how to disable auto tab after pressing enter and losing focus of textbox - xaml

I have an Event Handler for a keyDownEvent in a TextBox. Now when I press Enter this Event Handler changes the Visibility to Collapsed and the TextBox hides. the Problem with it is that this obviously unfocus the TextBox and foucus sth. else in my App. How can I disable this autofocus of another element and focus nothing?
I have tried the following but i am really screwed.
if (e->Key == Windows::System::VirtualKey::Enter) {
this->mode = ITEM_MODE::SELECT; // will Change Visibility to Collapsed
e->Handled = true;
Thanks for your help! <3

how to disable auto tab after pressing enter and losing focus of textbox
Derive from official document,
UseSystemFocusVisuals used to get or set a value that indicates whether the control uses focus visuals that are drawn by the system or those defined in the control template.
You could set control UseSystemFocusVisuals property as False. Then next control will not be focused by system.
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Name="RootLayout" IsTapEnabled="False" >
<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="44" KeyDown="TextBox_KeyDown" />
<Button Content="FouceElement" UseSystemFocusVisuals="False"/>
<Button Content="NextBtn" UseSystemFocusVisuals="False"/>

In case you just don't want the auto-focused item to have focus indicator shown, you can change the Focus type to FocusState.Pointer.
Example (C#):
object focusedElement = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement();
((Control)focusedElement).Focus(FocusState.Pointer); // This will hide focus indicator


Xamarin.Forms UWP Size of Elements doesn't work

I'm new to Xamarin.
When I try to insert a Button or a BoxView I can set the "HeightRequest" and "WidthRequest" Parameters but the elements are just filling the whole screen.
What am I doing wrong?
You have done nothing wrong, but you missed some key procedure. you did not set LayoutOptions of Button or BoxView. The following code could make element size effected.
<Button Text="click me"
As you know, the button control is inherited from the View. The default value of VerticalOptions dependency property is LayoutOptions.Fill. And it also works for HorizontalOptions. So if you did not set value for VerticalOptions and HorizontalOptions, the control will fill the whole screen.

How to make button bound to ICommand enable/disable when text changes, as opposed to losing focus of TextBox

I have a Windows Store XAML app with a "Save" button, which points to an ICommand property in my ViewModel.
<Button Content="Save"
Command="{Binding DataContext.SaveNewNote, ElementName=grid, Mode=OneWay}"
CommandParameter="{Binding DataContext.CurrentItem, ElementName=grid}" />
on the propertychanged event of my Note model, that fires the CanExecutedChanged event - every time (every keystroke). However, this button will only enable/disable once I leave focus of one of the related textboxes.
In other words, there is a "Name" textbox. If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name.Text), then CanExecute is set to false. This seems to execute with every keystroke.
I would expect to see this bound Save button enable and disable with each keystroke. HOWEVER, instead, I see the button enable/disable only when I tab out of the textbox.
How can I get this bound button to respect the CanExecuteChanged event on every keystroke, instead of when the texbox loses focus?
The comments by #will and #patrick on the original post both had the correct answer. To do this, you must set the "UpdateSourceTrigger" to "PropertyChanged" and that gives the intended results.
<TextBox Grid.Row="1" PlaceholderText="Enter a short description here"
Text="{Binding NoteAbstract, Mode=TwoWay,

Windows 8 - GridView does not return SelectedItem when a button inside an item is clicked

I am working on a Win8 Metro Application. I am using a GridView. In GridView's ItemTemplate, I have 3 buttons (Button1, Button2, Button3). So, on my screen, if I have 5 GridView Items at a time, then I will see 5x3 = 15 buttons.
The problem is that if any of these buttons is clicked, I am unable to trace parent GridView Item.
Amongst GridView's properties, "SelectedIndex" (or SelectedItem) properties are there. However, its value is set when GridView item is clicked, (not when a button inside GridViewItem is clicked). So, on clicking button, SelectedIndex remains -1.
How can I find out on ButtonClick that who is the parent item of this button?
From reading your replies in comments, it seems like you want to get the reference to the underlying data item rather than the grid item itself. That being the case, do the following in your button click handler...
Void Button_Click(sender, e)
var btn = (Button)sender;
var dc = btn.DataContext as MyBoundType; // don't forget to check for null!
var itemId = dc.Id; // assuming your object has an Id field
Bind the CommandParameter of the button to the parent item like this:
Command="{Binding RemoveCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource=
{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}}"

Navigate to the last frame from SwapChainBackgroundPanel

I am writing a Windows Store app using C++/XAML with DirectX interop - SwapChainBackgroundPanel.
The application is based on the template "Split Page". From each list view item, a DirectX page may be launched using code below.
Window::Current->Content = ref new MyD3Components::DirectXPage();
This is working fine and DirectX page opens up and plays very well.
What I would like to have a button in the app bar which helps user to go back and display the "Split Page" to allow selecting another DirectX page. This I have not been able to accomplish yet.
Among several things I have tried, below is the most logical one to my opinion. It gives a "Platform::DisconnectedException" when user wants to go back to the last page.
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Frame^ rootFrame = SDL::App::GetRootFrame();
Window::Current->Content = rootFrame;
Please look to see if you have a suggestion or better a solution.
Here the sample example for your question :
What i am creating : 2 pages...
You will have (go to page 2)link on page 1...If u click that,the second page should appear that says "Page 2" at the top. Notice that there is a back button to the left of the page title. Click the button to return to the first page...
1.) Find the TextBlock element named pageTitle and change the Text property to Page 1. The XAML should look like this:
<TextBlock x:Name="pageTitle" Grid.Column="1" Text="Page 1"
Style="{StaticResource PageHeaderTextStyle}"/>
2.)Add the following XAML as a second child element to the root Grid. The StackPanel element should be a sibling to the Grid that contains the back button and page title.
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1"
<HyperlinkButton Content="Click to go to page 2" Click="HyperlinkButton_Click_1"/>
3.)Make the following changes to BasicPage2.xaml.
Find the TextBlock element named pageTitle and change the Text property to Page 2. The XAML should look like this:
<TextBlock x:Name="pageTitle" Grid.Column="1" Text="Page 2"
Style="{StaticResource PageHeaderTextStyle}"/>
4.)Add the following XAML as a second child element to the root Grid. The StackPanel element should be a sibling to the Grid that contains the back button and page title.
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1"
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="tb1" Text="Hello World!"/>
5.)Add the following code to the BasicPage1 class in BasicPage1.Xaml.cs
private void HyperlinkButton_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
6.)Now that we've prepared the new pages, we need to make BasicPage1 the first thing that appears when the app starts. Open app.xaml.cs and change the OnLaunched method to call Frame.Navigate by using BasicPage1 instead of the BlankPage. The entire OnLaunched method should look like the following:
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
// Create a Frame to act navigation context and navigate to the first page
var rootFrame = new Frame();
// Place the frame in the current window and ensure that it is active
Window.Current.Content = rootFrame;
Now you are ready to test the app. Start the app, and click the link that says Click to go to page 2. The second page should appear that says "Page 2" at the top. Notice that there is a back button to the left of the page title. Click the button to return to the first page.
Thats it! hope it helps u.
After a bit of trial and error, I am in the position to answer my own question. It seems that all I needed to do was to remove my rendering callbackfrom the CompositionTarget.
It was added like below.
m_eventToken = CompositionTarget::Rendering::add(ref new Windows::Foundation::EventHandler<Object^>(this, &DirectXPage::OnRendering));
Before replacing the current window and activating it, I called below.
I guessed this helped DirectX not to output to rendering pipeline and complain (disconnectedexception) when the target is not there.

How do you utilize the flipview and make a "selection" by tapping or clicking the screen?

In Win 8, the flipview control is a great control to browse the collection. But how or what is the best way to make a "selection" with a tap or a mouse click? I can always put a button outside of the flip view, but that's not the touch experience that everyone of a tablet would expect.
can someone give some example code (XAML/C#) of how to setup a flipview control with a selection of some sort that would navigate to a totally different page?
I wrote some sample code that works, if I'm understanding the question correctly. I am able to swipe through the FlipView and tap the individual item:
<FlipView Tapped="FlipView_Tapped_1">
<Image Source="Images/Apple.jpg" />
<Image Source="Images/Orange.jpg" />
<Image Source="Images/Banana.jpg" />
And then
private YourTypeHere SelectedItem;
private void FlipView_Tapped_1(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
this.SelectedItem = (sender as FlipView).SelectedItem;
You might not want to set a field, but you get the idea. Hopefully, you will be setting something in your view model. From there you can nav away or anything you need. A FlipView inherits from ItemsControl just like every other XAML repeater. So you can treat it exactly the same.