How to run multiple test classes with a single command? - testing

I've started digging about how to run integration tests with Flutter and the pro/cons it has.
Besides that the test output sometimes isn't helpful at all, I'd like to know if there's a way to run multiple dart classes with a single command.
Let's put an example where I've in my test_driver folder 4 classes:
In order to execute the tests on one of them, I'd do:
flutter drive --target=test_driver/login.dart
Is there any way where I can avoid doing
flutter drive --target=test_driver/login.dart
flutter drive --target=test_driver/register.dart
A posible workaround I've in mind is create a bash script to get all the files that doesn't end with "_test.dart" and execute that command.


Is it possible to reserve a GitLab runner for all jobs/stages of a pipeline?

I'm using GitLab pipelines to run e2e tests on various physical machines (these machines are connected to the test hardware in a 1 to 1 relation). On each machine, a GitLab runner is installed. The pipeline consists of three major parts:
prepare the test hardware (deploy, configure)
execute the e2e tests (on the test hardware)
clean up the test hardware
Currently I'm doing all of this in one job, by using the before_script, script and after_script keywords. But I would like to use multiple jobs (or even stages) for this.
The problem I'm facing is, that I can't be sure that all jobs/stages are executed on the same runner. So it might happen, that the prepare step is executed on runner1 and the execute step is executed on runner2 (even in parallel), which obviously is not what I want. The preparation is more than just creating artifacts, therefore I can't simply give it to the next job.
Tags also seems not to solve this, because a tag can only be specified for one job, not for multiple, or the complete stage.
I understand that this is not the way how runners are used normally, but I still wonder if there is a way to achieve this.
Or can someone point out another approach to solve this?
I'm using GitLab Community Edition 14.3.2.
I think you have two options here for how you can split this up -
As sytech mentioned, you can tag each machine with machine-1, machine-2, etc, which will allow you to make your jobs sticky to each runner. Since you can use variables in runner tags, you could have a job at the start that checks which runner is not running tests, and sets RUNNER_TAG or something similar to that runner, so you don't have to hardcode your runner to a single box
You could not have the test boxes run the jobs directly (presumably you're using a shell runner to do this today), and use SSH or winRM to access the box directly, and modify it from there. Then the state of your runner doesn't matter at all. This is likely the "cleaner" way to do it, so your test boxes don't have to share resources or state with the runner

How to run tests in multiple environments (qa-dev) in TestParallel class and have results in one report?

We have QA and DEV environment in our automation repo. We are using karate as our framework. We have TestParallel class and integrated allure report.
How could we run all tests in QA first then in DEV back to back using TestParallel Class and see the results in the same report?
Thanks for such a great tool btw.
We are going to try and make this easier in the next version.
For now, you have to aggregate the reports yourself. Can you try this and let us know how it goes.
use the Runner class 2 times to run your tests with different settings and karate.env set for QA and then DEV
the important part is using a different value for the workingDir, e.g. target/reports/qa and then target/reports/dev - else the second run will overwrite the first
now when generating the HTML report, you can provide target/reports as the source folder. this should work for the Maven Cucumber Reports, for Allure, please figure this out on your own
if the above approach does not work well enough for your needs, please figure out a way to manually aggregate the Results object you get from each instance of the Runner, this should not be too complicated as Java code

golang test setup for entire test run/package

Is there a way to specify code to be run before all the tests in the current test run? Even when running tests across deeply nested directories? e.g.
I want to write some code that runs once before and once after all the tests in files a_test.go, c_test.go, d_test.go have run.
I know about TestMain, which sorta does what I want if I needed to do this at the package level, but this doesn't run before/after all the tests in subdirectories/subpackages. I want something that's one level above TestMain.
I'm not limited to go test, so if there's a third-party test runner that would do this for go, that would be alright as well.
I'm looking for something akin to nosetests's SetUpPackage or pytest's session scoped fixtures.

Prefill new test cases in Selenium IDE

I'm using Selenium IDE 2.3.0 to record actions in my web application and create tests.
Before every test I have to clear all cookies, load the main page, log in with a specific user and submit the login form. These ~10 commands are fix and every test case needs them, but I don't want to record or copy them from other tests every time.
Is there a way to configure how "empty" test cases are created?
I know I could create a prepare.html file or something and prepend it to a test suite. But I need to be able to run either a single test or all tests at once, so every test case must include the commands.
Ok I finally came up with a solution that suits me. I wrote custom commands setUpTest and tearDownTest, so I only have to add those two manually to each test.
I used this post to get started:
Adding custom commands to Selenium IDE
Selenium supports object-oriented design. You should create a class that takes those commands that you are referring to and always executes those, in each of the tests that you are executing you could then make a call to that class and the supporting method and then execute it.
A great resource for doing this is here.

Setup test data with UIAutomation

Is it possible to setup test data when running UIAutomation tests for iOS?
I've seen some post that suggests you have uiautomation go through the UI to create the test data, but that seems like a generally bad approach to me.
Besides, my particular application is supposed to be getting all its data from the music library so it's seems like the only way to use test data would be to run the tests on a device with music on it.
Preferably there would be a way to use one of the mocking libraries to create some mock objects but I don't think UIAutomation can interact with the application at that level.
I have all my tests broken into two stages: setup and test. The setup stage is its own UIAutomation test that makes no assertions. It just puts the simulator into the correct state. After that test finishes, I copy the simulator directory (~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0) and save that for subsequent runs. Then, before I run my test stage, I restore that saved simulator state. That way, I only have to run my setup once. Eventually, I'd like to open source my test runner.