AspNet core 2.1 SignalR Angular 7 -

I want to add a comment to a specific user and, if that user at the moment online,then that user to show a notification regarding to that comment.
And later I want to add messaging system too.
I followed many articles, they are using #aspnet/signalr-client package in angular app.But I can't install it and occurs this error
This package has been deprecated. Use '#aspnet/signalr' instead.
I wasted much time for this problem.
Can you please give me an article or any other code related to this problem.
What I want to know is,
How to connect user with server and connected users between communication.then
When user log into system after that user's friends to indicate
current user in their friends list.
If that user logout / disconnect then also that users friends to
indicate it.
If a specific user to add comment then that user online at that
moment,that user to see is it as a notification
3rd one is very important.If someone can give a piece of code for this,very helpful to me

You need to use #aspnet/signalr package which is stated in GitHub Repository of AspNetCore
Here is Samples which you can take a look.
For basic tutorial (simply how to start): Reference


How to enable registrationless auth (magic-links) with keycloak

we are trying to build an application which is accessable via onetime passwords without a "user" having the need to register.
We did came accross the term magic-links sent via email, but there is only some old experimental keycloack extention for this.
Is there any way to build some auth flow like the following with keycloack?
User A is a fully registered User creating some document. This document needs some interaction with a Third Party Person (TPP) not registered.
Now User A sends an E-Mail invite to the TPP with a link to the document. When the TPP opens the link our application should ask for the email address and send a magic link or code to this email. Whith that email or magic code the user gets access to the document for the time it takes to complete the approval process. After the work of the TTP is done, the access should expire (or expire automatically after X days not used).
It does sound quite similar to what is possible with SaaS offerings like or but we are using keycloack and would like to integrate it into it as well.
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this with keycloak?
I know this is outdated, but perhaps someone else coming along may find this useful. There is a newer implementation of this feature provided here:
We have found it usable and useful for our needs and works well in the latest version of Keycloak (18.x).

How to get current user permissions using JIRA SOAP API?

I'm developing a JIRA Client using the SOAP API and I want to check in advance what features the user will have available.
For example I don't want to show a button to comment on an issue if the user doesn't have Add Comments RemotePermission.
I tried with getAllPermissions method, but it seems it gets all permissions int the application, not the ones that the user has.
Not easy. There is a method for checking comment permission in 4.4 but not for all permissions in general, IIRC., com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.beans.RemoteComment)
Better to go with REST if you can.

Using the same credentials to login to two Joomla! sites (1.5 & 1.6)

I am looking for a way for my users to be able to login to both of my Joomla sites (one running 1.5 and the other 1.6) using the same credentials. For example, if a user registers to my Joomla1.5 portal, when they use that same info for my Joomla1.6, they get logged in without having to re-register and vice versa.
I guess an authentication plugin would be the best solution in combination with a XML-RPC service? Joomla1.5 site's plugin is triggered which "communicates" with the Joomla1.6 site where the user is already registered, if the credentials check out, a new user is created and the user automatically gets logged in.
Thanks in advance for any ideas/help.
You are trying to do two very different things that will require two very different plugins. First, you need a bridge to handle user table synchronization. You not only have to create a user for each site, you have to sync everything about both accounts each time anything changes. This would include changing email address, password, or even user name plus any other related data such as the use groups that the user belongs to. A good place to start would be jFusion, which is designed to bridge Joomla with other software packages but can certainly be modified to bridge Joomla sites. JFusion also has the added advantage of creating user sessions for each connected software package for a single unified login, which would be the second piece of the puzzle you would need to solve once you get the users sorted out.

visiting users Facebook ID w/out authorization?

I have a native (FBML) Facebook Application. I do not want to push the application visitors through the authorization process, however I do want to know their Facebook ID.
Is it possible to find the visiting users Facebook ID without requiring them to "Authorize" my Application?
Before, I said it couldn't be done - but it can.
Read that, it's excellent. You need to decode the Base64 string and check the signature is correct, but other than that it gets you the user id among other stuff (like a temporary access token for
REMEMBER : You need to change the settings in the Migrations tab for the information to come through! It's a vital step, but can be overlooked...
Hope this helps :)

How can I customize a twitter client in objective c

I am designing a twitter iPhone app for my school. I wanted to moderate the users who can access the school account. In simple terms i do not want to use the original twitter server but make it local to only few users. Simply lets say a twitter for class. This will be running on our server and only few people can access it. I am very cofused about this any open sugeestions would help me.
Please help
Simplest way - twitter allows "protected profiles", where only users you are following can see your updates.. This is basically a whitelist of people who can see your statuses..
If you wish to allow multiple users to post from the same account, without hardcoding the twitter account into the application.. you could create your own API, essentially just a proxy for the twitter API..
You could then add your own level of authentication over this, so each user would have their own account (and you don't give out the shared account's login details)
In pseudo code, the application would be something like..
if request['username'] not in ['bob', 'alice']:
raise AuthError
if request['password'] != ['theuserspassword']:
raise AuthError
twitter_api = TwitterLibrary.login("sharedaccount", "secretpassword")
switch request['api_method']:
case "getPublicTimeline":
return twitter_api.getPublicTimeline()
case "postStatus":
return twitter_api.postStatus(request['something'])
Final option I can think of - you could run your own Twitter-like site.. There are plenty of "twitter clones", such as (which is the code that runs and several other similar projects have Twitter-compatible API's, so you could quite easily take an open-source client (NatsuLiphone for example), and, with permission, rebrand and modify it to use the URL of your own site.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "not want to use the original twitter server". If you only want a few people to see the updates from that classes twitter account you could protect the updates and only allow students to follow the account.
However, this should help you create/customize your own twitter iPhone application. This is a link to Stanford's CS-193P course on Cocoa Development. The assignments in the class are creating and customizing a twitter client. All of the project files are available online.
I hope this helps.
Create a regular twitter app that requires credentials, don't hard code the credentials in the app. Problem solved. Anybody could get the app on their phone, but only people previously authenticated on twitter would be able to actually use it. If you want to use Oauth you have do this anyway.