VB.net Tile Graphics Drawing - Isometric - vb.net

I am working on just a small game in Vb.net (I know this is not a great place to make a game but I'm just doing a little project). I have a project set up where I am trying to make an isometric tile map. To make it easier on myself, I wanted to get all the locations set first, so I took picture boxes and found the exact locations for where I want to draw each tile. Now what I would like to do is draw an image at each location and I'm not sure how to go about this.
(something like, for each picturebox.location draw graphics.tile1????)
thank you!


TILED editor - object placement possible to snap to grid in Object Layer?

thanks again in advance for any time spent helping me.
Thankfully, I have been able to import TMX to libgdx game without much of a problem, however this is now the first time of using Object Layer, for which at this moment in time I only want to include Platforms as the object (ie. I have 1x Tile Layer showing my background image and 1x Object Layer above). Now I've seen that I can just draw lines and/or boxes, circles etc to create 'zones' which I can pull into my code (goodness only knows how atm but I'll figure that later/soon )
But I see in Tiled that the button - Insert Tile (T) - exists.
I'm trying to use it but when the tile im using as a platform is placed it goes exactly where the mouse is pressed and I can't move it other than delete it. I'd just like to copy-paste a whole row of them for now and Level1 can just be 50 tiles in a flat line just so I can get it all working. It seems weird to me that Tiled can't do this but Ive spent ages looking for a way and can't find it.
Am I missing something or is this just not possible? And if the latter, how does an experienced tiled user (who's making a 2d platformer) go about creating such a simple example above in the Tiled environment?
What a noob - I answered my own question. The option I needed was in the 'View' dropdown menu -> 'Snap To grid' LOL

Change The Size of the SubWindow and the Area It Covers In Unity

I'm creating a simple 2D racing game in Unity. The game has another subwindow that displays the enemy's view. Kinda like a small screen on top; that lets you know where your enemy is or what he's doing.
Currently, I'm using a secondary camera to follow the enemy and a render texture to limit the display of the subwindow as well as its size.
However, I want the size of the window to be flexible like if i want the ratio of the window to be 4:3 instead of a perfect square. With my current implementation, whenever I rescale the subwindow, it just rescales everything up including the view being displayed. What I want to happen is, when I rescale the subwindow, the area being displayed should just be wider. It should just cover more area because I made the window wider. I want the view to be independent.
Is there a way to do this with my current implementation? If not, how can I achieve what I want?
I'm new to Unity so I really hope someone could teach me. Thank you so much.
The are viewed is independant of the size of your window, if you want to change how much is displayed instead of just re fitting the same content in another size you'll have to work with the field of view http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Camera-fieldOfView.html

how to create a bubbles game UI in android

I want to create a bubbles like game in android and I'm not sure how to draw the graphics.
Should I use canvas ? Every bubble should be a bitmap or maybe an image view ?
Another thing, I want to be able to rotate / scale the bubbles.
I've tried with bitmaps and canvas but wasn't able to rotate the bubbles.
Image view for every bubble looks like a mess to me.
Your help is appreciated.
If you want to make a game, I would suggest using a Canvas, and put the Canvas over most, or all, of your layout. Creating anything but the most basic game using the regular UI structures would be a nightmare.
It sounds like you've gotten to the point where you can load the bubble images and draw them to the canvas, which is good. As for rotating the bubbles, use this:
Matrix rotator = new Matrix();
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, rotator, paint);
That was from an answer to this SO question, which was more specifically about rotating bitmaps on a Canvas.
For more information on making games in Android, this book was pretty helpful for me.
Hope that helps!

Translate Colors to Image?

Im not sure how else I should approach it, but if I was to (in my mac application) have a grid of NSViews, which the user can change the colour of each, is it possible to then translate this, so now I have been given a colour for each pixel by the user, make this into an exportable image?
I honestly can't think of how else to do this. I don't want to go ahead an realise I have taken a rather foolish path.
The idea is I will have a grid of squares which the user can paint, a colour in each square, a square representing a pixel in the final image. So they paint with like a paint bucket filling each one, then export it into an actual image file.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
A grid of NSViews sounds really heavy for what you're doing. Why not write one single custom view that checks the mouse position and modifies the data appropriately? Then you'd write a custom drawing method to fill the custom view, and you could use the same exact draw method to write to an NSImage which you could export.
You'll need to do a bit o' math. For each "pixel", call -set on the appropriate NSColor, then use NSBezierPath's -fillRect method. It may help you to get out a pencil & paper to figure out the math for the rect origins & sizes.
Check http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaDrawingGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html for help if you've never done custom drawing before. It's really not that bad, just takes a little reading. :)

Zoom-able/ resizable grid with Objective-C

Hi i'm thinking about making midi step sequencer and I need to make a note grid/matrix that resizes/ adapts when you zoom. I've been searching for different ways of doing this but cant figure out a way that works well.
I thought about drawing cell objects made with (NSRect) but I couldn't figure out how to get the right interaction when resizing.
This is my first "biggish" OBJ-c project so please don't kill me, im still battling with the frameworks and the syntax is so foreign to me.
You could use Core Animation layers to create your grid.
Take a look at Apple's Geek Game Board sample code project:
The code shows a way to display different kinds of card/board games using CALayer.
The Checkers game looks to be the closest to the grid you want to create.