Retrieving private method information using Javassist - javassist

I am using JavaAssist to read class information. It is a good and very useful tool.
However, what I have noticed is that it does enumerate or returns the private methods of the class.
Is there a way I can retrieve private methods?

You can use CtClass.getDeclaredMethods( ) to get the information about private methods.
Or as suggested above reflection works fine.
Try giving this a read to know more about the features of javassist.

In order to get all the methods, which also contains the private methods of a a class you could use reflection:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class ExampleClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExampleClass cls = new ExampleClass ();
Class c = cls.getClass();
// returns the array of Method objects
Method[] m = c.getDeclaredMethods();
for(int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
System.out.println("method found = " + m[i].toString());
public ExampleClass () {
// no argument constructor
public void publicMethod(String string1) {
private void privateMethod(Integer i) {


Test method of Singleton object using Powermock

I would like to test a public method1 as well as mock the private method createJSON of Singleton class.
public class SingletonClass {
private static SingletonClass singletonInstance = new SingletonClass();
private SingletonClass() {
public static SingletonClass getInstance() {
return singletonInstance;
public JSONObject method1(int id, String str)
throws JSONException {
JSONObject loginJSON = createJSON(id, str);
return loginJSON;
private JSONObject createJSON(int id, String str){
return new JSONObject().put("id", id).put("str", str);
Could anyone help on this?
It sounds like you need a partial mock. A partial mock will allow you to mock a subset of the methods of the class you are working with, but not others.
This SO post explains how to use partial mocks.

Jmockit Expectations/Verifications for calls to private methods when testing a public method?

Can anyone advise if it is possible to use an expectations/verifications to test that private methods are being called the-right-number-of-times/right-parameters.
The Class under test has been Mocked-Up - with one private method overridden.
Am Testing a public method which calls into a number of private methods.
I wish to know if it is possible to verify the calls to other private methods which will be called when the public method is being executed ?
Some idea of the code/class under test;
public class UnderTest {
public void methodPublic(arg 1){
private void methodPrivate1(var1){
//do stuff
private void methodPrivate2(var1){
//do stuff
In my test case
public void stateBasedTestMethod()
UnderTest underTest;
new MockUp<UnderTest>() {
#Mock(invocations = 1)
private void methodPrivate2(var1) {
//do nothing in the mocked case
underTest = new UnderTest();
new Verifications() {{
// Is there a way to test that methodPrivate1 has been called-once/with-expected-arguments
Edited in response to the answer from Rogério.
I am using jmockit 1.12
and the Verifications is FAILING as the method using the provided solution is invoking the method twice as I thought from the JMockit documentation.
Failure Trace;
mockit.internal.UnexpectedInvocation: Expected exactly 1 invocation(s) of MyHelperTest$1#method3..., but was invoked 2 time(s)
Included is the full code I am using for this.
As described above - my goal is to mock one of the private methods to do nothing.
And ensure that I can verify that the other private method is called only once.
Thanks in advance and hopefully will get a better understanding if this is possible with Jmockit.
Test Code.
public class MyHelperTest {
public void testHelper(#Mocked final MyDependent myDependent) {
final MyHelper myHelper;
new MockUp<MyHelper>() {
#Mock(invocations = 1)
private void method3(MyDependent myTable) {
System.out.println("In Mocked Method");
//do nothing in the mocked case
myHelper = new MyHelper();
new Verifications() {{
invoke(myHelper, "method2", myDependent); times = 1;
Class under test.
public class MyHelper {
public void method1(MyDependent myDependent){
private void method2(MyDependent myDependent) {
private void method3(MyDependent myDependent) {
Dependent Class
public class MyDependent {
private int value;
public int getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
It's possible, though not recommended to mock private methods.
Using the Expectations API:
#Tested #Mocked MyHelper myHelper;
public void testHelper(#Mocked final MyDependent myDependent)
new NonStrictExpectations() {{ invoke(myHelper, "method3", myDependent); }};
new Verifications() {{ invoke(myHelper, "method2", myDependent); times = 1; }};
... where the invoke(...) method is statically imported from class mockit.Deencapsulation.
I noticed that if a method you want to verify is not mocked, when the static block in an Expectations or Verifications instance is executed that the code calls the method that you are trying to mark as expected or verify.
This might explain the extra invocation that you are seeing.
One suggestion: if you are already mocking the class with MockUp (and thus creating an anonymous subclass) so you can override the private method, why not change the access of the overridden private method to protected or public? Then you can create an expectation or verification on it.
You could also provide a public field "public int counter=0;" and have your overridden method increment the counter. Then you can use an assert on it after the test is complete.

Behaviours of new constructor added by AspectJ ITD

I am currently applying AspectJ to our project, and I found a behavior which is a bit strange to me.
I added a new constructor to my current class with inter-type declaration, and found that the class's member variable is not initialized if the new constructor is used to instantiate my class.
For example:
The class which I'll add a new constructor to:
public class Child {
public String name = "John";
public Child(String desc) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
The aspectJ code:
public aspect MyTest {
public desc, int num) {
System.out.println("Child Name:" +;
If I instantiate the Child with the new constructor:
new Child("A child", 5)
the member variable is not initialized as will be done with the original constructor.
But, if I call the original constructor:
new Child("A child")
the member variable will be initialized to "John" as usual
The result:
Child Name:null
Is this a limitation of AspectJ? Is there anyway to resolve this issue?
I don't really want to add the code for member variable initialization to the new constructor.
It seems in the newly added constructor, super.method() can not be correctly resolved.
The class which I'll add a new constructor to:
public class Child extends Parent{
public String name = "John";
public Child(String desc) {
Child extends Parent. Parent has a method init()
public class Parent {
public void init() {
I add a new constructor for the Child in my aspect.
public aspect MyTest {
public desc, int num) {
The above aspect code will trigger an exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.test2.Child.ajc$superDispatch$com_test2_Child$init()V
at MyTest.ajc$postInterConstructor$MyTest$com_test2_Child(MyTest.aj:19)
at com.test2.Child.<init>(
at MainProgram.main(
My workaround is to define another method for my class Child, and indirectly call the super.method() within that method
For example, add a new method that calls super.init() for Child
public void Child.initState()
Now, I can call initState() in the newly added constructor like below:
public aspect MyTest {
public desc, int num) {
Is this a limitation of AspectJ? Is this the only way to resolve this issue?
Thank you all for your time :)
Foe the first questions, it seems that the lint warning will appear when compiling:
(unless you close the lint warning)
"inter-type constructor does not contain explicit constructor call: field initializers in the target type will not be executed [Xlint:noExplicitConstructorCall]"
Therefore I'd say it's an AspectJ's limitation.
The best way to do this might be call the other constructors of Child in the constructor added by AspectJ
For example:
public aspect MyTest {
public desc, int num) {
this("Hello"); // -> This will call the constructor of Child, and trigger fields initialization
System.out.println("Child Name:" +;
For the second question, I think it's a bug of aspectJ.
That decompile the woven target byte code will find that the method “com.test2.Child.ajc$superDispatch$com_test2_Child$init()V” will be inserted. It implies this method should be generate by aspectJ, but there is no such method in the byte code.
The code for an ITD introduction is no different that the code that you would add to a class directly. So without member initialization code in your introduced constructor, members will , of course, remain uninitialized. So you need to change you code in Q1 as follows.
public name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
System.out.println("Child Name:" +;
As for Q2, it works fine for me.
class Parent {
public void init() {
class Child extends Parent {
aspect Intro {
public void Child.init(){
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Child c = new Child();
Changing the introduced method to something other than init works too (to match your code).
Regarding your comment: I fail to see what difference you have made in Q1. Sorry, I don't get it.
As for Q2 part of your comment, constructor arrangement works for me:
class Parent {
protected String name;
public Parent(String name) { = name;
class Child extends Parent {
int age;
public Child(String name) {
aspect Intro {
public name, int age){
this.age = age;
System.out.println(" " + + " this.age: " + this.age);
prints myname this.age: 2

MEF Add module twice to catalog

Do you know how to add the same module twice to a catalog with different parameters?
ITest acc1 = new smalltest("a", 0)
ITest acc2 = new smalltest("b", 1)
Thanks in advance!
As MEF is limited to its usage of attributes and can be configured by using the Import and Export attributes unlike the flexibility usually provided by IoC Containers, just how one may extend a Part in MEF, one may extend it from a referenced DLL, you could also do something similar where a class inherits from a previous MEF Part by creating a class which exposes some properties with the [ExportAttribute]. The attribute is not limited to the usage on a class, but can be applied to properties. For example, how about something like this.
public class PartsToExport
public Implementation A
get { return new Implementation("A", 5); }
public Implementation B
get { return new Implementation("B", 10); }
public interface ITest
void WhoAmI(Action<string, int> action);
public class Implementation : ITest
private string _method;
private readonly int _value;
public Implementation(string method, int value)
_method = method;
_value = value;
public void WhoAmI(Action<string, int> action)
action(_method, _value);
public class Tests
public void Test()
var catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
var tests = container.GetExportedValues<ITest>();
foreach (var test in tests)
test.WhoAmI((s, i) => Console.WriteLine("I am {0} with a value of {1}.", s, i));
This outputs the following to the console:
I am A with a value of 5.
I am B with a value of 10.

How to design around lack of multiple inheritance?

Using interfaces won't work because I want a single implementation. Using this solution would end in a lot of redundant code because I plan on having quite a few sub classes (composition vs inheritance). I've decided that a problem-specific design solution is what I'm looking for, and I can't think of anything elegant.
Basically I want classes to have separate properties, and for those properties to be attached at design time to any sub class I choose. Say, I have class 'ninja'. I would like to be able to make arbitrary sub classes such as 'grayNinja' where a gray ninja will always have a sword and throwing stars. Then possibly 'redNinja' who will always have a sword and a cape. Obviously swords, stars, and capes will each have their own implementation - and this is where I can't use interfaces. The closest solution I could find was the decorator pattern, but I don't want that functionality at runtime. Is the best solution an offshoot of that? Where inside the Black Ninja class constructor, I pass it through the constructors of sword and throwingStar? (those being abstract classes)
haven't coded in a while and reading hasn't gotten me too far - forgive me if the answer is simple.
Edit: Answered my own question. I can't mark it as 'answer' until tomorrow. Please let me know if there's a problem with it that I didn't catch. All the reading this problem forced me to do has been awesome. Learned quite a bit.
You want classes to have separate properties. Have you considered coding exactly that?
For example, you want a RedNinja that is-a Ninja that has-a sword and cape. Okay, so define Ninja to have an inventory, make it accessible through Ninja, and pass in an inventory through RedNinja's constructor. You can do the same thing for behaviors.
I've done once a similar app. with a earlier "C++" compiler that supported only single inheritance and no interfaces, at all.
// base class for all ninjas
public class Ninja {
// default constructor
public Ninja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~Ninja() { ... }
} // class
public class StarNinja: public Ninja {
// default constructor
public StarNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~StarNinja() { ... }
public void throwStars() { ... }
} // class
public class KatannaNinja: public Ninja {
// default constructor
public KatannaNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~KatannaNinja() { ... }
public void useKatanna() { ... }
} // class
public class InvisibleNinja: public Ninja {
// default constructor
public InvisibleNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~InvisibleNinja() { ... }
public void becomeVisible() { ... }
public void becomeInvisible() { ... }
} // class
public class FlyNinja: public Ninja {
// default constructor
public FlyNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~FlyNinja() { ... }
public void fly() { ... }
public void land() { ... }
} // class
public class InvincibleNinja: public Ninja {
// default constructor
public InvincibleNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~InvincibleNinja() { ... }
public void turnToStone() { ... }
public void turnToHuman() { ... }
} // class
// --> this doesn't need to have the same superclass,
// --> but, it helps
public class SuperNinja: public Ninja {
StarNinja* LeftArm;
InvincibleNinja* RightArm;
FlyNinja* LeftLeg;
KatannaNinja* RightLeg;
InvisibleNinja* Body;
// default constructor
public SuperNinja() {
// -> there is no rule to call composed classes,
LeftArm = new StarNinja();
RightArm = new InvincibleNinja();
LeftLeg = new FlyNinja();
RightLeg = new KatannaNinja();
Body = new InvisibleNinja();
// default destructor
public ~SuperNinja() {
// -> there is no rule to call composed classes
delete LeftArm();
delete RightArm();
delete LeftLeg();
delete RightLeg();
delete Body();
// --> add all public methods from peers,
// --> to main class
public void throwStars() { LeftArm->throwStars(); }
public void useKatanna() { RightLeg->useKatanna(); }
public void becomeVisible() { Body->becomeVisible() }
public void becomeInvisible() { Body->becomeInvisible() }
public void fly() { LeftLeg->fly() }
public void land() { LeftLeg->land() }
public void turnToStone() { RightArm->turnToStone(); }
public void turnToHuman() { RightArm->turnToHuman(); }
} // class
Im afraid, that the most close example is the composition design pattern. In order, to become more similar to inheritance, I make a generic base class that all composite classes share, and I make a main class that will be the result of the multiple inheritance, that has a copy of all the public methods of the component classes.
If you want to use interfaces, to enforce that main class have all important methods,
then make an interface that matches each composing class, and implemented in the main class.
public interface INinja {
public void NinjaScream() { ... }
} // class
public interface IStarNinja {
void throwStars();
} // class
public interface IKatannaNinja {
void useKatanna();
} // class
public interface IInvisibleNinja {
void becomeVisible();
void becomeInvisible();
} // class
public interface CFlyNinja {
void fly();
void land();
} // class
public interface IInvincibleNinja {
void turnToStone() { ... }
void turnToHuman() { ... }
} // class
// base class for all ninjas
public class CNinja: public INinja {
// default constructor
public CNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CNinja() { ... }
public void NinjaScream() { ... }
} // class
public class CStarNinja: public CNinja, INinja {
// default constructor
public CStarNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CStarNinja() { ... }
public void NinjaScream() { ... }
public void throwStars() { ... }
} // class
public class CKatannaNinja: public CNinja, IKatannaNinja {
// default constructor
public CKatannaNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CKatannaNinja() { ... }
public void NinjaScream() { ... }
public void useKatanna() { ... }
} // class
public class CInvisibleNinja: public CNinja, IInvisibleNinja {
// default constructor
public CInvisibleNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CInvisibleNinja() { ... }
public void becomeVisible() { ... }
public void becomeInvisible() { ... }
} // class
public class CFlyNinja: public CNinja, IFlyNinja {
// default constructor
public CFlyNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CFlyNinja() { ... }
public void fly() { ... }
public void land() { ... }
} // class
public class CInvincibleNinja: public CNinja, IInvincibleNinja {
// default constructor
public CInvincibleNinja() { ... }
// default destructor
public ~CInvincibleNinja() { ... }
public void turnToStone() { ... }
public void turnToHuman() { ... }
} // class
// --> this doesn't need to have the same superclass,
// --> but, it helps
public class CSuperNinja: public CNinja,
CStarNinja* LeftArm;
CInvincibleNinja* RightArm;
CFlyNinja* LeftLeg;
CKatannaNinja* RightLeg;
CInvisibleNinja* Body;
// default constructor
public CSuperNinja() {
// -> there is no rule to call composed classes
LeftArm = new CStarNinja();
RightArm = new CInvincibleNinja();
LeftLeg = new CFlyNinja();
RightLeg = new CKatannaNinja();
Body = new CInvisibleNinja();
// default destructor
public ~SuperNinja() {
// -> there is no rule to call composed classes
delete LeftArm();
delete RightArm();
delete LeftLeg();
delete RightLeg();
delete Body();
// --> add all public methods from peers,
// --> to main class
public void throwStars() { LeftArm->throwStars(); }
public void useKatanna() { RightLeg->useKatanna(); }
public void becomeVisible() { Body->becomeVisible() }
public void becomeInvisible() { Body->becomeInvisible() }
public void fly() { LeftLeg->fly() }
public void land() { LeftLeg->land() }
public void turnToStone() { RightArm->turnToStone(); }
public void turnToHuman() { RightArm->turnToHuman(); }
} // class
I know this solution is complex, but, seems that there is not another way.
Alright so mix-ins through extension methods are going to be my preferred route. I couldn't figure out how to use dynamic proxies in (seemed to require libraries with lots of documentation that didn't cover specifically what I needed). Dynamic proxies also seems to be a bit dirtier of a solution than using extension methods. Composition would have been what I defaulted to if the previous two didn't work.
So one problem with extension methods, is that the code gets a little dirtier if you want to hold variables. Not much though. Another problem is that all the extension methods must be defined in modules, so the code might look a little goofy to a new eye. I will solve this by defining my interface and module with the corresponding extension method in the same file.
finally, here's some sample code if you don't want to see a full fledged example through the link.
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices 'for extension methods
Public Interface ISword
End Interface
Public Interface IThrowingStar
End Interface
Module ExtensionMethods
Public Sub swingSword(ByVal hasASword As ISword)
Console.WriteLine("Sword has been swung")
End Sub
Public Sub throwStar(ByVal hasAStar As IThrowingStar)
Console.WriteLine("Star has been thrown")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class RedNinja
Inherits Ninja
Implements IThrowingStar, ISword
Public Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Public MustInherit Class Ninja
private curHealth as Integer
Public Sub New()
curHealth = 100
End Sub
Public Function getHP() As Integer
Return curHealth
End Function
End Class
Module Module1
Sub main()
Console.WriteLine("Type any character to continue.")
Dim a As New RedNinja
a.swingSword() 'prints "Sword has been swung"
a.throwStar() 'prints "Star has been thrown"
Console.WriteLine("End of program - Type any key to exit")
End Sub
End Module
Dirty solution, if you simply must have multiple inheritance, is using something like dynamic proxies in Java.
But I guess you're probably programming in C#, and this is language agnostic question, so here goes language agnostic answer: check out composite and factory design patterns, that should give you some ideas.
Also, it might not be needed to pass everything in constructor. Check out IoC pattern as well.