Vue - Passing data between dynamic components using eventBus? - vue.js

I have 3 Components in my 'Search' (parent) View; 'SearchForm', 'ResultList', 'DetailPage'. I switch from the SearchForm to the ResultList when I have received a response from the backend.
<component v-bind:is="currentComponent"></component>
When a response is recieved in my 'SearchForm' I save it to the searchBus;
Then, in my ResultList I want to retrieve it again and display the results;
mounted() {
searchBus.$on(['searchIssue'], (search) => {
this.table_items = search;
I display a loading animation (also a component) until the response is fully loaded and the ResultList is displayed.
Due to the Vue lifecycle everything is working when all components are displayed in one View, as they are already listening when the bus is updated.
Should I choose a different approach? E.g. using v-show or pass the response back to the Parent and inserting it again with a prop (Idk if it would work as not all components have the same props).
Is there a way to use the Bus anyway ? And how could it be solved making it one linear hierarchy and still hide the non-relevant components? (SearchForm -> ResultList -> DetailPage)

Should I choose a different approach?
I thing that is coming time for using Vuex
At the center of every Vuex application is the store. A "store" is
basically a container that holds your application state. There are two
things that make a Vuex store different from a plain global object:
Vuex stores are reactive. When Vue components retrieve state from it, they will reactively and efficiently update if the store's state
You cannot directly mutate the store's state. The only way to change a store's state is by explicitly committing mutations. This
ensures every state change leaves a track-able record, and enables
tooling that helps us better understand our applications.


Vue.js initialize custom component only once and use it as base for multiple views

I created a vue component based on MapBox, which is restricted in initializations before it costs money and that is perfectly fine. But I want to reduce reinitializations of my map component for their and my sake.
That's why I thought if it is possible to define the component once, pass in some properties and then handle the state via vuex.
Right now, I'd have to import my component and add the data like this:
:componentOptions="{ drawingEnabled: toggleMapDrawing, activeLayers: activeMapLayers, activeMarkerGroups: [] }"
#loaded="onMapLoaded" #selectedMarkers="onSelectedObjects"/>
The componentOptions are being watched, so the component changes its state accordingly.
My ideas/approaches so far were the following:
I thought about adding the snippet above to the root vue file, but that won't help since I want to place the map component dynamically and not statically before the rest of the page content.
Passing a rendered vue component into a variable and appending that later would be a bit too hacky, if it is even possible.
Using slots, but from what I've seen in the docs, it's not possible to use a slotted component from a parent component in a child like this.
The best idea that has come to my mind was to define the actual MapBox variable (which I suppose triggers the API for initialization) and then save that globally using the store or something. But since that will immediately append the component to a DOM element that will be specified in the options, so I'd have to store that somehow, too.
The initialization of the map happens in the mounted hook of the component and looks like this:
const baseOptions = {
accessToken: process.env.MAPBOX_TOKEN,
container: 'map',
style: process.env.MAPBOX_STYLE_URL,
minZoom: 10,
maxZoom: 20,
zoom: 13,
bearing: 150,
pitch: 50
} = new mapboxgl.Map(Object.assign(baseOptions, this.mapOptions))
if (! { throw new Error('Could not create map. Make sure the token is valid.') }
I might be wrong, maybe there's a better way or maybe this whole idea might be garbage, but hopefully it's not. Also please note that I'm not using the vue-mapbox module, because it's not being maintained anymore.
I'm thankful for any ideas and hints :)
You may use <KeepAlive>, a built-in component available in both Vue2 (docs) and Vue3 (docs).
Basically it ensures that a component tagged with keep-alive will only be mounted once. So in your case, you can place the map wherever you want, and the Map will only be initialized once in its mounted hook.
If you need to utilize the moment that your Map gets "focused" or "activated" so to say, then you can utilize the activated and deactivated hooks.
Why you cannot use KeepAlive.
There is an obvious and logical limitation. As long as the parent is alive and mounted, the component's children that are being kept-alive will stay alive. But if the keep-alive component's parent gets unmounted, then all the children will be unmounted aswell even if they were being kept alive. This is all very obvious but I just felt like pointing it out.
So, in your use case, you want a component (the <Map> component) to be globally kept-alive after its first initialization. I suggest you cache the map element itself and store it in the store. Then on every <Map> component onBeforeMount (Composition API) or beforeMount (Options API) hook, manually check if the element is cached, if it is then insert the cached map from the store, otherwise initialize the map.

Component being re-rendered even if the corresponding record is unchanged - Vue JS, Vuex ORM

I have an application on Vue JS that receives the data from the server via WebSocket and renders the changes. I am using Vuex ORM for defining entities in the store. The problem I am facing is that if an update is received that has changes for a record with id 1, the component that is rendered for the record with id 2 is re-rendered (which, in principle, should not because the record it is bound to has not been updated).
My component looks like this,
<UserDetail :userId="userId" :key="userId" />
Inside the component, there is a computed property that looks like this
computed: {
User(){ // User property is attached to the UI
return UserEntity.find(this.userId);
The structure of UserEntity is simple, it has five data fields and no relations to any other entity. The data in the UserEntity is added whenever there is an update on the connected WebSocket.
I tried adding a :key to the component because I read that keys control the rendering behavior of the components but that did not work.
Looking forward to any help!

how to get data props from another component in vue js

I have component nabber/header that has a props, and I want to put the props in that component and then want to use that props on another props, how to put that props to get that data and transfer it to another component ? because I want to use that props to CRUD in database ? is that possible that we use $root to get that props which we put on App.vue ??
my components
header = [ props : 'list' ]
shop = add to cart, ( this which I want to transfer it to props list ) and go CRUD , is that possible ??
I suggest learning a bit more about Vuex to solve this problem.
This will give you a logical place to define database related actions that can also provide reactive data to components that will display it. Even if you're relatively new to Vue, learning Vuex sooner rather than later will payoff.
It may also be possible for you to use v-model to extricate some data from one component... but what you've described seems a bit different. It might be worth looking at how to implement v-model on your own components as you become more familiar with Vue!

How To Ensure Reference Data Is Loaded In Vue?

I have webpack setup to bundle all of the source. I have a Vue object that is the page and multiple Vue components of my own creation. This works great!
I am now getting reference data from the database to fill in certain default options for some of these components. In my pages Mounted or Created events (there is no difference for my question) I am calling a method that will check to see if the data exists in localStorage and if not, it will extract the data from the database.
Once Extracted, I have it in localStorage so it is not an issue. However, the first time I need to gather the data (or when I need to refresh it because I have another trigger that lets me know when it has changed) the page and components have rendered (with errors because of lack of data) before the data comes back. The fetch method is in a promise, but mounted events don't seem to care if a promise exists within in before it continues to the next component.
So what is the best practice for loading/refreshing reference data in Vue? I am currently not using VueX because this is not a SPA. Sure, it is a single page that is doing things (there are many single pages that do their own thing in this site) but I have no need to make it a full SPA here. But If VueX and its store will give me some sort of guarantee that it will occur first or page/components will run AFTER VueX things, I will learn it.
Have you tried doing so:
<component v-if="page.isDataLoaded">...</component>
in your Vue-component:
data() {
return {
page: {
isDataLoaded: false,
mounted() {
this.fetchPageData().then(() => = true);
You can use v-if and v-else to show, for example page loader element like so:
<PageLoader v-if="!page.isDataLoaded"></PageLoader>
<component v-else>...</component>

Which approach to storing loading processes is preferable?

Can You please help to decide which one of the architectures will be better
(fetching list from API with with react-native, react-redux, redux-thunk)
// component
componentDidMount() {
// thunk action
fetchFunction () {
return dispatch (
// component
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({'loading': true})
this.setState({'loading': false})
//thunk action
fetchFunction () {
return dispatch (
My idea is about storing "loading process" in local components state? What are bad and good sides of this approaches?
as i see it - example 2:
If loading takes longer time, i can leave component (it gets unmounted) and i will see warning - "changing state on unmounted component"
1 example:
Saves a lot of extra data that i do not need in redux store (also a lot of data i need to exclude from persist), and for example if i have a web store product component, i will have a lot of UI props stored in redux (for example list with 10 products, and each product has it's own buttons with states) :(
BUT i like it because all the logic stays in redux-thunk-actions, and i do not need to care in component how to continue coding after dispatch, whether it was a promise or wasn't example:
this.props.dispatch(fetchFunction()).then(() => {});
or just
.. some code
So far I've made simple projects, and both ways worked fine.
Can you please give some advice which way to go for the bigger project?
If components outside of this component's tree need to know about the loading state, then keep the loading state in the store so that those outside components can query that state.
In a large app, whether a components need to know of a given piece of state is something can changes; starting out, Component X has local state because no other components need to know about local state X, but as the app grows, new components, thunks, etc are introduced that do need to know about local state X, and it has to be moved to the store. So to address this, one approach is to put all state in Redux from the beginning so you don't have to worry about unforeseen refactoring of local to global state.
Keeping everything in the redux store also makes debugging easier because you can see all the values in redux devtools rather than having to find individual components to see their local state.