How is hashing implemented in SGNN (Self-Governing Neural Networks)? - tensorflow

So I've read the paper named Self-Governing Neural Networks for On-Device Short Text Classification which presents an embedding-free approach to projecting words into a neural representation. To quote them:
The key advantage of SGNNs over existing work is that they surmount the need for pre-trained word embeddings and complex networks with huge parameters. [...] our method is a truly embedding-free approach unlike majority of the widely-used state-of-the-art deep learning techniques in NLP
Basically, from what I understand, they proceed as follow:
You'd first need to compute n-grams (side-question: is that skip-gram like old skip-gram, or new skip-gram like word2vec? I assume it's the first one for what remains) on words' characters to obtain a featurized representation of words in a text, so as an example, with 4-grams you could yield a 1M-dimensional sparse feature vector per word. Hopefully, it's sparse so memory needn't to be fully used for that because it's almost one-hot (or count-vectorized, or tf-idf vectorized ngrams with lots of zeros).
Then you'd need to hash those n-grams sparse vectors using Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). They seem to use Random Projection from what I've understood. Also, instead of ngram-vectors, they instead use tuples of n-gram feature index and its value for non-zero n-gram feature (which is also by definition a "sparse matrix" computed on-the-fly such as from a Default Dictionary of non-zero features instead of a full vector).
I found an implementation of Random Projection in scikit-learn. From my tests, it doesn't seem to yield a binary output, although the whole thing is using sparse on-the-fly computations within scikit-learn's sparse matrices as expected for a memory-efficient (non-zero dictionnary-like features) implementation I guess.
What doesn't work in all of this, and where my question lies, is in how they could end up with binary features from the sparse projection (the hashing). They seem to be saying that the hashing is done at the same time of computing the features, which is confusing, I would have expected the hashing to come in the order I wrote above as in 1-2-3 steps, but their steps 1 and 2 seems to be somehow merged.
My confusion arises mostly from the paragraphs starting with the phrase "On-the-fly Computation." at page 888 (PDF's page 2) of the paper in the right column. Here is an image depicting the passage that confuses me:
I'd like to convey my school project to a success (trying to mix BERT with SGNNs instead of using word embeddings). So, how would you demystify that? More precisely, how could a similar random hashing projection be achieved with scikit-learn, or TensorFlow, or with PyTorch? Trying to connect the dots here, I've significantly researched but their paper doesn't give implementation details, which is what I'd like to reproduce. I at least know that the SGNN uses 80 fourten-dimensionnal LSHes on character-level n-grams of words (is my understanding right in the first place?).
EDIT: after starting to code, I realized that the output of scikit-learn's SparseRandomProjection() looks like this:
For now, this looks fine, it's closer to binary but it would still be castable to an integer instead of a float by using the good ratio in the first place. I still wonder about the skip-gram thing, I assume n-gram of characters of words for now but it's probably wrong. Will post code soon to GitHub.
EDIT #2: I coded something here, but with n-grams instead of skip-grams:
More discussion threads on this here:

First of all, thanks for your implementation of the projection layer, it helped me get started with my own.
I read your discussion with #thinline72, and I agree with him that the features are calculated in the whole line of text, char by char, not word by word. I am not sure this difference in features is too relevant, though.
Answering your question: I interpret that they do steps 1 and 2 separately, as you suggested and did. Right, in the article excerpt that you include, they talk about hashing both in feature construction and projection, but I think those are 2 different hashes. And I interpret that the first hashing (feature construction) is automatically done by the CountVectorizer method.
Feel free to take a look at my implementation of the paper, where I built the end-to-end network and trained on the SwDA dataset, as split in the SGNN paper. I obtain a max of 71% accuracy, which is somewhat lower than the paper claims. I also used the binary hasher that #thinline72 recommended, and nltk's implementation of skipgrams (I am quite certain the SGNN paper is talking about "old" skipgrams, not "word2vec" skipgrams).


Discrepancy documentation and implementation of spaCy vectors for German words?

According to documentation:
spaCy's small models (all packages that end in sm) don't ship with
word vectors, and only include context-sensitive tensors. [...]
individual tokens won't have any vectors assigned.
But when I use the de_core_news_sm model, the tokens Do have entries for x.vector and x.has_vector=True.
It looks like these are context_vectors, but as far as I understood the documentation only word vectors are accessible through the vector attribute and sm models should have none. Why does this work for a "small model"?
has_vector behaves differently than you expect.
This is discussed in the comments on an issue raised on github. The gist is, since vectors are available, it is True, even though those vectors are context vectors. Note that you can still use them, eg to compute similarity.
Quote from spaCy contributor Ines:
We've been going back and forth on how the has_vector should behave in
cases like this. There is a vector, so having it return False would be
misleading. Similarly, if the model doesn't come with a pre-trained
vocab, technically all lexemes are OOV.
Version 2.1.0 has been announced to include German word vectors.

why do we reverse input when feeding in seq2seq model in tensorflow( tf.reverse(inputs,[-1]))

Why do we reverse input when feeding in seq2seq model in tensorflow ( tf.reverse(inputs,[-1]))
To best of my knowledge, reversing the input arose from the paper Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks
The idea is originated for machine translation (I'm not sure how it plays out in other domains, e.g. chatbots). Think of the following scenario (borrowed from the original paper). You want to translate,
A B C -> alpha beta gamma delta
In this setting, we have to go through the full source sequence (ABC) before starting to predict alpha, where the translator might have forgotten about A by then. But when you do this as,
C B A -> alpha beta gamma delta
You have a strong communication link from A to alpha, where A is "probably" related to alpha in the translation.
Note: This entirely depends on your translation task. If the target language is written in the reverse order of the source language (e.g. think of translating from subject-verb-object to object-verb-subject language) to , I think it's better to keep the original order.
While the LSTM is capable of solving problems with long term dependencies, we discovered that the LSTM learns much better when the source sentences are reversed (the target sentences are not reversed). By doing so, the LSTM’s test perplexity dropped from 5.8 to 4.7, and the test BLEU scores of its decoded translations increased from 25.9 to 30.6.
While we do not have a complete explanation to this phenomenon, we believe that it is caused by the introduction of many short term dependencies to the dataset. Normally, when we concatenate a source sentence with a target sentence, each word in the source sentence is far from its corresponding word in the target sentence. As a result, the problem has a large “minimal time lag” [17]. By reversing the words in the source sentence, the average distance between corresponding words in the source and target language is unchanged. However, the first few words in the source language are now very close to the first few words in the target language, so the problem’s minimal time lag is greatly reduced. Thus, backpropagation has an easier time “establishing communication” between the source sentence and the target sentence, which in turn results in substantially improved overall performance.
Initially, we believed that reversing the input sentences would only lead to more confident predic- tions in the early parts of the target sentence and to less confident predictions in the later parts. How- ever, LSTMs trained on reversed source sentences did much better on long sentences than LSTMs rained on the raw source sentences.

How to train a reverse embedding, like vec2word?

how do you train a neural network to map from a vector representation, to one hot vectors? The example I'm interested in is where the vector representation is the output of a word2vec embedding, and I'd like to map onto the the individual words which were in the language used to train the embedding, so I guess this is vec2word?
In a bit more detail; if I understand correctly, a cluster of points in embedded space represents similar words. Thus if you sample from points in that cluster, and use it as the input to vec2word, the output should be a mapping to similar individual words?
I guess I could do something similar to an encoder-decoder, but does it have to be that complicated/use so many parameters?
There's this TensorFlow tutorial, how to train word2vec, but I can't find any help to do the reverse? I'm happy to do it using any deeplearning library, and it's OK to do it using sampling/probabilistic.
Thanks a lot for your help, Ajay.
One easiest thing that you can do is to use the nearest neighbor word. Given a query feature of an unknown word fq, and a reference feature set of known words R={fr}, then you can find out what is the nearest fr* for fq, and use the corresponding fr* word as fq's word.

Implementing a 2D recursive spatial filter using Scipy

Minimally, I would like to know how to achieve what is stated in the title. Specifically, signal.lfilter seems like the only implementation of a difference equation filter in scipy, but it is 1D, as shown in the docs. I would like to know how to implement a 2D version as described by this difference equation. If that's as simple as "bro, use this function," please let me know, pardon my naiveté, and feel free to disregard the rest of the post.
I am new to DSP and acknowledging there might be a different approach to answering my question so I will explain the broader goal and give context for the question in the hopes someone knows how do want I want with Scipy, or perhaps a better way than what I explicitly asked for.
To get straight into it, broadly speaking I am using vectorized computation methods (Numpy/Scipy) to implement a Monte Carlo simulation to improve upon a naive for loop. I have successfully abstracted most of my operations to array computation / linear algebra, but a few specific ones (recursive computations) have eluded my intuition and I continually end up in the digital signal processing world when I go looking for how this type of thing has been done by others (that or machine learning but those "frameworks" are much opinionated). The reason most of my google searches end up on scipy.signal or scipy.ndimage library references is clear to me at this point, and subsequent to accepting the "signal" representation of my data, I have spent a considerable amount of time (about as much as reasonable for a field that is not my own) ramping up the learning curve to try and figure out what I need from these libraries.
My simulation entails updating a vector of data representing the state of a system each period for n periods, and then repeating that whole process a "Monte Carlo" amount of times. The updates in each of n periods are inherently recursive as the next depends on the state of the prior. It can be characterized as a difference equation as linked above. Additionally this vector is theoretically indexed on an grid of points with uneven stepsize. Here is an example vector y and its theoretical grid t:
y = np.r_[0.0024, 0.004, 0.0058, 0.0083, 0.0099, 0.0133, 0.0164]
t = np.r_[0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20]
I need to iteratively perform numerous operations to y for each of n "updates." Specifically, I am computing the curvature along the curve y(t) using finite difference approximations and using the result at each point to adjust the corresponding y(t) prior to the next update. In a loop this amounts to inplace variable reassignment with the desired update in each iteration.
y += some_function(y)
Not only does this seem inefficient, but vectorizing things seems intuitive given y is a vector to begin with. Furthermore I am interested in preserving each "updated" y(t) along the n updates, which would require a data structure of dimensions len(y) x n. At this point, why not perform the updates inplace in the array? This is wherein lies the question. Many of the update operations I have succesfully vectorized the "Numpy way" (such as adding random variates to each point), but some appear overly complex in the array world.
Specifically, as mentioned above the one involving computing curvature at each element using its neighbouring two elements, and then imediately using that result to update the next row of the array before performing its own curvature "update." I was able to implement a non-recursive version (each row fails to consider its "updated self" from the prior row) of the curvature operation using ndimage generic_filter. Given the uneven grid, I have unique coefficients (kernel weights) for each triplet in the kernel footprint (instead of always using [1,-2,1] for y'' if I had a uniform grid). This last part has already forced me to use a spatial filter from ndimage rather than a 1d convolution. I'll point out, something conceptually similar was discussed in this post, and it seems to me only the third response saliently addressed the difference between mathematical notion of "convolution" which should be associative from general spatial filtering kernels that would require two sequential filtering operations or a cleverly merged kernel.
In any case this does not seem to actually address my concern as it is not about 2D recursion filtering but rather having a backwards looking kernel footprint. Additionally, I think I've concluded it is not applicable in that this only allows for "recursion" (backward looking kernel footprints in the spatial filtering world) in a manner directly proportional to the size of the recursion. Meaning if I wanted to filter each of n rows incorporating calculations on all prior rows, it would require a convolution kernel far too big (for my n anyways). If I'm understanding all this correctly, a recursive linear filter is algorithmically more efficient in that it returns (for use in computation) the result of itself applied over the previous n samples (up to a level where the stability of the algorithm is affected) using another companion vector (z). In my case, I would only need to look back one step at output signal y[n-1] to compute y[n] from curvature at x[n] as the rest works itself out like a cumsum. signal.lfilter works for this, but I can't used that to compute curvature, as that requires a kernel footprint that can "see" at least its left and right neighbors (pixels), which is how I ended up using generic_filter.
It seems to me I should be able to do both simultaneously with one filter namely spatial and recursive filtering; or somehow I've missed the maths of how this could be mathematically simplified/combined (convolution of multiples kernels?).
It seems like this should be a common problem, but perhaps it is rarely relevant to do both at once in signal processing and image filtering. Perhaps this is why you don't use signals libraries solely to implement a fast monte carlo simulation; though it seems less esoteric than using a tensor math library to implement a recursive neural network scan ... which I'm attempting to do right now.
EDIT: For those familiar with the theoretical side of DSP, I know that what I am describing, the process of designing a recursive filters with arbitrary impulse responses, is achieved by employing a mathematical technique called the z-transform which I understand is generally used for two things:
converting between the recursion coefficients and the frequency response
combining cascaded and parallel stages into a single filter
Both are exactly what I am trying to accomplish.
Also, reworded title away from FIR / IIR because those imply specific definitions of "recursion" and may be confusing / misnomer.

How to create a synthetic dataset

I want to run some Machine Learning clustering algorithms on some big data.
The problem is that I'm having troubles to find interesting data for this purpose on the web.Also, usually this data might be inconvenient to use because the format won't fit for me.
I need a txt file which each line represents a mathematical vector, each element seperated by space, for example:
1 2.2 3.1
1.12 0.13 4.46
1 2 54.44
Therefore, I decided to first run those algorithms on some synthetic data which I'll create by my self. How can I do this in a smart way with numpy?
In smart way, I mean that it won't be generated uniformly, because it's a little bit boring. How can I generate some interesting clusters?
I want to have 5GB / 10GB of data at the moment.
You need to define what you mean by "clusters", but I think what you are asking for is several random-parameter normal distributions combined together, for each of your coordinate values.
For random samples from N(\mu, \sigma^2), use:
sigma * np.random.randn(...) + mu
And use <range> * np.random.rand(<howmany>) for each of sigma and mu.
There is no one good answer for such question. What is interesting? For clustering, unfortunately, there is no such thing as an interesting or even well posed problem. Clustering as such has no well defineid evaluation, consequently each method is equally good/bad, as long as it has well defined internal objective. So k-means will always be good one to minimize inter-cluster euclidean distance and will struggle with sparse data, non-convex, imbalanced clusters. DBScan will always be the best in greedy density based sense and will strugle with diverse density clusters. GMM will be always great fitting on gaussian mixtures, and will strugle with clusters which are not gaussians (for example lines, squares etc.).
From the question one could deduce that you are at the very begining of work with clustering and so need "just anything more complex than uniform", so I suggest you take a look at datasets generators, in particular accesible in scikit-learn (python) or in clusterSim (R) or clusterGeneration (R)