How I can skip installing optional dependencies by 'npm ci'? - npm

How I can skip installing optional dependencies from package-lock.json by npm ci?

You can use npm ci --no-optional .
If npm still installs the optional package. Then try after removing package.lock.json and run the command again.

There was an error in NPM's implementation of npm ci --no-optional. It has been fixed in versions > 6.13.3 - maybe earlier versions as well, but I can only vouch for 6.13.4 and up.

I was facing this issue with CI workflow script and even "--no-optional" was not working
npm ci --no-optional
The above command only worked when I added the optional package as
"optionalDependencies": {
"fsevents": "^2.3.2"
in the package.json file

It's not a proper solution, rather an ugly one, but it helped me out. It looks like npm ci --no-optional doesn't work and probably never worked. But at the same time flag --production works. And if we afford mutating package.json (e.g. in a docker container) then...
So I wrote a simple script that:
reads package.json content
Object.assign(cfg.dependencies, cfg.devDependencies)
delete cfg.devDependencies
overwrites the initial package.json
So finally we have:
dependencies contains both normal & dev dependencies
devDependencies section is empty
optionalDependencies are intact
And when we run npm ci --production we got what we want - no optional dependencies (in my case cypress). Due to the fact that all these steps are performed inside of a docker container we can mutate package.json.
But I'm not sure that it'll help you too.

In order to make npm ci --no-optional skip/ignore an optional pacakge, it's important to understand how npm intracts with package.json and pacakge-lock.json.
npm install --no-optional (is only effective if pacakge-lock.json doesn't exists otherwise it would ignore --no-optional)*
npm ci --no-optional is only effective if pakcage-lock.json was already created with npm install --no-optional**.
* This means if you want to make an already installed package an optional, you can would have to
Add it "optionalDependencies": either manulally or through npm install pacakge-name --save-optional
Delete the pacakge-lock.json.
then run rm -rf node_modules/
Lastly run npm install --no-optional
Add this point npm ci --no-optional isn't suppose to install it.
** TIP: you could debug if a certian package is assigned as optional by running npm ls package-name
Note: This one the reason why its recommended to keep trak pacakge-lock.json with git repo of the project.


How can resolve the NPM issue? Stuck with npm start error

The issue I have is that npm start cannot start. I tried to fix with audit, deleted node_dependency directory and re-installed with npm, nothing works.
One concrete issue I see is:
The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:
"webpack": "4.44.2"
Yet, I also see npm -v webpack -> 6.14.14. How do I need to debug this?
Your npm -v webpack command is not correct. it will return npm version and not the webpack version.
Try npm ls webpack . you can also check your package.json file for the packages you have. or run npm ls for the full list.
make sure to install the required dependency as it states.
Eventually I could not solve the package problem with an informed debugging.
What I did was to (npm install --global yarn) and start the application through it (yarn start). It worked a lot to download the packages and eventually started the application.
So, I guess I need to switch to yarn after this point, which is ok, as long as it works :)

What is the NPM equivalent of "yarn install --frozen-lockfile"?

I'm using npm as part of me building the production docker image.
I want to make sure the package-lock.json doesn't change and matches.
You can use npm ci.
npm ci bypasses a package’s package.json to install modules from a package’s lockfile. This ensures reproducible builds—you are getting exactly what you expect on every install.

Is there a way of making "npm ci" install devDependencies, or "npm install" not update package-lock.json?

I'm trying to put together documentation for new developers installing our codebase on their local development environments. I'd like to give them command(s) that:
Installs both devDependencies and dependencies based on the versions in package-lock.json
Doesn't update package-lock.json
"npm ci" does almost exactly what I want, but doesn't seem to install devDependencies. "npm install" does install devDependencies, but it sometimes modifies package-lock.json.
I could imagine something janky like "npm install && git checkout package-lock.json", but I feel like there must be a more idiomatic way of saying "give me a clean install of this project's dependencies for development?"
npm ci does install both dependecies and dev dependencies. But if you use npm ci --production or if your NODE_ENV is set to production, then it avoids installing dev dependencies.
Please check docs here.
With the --production flag (or when the NODE_ENV environment
variable is set to production), npm will not install modules listed in
NOTE: The --production flag has no particular meaning when adding a
dependency to a project.
Override NODE_ENV variable
When your NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production, using npm ci will not install devDependencies. But if you still want to install devDependencies
npm ci --include=dev
will do the trick ;)
For versions older than NPM v7.x, use
npm ci --also=dev

npm5 equivalent to yarn's --pure-lockfile flag?

I'm looking for an equivalent for yarn's --pure-lockfile flag.
This flag is useful when installing dependencies in CI, when you want it to read your lockfile but not modify it.
Does npm v5 have an equivalent?
npm 5.7 introduced the npm ci subcommand:
the main differences between using npm install and npm ci are:
The project must have an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json.
If dependencies in the package lock do not match those in package.json, npm ci will exit with an error, instead of updating the package lock.
npm ci can only install entire projects at a time: individual dependencies cannot be added with this command.
If a node_modules is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins its install.
It will never write to package.json or any of the package-locks: installs are essentially frozen.
this is how I did in my dockerfile
RUN npm install --pure-lockfile
it should work perfect.

How do I force npm to reinstall a single package, even if the version number is the same?

In my Node.js project, I have a dependency on another local project. Oftentimes, I need to make a small change to the dependency and see how it affects my main project. In order to do this, I have to reinstall my dependency using npm.
I can use npm update to try to update my dependency, but this seems like it will only work if the version number has changed on the dependency. I don't want to have to change the version number on my dependency every time I change a line of code or two to make an experimental change in development.
I can rm -rf node_modules/; npm install to ensure that I get the latest versions of all of my dependencies. Downloading all of my non-local dependencies takes several minutes, breaking up my train of thought.
Is there a way to force npm to reinstall a single dependency, even if that dependency's version number hasn't changed?
When you run npm install, it will install any missing dependencies, so you can combine it with an uninstall like this:
npm uninstall some_module; npm install
With npm 5, uninstalled modules are removed from the package.json, so you should use:
npm uninstall some_module; npm install some_module
On npm v 6.14:
npm install module_name --force --no-save
You get a message stating:
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
And then it proceeds to uninstall and reinstall the package.
Note: if you don't specify the --no-save option, npm updates the package version on package.json to the highest version that is compatible with the existing SemVer rule.
If you do not want npm to update the package's version on package.json, keep the --no-save option.
Not the best answer, but just for information, you can run
npm ci
It is the same as npm install, but it will remove the existing node_modules folder, if any, and do a fresh install for all packages. This is useful if the files in node_modules have been changed for some reason and you want to revert them to their original state.