Grails sub query with createCriteria - sql

I have sql query like below
select transf, count(fname) from peak_info where fname in (select peakfile from pe_result where conid = 'GO:0006007' and fdr > 0.05) group by transf;
which I want to implement in grails create criteria. Currently, I am running the SQL query in bracket first and then run an outer query like below:
def test2 = PeResult.createCriteria()
def ptest=test2.list {
def peaknames = ptest.peakfile
def peakinfoFilter = PeakInfo.createCriteria()
def pifilter = peakinfoFilter.list {
'in'("fname", peaknames)

groupProperty "transF"
count "fname"

I was wondering if there are other ways doing this into one query instead of running two queries?

You probably can do something like this. Haven’t executed it but you got the idea. Have a look at subquery section of GORM.
def peakinfoFilter = PeakInfo.createCriteria()
def pifilter = peakinfoFilter.list {
'in' "fname", PeResult.where{
conid == conid.toString()
fdr > "0.05"
}. peakfile
groupProperty "transF"
count "fname"


Aliasing count() for several columns in a group by query in Exposed

I'm trying to create a query like the presented one in the ORM Exposed.
select t.a, t.b, count(*)
from table as t
group by t.a, t.b;
But it seems that .count() supports aliases only for one column, but here I need two columns:
val count = Table.Table.<somehow I need to push both fields a and b here>.count()
.slice(Table.Table.a, Table.Table.b, count)
.groupBy(Table.Table.a, Table.Table.b)
.map { row ->
state = row[Table.Table.a],
trigger = row[Table.Table.b],
count = row[count]
Are you have any ideas on how to do it?
val count = Count(stringLiteral("*"))
This will generate COUNT('*') in your query (which is a valid SQL expression, giving the same result as COUNT(*)).
If you want to get rid of these annoying quotes, you may do the following:
val asterisk = object : Expression<String>() {
override fun toQueryBuilder(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder) {
queryBuilder { +"*" }
val count = Count(asterisk)

Transforming Raw Sql to Laravel equolent

I have written this SQL code
SELECT drugs.*, COUNT(*) as 'views' from drugs INNER JOIN drug_seen on = drug_seen.drug_id GROUP BY order by views ASC
And now I am trying to write in in the Laravel equolent but I am facing some troubles.
This is what I have tried
$drugs = Drug::select(DB::raw('drugs.*,count(*) as views'))
->join('drug_seen', '', '')
I am having errors like column not found i think the code is not written properly
Drug class
class Drug extends Model
use HasFactory;
use SoftDeletes;
public function drugVisits()
return $this->hasMany(DrugSeen::class);
Hop this will solve your problem.
$drugs = Drug::with('drugVisits')->get();
$drugs->count(); //for total records in drugs table.
You have typo error in join instead on drug_id you use
Try this:
$drugs = Drug::select(DB::raw('drugs.*,count(*) as views'))
->join('drug_seen', '', 'drug_seen.drug_id')
As soon as you use join() you're leaving Eloquent and entering Query\Builder, losing the benefits of Model configurations in the process. And with() eager-loads aren't the answer, if you're looking to filter the results by both tables. What you want is whereHas().
Also, as far as your grouping and count manipulation there, I think you're looking more for Collection handling than SQL groups.
$drugModel = app(Drugs::class);
$results = $drugModel->whereHas('drugVisits')->with('drugVisits')->get();
$organizedResults = $results
->sortyBy(function (Drugs $drugRecord) {
return $drugRecord->drugVisits->count();
If you want to have a 'views' property that carries the count in the root-level element, it would look like this:
$drugModel = app(Drugs::class);
$results = $drugModel->whereHas('drugVisits')->with('drugVisits')->get();
$organizedResults = $results
->map(function (Drugs $drugRecord) {
$drugRecord->views = $drugRecord->drugVisits->count();
return $drugRecord;

How to map ONE-TO-MANY native query result into a POJO class using #SqlResultSetMapping

Im working in a backend API using Java and MySql, and I'm trying to use #SqlResultSetMapping in JPA 2.1 for mapping a ONE-TO-MANY native query result into a POJO class, this is the native query:
#NamedNativeQuery(name = "User.getAll”, query = "SELECT DISTINCT t1.ID, t1.RELIGION_ID t1.gender,t1.NAME,t1.CITY_ID , t2.question_id, t2.answer_id FROM user_table t1 inner join user_answer_table t2 on t1.ID = t2.User_ID“,resultSetMapping="userMapping")
And, here is my result SQL mapping:
name = "userMapping",
classes = {
targetClass = MiniUser.class,
columns = {
#ColumnResult(name = "id"),
#ColumnResult(name = "religion_id"),
#ColumnResult(name = "gender"),
#ColumnResult(name = "answers"),
#ColumnResult(name = "name"),
#ColumnResult(name = "city_id")
targetClass = MiniUserAnswer.class,
columns = {
#ColumnResult(name = "question_id"),
#ColumnResult(name = "answer_id")
And, here is the implementation of the POJO classes: (I just removed the constructor and the getters/setter)
MiniUser class
public class MiniUser {
String id;
String religionId;
Gender gender;
List<MiniUserAnswer> answers;
String name;
String city_id;
and the MiniUserAnswer class
public class MiniUserAnswer {
String questionId;
String answerId;
My goal is to execute this Query and return a list of MiniUser, and in each MiniUser: a list of his “answers", which is a list of MiniUserAnswer.
after running this code, I got this error:
The column result [answers] was not found in the results of the query.
I know why, it's because there is no “answers" field in the query select statement.
So, how can I accomplish something like this, considering the performance? This answers list may reach 100.
I really appreciate your help, Thanks in advance!
The query "SELECT DISTINCT t1.ID, t1.RELIGION_ID t1.gender, t1.NAME, t1.CITY_ID, t2.question_id, t2.answer_id" does not return a parameter called answers.
To obtain the result you are looking for I would use:
Option 1 (Criteria Builder)
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<UserTableEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(UserTableEntity.class);
Root<UserTableEntity> rootUserTable = cq.from(UserTableEntity.class);
Join<UserTableEntity,UserAnswerTableEntity> joinAnswerTable = rootUserTable.join( // if the relationship is defined as lazy, use "fetch" instead of "join"
//cq.where() NO WHERE CLAUSE
Option 2 (Named query, not native)
#NamedQuery(name = "User.getAll”, query = "SELECT t1 FROM UserTableEntityt1 join fetch t1.answers)
Option 3 (Entity subgraph, new in JPA 2.1)
In User Entity class:
#NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.User.Answers", attributeNodes = #NamedAttributeNode("answers"))
In DAO set hints in the entity manager:
EntityGraph graph = this.em.getEntityGraph("graph.User.Answers");
Map hints = new HashMap();
hints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", graph);

Grails query to filter on association and only return matching entities

I have the following 1 - M (one way) relationship:
Customer (1) -> (M) Address
I am trying to filter the addresses for a specific customer that contain certain text e.g.
def results = Customer.withCriteria {
eq "id", 995L
addresses {
ilike 'description', '%text%'
The problem is that this returns the Customer and when I in turn access the "addresses" it gives me the full list of addresses rather than the filtered list of addresses.
It's not possible for me to use Address.withCriteria as I can't access the association table from the criteria query.
I'm hoping to avoid reverting to a raw SQL query as this would mean not being able to use a lot functionality that's in place to build up criteria queries in a flexible and reusable manner.
Would love to hear any thoughts ...
I believe the reason for the different behavior in 2.1 is documented here
Specifically this point:
The previous default of LEFT JOIN for criteria queries across associations is now INNER JOIN.
IIRC, Hibernate doesn't eagerly load associations when you use an inner join.
Looks like you can use createAlias to specify an outer join example here:
My experience with this particular issue is from experience with NHibernate, so I can't really shed more light on getting it working correctly than that. I'll happily delete this answer if it turns out to be incorrect.
Try this:
def results = Customer.createCriteria().listDistinct() {
eq('id', 995L)
addresses {
ilike('description', '%Z%')
This gives you the Customer object that has the correct id and any matching addresses, and only those addresses than match.
You could also use this query (slightly modified) to get all customers that have a matching address:
def results = Customer.createCriteria().listDistinct() {
addresses {
ilike('description', '%Z%')
results.each {c->
println "Customer " +
c.addresses.each {address->
println "Address " + address.description
Here are the domain classes and the way I added the addresses:
class Customer {
String name
static hasMany = [addresses: PostalAddress]
static constraints = {
class PostalAddress {
String description
static belongsTo = [customer: Customer]
static constraints = {
//added via Bootstrap for testing
def init = { servletContext ->
def custA = new Customer(name: 'A').save(failOnError: true)
def custB = new Customer(name: 'B').save(failOnError: true)
def custC = new Customer(name: 'C').save(failOnError: true)
def add1 = new PostalAddress(description: 'Z1', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
def add2 = new PostalAddress(description: 'Z2', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
def add3 = new PostalAddress(description: 'Z3', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
def add4 = new PostalAddress(description: 'W4', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
def add5 = new PostalAddress(description: 'W5', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
def add6 = new PostalAddress(description: 'W6', customer: custA).save(failOnError: true)
When I run this I get the following output:
Customer A
Address Z3
Address Z1
Address Z2

Linq query using list output as input

I am using Linqpad and have odata connection setup.
I have a query as follows
void Main()
{var a = from cpuid in Computers
where cpuid.DnsHostName == "xyz"
select new {
ID = cpuid.TechnicalProductsHosted.Select (x => new { Id = x.Id }),
System_Dept = cpuid.SystemDepartment,
The output : it returns 4 ids but one department which is common among all four id's. When i query otherway round i.e
var a = from id in TechnicalProducts
where id.Id == "ID-15784"
select new
{System_Dept = id.Computers.Select(x => x.SystemDepartment),
Support_Team = id.Computers.Select(x => x.SupportTeam)
The output : 4 departments for the id. I wish to have the whole list of departments in the first case. How is it possible? In query 1 Can i take id as input for System Department and query it somehow?
the output samples