Is there a way to make plots appear as an integrated window in Spyder (like RStudio does)? - matplotlib

Is there a way to make plots appear in an integrated window on spyder (like in the help space) instead of inline (not practical and no way to zoom) and not as a pop-up window (in my case it always appears on a different space as I use spyder in full screen mode)?
I tried the OSX/Qt4/QT5 settings and they still appear on a separate window.
I would want the same setting as in RStudio where I can go back and forth between plots and not have to deal with windows 'floating' around. Is there a way to work it that way or it does not exist yet?

(Spyder maintainer here) A dedicated pane that shows all plots generated in our consoles is already implemented and will be part of our next major version (Spyder 4, to be released in 2019). Here you can find some screenshots of that pane.


Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1.0 Update - Floating Windows no longer merge together to form a tabbed layout

This is doing my nut in!
Simply updating VS 2022 to ver. 17.1.0 has broken the ability to drag the header of a floating window towards the header of another window and allow them to merge into one single floating window with a tabbed view layout.
This has ruined my productivity in being able to have multiple files open between a multi monitor layout. Is anyone aware of a option/setting that might have been disabled from the update?
The screenshot below shows where I would usually drag one floating window towards another an if i left go of the mouse in the right place, the two windows would usually snap tpgather into one window with multiple tabs:
Edit: Futher observations conclude the latest VS 17.1.0 have changed the way we can group floating windows together.
By default, my tabs are configured to display along the top, however the only way i can group together the windows is if i change the tab location from the TOP to the Side, but this changes the tab layout in the main IDE as well as floating windows, so it screws eveything up.
Merging the windows together:
Incidentally if I revert back to displaying the Tabs at the TOP, then we have the affect i wanted BUT I stil cannot merge any further windows in that mode:
Its just occured to me that the you can snap together the floating windows into a tabbed view by dragging one window with the mouse over the top of another window and then you see the following icon appear:
If you then drag the window and move your mouse cursor over the center point of this icon set then it will in fact merge the two windows together into a tabbed view.
Well this wanst the most intelligent question I'd ever asked! I just hadnt done it this way before and the previous way in doing this had stopped working foo me since upgrading VS22 to latest 17.1.0 from 17.0.1

IntelliJ doesn't display... at all

I have a bug which is completely over the planet. IntellIJ doesn't display. It's on, yet doesn't display.
It worked well before, last thing I did was re-setting up new dependencies on my code and (nothing to do with that) re-setting SDK for other reasons, both of which shouldn't be linked to display properties.
As you can see it's working, I see the pop up windows:
But doesn't display:
Yet I can see IntelliJ windows with Shift + Tab:
and yes, my screen doesn't duplicate, so it's not hidden in another dimension or something
I tried:
restart computer
uninstall install IntelliJ
uninstall install IntelliJ without previous parameters
try other JetBrains software, like DataGrip, it works and displays well
call a homeopathic doctor
Unsuccessfully. So I knee and await before your judgement of this critical situation.
I have this exact same behavior happen to me when I use IntelliJ at work and then go home and try to use it via Remote Desktop. Its very strange (regardless of which monitor I leave it on at work when I leave).
If I hover over it in the task bar and then hover over the thumbnail for the running app, I can right click and tell it to maximize and it magically comes back into focus. Sometimes I have to tell it to restore and then to maximize before this works.
Occasionally even this doesn't work and I have to close it, re-open, and do the same. It makes no sense, so I understand your frustration.
It works
As John Humphreys - w00te mentionned, click right over the thumbnail (I insist: the thumbnail ! Not the taskbar icon) and then select maximize and voilà.
Bon appétit.
Thanks for your contribution and I hope it will help some people in need here.
I have had this issue when I have moved from a dual monitor setup to a single monitor setup or a different dual monitor set up. The issue here that intellij window seems to save and use the coordinates of the last dual window setup to render the window. It doesn't matter you restart your computer, it will always try and render to that position, even if that position is not visible on the new monitor set up. On windows there is an easy way to fix this issue. Go to your display setting and flip the order of the windows. The intellij window should now be visible. you can drag the window to the your other monitor and re-arrange the windows back to the order you had previously. After that, you can place the intellij window wherever you want.
In my case I noticed there is a 1 pixel thick gray line on my screen, turns out that was the IDEA window and I could resize upon hovering that line. Needless to say it wasn't me shrinking it.
I have this same behavior, It happens to me when I connect a monitor in extended mode and move the intellij window to the monitor, then disconnect without moving it back. No other solution other than to connect to monitor again and bring it back to the original window for me works.
On mac, select the app from the app tray so that the menu for it appears up top. Then on the menu up top, go to Windows->Zoom and it should expand to fill the viewport.
From there you can drag it down to size and reposition.

IntelliJ IDEA - Find in path is locked in another window monitor

There is a problem in my IntelliJ IDEA. When I open Find in Path it is shown in a modal window in the second monitor instead in a window inside the main window like it did before. There is no way to move that window to main monitor. I don't remember if I change some configuration which caused this problem, but I'm pretty sure not.
I tried to restore default window configuration in Window/Restore Default Layout. But it didn't help. I'd like to restore the previous behavior without reset all configurations (by delete the config folder), since there is a lot configuration I've to do in IntelliJ IDEA before I can get to work.
Below is an image of both monitor windows.
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.4 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-181.5087.20, built on May 16, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b39 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 4.13.0-39-generic
I realize this post is quite old, but I just had the same problem. I could solve it by removing the state of the popup in the workspace.xml. You do not have to delete all you configurations etc for the project.
Just go to workspace.xml -> <component name="WindowStateProjectService"> and then find the problematic popup and delete its state. For me this solved the problem, it's possible though that you actually have to set the x and y coordinates to have the popup show up at the right place (I didn't need to fwiw).
Besides changing configuration file, alternative for me solution (Linux, Ubuntu) is:
closing "Find in path" window with ESC,
opening it again Ctrl+Shift+F.
Only on initial open one will get handle to resize window's width to smaller width then screen if one goes far left or right to the edge of "Find in path" dialog.
When resized to smaller width then screen width, one will be able to
move this dialog to another screen (it seems this is happening due
window edge snapping)
Hope this helps.
After you click on the window header keep moving the mouse pointer to the other monitor until the find window jumps to the other monitor. In some cases you have to move the mouse quite a bit.
Looks like the window can not be in two monitors at the same time.
I have Android Studio 3.6.1
For Mac OS I found that the best solution is to change your main display by draggin the menu bar to where you want your "Find in files"-popup.
I had the same problem with IntelliJ 2020.3.3: The "Find in Path" Window always appeared on the laptop screen instead of the main screen. It was full-width (but not full-height), and I was able to move and resize it vertically, but not horizontally - and thus not onto the screen to the right.
But I was able to drag the window by holding the "Alt"-key while dragging. It was the again-fullwidth on the other, correct screen, but still not resizable in width. After closing and opening again it was still on the correct screen, and not full-width anymore.

How to maximize width of Debug window in Intellij IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10?

I cannot find how to change behavior debugger window of IntellJ IDEA 2017.1.2 on Windows 10. I like to use it in unpinned mode, meaning it comes up when build happens (I execute it manually) and when I click on the edited file it goes down. But It does not take full width. It does not go over Project window as you can see in the picture below.
It works by default as I described on Windows 7. I mean it takes full width. Unfortunately, I cannot provide a screenshot about it. That machine is my workstation.
I cannot find in the documentation how to setup this. I assume it is due to Windows 10.
It's controlled by the Widescreen tool window layout option, disable it:

How to make tool windows remember their monitor and position in IntelliJ Idea 13

How to make tool windows remember their monitor and position in IntelliJ Idea 13?
Is there a way to do that?
I have 2 monitors with different resolutions.
I like to keep the main window of the IDE (and the code editor) on my laptop monitor and have the tool windows (Debug, Changes, Run, Terminal, Maven) on the second one at max width and height.
So What I do is to float them, max them on the second monitor and pin them there.
it works but every time I close the IDE, or sometimes during my day they get back to the main monitor again.
They kind of maintain their height and width (a few pixels less I think) but they appear huge in the middle of my smaller monitor.
This is the only draw back I have to say agains the IDE, and in Eclipse this kind of thing works as a charm.
Is there a way to solve it? Or a plugin?
I had the same problem with Find window. Solution was to close IDEA (13.1.5) with all windows positioned as I like. It seems IDEA memorizes window positions only on termination.
I had the same problem, and today I found this in jetbrains help website:
Save the arrangement of tool windows:
From the main menu, select Window | Store Current Layout as Default.
the url is: Arrange tool windows