Difference between update and update_attributes - ruby-on-rails-5

In Rails 5, what is the difference between update and update_attributes methods. I'm seeing the following results for both the methods
Returns true/false
Checking for active record validation
Call backs are triggered
and also regarding update method a new thing was introduced in active record relation. I'm not able to understand it. What is the difference?
Moreover are we using update_attributes in Rails 5. It's not there in active record documentation.
I'm confused with all update methods. I need clarity

As of Rails 4.0.2, #update returns false if the update failed. Before Rails 4.0.2, #update returned the object that got updated. The main difference therefore was the return value. After this change, #update_attributes is just an alias of #update. It seems there are talks to deprecate #update_attributes in Rails 6 which is not released yet.

From the rails 5 files it seems to me update can be used to update multiple objects(array of records) but update_attributes only work on single records otherwise both are same
From rails core files for update_attributes:
Updates a single attribute and saves the record.
This is especially useful for boolean flags on existing records. Also note that
Validation is skipped.
\Callbacks are invoked.
updated_at/updated_on column is updated if that column is available.
Updates all the attributes that are dirty in this object.
This method raises an ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError if the
attribute is marked as readonly.
def update_attribute(name, value)
name = name.to_s
public_send("#{name}=", value)
save(validate: false)
For Update
Updates an object (or multiple objects) and saves it to the database, if validations pass.
The resulting object is returned whether the object was saved successfully to the database or not.
==== Parameters
+id+ - This should be the id or an array of ids to be updated.
+attributes+ - This should be a hash of attributes or an array of hashes.
==== Examples
# Updates one record
Person.update(15, user_name: "Samuel", group: "expert")
# Updates multiple records
people = { 1 => { "first_name" => "David" }, 2 => { "first_name" => "Jeremy" } }
Person.update(people.keys, people.values)
# Updates multiple records from the result of a relation
people = Person.where(group: "expert")
people.update(group: "masters")
Note: Updating a large number of records will run an UPDATE
query for each record, which may cause a performance issue.
When running callbacks is not needed for each record update,
it is preferred to use {update_all}[rdoc-ref:Relation#update_all]
for updating all records in a single query.
def update(id, attributes)
if id.is_a?(Array)
id.map { |one_id| find(one_id) }.each_with_index { |object, idx|
if ActiveRecord::Base === id
raise ArgumentError,
"You are passing an instance of ActiveRecord::Base to `update`. " \
"Please pass the id of the object by calling `.id`."
object = find(id)

When we are working with update_column that time update is done on the database level there is no any contact with the rails ORM so whatever logic we have implemented like callbacks and validations all will be waste and wont be useful as this is going to be bypassed.

I found this article explained really well in just 30 seconds.
Use update when you want to return false, for example in an if/else:
if record.update(params)
Use update! when you want an error (for example: to avoid erroring silently, which could be very bad if an error was unexpected and you needed to know about it to fix it!):
record.update!(params) # raises is invalid

'update' respects the validation rules on model, while 'update_attributes' ignores validations.


In a Rails ActiveRecord model, is using after_initialize callbacks a very bad idea?

Let's suppose we have this model
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
after_initialize :set_name
def set_name
self.name = ‘My Account’
Now I want run a query that returns only some attributes of the model but not all of them, in particular is not returning the "name" attribute that it is used in after_initialize callback
Account.group(:name).select("count(*), id").first
And then this execution raises the following error because the set_name callback uses an attribute that has not been "loaded" or selected into the records returned by the query.
ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: name
Fortunately for some particular cases I can execute the same sql query without using the Account model at all to get the desired result
sql = Account.group(:name).select("count(*), id").to_sql
=> #<Mysql2::Result:0x00000106eddbc0>
But the point is, what if I want to get Account objects instead of a Mysql2::Result one? Should the .select method return "complete" objects with all their attributes (e.g. filling the missing columns with Nil's)? Or is just a very bad idea to use after_initialize callbacks for our ActiveRecord models? Of course we can also add some code in the callback to check if the property exists or not but, in my opinion, this is unnatural or sounds weird working in an OO language.
Most uses of after_initialize can be (and SHOULD be) replaced with defaults on the corresponding database columns. If you're setting the property to a constant value, you may want to look into this as an alternative.
EDIT: if the value isn't constant, a call to has_attribute?(:name) will guard against this error - ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError occurs after deploying and then goes away after a while
No, it is not a bad idea, in fact I use it very often at work. The valid use case for this would be when you want code to run before you try and do anything with the object. Here is a breakdown of some of the filters offered.
# Before you intend to do anything with the object
# Before you intend to save the object
# After you've saved the object
# Before you save a new record
# After you create a new object

Nhibernate QueryOver don't get latest database changes

I am trying get a record updated from database with QueryOver.
My code initially creates an entity and saves in database, then the same record is updated on database externally( from other program, manually or the same program running in other machine), and when I call queryOver filtering by the field changed, the query gets the record but without latest changes.
This is my code:
//create the entity and save in database
MyEntity myEntity = CreateDummyEntity();
myEntity.Name = "new_name";
// now the entity is updated externally changing the name property with the
// "modified_name" value (for example manually in TOAD, SQL Server,etc..)
//get the entity with QueryOver
var result = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
The previous statement gets a collection with only one record(good), BUT with the name property established with the old value instead of "modified_name".
How I can fix this behaviour? First Level cache is disturbing me? The same problem occurs with
The session in my NhibernateHelper is not being closed in any moment due application framework requirements, only are created transactions for each commit associated to a session.Save().
If I open a new session to execute the query evidently I get the latest changes from database, but this approach is not allowed by design requirement.
Also I have checked in the NHibernate SQL output that a select with a WHERE clause is being executed (therefore Nhibernate hits the database) but don´t updates the returned object!!!!
Here's the code in SaveEntity after to call session.Save: A call to Commit method is done
public virtual void Commit()
this.transaction = this.session.BeginTransaction();
The SQL generated by NHibernate for SaveEntity:
NHibernate: INSERT INTO MYCOMPANY.MYENTITY (NAME) VALUES (:p0);:p0 = 'new_name'.
The SQL generated by NHibernate for QueryOver:
NHibernate: SELECT this_.NAME as NAME26_0_
WHERE this_.NAME = :p0;:p0 = 'modified_name' [Type: String (0)].
Queries has been modified due to company confidential policies.
Help very appreciated.
As far as I know, you have several options :
have your Session as a IStatelessSession, by calling sessionFactory.OpenStatelesSession() instead of sessionFactory.OpenSession()
perform Session.Evict(myEntity) after persisting an entity in DB
perform Session.Clear() before your QueryOver
set the CacheMode of your Session to Ignore, Put or Refresh before your QueryOver (never tested that)
I guess the choice will depend on the usage you have of your long running sessions ( which, IMHO, seem to bring more problems than solutions )
Calling session.Save(myEntity) does not cause the changes to be persisted to the DB immediately*. These changes are persisted when session.Flush() is called either by the framework itself or by yourself. More information about flushing and when it is invoked can be found on this question and the nhibernate documentation about flushing.
Also performing a query will not cause the first level cache to be hit. This is because the first level cache only works with Get and Load, i.e. session.Get<MyEntity>(1) would hit the first level cache if MyEntity with an id of 1 had already been previously loaded, whereas session.QueryOver<MyEntity>().Where(x => x.id == 1) would not.
Further information about NHibernate's caching functionality can be found in this post by Ayende Rahien.
In summary you have two options:
Use a transaction within the SaveEntity method, i.e.
using (var transaction = Helper.Session.BeginTransaction())
Call session.Flush() within the SaveEntity method, i.e.
The first option is the best in pretty much all scenarios.
*The only exception I know to this rule is when using Identity as the id generator type.
try changing your last query to:
var result = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
if that still doesn't work, try add this after the query:
After search and search and think and think.... I´ve found the solution.
The fix: It consist in open a new session, call QueryOver<T>() in this session and the data is succesfully refreshed. If you get child collections not initialized you can call HibernateUtil.Initialize(entity) or sets lazy="false" in your mappings. Take special care about lazy="false" in large collections, because you can get a poor performance. To fix this problem(performance problem loading large collections), set lazy="true" in your collection mappings and call the mentioned method HibernateUtil.Initialize(entity) of the affected collection to get child records from database; for example, you can get all records from a table, and if you need access to all child records of a specific entity, call HibernateUtil.Initialize(collection) only for the interested objects.
Note: as #martin ernst says, the update problem can be a bug in hibernate and my solution is only a temporal fix, and must be solved in hibernate.
People here do not want to call Session.Clear() since it is too strong.
On the other hand, Session.Evict() may seem un-applicable when the objects are not known beforehand.
Actually it is still usable.
You need to first retrieve the cached objects using the query, then call Evict() on them. And then again retrieve fresh objects calling the same query again.
This approach is slightly inefficient in case the object was not cached to begin with - since then there would be actually two "fresh" queries - but there seems to be not much to do about that shortcoming...
By the way, Evict() accepts null argument too without exceptions - this is useful in case the queried object is actually not present in the DB.
var cachedObjects = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
foreach (var obj in cachedObjects)
var freshObjects = NhibernateHelper.Session
.Where(param => param.Name == "modified_name")
I'm getting something very similar, and have tried debugging NHibernate.
In my scenario, the session creates an object with a couple children in a related collection (cascade:all), and then calls ISession.Flush().
The records are written into the DB, and the session needs to continue without closing. Meanwhile, another two child records are written into the DB and committed.
Once the original session then attempts to re-load the graph using QueryOver with JoinAlias, the SQL statement generated looks perfectly fine, and the rows are being returned correctly, however the collection that should receive these new children is found to have already been initialized within the session (as it should be), and based on that NH decides for some reason to completely ignore the respective rows.
I think NH makes an invalid assumption here that if the collection is already marked "Initialized" it does not need to be re-loaded from the query.
It would be great if someone more familiar with NHibernate internals could chime in on this.

Finding Records using Rails without a Match (Fault without Fault Cleared)

I'm attempting to write a site in Rails where a user in a manufacturing plant can see what devices are failing. The program storing the alarm data stores one entry when a device faults, and then stores another entry when the device gets fixed. The entries are linked only by having the same value in the EventAssociationID column. How might I write a named scope in Rails to check which faults have been fixed and which ones haven't?
I wasn't able to do it in a named scope, however, I was able to define a method for the model that solved the problem:
def inAlarm
return ConditionEvent.count(:all, :conditions => ['EventAssociationID = ?', self.EventAssociationID]) == 1

Rails: update multiple attributes without validation, 1 sql transaction

I know that in Rails you can call model.update_attribute :foo, 'bar' and it will update just that one attribute in the db without validating the rest of the model. This causes one SQL transaction.
You can also set multiple attributes with .update_attributes, but this cannot skip validations.
Or, you can call .save( :validate=>false ) and update the model without validation. However, this saves all the attributes on the model in their current state, rather than being able to limit this to certain columns.
My question is, is there any way to set more than one value on a model, but not all of them, without triggering validations, in a single SQL transaction?
Why don't you just set attributes and then call save with :validate => false?
#record.attributes = your_hash # won't nil non-mentioned attributes, as you expect it to
#record.save :validate => false
There are a number of ways to consider going depending on what you want. You can set your attributes and then call save with validate: false
model.attribute = value
model.other_attribute = other_value
model.save(validate: false)
You can also use update_columns. It is the fastest way to write to your db, but keep in mind that this will not only skip validations, it also skips callbacks, and it will even skip updating updated_at.
model.update_columns(attribute: value, other_attribute: other_value)
Based on some of your comments it sounds like assign_attributes might actually be what you want. This won't save to the database at all, but sets the attributes so that you can save after your form is complete. Again, there are a number of ways to go depending on your specific need.

Rails3: Cascading Select Writer's Block

I have a big, flat table:
Here is how I want users to get to products:
See a list of unique values for attribute1.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute2.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute3.
Clicking one of those gets you a list of unique values for attribute4.
Clicking one of those shows you the relevant products.
I have been coding Rails for about 4 years now. I just can't unthink my current approach to this problem.
I have major writer's block. Seems like such an easy problem. But I either code it with 4 different "step" methods in my controller, or I try to write one "search" method that attempts to divine the last level you selected, and all the previous values that you selected.
Both are major YUCK and I keep deleting my work.
What is the most elegant way to do this?
Here is a solution that may be an option. Just off the top of my head and not tested (so there is probably a bit more elegant solution). You could use chained scopes in your model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :with_capacity, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:capacity=>args.first) }
scope :with_weight, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:weight=>args.first) }
scope :with_color, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:color=>args.first) }
scope :with_manufacturer, lambda { |*args| args.first.nil? ? nil : where(:manufacturer=>args.first) }
products.collect{|product| product.send(attribute)}.uniq
The code above will give you a scope for each attribute. If you pass a parameter to the scope, then it will give you the products with that attribute value. If the argument is nil, then the scope will return the full set (I think ;-). You could keep track of the attributes they are drilling down in in the session with 2 variables (page_attribute and page_attribute_value) in your controller. Then you call the entire chain to get your list of products (if you want to use them on the page). Next you can get the attribute values by passing in the set of products and the attribute name to Product.available_attributes. Note that this method (Product.available_attributes) is a total hack and would be inefficient for a large set of data, so you may want to make this another scope and use :select=>"DISTINCT(your_attribute)" or something more database efficient instead of iterating thru the full set of products as I did in the hack method.
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
def show
session[params[:page_attribute].to_sym] = params[:page_attribute_value]
#products = Product.all.with_capacity(session[:capacity]).with_weight(session[:weight]).with_color(session[:color]).with_manufacturer(session[:manufacturer])
#attr_values = Product.available_attributes(#products,params[:page_attribute])
Again, I want to warn you that I did not test this code, so its totally possible that some of the syntax is incorrect, but hopefully this will give you a starting point. Holla if you have any questions about my (psuedo) code.