfer to happen once a minute rather than once a second
//Testing code - this just simulates various web threads being hit and adding hits to the counter
// You would put the following line in your Application shutdown
HitCounter.StopRunning(); // You could do some cleverer stuff with aborting threads, joining the thread etc but you probably won't need to
private static void RunTestWorkerThreads(int workerCount)
Thread[] workerThreads = new Thread[workerCount];
for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++)
workerThreads[i] = new Thread(
(tagname) =>
Random rnd = new Random();
for (int j = 0; j < 300; j++)
Thread.Sleep(rnd.Next(0, 5));
workerThreads[i].Start("TAG" + i);
foreach (var t in workerThreads)
Console.WriteLine("All threads finished...");
public static class HitCounter
private static System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue<string> hits;
private static object transferlock = new object();
private static volatile bool stopRunning = false;
static HitCounter()
hits = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
public static void LogHit(string tag)
public static void Run(TimeSpan transferInterval)
while (!stopRunning)
public static void StopRunning()
stopRunning = true;
private static void Transfer()
var tags = GetPendingTags();
var hitCounts = from tag in tags
group tag by tag
into g
select new KeyValuePair<string, int>(g.Key, g.Count());
private static void WriteHits(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, int>> hitCounts)
// NOTE: I don't usually use sql commands directly and have not tested the below
// The idea is that the update should be atomic so even though you have multiple
// web servers all issuing similar update commands, potentially at the same time,
// they should all commit. I do urge you to test this part as I cannot promise this code
// will work as-is
//using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("xyz"))
// foreach (var hitCount in hitCounts.OrderBy(h => h.Key))
// {
// var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
// cmd.CommandText = "update hits set count = count + #count where tag = #tag";
// cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#count", hitCount.Value);
// cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#tag", hitCount.Key);
// cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
// }
foreach (var hitCount in hitCounts.OrderBy(h => h.Key))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}\t{1}", hitCount.Key, hitCount.Value));
private static IEnumerable<string> GetPendingTags()
List<string> hitlist = new List<string>();
var currentCount = hits.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < currentCount; i++)
string tag = null;
if (hits.TryDequeue(out tag))
return hitlist;

RavenDB Catch 22 - Optimistic Concurrency AND Seeing Changes from Other Clients

With RavenDB, creating an IDocumentSession upon app start-up (and never closing it until the app is closed), allows me to use optimistic concurrency by doing this:
public class GenericData : DataAccessLayerBase, IGenericData
public void Save<T>(T objectToSave)
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
Session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
If another user has changed that object, then the save will correctly fail.
But what I can't do, when using one session for the lifetime of an app, is seeing changes, made by other instances of the app (say, Joe, five cubicles away), to documents. When I do this, I don't see Joe's changes:
public class CustomVariableGroupData : DataAccessLayerBase, ICustomVariableGroupData
public IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> GetAll()
return Session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>();
Note: I've also tried this, but it didn't display Joe's changes either:
return Session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults());
Now, if I go the other way, and create an IDocumentSession within every method that accesses the database, then I have the opposite problem. Because I have a new session, I can see Joe's changes. Buuuuuuut... then I lose optimistic concurrency. When I create a new session before saving, this line produces an empty GUID, and therefore fails:
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
What am I missing? If a Session shouldn't be created within each method, nor at the app level, then what is the correct scope? How can I get the benefits of optimistic concurrency and the ability to see others' changes when doing a Session.Query()?
You won't see the changes, because you use the same session. See my others replies for more details
Disclaimer: I know this can't be the long-term approach, and therefore won't be an accepted answer here. However, I simply need to get something working now, and I can refactor later. I also know some folks will be disgusted with this approach, lol, but so be it. It seems to be working. I get new data with every query (new session), and I get optimistic concurrency working as well.
The bottom line is that I went back to one session per data access method. And whenever a data access method does some type of get/load/query, I store the eTags in a static dictionary:
public IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> GetAll()
using (IDocumentSession session = Database.OpenSession())
IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> groups = session.Query<CustomVariableGroup>();
CacheEtags(groups, session);
return groups;
Then, when I'm saving data, I grab the eTag from the cache. This causes a concurrency exception if another instance has modified the data, which is what I want.
public void Save(EntityBase objectToSave)
if (objectToSave == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objectToSave"); }
Guid eTag = Guid.Empty;
if (objectToSave.Id != null)
eTag = RetrieveEtagFromCache(objectToSave);
using (IDocumentSession session = Database.OpenSession())
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;
session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
CacheEtag(objectToSave, session); // We have a new eTag after saving.
I absolutely want to do this the right way in the long run, but I don't know what that way is yet.
Edit: I'm going to make this the accepted answer until I find a better way.
Bob, why don't you just open up a new Session every time you want to refresh your data?
It has many trade-offs to open new sessions for every request, and your solution to optimistic concurrency (managing tags within your own singleton dictionary) shows that it was never intended to be used that way.
You said you have a WPF application. Alright, open a new Session on startup. Load and query whatever you want but don't close the Session until you want to refresh your data (e.g. a list of order, customers, i don't know...). Then, when you want to refresh it (after a user clicks on a button, a timer event is fired or whatever) dispose the session and open a new one. Does that work for you?

RavenDB - One client can't see changes from a different client

I'm running two instances of my application. In one instance, I save one of my entities. When I check the RavenDB (http://localhost:8080/raven), I can see the change. Then, in my other client, I do this (below), but I don't see the changes from the other application. What do I need to do in order to get the most recent data in the DB?
public IEnumerable<CustomVariableGroup> GetAll()
return Session
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults());
Edit: The code above works if I try to make a change and get a concurrency exception. After that, when I call refresh (which invokes the above code), it works.
Here is the code that does the save:
public void Save<T>(T objectToSave)
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
Session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
And here is the class that contains the Database and Session:
public abstract class DataAccessLayerBase
/// <summary>
/// Gets the database.
/// </summary>
protected static DocumentStore Database { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the session.
/// </summary>
protected static IDocumentSession Session { get; private set; }
static DataAccessLayerBase()
if (Database != null) { return; }
Database = GetDatabase();
Session = GetSession();
private static DocumentStore GetDatabase()
string databaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["databaseUrl"];
DocumentStore documentStore = new DocumentStore();
//documentStore.ConnectionStringName = "RavenDb"; // See app.config for why this is commented.
documentStore.Url = databaseUrl;
return documentStore;
private static IDocumentSession GetSession()
IDocumentSession session = Database.OpenSession();
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;
return session;
Lacking more detailed information and some code, I can only guess...
Please make sure that you call .SaveChanges() on your session. Without explicitly specifiying an ITransaction your IDocumentSession will be isolated and transactional between it's opening and the call to .SaveChanges. Either all operations succeed or none. But if you don't call it all your previous .Store calls will be lost.
If I was wrong, please post more details about your code.
EDIT: Second answer (after additional information):
Your problem has to do with the way RavenDB caches on the client-side. RavenDB by default caches every GET request throughout a DocumentSession. Plain queries are just GET queries (and no, it has nothing to do wheter your index in dynamic or manually defined upfront) and therefore they will be cached. The solution in your application is to dispose the session and open a new one.
I suggest you rethink your Session lifecycle. It seems that your sessions live too long, otherwise this concurrency wouldn't be an issue. If you're building a web-application I recommend to open and close the session with the beginning and the end of your request. Have a look at RaccoonBlog to see it implemented elegantly.
It looks like you have but a single session in the application, which isn't right. The following article talks about NHibernate, but the session management parts applies to RavenDB as well:
This code is meaningless:
Guid eTag = (Guid)Session.Advanced.GetEtagFor(objectToSave);
Session.Store(objectToSave, eTag);
It basically a no op, but one that looks important. You seems to be trying to work with a model where you have to manually manage all the saves, don't do that. You only need to manage things yourself when you create a new item, that is all.
As for the reason you get this problem, here is a sample:
var session = documentStore.OpenSession();
var post1 = session.Load<Post>(1);
// change the post by another client
post2 = session.Load<Post>(1); // will NOT go to the server, will give the same instance as post1
Sessions are short lived, and typically used in the scope of a single form / request.