Diacritic chars encoding in API requests - api

I have one question about encoding diacritic chars in API request.
I can send via postman request GET /rest/city?query=Poznań, response is correct, in server logs city?query=Poznań is changed to city?query=Pozna%C5%84.
Also I have API test written in node.js (mocha, supertest) and here request GET /rest/city?query=Poznań return empty array, in server logs request method changed to GET /rest/city?query=PoznaD.
What's wrong with encoding in my API auto tests? Why ń changed to D?
Do You know how can I changed this to fix issue.
Also in logs city?query=Łódz changes in changes in city?query=Aódz

Ok, i have solution, just city?query=${encodeURI(Łódź)}


HTTP response body for server command request

I am solving one question with my team about REST API specification.
We have a case where in some requests we are sending only some particular command via HTTP request for example : We are using POST (now considering PATCH request) to endpoint : /server/startSomeOperation . Backend developers told us that this request is only telling hardware to start some functionality on backend that affects the measurement of the user but it really has nothing to return. My question is :
Should we (according to some REST API specification) always return body of such a request when we know that no additional returned data will be needed except HTTP status code? Until now we were strictly following the rule that every request needs to have some sort of body returned but until now every body response even when it was a command to a server made sense.
Should we (according to some REST API specification) always return body of such a request when we know that no additional returned data will be needed except HTTP status code?
No - it is perfectly fine to send a 204 No Content or a 205 Reset Content when the semantics of your response is well aligned with the standard meaning of those codes.
You also have the option of declaring that the "representation of the status of, or results obtained from, the action" is zero bytes long, in which case you could use a 200 OK with a Content-Length header.

RequestAdapter and MultipartFormData

Thank you for the nice work you put into this amazing library.
I have an issue with my request adapter but only with the MultipartFormData.
I want to be able to update the body of the request but when the request gets in the adapter, I'm getting a nil httpBody. I only get this behaviour on Multipart, not on classic POST requests.
I'm trying to sign the request with an oauth2 token (async), but the particularity of this API is that the token is sent in the body and not in the headers.
There's a body as the metrics in the response say (Request Body Transfer Bytes) 231306
I'm using Alamofire 5.0.0
This is most likely due to multipart forms using UploadRequests (and therefore URLSessionUploadTasks) which do not include the body data as part of the URLRequest for performance reasons. If you update your question with what you're trying to do to the body, perhaps I can provide an alternate solution. If nothing else, you could manually create multipart uploads by using MultipartFormData.encode() directly and adding the Data to a URLRequest, but that's not recommended for large uploads.

JMeter - can not assign password variable correctly

I set username and password from CSV file user:sysadmin, pass:"Pass#123456" but password is encrypted wrong upon request
The fact you see it as Pass#123456 doesn't necessarily mean that JMeter is sending wrong data, it might be either by intention due to string-based request representation in Raw form of request inspection in the View Results Tree listener or by accident (just a bug in it. You can check JMeter Issue Tracker to see whether similar issues were reported already)
In the mean time try switching to the HTTP tab of the View Results Tree listener:
Or double check what you're sending using a sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark
But first of all I would recommend verifying your CSV data via Debug Sampler or temporarily switching to hard-coded (not parameterized) data to see if it resolves your issue.
# is encoded when sending HTTP request.
You need to add HTTP Header Manager with variable name Content-Type with value application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
This will tell the server that the values need to be decoded

Sending GET request parameters in body

I have an API which accepts many parameters.
Passing the values of the parameters will exceed the length of the URL Header.
I am using Postman client to pass the parameters in the body but this is not working any ideas on how to make this work.
The API accepts many parameters because the backend is legacy and is exposed as an API by a service bus.
Older versions of Postman didn't allow you to send body data with get request.
Yet, if your server receives data as URL parameters you won't be able just to change the way of sending them and include them to the body (server won't accept them).
So if the length of parameters is indeed so big and the server indeed can receive the same data from body instead of from parameters then the Postman is just not the tool that you can use (maybe cURL is for you).
If your server allows to send data only as URL parameters and they are so long (more then 2000 chars What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?) then I think you have no chances to test this API.
UPDATE: new Version 7.20.1 now allows to send Body with GET request
Change the request type to POST.
Set the value of your body
Change request type to GET
Send request and the body is included
Postman is already added this feature of sending body in get
But i still i recommended to go for post request (if body is present) since many projects like angular http client does't have updated protocols yet.
Latest Postman supports body object for Get request
just choose json format as shown in pic above
If you want to make a GET request in Postman then you can use Params or Body to pass parameters, but not both. Either Params only or Body only. If you specify both Params and Body, Postman will select and send only Params (in GET request of course). So if you want it to send Body, clear Params.

Objective-C iOS NSURLConnection statusCode 400 No body returned

not really sure where to start here other then to dive into CF (I REALLY don't want to do that) but....
I have an NSURLConnection signing OAuth2 requests to an ASP.NET WebAPI Resource Server, this resource server returns JSON body AND statusCode 400. I have yet to find a way to parse the data from the response when it returns code 400.
Does anyone here have any ideas? I would prefer to keep using NSURLConnection as this is only an OAuth2 consumer class. My other code is using restkit, but I do not want the OAuth2 end to require said library.
The process to parse data from a request which returns status 400 should be identical to that of a request returning status 200.
Simply note the status code in -connection:didReceiveResponse: and allow the request to continue; you will receive any additional data that the server sends in -connection:didReceiveData: as usual. Finally, you'll get a -connectionDidFinishLoading: call when all data has been received, and you can parse the JSON there.
Does your HTTP request Accept header specify "application/json"? If so, then this is probably an IIS bug and not iOS.
Interestingly enough, MVC4 ActionResult is broken in the RTM. Switching it over to Pure WebApi and fine tuning the response, I was able to finesse it into returning the proper data, it was likely serializing the json improperly which other languages weren't catching.