Error: runKubernetesJobAtomicOperationDescription.application.invalid (Must match ^[a-z0-9]+$) - spinnaker

If you face the same problem as follows:
runKubernetesJobAtomicOperationDescription.application.invalid (Must match ^[a-z0-9]+$)
Cause: Your spinnaker application name is wrong, for example sample-application is a wrong application name. Please remove the hyphen character like this sampleapplication.

it's telling you can't have hyphens in your application name as this is used as a separator


Illegal characters in Path exception in

I am trying to debug code by providing some details related to address.
When I give address like (83 S BROADVIEW ST) I am not getting the exception, but when I give like (1051 N DAY MIAR RD) I am getting the following exception:
System.ArgumentException : Illegal characters in Path
Any ideas why one address might be okay and the other not?
The second address has a tab character rather than spaces between 1051 and N. If you are using this address as part of a file or directory name, or any of the built in methods meant to work with file or directory names, that tab character is not allowed.

How to resolve the invalid number in orcale

I am facing an issue with some data that start with a strange character before the number 5
how can I discover all of these characters and remove it
what do you recommend to resolve this issue knowing that I get the data from a specific source so I can not change anything but I am trying to mask it in the view?
regexp_replace can always help to find or replace/remove any characters you want.
For example, if you want to delete all characters escept alphanumeric, space, comma and dot:
regexp_replace(t.str,'[^ ,.[:alnum:]]')

amazon simpledb attribute naming restrictions?

I want to know if there are any restriction to attribute names in amazons simpledb.
I tried the following attribute name
Running the following query
select * from mydomain where is not null
results in an error: "The specified query expression syntax is not valid.".
Also surrounding '' results in an error because is invalid select syntax.
Changing point to underscore and everything works fine:
and the query runs fine
select * from mydomain where my_attribute_name is not null
Now my question: What are the allowed characters for attributes?
On the amazon developer manual the names are restricted to characters that are valid in xml documents. What exactly does this mean? The linked W3C documents seems not answering this. In domain names the dot "." is allowed.
Currently I use the sdbTool. I hope this doesnt affect the behaviour.
Inserting some other characters in attribute names is working, like this one: 'my:attribute-name.with other%20chars'.
Any ideas?
Can you please enclosed your attribute name in back-tick quotes and try again ?
Domain names & Attribute names need to be enclosed in back-tick quotes if they contains any special characters. Attribute and domain names may appear without quotes if they contain only letters, numbers, underscores (_), or dollar symbols ($). You must quote all other attribute and domain names with the back-tick (`) if they contains any special characters.

Rational Functional tester manual verification points title doesn't appear in the log

I'm using a manual verification point - it works well - but when it appears in the log its name -or title- appears empty, what should i do to make the manual VP's title appears in the log, thanks in advance
The syntax is
vpManual("Your VP name here", expectedData, actualData).performTest();
The VP name should not contain spaces, dots or other "strange" characters, keep on letters, digits and underscore _
If you use a string variable for the name, check it is not null or empty.
Also note the name must be unique in the script. If you provide a little example of your problem I can try answering with more details.
Take a look at the RFT docs

what should I make my package if my domain has a dash?

The convention for packages is your domain name. Dashes are sometimes not allowed in package names. So if your domain name has a dash what should you use?
The "official" convention in Java is to replace it with an underscore.
From (an older version of) the spec:
In some cases, the internet domain name may not be a valid package
name. Here are some suggested conventions for dealing with these
If the domain name contains a hyphen, or any other special character
not allowed in an identifier (§3.8), convert it into an underscore. If
any of the resulting package name components are keywords (§3.9) then
append underscore to them. If any of the resulting package name
components start with a digit, or any other character that is not
allowed as an initial character of an identifier, have an underscore
prefixed to the component.
Underscore is an option I've used before, but otherwise, just concatenate.