How can I make different columns render as different colors in holoviews / hvplot? - pandas

I have a pandas dataframe with two columns of time series data. In my actual data, these columns are large enough that the render is unwieldy without datashader. I am attempting to compare events from these two timeseries. However, I need to be able to tell which data point is from which column. A simple functional example is below. How would I get columns A and B to use different color maps?
import numpy as np
import hvplot.pandas
import pandas as pd
A = np.random.randint(10, size=10000)
B = np.random.randint(30, size=10000)
d = {'A':A,'B':B}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.hvplot(kind='scatter',datashade=True, height=500, width=1000, dynspread=False)

You will have to use the count_cat aggregator that counts each category separately, e.g. in the example above that would look like this:
import datashader as ds
df.hvplot(kind='scatter', aggregator=ds.count_cat('Variable'), datashade=True,
height=500, width=1000)
The 'Variable' here corresponds to the default group_label that hvplot assigns to the columns. If you provided a different group_label you would have to update the aggregator to match. However instead of supplying an aggregator explicitly you can also use the by keyword:
df.hvplot(kind='scatter', by='Variable', datashade=True,
height=500, width=1000)
Once hvplot 0.3.1 is released you'll also be able to supply an explicit cmap, e.g.:
df.hvplot(kind='scatter', by='Variable', datashade=True,
height=500, width=1000, cmap={'A': 'red', 'B': 'blue'})


How to most efficiently use Pandas UDF in Spark with multiple Series as inputs

I have some PySpark code that aims to run a machine learning model trained in sklearn on a pyspark dataframe looks like this:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
X = np.random.rand(1000, 100)
y = np.random.randint(2, size=1000)
tree = RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=4), y)
pdf = pd.DataFrame(X)
df = spark.createDataFrame(pdf)
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType
# Input/output are both a pandas.Series of doubles
def pandas_plus_one(*args):
return pd.Series(tree.predict(pd.concat([args[i] for i in range(100)],axis=1)))
df = df.withColumn('result', pandas_plus_one(*[df[i] for i in range(100)]))
My question is that is this the most efficient way to do things with PySpark? In particular, I would like to avoid having to do pd.concat which involves copying all the Series (which were probably adjacent in memory anyways) to a new pandas DataFrame inside of the UDF function. The ideal solution would be for the Pandas UDF to accept a DataFrame as an input, but I haven't found a way to make it work.
Note: I am not looking for solutions that involve SparkML scikit-spark etc.

matplotlib - seaborn - the numbers on the correlation plots are not readable

The plot below shows the correlation for one column. The problem is that the numbers are not readable, because there are many columns in it.
How is it possible to show only 5 or 6 most important columns and not all of them with very low importance?
sns.heatmap(df.corr()[['price']].sort_values('price', ascending=False).iloc[1:].T, annot=True,
cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31)
You can limit the cells shown via .iloc[1:7]. If you also want to show the highest negative values, you could create a second plot with .iloc[-6:]. To have both together, you could use numpy's slicing function and write .iloc[np.r_[1:4, -3:0]].
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(7, 27), columns=['price'] + [*'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 3))
sns.heatmap(df.corr()[['price']].sort_values('price', ascending=False).iloc[1:7].T,
annot=True, annot_kws={'rotation':90, 'size': 20},
cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31)
annot can also be a list of labels. Using this, you can define a string matrix that you use to display the desired numbers and set the others to an empty string.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
import seaborn as sns; sns.set_theme()
import pandas as pd
from string import ascii_letters
# generate random data
rs = np.random.RandomState(33)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=rs.normal(size=(100, 26)),
importance_index = 5 # until which idx to hide values
data = df.corr()[['A']].sort_values('A', ascending=False).iloc[1:].T
labels = data.astype(str) # make a str-copy
labels.iloc[0,:importance_index] = ' ' # mask columns that you want to hide
sns.heatmap(data, annot=labels, cmap='Spectral_r', vmax=0.9, vmin=-0.31, fmt='', annot_kws={'rotation':90})
The output on some random data:
This works but it has its limits, particulary with setting fmt='' (can't use it to conveniently format decimals anymore, need to do it manually now). I would also question whether your approach is even the best one to take here. I think consistency in plots is quite important. I would rather evaluate if we can't rotate the heatmap labels (I've included it above) or leave them out completely since it is technically redundant due to the color-coding. Alternatively, you could only plot the cells with the "important" values.

What is the difference between doing a regression with a dataframe and ndarray?

I would like to know why would I need to convert my dataframe to ndarray when doing a regression, since I get the same result for intercept and coef when I do not convert it?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
%matplotlib inline
# import data and create dataframe
!wget -O FuelConsumption.csv
df = pd.read_csv("FuelConsumption.csv")
# Split train/ test data
msk = np.random.rand(len(df)) < 0.8
train = cdf[msk]
test = cdf[~msk]
# Modeling
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
train_x = np.asanyarray(train[['ENGINESIZE']])
train_y = np.asanyarray(train[['CO2EMISSIONS']])
**# if I use the dataframe, train[['ENGINESIZE']] for 'x', and train[['CO2EMISSIONS']] for 'y'
below, I get the same result** (train_x, train_y)
# The coefficients
print ('Coefficients: ', regr.coef_)
print ('Intercept: ',regr.intercept_)
Thank you very much!
So df is the loaded dataframe, cdf is another frame with selected columns, and train is selected rows.
train[['ENGINESIZE']] is a 1 column dataframe (I believe train['ENGINESIZE'] would be a pandas Series).
I believe the preferred syntax for getting an array from the dataframe is:
train[['ENGINESIZE']].values # or
is supposed to do the same thing.
Digging down through the code I see that it calls sklearn.utils.check_X_y which in turn calls sklearn.tils.check_array. That takes care of converting the inputs to numpy arrays, with some awareness of pandas dataframe peculiarities (such as multiple dtypes).
So it appears that if fit accepts your dataframes, you don't need to convert them ahead of time. But if you can get a nice array from the dataframe, there's no harm in do that either. Either way the fit is done with arrays, derived from the dataframe.

How to access generator object from

I have function that converts non numerical data in a dataframe to numerical.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from concurrent import futures
def convert_to_num(df):
do stuff
return df
I am wanting to use the futures library to speed up this task. This is how I am using the library:
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
df_test =,df_sample)
First I do not see the variable df_test being created and second when I run df_test in I get this message:
<generator object<locals>.result_iterator at >
What am I doing wrong to not be able to use the futures library? Can I only use this library to iterate values into a function versus passing a entire dataframe to be edited?
The map method for the executor object, as per the documentation, takes the following arguments,
map(func, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1)
From your example you only provide a single df (the df_sample) but you could provide a list of df_samples which are unpacked in as the iterables parameter.
For example,
Let us create a list of dataframes,
import concurrent.futures
import pandas as pd
df_samples = [pd.DataFrame({f"col{j}{i}": [j,i] for i in range(1,5)}) for j in range(1,5)]
Which would look like, df_samples
And now we add a function which will add an additional column to a df,
def add_x_column(df):
df['col_x'] = ['a', 'b']
return df
and now use the ThreadPoolExecutor to apply this function to the df_samples list in a concurrent manner. You would also need to make convert the generator object to a list to access the changed df's
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) as executor:
results = list(, df_samples))
Where the results would be the list of the resultant df's
Where the results would look like, df_results

How to Render Math Table Properly in IPython Notebook

The math problem that I'm solving gives different analytical solutions in different scenarios, and I would like to summarize the result in a nice table. IPython Notebook renders the list nicely:
for example:
import sympy
from pandas import DataFrame
from sympy import *
a, b, c, d = symbols('a b c d')
t = [[a/b, b/a], [c/d, d/c]]
However, when I summarize the answers into a table using DataFrame, the math cannot be rendered any more:
df = DataFrame(t, index=['Situation 1', 'Situation 2'], columns=['Answer1','Answer2'])
"print df.to_latex()" also gives the same result. I also tried "print(latex(t))" but it gives this after compiling in LaTex, which is alright, but I still need to manually convert it to a table:
How should I use DataFrame properly in order to render the math properly? Or is there any other way to export the math result into a table in Latex? Thanks!
Update: 01/25/14
Thanks again to #Jakob for solving the problem. It works perfectly for simple matrices, though there are still some minor problems for more complicated math expressions. But I guess like #asmeurer said, perfection requires an update in IPython and Pandas.
Update: 01/26/14
If I render the result directly, i.e. just print the list, it works fine:
MathJax is currently not able to render tables, hence the most obvious approach (pure latex) does not work.
However, following the advise of #asmeurer you should use an html table and render the cell content as latex. In your case this could be easily achieved by the following intermediate step:
from sympy import latex
tl = map(lambda tc: '$'+latex(tc)+'$',t)
df = DataFrame(tl, index=['Situation 1', 'Situation 2'], columns=['Answer'])
which gives:
In case of two dimensional data, the simple map function will not work directly. To cope with this situation the numpy shape, reshape and ravel functions could be used like:
import numpy as np
t = [[a/b, b/a],[a*a,b*b]]
tl=np.reshape(map(lambda tc: '$'+latex(tc)+'$',np.ravel(t)),np.shape(t))
df = DataFrame(tl, index=['Situation 1', 'Situation 2'], columns=['Answer 1','Answer 2'])
This gives:
Update 2:
Pandas crops cell content if the string length exceeds a certain number. E.g a more complicated expression like
t1 = [a/2+b/2+c/2+d/2]
tl=np.reshape(map(lambda tc: '$'+latex(tc)+'$',np.ravel(t1)),np.shape(t1))
df = DataFrame(tl, index=['Situation 1'], columns=['Answer 1'])
To cope with this issue a pandas package option has to be altered, for details see here. For the present case the max_colwidth has to be changed. The default value is 50, hence let's change it to 100:
import pandas as pd