Office UI Fabric DocumentCard Set OverflowDocumentCount - office-ui-fabric

Is there a way to set or disable the OverflowDocumentCount of DocumentCard? Currently it is defaulted to 3 and I can't seem to change it:
I would want to display all files basically.

Unfortunately neither via DocumentCardPreview component methods nor via properties (IDocumentCardPreviewProps), the limit for the items in preview mode could not be modified.
But you could consider to introduce a custom DocumentCardPreview component to display all the items, for example:
const MyDocumentCardPreview = (props: IDocumentCardPreviewProps) => {
const { previewImages } = props;
const fileListItems =, fileIndex) => (
<li key={fileIndex}>
<Link {...file.linkProps}>{}</Link>
return (
"is-fileList " + styles.previewIsFileList
<ul className={css("ms-DocumentCardPreview-fileList", styles.fileList)}>

You can use the getOverflowDocumentCountText prop on the DocumentCardPreview component to customize the overflow text.
It takes a function, which (optionally) takes the overflow count and returns a string:
const getOverflowDocumentCountText = (overflowCount) => "+ 315 more";
Here is a CodeSandbox demo of it in action.


How to add link href in Ant design alert component

onClick={(event) => {
message=“ test”
description = “want to add link “
I want to add a link in description I tried didn’t work for me
You can simply add anchor/Link tag in your description
onClick={(event) => {
message=“ test”
description = {<span>want to add link </span> }

React-native Formik setFieldValue

Here is a simplified version of my code.
Notice the setFieldValue_ and this.setFieldValue_ = setFieldValue;
This code works fine, I'm able to get the output when submit button is clicked.
I'm actually wondering if this is the right way to do it? If not, can you point me to the right direction? Also what is this method called? (assigning class variable to some function and use it within another function)
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
someFunction() {
this.setFieldValue_("name", value);
render() {
return (
something: ""
onSubmit={values => console.log(values)}
}) => {
this.setFieldValue_ = setFieldValue;
<ThirdPartyCustomComponent onChange={this.someFunction} />
I would personally have the onChange simply call formik set field value there and then rather than using different functions. Strictly speaking you don't want to set the value like that because every re-render is setting the value again.
I would also recommend looking at custom formik inputs using the useField hook - This will allow you to write a small wrapper around your third party component and formik. Noticing you have used a class based component you may want to do some short reading into react hooks before throwing yourself into using useField.
Docs example:
const MyTextField = ({ label, ...props }) => {
const [field, meta, helpers] = useField(props);
return (
<input {...field} {...props} />
{meta.touched && meta.error ? (
<div className='error'>{meta.error}</div>
) : null}

firestore document id will be undefined after I update array

I have this flatlist which receive data from firestore and send as props to projectsummery.js
const ProjectList =({projects})=> {
<ProjectSummery project={project} key={}
//keyExtractor={(item, index) =>}/>
} }
Here I have a button which which sends document id which is something like this
{} == CSmet3tRjpjDcJ437M78
const ProjectSummery =(props)=> {
const {project,auth}=props
<View >
<Text> {project.item.title} </Text>
<Text>likes { project.item.likes.length}</Text>
<Text>{}</Text>//document id in in firestore
<Button title='like' onPress{()=>props.likesPosts(}/>
const mapDispatchToProps=(dispatch)=>{
When I try to update array in firebase the first time it work but the second time the document id will be undefined. I use React-Native. Thanks for help...
export const likePosts = (postId) => {
return (dispatch,getState,{getFirebase,getFirestore})=>{
const profile=getState().firebase.profile
const authId=getState().firebase.auth.uid
const firestore=getFirestore()
//this postId will be be undefined in the 2nd time
likedAt:new Date(),
name: profile.firstName
The fist update postId == CSmet3tRjpjDcJ437M78 in the 2nd time postId will be undefined
What's happening is that when you click a like button the first time, it's working as expected so it gets the proper postId and then continues with the process you have defined. However, when you try the 2nd time it fails to fetch the postId as it's already liked.
The idea is that you'll need to either define an if statement and specify what should happen if it's already clicked and it get's clicked again (possibly storing the postId somewhere the first time and using it from there), or make an initial check that returns a specific message to the user if it's already clicked.
The issue has nothing to do with Firestore itself but with the button and the states of liked/unliked.
Here is one nice interactive example on of a proper way of building like buttons using react. React Like Button
<div id="example"></div>
.btn-primary {
background-color: #23aa4e;
border-color: #177d37;
#example {
margin: 3rem;
.customContainer {
border: 1px solid black;
class LikeButton extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
liked: false
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
handleClick() {
liked: !this.state.liked
render() {
const text = this.state.liked ? 'liked' : 'haven\'t liked';
const label = this.state.liked ? 'Unlike' : 'Like'
return (
<div className="customContainer">
<button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={this.handleClick}>
you {text} this. Click to toggle.
<LikeButton />,

How do I bind a local function when I pass a rendered view interacting with that function to a prop in react-native?

I'm passing a render to the Accordion element in native-base using the renderContent prop. The render contains two buttons, which, when pressed, run functions that are local to the current component. Unfortunately those functions are not available once it has been actually rendered.
How do I bind the functions properly so that when pressed, the correct functions are referenced?
I'm using the most modern stable releases of react-native, native-base, and I'm running this through expo for testing.
Here's the documentation on native-base:
dataArray={ this.state.websites }
renderContent={ this._renderAccordionContent }
_renderAccordionContent(content) {
return (
onPress={() => this.openSite(content.path)}
onPress={() => this.editSite(content.key)}
When the buttons are pressed, the expected results are that the functions are run.
The actual results are that when the buttons are pressed, these errors are populated:
_this2.openSite is not a function.
_this2.editSite is not a function.
Thank you for any help.
Check out this excellent article that shows several different ways of binding your functions
Here is an example of binding it in the constructor of your component that uses the Accordion component. It is by no means the only way of binding the functions. The above article gives 5 different ways of doing it.
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.openSite = this.openSite.bind(this);
this.editSite = this.editSite.bind(this);
// I am assuming you have written your functions like this and not as arrow functions
openSite (path) {
editSite (key) {
_renderAccordionContent(content) {
return (
onPress={() => this.openSite(content.path)}
onPress={() => this.editSite(content.key)}
render() {
dataArray={ this.state.websites }
renderContent={ this._renderAccordionContent }

OnPress change VIEW content

I want to have two tab buttons on top and some content underneath.
After that, the content I need a View like this :
<Form style={styles.form}>
<Label style={styles.label}>
data 1
<Item >
<Label style={styles.label}>
When I clicking on the first button, it is active. I need that form to appear.
After that, when I clicking on the second button, I need that form change to:
<Form style={styles.form}>
<Label style={styles.label}>
data 3
<Item >
<Input />
What I'm understanding is that I need a state variable.
state = {showFirst : true, showSecond:false }
and have somewhere a conditional:
if showFirst true, display FORM1
if showSecond true, display FORM2
onPress {() => {this.setState{{the state = true)}}
But I am not sure how to bind this together as I'm using React Native for the first time.
Currently what I'm using now is it a good practice?
I set separate states variables for both forms, because another button may be added later.
So I can't only one button:
state = { showForm: true}
onPress={() => {this.setState{{showForm:false)}}
How can I get this to work?
This is a minimum example Component for what you said you were trying to achieve:
import React, {Component} from ‘react’;
import {Button, View} from ‘react-native’;
export default class ExampleComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
showForm: 0
render() {
var form;
if (this.state.showForm === 0) {
form = (
<View> INSERT_FORM1 </View>
} else if (this.state.showForm === 1) {
form = (
<View> INSERT_FORM2 </View>
return (
<Button title=‘Show Form 1’ onPress={() => this.setState({showForm: 0})}/>
<Button title=‘Show Form 2’ onPress{() => this.setState({showForm: 1})}/>
You can dynamically choose what content to show based on the Component props and state.
In the example above I used a numerical value to determine what form to show to minimize the amount of state values you would have to track later if the form count expanded.
A switch statement would be a better choice in the event of more available form choices, but I used if-else here for easy of typing for now.