Elixir - Manipulating a 2 dimensional list - arraylist

Hope everybody is having a beautiful 2019 even though we're just a day in.
I am currently working on a small Phoenix app where I'm manipulating PDF files (in the context of this question I'm splitting them) and then uploading them to S3. Later on I have to delete the temporary files created by pdftk ( a pdf tool ) I use to split them up and also show the s3 links in the response body since this is an API request.
The way I have structured this is as following:
Inside my Split module where the core business logic is:
filenames = []
s3_links = []
Enum.map(pages, fn(item) ->
split_filename = item
|> split(filename)
link = split_filename
|> FileHelper.result_file_bytes()
|> ManageS3.upload()
|> FileHelper.save_file(work_group_id, pass)
[filenames ++ split_filename, s3_links ++ link]
|> transform()
{filenames, s3_links}
The important things are split_filename and link
This is what I'm getting when I call an IO.inspect in the transform() method:
The structuring is [[filename, s3_link], [filename, s3_link]] whereas the desired outcome would be that of [ [list of all filenames], [list of s3 links].
If anybody can lend a hand I would be super grateful. Thanks in advance!

Assigning filenames = []; s3_links = [] in the very beginning makes zero sense. Enum.map already maps the input. What you need is probably Enum.reduce/3.
Don’t use the pipe |> operator when the pipe consists of the only call, it is considered an anti-pattern by Elixir core team.
Always start pipes with a term.
Reduce the input into the result using Enum.reduce/3 directly to what you need.
|> Enum.reduce([[], []], fn item, [files, links] ->
split_filename = split(item, filename)
link =
|> FileHelper.result_file_bytes()
|> ManageS3.upload()
|> FileHelper.save_file(work_group_id, pass)
[[split_filename | files], [link | links]]
|> Enum.map(&Enum.reverse/1)
|> IO.inspect(label: "Before transform")
|> transform()
You did not provide the input to test it, but I believe it should work.

Instead of working on lists of lists, you may want to consider using tuples with lists. Something like the following should work for you.
List.foldl(pages, {[], []}, fn(item, {filenames, links}) ->
filename = split(item, filename)
link =
|> FileHelper.result_file_bytes()
|> ManagerS3.upload()
|> FileHelper.save_file(work_group_id, pass)
{[filename | filenames], [link | links]}
This will return a value that looks like
Though, depending on how you are using these values, maybe a list of tuples would be more appropriate. Something like
Enum.map(pages, fn(item) ->
filename = split(item, filename)
link =
|> FileHelper.result_file_bytes()
|> ManageS3.upload()
|> FileHelper.save_file(work_group_id, pass)
{filename, link}
would return
{"87cdcd73-5b27-4757-a472-78aaf6cc6864.pdf", "Some_S3_LINK00"},
{"0ab460ca-5019-4864-b0ff-343966c7d72a.pdf", "Some_S3_LINK01"}


How do you iterate a List (Maybe a)

I have the following graphQL result:
[Just { details = Just "Engine failure at 33 seconds and loss of
vehicle", launch_year = Just "2006", links = Just { article_link =
}, mission_name = Just "FalconSat" }]
Based on the following types:
type alias Launch =
{ mission_name : Maybe String
, details : Maybe String
, launch_year : Maybe String
, links : Maybe LaunchLinks
type alias Launches =
Maybe (List (Maybe Launch))
type alias LaunchLinks =
{ article_link : Maybe String
I want to List.map through and display the results in unordered list. I started with this:
renderLaunch : Launches -> Html Msg
renderLaunch launches =
div [] <|
case launches of
Nothing ->
[ text "Nothing here" ]
Just launch ->
|> List.map (\x -> x)
|> ul []
But I keep getting this error:
This function cannot handle the argument sent through the (|>) pipe:
141| launch 142| |> List.map (\x
-> x) 143| |> ul []
^^^^^ The argument is:
List (Maybe Launch)
But (|>) is piping it a function that expects:
List (Html msg)
The problem is that the Just launch case needs to result in a List (Html msg) but the code results in a different type being returned.
When you are using List.map (\x -> x), it is essentially a no-op. You are iterating over a List (Maybe Launch) and returning the same thing. I'd recommend creating another function that takes a Maybe Launch value and use that as your mapping function. For example:
displayLaunch : Maybe Launch -> Html Msg
displayLaunch launch =
case launch of
Nothing -> text "No launch"
Just l -> text (Debug.toString l)
Now you can plug that into your mapping function:
Just launch ->
|> List.map displayLaunch
|> ul []
But, whoops! Now you get a new error indicating:
The 2nd branch is:
Html Msg
But all the previous branches result in:
List (Html msg)
The problem here is that we are now returning a ul from the Just launch branch and we need to return a list of html. You can use List.singleton to create a list with just one item:
Just launch ->
|> List.map displayLaunch
|> ul []
|> List.singleton

Elixir - testing a full script

I'm writing a test to check a function (called automatically by GenServer when a new file enters a folder) that calls other functions in the same module with pipes in order to read a file, process its content to insert it if needed and returns a list (:errors and :ok maps).
results looks like :
error: "Data not found",
ok: %MyModule{
field1: field1data,
field2: field2data
ok: %MyModule{
field1: field1data,
field2: field2data
error: "Data not found"
the code :
def processFile(file) do
insertResultsMap =
|> getLines()
|> extractMainData()
|> Enum.map(fn(x) -> insertLines(x) end)
|> Enum.group_by(fn x -> elem(x, 0) end)
handleErrors(Map.get(insertResultsMap, :error))
updateAnotherTableWithLines(Map.get(insertResultsMap, :ok))
defp getLines(docContent) do
String.split(docContent, "\n")
defp extractMainData(docLines) do
Enum.map(fn(x) -> String.split(x, ",") end)
defp insertLines([field1, field2, field3, field4]) do
Attrs = %{
field1: String.trim(field1),
field2: String.trim(field2),
field3: String.trim(field3),
field4: String.trim(field4)
defp handleErrors(errors) do
{:ok, file} = File.open(#errorsFile, [:append])
saveErrors(file, errors)
defp saveErrors(_, []), do: :ok
defp saveErrors(file, [{:error, changeset}|rest]) do
changes = for {key, value} <- changeset.changes do
"#{key} #{value}"
errors = for {key, {message, _}} <- changeset.errors do
"#{key} #{message}"
errorData = "data: #{Enum.join(changes, ", ")} \nErrors: #{Enum.join(errors, ", ")}\n\n"
IO.binwrite(file, errorData)
saveErrors(file, rest)
defp updateAnotherTableWithLines(insertedLines) do
Enum.map(insertedLines, fn {:ok, x} -> updateOtherTable(x) end)
defp updateOtherTable(dataForUpdate) do
"CLOSE" -> otherModule.doStuff(dataForUpdate.field1, dataForUpdate.field2)
I have several questions, and some will be pretty basic since I'm still learning :
What do you think of the code ? Any advices ? (take into account I voluntarily obfuscated names).
If I want to test this, is it the right way to test only processFile function ? Or should I make public more of them and test them individually ?
When I test the processFile function, I check that I'm receiving a list. Any way to make sure this list has only elements I'm waiting for, thus error: "String" or ok: %{}" ?
What do you think of the code? Any advices? (take into account I voluntarily obfuscated names).
Opinion based.
If I want to test this, is it the right way to test only processFile function?
Or should I make public more of them and test them individually?
No, this is an implementation detail and testing it is an anti-pattern.
When I test the processFile function, I check that I'm receiving a list. Any way to make sure this list has only elements I'm waiting for, thus error: "String" or ok: %{}"?
You receive a Keyword. To check the explicit value, one might use:
foo = processFile(file)
assert not is_nil(foo[:ok])
OTOH, I’d better return a map from there and pattern match it:
assert %{ok: _} = processFile(file)
To assert that the result does not have anything save for :oks and :errors, one might use list subtraction:
assert Enum.uniq(Keyword.keys(result)) -- [:ok, :error] == []

Getting type signatures for a function in elm

I'm using elm 0.18.
Let's say I have a function that strings together a bunch of stuff that I threw together in a hurry. It works, but I'm not sure what it's type signature is, and I'd like elm to tell me (or hint for me) that type signature.
For example, I use graphql and have a function that takes a graphql string, a decoder (which also doesn't have a type signature), and a Cmd Msg, and runs it through HttpBuilder.
graphQLPost graphiql decoder msg =
HttpBuilder.post (url ++ "api")
|> HttpBuilder.withStringBody "text/plain" graphiql
|> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson decoder)
|> HttpBuilder.send msg
This works, though I don't know why. I tried fitting it with the type signature graphQLPost : String -> Json.Decode.Decoder -> Cmd Msg, but I get an error.
Figuring out this type signature is not as important to me as finding a way to induce them through elm. Is there a command that I can enter into elm-repl or something that will tell me the signature?
Elm REPL will do this for you:
> import Http
> import HttpBuilder
> type Msg = Msg
> url = "..."
"..." : String
> graphQLPost graphiql decoder msg = \
| HttpBuilder.post (url ++ "api") \
| |> HttpBuilder.withStringBody "text/plain" graphiql \
| |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson decoder) \
| |> HttpBuilder.send msg
: String
-> Json.Decode.Decoder a
-> (Result.Result Http.Error a -> msg)
-> Platform.Cmd.Cmd msg
When you write a function and hit <Enter>, it shows you the signature. In this case the signature is:
graphQLPost : String
-> Json.Decode.Decoder a
-> (Result.Result Http.Error a -> msg)
-> Platform.Cmd.Cmd msg
Running elm-make with the --warn option will cause the compiler to suggest that you include a type annotation on functions that don't have one, and it will provide one for you to copy and paste in.
Also, some editor integrations, such as the Visual Studio Code language extension for Elm, will display these kinds of warnings as a hint icon that you can click to add the missing type annotation automatically. You can set a keyboard shortcut for this to do it without your hands leaving the keyboard.

Is it possible to conditionally decode certain fields using elm-decode-pipeline

I would like to decode an API response in which one of the fields value (category) would determine how to decode another field (configuration) using different sub-decoders.
I was able to accomplish such thing using Json.Decode.mapn functions and the andThen function, but I was wondering if there is any way to do such thing using elm-decode-pipeline as it has a nicer API and I will run out of mapn functions eventually.
A minimmum and somewhat trivial example would be like this:
type alias Machine =
{ name : String
, specs : MachineSpecs
type MachineSpecs
= ElectricMachine ElectricSpecs
| MechanicalMachine MechanicalSpecs
| UnknownMachine
type alias ElectricSpecs =
{ voltage : Int
type alias MechanicalSpecs =
{ gears : Int
And some valid JSON responses would have these shapes:
"name": "Foo electric machine",
"category": "electric",
"configuration": {
"voltage": 12
"name": "Bar mechanical machine",
"category": "mechanical",
"configuration": {
"gears": 5
"name": "Some machine of unknown category",
"category": "foo"
I tried a similar approach to the one I was using with the mapn functions, but it doesn't work.
decoder : Decoder Machine
decoder =
decode Machine
|> required "name" string
|> required "category" (string |> andThen catDec)
catDec : String -> Decoder MachineSpecs
catDec cat =
case cat of
"electric" ->
map ElectricMachine electricDecoder
"mechanical" ->
map MechanicalMachine mechanicalDecoder
_ ->
succeed UnknownMachine
electricDecoder : Decoder ElectricSpecs
electricDecoder =
decode ElectricSpecs
|> requiredAt [ "configuration", "voltage" ] int
mechanicalDecoder : Decoder MechanicalSpecs
mechanicalDecoder =
decode MechanicalSpecs
|> requiredAt [ "configuration", "gears" ] int
In fact, I haven't seen any example on the web or docs using both Json.Decode.Pipeline and andThen at the same time, so I'm not sure if it's even possible.
I have set up an online example of this issue showing how it fails to decode the conditional part: https://runelm.io/c/3ut
As an alternative, you could place your andThen bindings before the pipeline (ellie example):
decoder : Decoder Machine
decoder =
field "category" string
|> andThen catDec
|> andThen
(\cat ->
decode Machine
|> required "name" string
|> hardcoded cat
If you are running out of mapN numbers, consider switching to andMap (or the infix version |:) in the elm-community/json-extra package.
Chad Gilbert's answer just works (thanks!) and it lead me to read the Json.Decode.Pipeline source code to understand a bit more about how the piping was implemented and I've found an alternative solution that is a bit more concise, so I thought about sharing it here:
decoder : Decoder Machine
decoder =
decode Machine
|> required "name" string
|> custom (field "category" string |> andThen catDec)

elixir dynamic module call

How can I call function func() in a module called App.Reporting.Name
based on the string "name" which is not known until runtime
using String.to_atom or to_existing_atom does not work :
alias App.Reporting.Name
module = "name" |> String.capitalise |> String.to_atom
apply(module, :func, [])
Without the alias, this does not work either
module = "App.Reporting.Name" |> String.to_atom
apply(module, :func, [])
I get an (UndefinedFunctionError) and (module :"App.Reporting.Name" is not available)
Your second approach is almost correct, you just need to prefix Elixir. because App.Reporting.Name is equal to :"Elixir.App.Reporting.Name", not :"App.Reporting.Name" since Elixir prefixes all module names (names starting with an uppercase letter) with Elixir. before turning it into an atom:
iex(1)> App.Reporting.Name == :"App.Reporting.Name"
iex(2)> App.Reporting.Name == :"Elixir.App.Reporting.Name"
So, this code should work:
module = "Elixir.App.Reporting.Name" |> String.to_atom
apply(module, :func, [])
and so should this:
module = Module.concat(App.Reporting, "name" |> String.capitalize |> String.to_atom)
apply(module, :func, [])
The reason yours isn't working is because the String.to_atom does just that, turns a string into an atom. Because there is no module called "App.Reporting.Name" it's most likely App.Reporting.Name it errors.
Not sure if this is the best way to do this, just one that sprang to mind. But you could do something like this:
iex(2)> module = "Casing"
iex(3)> Module.concat(String, "#{module}") |> apply(:upcase, ["test sentence"])
Another solution could be to create a macro that automatically does this process, however that is not something I am that great at so you will have to go through the docs here for that one.