I am unable to use the SQL Server database diagram functionality - sql-server-2012

I am unable to access the SQL Server database diagramming functionality. I get an error:
A member of db_owner must use the database diagramming functionality
When I contacted my service provider they said that they did not grant me the db_owner role and I need to upgrade to VPS-server. I tried to find my permission using a script and I got the following: https://prnt.sc/m1swe9
Is there any workaround for the issue, can I request for a less privileged role?

To use Database Diagram Designer it must first be set up by a member of the db_owner role (a role of SQL Server databases) to control access to diagrams.
Some points to keep in mind about diagram ownership:
• Although any user with access to a database can create a diagram, once the diagram has been created, the only users who can see it are the diagram's creator and any member of the db_owner role.
• Ownership of diagrams can only be transferred to members of the db_owner role. This is only possible if the previous owner of the diagram has been removed from the database.
• If the owner of a diagram has been removed from the database, the diagram will remain in the database until a member of the db_owner role attempts to open it. At that point the db_owner member can choose to take over ownership of the diagram.
Please refer to the similar thread, Aaron gave two workarounds:
1. In a Logon trigger, update the principal_id of all diagrams to be the current login. This means they will have access to all diagrams until the next person logs in.
2. Use a trigger on the sysdiagrams table itself, and whenever a diagram is created or updated, add / update a copy for each principal (with their user name appended).
Thread link: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/43946/permission-required-to-view-a-database-diagram


'dbo' user should not be used for normal service operation

When I scan my database, it shows one of the result like VA1143 'dbo' user should not be used for normal service operation in A Vulnerability Assessment scan
They have suggested to "Create users with low privileges to access the DB and any data stored in it with the appropriate set of permissions."
I have browse regarding the same to all form but cannot get the correct suggestion yet. Could you please suggested your idea or where i have to create the user and grand the permission. Since we have only one schema structure in our DB.
About "Create users with low privileges to access the DB and any data stored in it with the appropriate set of permissions.", the first thing you should know is the Database-Level Roles.
Create users with low privileges means that the use does not have the alter database permission.
When we create the user for the database, we need to grant the roles to it to control it's permission to the database.
For example, bellow the the code which create a read-only user for SQL database:
--Create login in master DB
USE master
CREATE LOGIN reader WITH PASSWORD = '<enterStrongPasswordHere>';
--create user in user DB
USE Mydatabase
CREATE USER reader FOR LOGIN reader;
--set the user reader as readonly user
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'reader';
For more details, please reference:
Authorizing database access to authenticated users to SQL Database
and Azure Synapse Analytics using logins and user accounts
Hope this helps.
When designing and building databases, one the principal mechanisms for security must be the "least privilege principal". This means that you only give permissions that are absolutely necessary. No application should need to be the database owner in order to operate. This role should be highly restricted to only administration types. Instead, you create a more limited role for the application. It can include access to every single table, all the procedures, but it won't be able to do things like, for example, drop the database.
This is step one to a defense in depth of your system in order to properly and appropriately secure it. It helps with all levels of security issues from simple access to SQL Injection. That's why it's included as part of the vulnerability assessment. It's a real vulnerability.
Yes resolved the issue after creating the least privilege role and assigned to the user. But its leading to different below vulnerable issue's for the newly added user with least privilege role. Any lead will be helpful on this
1.VA2130 Track all users with access to the database
2. VA2109 - Minimal set of principals should be members of fixed low impact database roles

What privileges are needed to create\delete tables on a Microsoft SQL Server? Is dbowner ok?

I am not so into SQL Server and I have the following doubt: I have to require the creation of an user that can work on some databases. This user have to create\delete table, insert\delete records in these tables.
What type of permission have to be set for this user on these databases? Is dbowner ok to perform these operations? (in particular is very important that this user can create\delete tables) or am I missing something?
Just to understand first the benefits of using roles :
Roles are a part of the tiered security model:
Login security—Connecting to the server
Database security—Getting access to the database
Database objects—Getting access to individual database objects and
Predefined database roles
You may need to create your own, but you have access to several predefined database roles:
db_owner: Members have full access.
db_accessadmin: Members can manage Windows groups and SQL Server
db_datareader: Members can read all data.
db_datawriter: Members can add, delete, or modify data in the tables.
db_ddladmin: allows a user to create, drop, or modify any objects within a database, regardless of who owns.
db_securityadmin: Members can modify role membership and manage
db_bckupoperator: Members can back up the database.
db_denydatareader: Members can’t view data within the database.
db_denydatawriter: Members can’t change or delete data in tables or
Fixed roles :
The fixed server roles are applied serverwide, and there are several predefined server roles:
SysAdmin: Any member can perform any action on the server.
ServerAdmin: Any member can set configuration options on the server.
SetupAdmin: Any member can manage linked servers and SQL Server
startup options and tasks.
Security Admin: Any member can manage server security.
ProcessAdmin: Any member can kill processes running on SQL Server.
DbCreator: Any member can create, alter, drop, and restore databases.
DiskAdmin: Any member can manage SQL Server disk files.
BulkAdmin: Any member can run the bulk insert command.
From the SQL Documentation:
Members of the db_owner fixed database role can perform all
configuration and maintenance activities on the database, and can also
drop the database in SQL Server.
Are you certain that is the right that you want to grant this user? It seems like a more restricted set of permissions would be more suitable for them.
For example, the roles db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter could be more suitable:
Members of the db_ddladmin fixed database role can run any Data
Definition Language (DDL) command in a database.
Members of the db_datareader fixed database role can read all data
from all user tables.
Members of the db_datawriter fixed database role can add, delete, or
change data in all user tables.
Alternatively, you can grant specific privileges to the user account against that database and it's user objects in order to restrict their access to the functionality subset you want.

How can I alter user roles in Azure SQL Database?

I have got myself into a little bit of a bind, using SQL Server Management Studio to create a database in Azure SQL. My issue appears to be with assigning roles to users in the database. When I created the database, it prompted me to create a new login, with an associated user, that appeared to have all the rights of a database owner. However, I am now trying to create two additional logins and I realize I am screwed. The login that I created when I made the database isn't the database owner, even though I could do all the DDL / DML necessary to create the full schema under that account. I created an additional login, and I added two users to that login. I now want to add that login to a role (db_datareader, db_denywrite) but I cannot.
It appears that the database owner is a user / login called "dbo" that I did not set up. This is the only user that is added as a database owner, and subsequently is the only one that can edit roles. But I do not know the login credentials for this user!
if I use what I believed to be the administrator account (the one I made) to add a role I get the error:
Cannot alter the role 'db_datareader', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
How can I fix this? How can I get my original account added as a DB Owner? There has got to be a way, but everything I tried points to the fact that I am not the owner of the resource I created; I'm an outcast in my own country...

SQL Server 2012 - What is the purpose of assigning ownership of a schema to a user?

Microsoft's docs on schema ownership don't go beyond saying "Schemas can be owned by any database principal, and a single principal can own multiple schemas." (MSDN doc)
I get that schemas are a way of containing different security permissions, but what is the purpose of assigning an owner to a schema and what special privileges does that user who owns the schema receive as opposed to simply being a member of the schema?
An owner of a schema is like the sysadmin within that schema, can create , drop, select , update, delete , alter objects, give permissions to other users , revoker permissions of other users and pretty much everything .
On the other hand a user with in a schema can only do the operations according to what database role was given to them , for example will be assigned these permission as Permission to create objects, db_datareader can only issue select statements against tables, db_datawriter can do inserts/updates and the list goes on.
You dont want every user who has access to database to do all sorts of operations, some people will have less access some will requires more access, hence the different roles to suit user specific needs.
Ownership of schema has it roots with the problem we had in past before sql server 2005 when there were no schemas and objects were owned by users. To separate users from objects schemas were introduced and the concept of "Schema Ownership" was introduced, it is just another way of saying that this user has all the permissions in a schema.

SQL Server Management Studio Display Database Diagrams (ER) Permissions

I was wondering if anybody knew exactly what permissions where needed on a database in SQL Server 2005+ so that when a person uses SQL Server Management Studio, they could then be able to at minimum see the Database Diagrams.
I have tried giving the person db_datareader, db_datawriter, and db_ddladmin, but to no avail.
I have also tried giving them access in the Properties → Effective Permissions of the user. Under Effective Permissions, I could not find the database object type for "database diagrams" or anything like that to give the user access to.
They are running SQL Server Management Studio (non-express version.)
Any help would be great.
FYI, I did not want to give them db_owner access.
As to one of the comments: Yes, the database is an SQL Server 2005 database.
As to one of the answers, moving the DB from production to development is not an option.
Giving admin rights is not the right approach, you need to be Database Owner for Database Diagrams, check out this thread for more details.
First you need to set up Diagram Designer (you need to be db_owner for that). Just expand the Diagrams node, and press 'Yes' to enable diagramming.
After that all other db users can create diagrams and see their own diagrams. Only db_owner can see other's diagrams.
Also the db_owner can change diagram owner to himself, but the original owner must be removed from database before doing that.
Copy the database to a development system, and grant the developers administrative rights. Anything else is a waste of time (like researching this question.)
See this post for better explanations.