I'm using an Azure Blob Storage for storing photos. It works fine. To connect to the storage I added an AzureStorageConfig in my appsettings.json:
"AzureStorageConfig": {
"AccountName": "<accountname>",
"ImageContainer": "<containername>",
"AccountKey": "<accountkey>"
I additionally created a class AzureStorageConfig
public class AzureStorageConfig
public string AccountKey { get; set; }
public string AccountName { get; set; }
public string BaseUrl { get; set; }
public Uri BlobEndpoint { get; set; }
public string ImageContainer { get; set; }
public Uri QueueEndpoint { get; set; }
public Uri TableEndpoint { get; set; }
and configured it in the Startup.cs:
So the config can be injected via dependency injection.
For the appsettings.development.json I'd like to use the Azure Storage Emulator. I found several tutorials but all of them use a connection string to connect to the emulator and not a config.
I tried with the data I found on the Microsoft pages:
"AzureStorageConfig": {
"AccountName": "devstoreaccount1",
"ImageContainer": "images",
"AccountKey": "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==",
"BlobEndpoint": "",
"TableEndpoint": "",
"QueueEndpoint": ""
I Initialize the objects like this:
public class AzureStorageService
private readonly CloudBlobContainer _imageContainer;
private readonly AzureStorageConfig _storageConfig;
public AzureStorageService(IOptions<AzureStorageConfig> config)
_storageConfig = config.Value;
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;
StorageCredentials storageCredentials = new StorageCredentials(_storageConfig.AccountName, _storageConfig.AccountKey);
if (_storageConfig.BlobEndpoint == null)
storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(storageCredentials, true);
storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
_imageContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(_storageConfig.ImageContainer);
I had to start the emulator manually by starting the "Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator" app. How can I start (and initialize) the emulator programmatically for the automated tests (and also for the Azure Devops CI that runs these tests)?
Thanks a lot.
You should change your code to be use Connection string which is the same as using the account name and key but it will be easier when you use the emulator by just changing the connection string to "UseDevelopmentStorage=true;".
As for starting the emulator, You can check the hosting environment variable in startup.cs file for the environment:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
//Start the Emulator here by initiating a new process that calls the emulator.exe file
The other solution would be using a hosted service and do the same check for environment and start the emulator in the StartAsync and stop it in the StopAsync
See this link for more details Background tasks with hosted services in ASP.NET Core
It seems that the code you provided to access the appsetting.json file in asp.net core is no problem. You could refer to this article.
And when you upload your blob, if you always get the problem, it means that the machine exists but that it has no services listening on the specified port, or there is a firewall stopping you.
If it happens occasionally - you used the word "sometimes" - and retrying succeeds, it is likely because the server has a full 'backlog'.
After some hours spent searching the web for implementation of Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise with ASP.NET CORE 3.1, I must, unfortunately, admit that I was not able to find anything I could use in my project.
I've read the docs following the official site, but in the end, I'm still stucking for a clean implementation.
In ASP.NET Monsters there is an example, but targeting reCAPTCHA V3 and not reCAPTCHA enterprise.
There is also a nice post here Google ReCaptcha v3 server-side validation using ASP.NET Core 5.0, but again on reCAPTCHA V3.
Any help is appreciated.
So for me i needed to implement google recapthca with dotnet 5 using an angular front end. I am sure you can replace the angular front end with the native javascript instead, but this took me hours of investigating so hopefully it will help people.
First i had to enable reCAPTCHA Enterprise, to do this i went to https://cloud.google.com/recaptcha-enterprise/ and then clicked on the "go to console" button. This took me to my Google Cloud Platform. From here i needed to create a key, fill in the options and save. This key will be referred to as your SITE_KEY.
On the client i used ng-recaptcha, you can find it here
To implement this component, i added this import to my app.module.ts
import { RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY } from 'ng-recaptcha';
and this to the providers section
On my component, when the submit button is pressed, i used the ReCaptchaV3Service from the library above. My code looks like this
this.recaptchaV3Service.execute(YOUR_ACTION_NAME).subscribe((recaptchaResponse) => {
// now call your api on the server and make sure you pass the recaptchaResponse string to your method
The text YOUR_ACTION_NAME is the name of the action you are doing. In my case i passed 'forgotPassword' as this parameter.
Now on the server, first i included this into my project
<PackageReference Include="Google.Cloud.RecaptchaEnterprise.V1" Version="1.2.0" />
Once included in my service, i found it easier to create a service in my code, which is then injected. I also created a basic options class, which is injected into my service, it can be injected into other places if needed.
public class RecaptchaOptions
public string Type { get; set; }
public string ProjectId { get; set; }
public string PrivateKeyId { get; set; }
public string PrivateKey { get; set; }
public string ClientEmail { get; set; }
public string ClientId { get; set; }
public string SiteKey { get { return YOUR_SITE_KEY; } }
/// <summary>
/// 0.1 is worst (probably a bot), 0.9 is best (probably human)
/// </summary>
public float ExceptedScore { get { return (float)0.7; } }
Some of these values are not used, but i have added them for the future, encase i do use them.
Then i have created my service, which looks like so (i have created an interface for injecting and testing)
public interface IRecaptchaService
Task<bool> VerifyAsync(string recaptchaResponse, string expectedAction);
public class RecaptchaService : IRecaptchaService
#region IRecaptchaService
/// <summary>
/// Check our recaptcha
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recaptchaResponse">The response from the client</param>
/// <param name="expectedAction">The action that we are expecting</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public async Task<bool> VerifyAsync(string recaptchaResponse, string expectedAction)
// initialize request argument(s)
var createAssessmentRequest = new CreateAssessmentRequest
ParentAsProjectName = ProjectName.FromProject(_recaptchaOptions.ProjectId),
Assessment = new Assessment()
Event = new Event()
SiteKey = _recaptchaOptions.SiteKey,
Token = recaptchaResponse
// client
var cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();
var client = RecaptchaEnterpriseServiceClient.Create();
// Make the request
var response = await client.CreateAssessmentAsync(createAssessmentRequest, cancellationToken);
return response.TokenProperties.Valid && response.TokenProperties.Action.Equals(expectedAction) && response.RiskAnalysis?.Score >= _recaptchaOptions.ExceptedScore;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
private RecaptchaOptions _recaptchaOptions;
public RecaptchaService(RecaptchaOptions recaptchaOptions)
_recaptchaOptions = recaptchaOptions;
Now my api endpoint, i inject this service and call it. Here is an example API method that calls the recaptchaService.
public async Task<IActionResult> ForgotPasswordAsync([FromBody] ForgotPasswordModel model)
// check our recaptchaResponse
var verified = await _recaptchaService.VerifyAsync(model.RecaptchaResponse, "forgotPassword");
if (!verified)
throw new ApplicationException("Recaptcha failed, please try again");
// successful, carry on
Hope this helps everyone, if there are any questions, please ask and i will edit this and update it with anything i have missed.
I have a custom DbContext SnowflakeDbContext that I need to initialize with a SnowflakeDbConnection for it to work:
public class SnowflakeDbContext : DbContext
private readonly string connectionString = "";
public SnowflakeDbContext(DbContextOptions<SnowflakeDbContext> options) : base(options)
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
var dbConnection = new SnowflakeDbConnection()
ConnectionString = this.connectionString
optionsBuilder.AddInterceptors(new SnowflakeCommandInterceptor());
public DbSet<Opportunity> Opportunities { get; set; } = default!;
public DbSet<Account> Accounts { get; set; } = default!;
This works well with EF Core 5, were in Startup.cs (I am using an ASP.NET Core 5 web application) I use
I want to use the SnowflakeDbContext with HotChocolate where it is recommended that I use AddPooledDbContextFactory<> in order to support pooling of connections and allowing the system to make simultaneous calls (described here).
I have modified Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddPooledDbContextFactory<SnowflakeDbContext>(options =>
var dbConnection = new SnowflakeDbConnection()
ConnectionString = this.connectionString
options.AddInterceptors(new SnowflakeCommandInterceptor());
Using the following GraphQL query (which uses parallel queries):
query GetAccountsInParallel {
a: accounts {
id, name
b: accounts {
id, name
c: accounts {
id, name
I get the following error:
"No service for type 'SnowflakeGraphQL.Snowflake.SnowflakeDbContext' has been registered.",
I can add
in Startup.cs after the call to .AddPooledDbContextFactory<>. Now I get a different error:
"A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext."
All of the examples I have seen on the web use .UseSqlServer(connectionString) where as I need to use the .UseSqlServer(dbConnection) version in order to be able to access our Snowflake database.
How do I configure my application in Startup.cs to use .AddPooledDbContextFactory()?
Update: Starting with the graphql-workshop code and replacing Sqlite with first SqlServer and then SqlServer using my SnowflakeDbContext I get it to work, so there must be a subtle difference somewhere in my code as described above that results in a failure in my case.
When retrieving the accounts records, we need to use the [ScopedService] rather than the [Service] like this:
public async Task<List<Account>> GetAccounts([ScopedService] SnowflakeDbContext context) => await context.Accounts.ToListAsync();
the past days I have been struggling with injecting a DbContext in MY background worker. On the one hand, I want to inject the dbContext in my backgorund worker, but on the other hand I also want to use it in my API.
The injecting in my API seems to work fine, but since my worker is a singleton, I can not follow the standard lifetime of scoped for my dbcontext, and I have to add it as transient.
I have already tried to create a unit of work, in which I can refresh the context myself in my worker, effectively creating some kind of scoped service. I would refresh the context every time the worker went through his loop once again. This worked, and the application was working as I wanted, but I was no longer able to properly test, since I would create a new DbContext myself in the code. I feel like there must be a better way for to handle this.
My project structure looks like the following:
API => contains controlers + models I use for post requests.
The API project needs to use my database, to get and post data. It uses the repositories for this
Core (class library) => contains some core models
Domain(class library) => Contains my domain models + repositories.
All database work goes through here
Worker => Contains some logic.
The worker needs to use my database, to get and post data. It uses the repositories for this
Services (class library) => Some services that contain some logic.
The worker uses my repositories to get to the database
Tests => Tests for all code.
I want to be able to to integrationTesting as well here.
I currently inject all repositories and services in both my API and worker:
Worker configureservices:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedingProfileRepository), typeof(FeedingProfileRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedingTimesRepository), typeof(FeedingTimesRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedHistoryRepository), typeof(FeedHistoryRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IMotorController), typeof(MotorController));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFoodDispenser), typeof(FoodDispenser));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IGenericRepository<>), typeof(GenericRepository<>));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedingTimeChecker), typeof(FeedingTimeChecker));
(EDIT)Worker code:
public class Worker : BackgroundService
private readonly ILogger<Worker> _logger;
public IFeedingTimeChecker _feedingTimeChecker { get; }
public Worker(ILogger<Worker> logger, IFeedingTimeChecker feedingTimeChecker)
_logger = logger;
_feedingTimeChecker = feedingTimeChecker;
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
_logger.LogInformation("Worker running at: {time}", DateTimeOffset.Now);
catch(Exception ex)
await Task.Delay(10000, stoppingToken);
(EDIT)FeedingTimeChecker (called by worker)
private FeedingProfile _currentProfile { get; set; }
public DateTime lastResetDataFeedingTimes;
public DateTime lastProfileRefresh;
private readonly ILogger<FeedingTimeChecker> _logger;
private IFeedingProfileRepository _feedingProfileRepository { get; set; }
private IFeedingTimesRepository _feedingTimesRepository { get; set; }
private IFoodDispenser _foodDispenser { get; }
public FeedingTimeChecker(IFeedingProfileRepository feedingProfileRepository, IFeedingTimesRepository feedingTimesRepository,IFoodDispenser foodDispenser, ILogger<FeedingTimeChecker> logger)
lastResetDataFeedingTimes = DateTime.MinValue.Date;
lastProfileRefresh = DateTime.MinValue.Date;
_foodDispenser = foodDispenser;
_logger = logger;
_feedingTimesRepository = feedingTimesRepository;
_feedingProfileRepository = feedingProfileRepository;
public void UpdateCurrentProfile()
if(Time.GetDateTimeNow - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) > lastProfileRefresh)
_logger.LogInformation("Refreshing current profile");
_currentProfile = _feedingProfileRepository.GetCurrentFeedingProfile();
lastProfileRefresh = Time.GetDateTimeNow;
API configureServices:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedingProfileRepository), typeof(FeedingProfileRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedingTimesRepository), typeof(FeedingTimesRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFeedHistoryRepository), typeof(FeedHistoryRepository));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IMotorController), typeof(MotorController));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IFoodDispenser), typeof(FoodDispenser));
services.AddTransient(typeof(IGenericRepository<>), typeof(GenericRepository<>));
in my repositories I use the dbContext like the following:
public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
public CatAPIDbContext _dbContext { get; set; }
public GenericRepository(CatAPIDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public T GetById(object id)
return _dbContext.Set<T>().Find(id);
The result I would expect, is for my worker and API to behave correctly, always getting the lastest data and disposing of the dbContext on every single request, since I use a transient lifetime for my dbContext.
However, in my worker, I always get the following error:
The instance of entity type 'FeedingTime' cannot be tracked because another instance another instance of this type with the same key is already being tracked.
This error occurs when I try to set a column in the FeedingTime table.
A feedingProfile has 0-many feedingTimes, and the feedingProfile constantly retrieved.
Any solution where I can keep a testable clean codebase, but yet not run into this problem would be very welcome.
Thanks in advance
I have an Orchard CMS module that loads up some code which provides service functions. The service code is written to be host agnostic and has been used with ASP.NET and WCF previously. The service code uses MEF to load plugins. One such plugin is for audit.
In an attempt to allow access to the Orchard database for audit I have modified the service code to also allow the host to pass in an audit implementation instance. Thus my Orchard module can pass in an instance when the service starts with the intention that this instance writes audit data as records in the Orchard DB.
I have created a migration for my database:
public int UpdateFrom5()
table => table
.Column<int>("Id", c => c.PrimaryKey().Identity())
.Column("CampaignId", DbType.Guid)
.Column("CallId", DbType.Guid)
return 6;
I have created my AuditRecord model in Models:
namespace MyModule.Models
public class AuditRecord
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual int AuditPoint { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime EventTime { get; set; }
public virtual Guid CampaignId { get; set; }
public virtual Guid CallId { get; set; }
public virtual String Data { get; set; }
I have added an IAuditWriter interface that derives from IDependency so that I can inject a new instance when my module starts.
public interface IAuditWriter : IDependency
void WriteAuditRecord(AuditRecord data);
For my audit writer instance to work with the existing service code it must be derived from an abstract class FlowSinkAudit defined in the service library. The abstract class defines the Audit method. When the service needs to write audit it calls the audit method on all instances derived from the FlowAuditSink abstract class that have been instantiated either through MEF or by passing in an instance at startup.
public class AuditWriter : FlowAuditSink, IAuditWriter
private readonly IComponentContext ctx;
private readonly IRepository<AuditRecord> repo;
public AuditWriter(IComponentContext ctx, IRepository<AuditRecord> repo)
this.ctx = ctx;
this.repo = repo;
public void WriteAuditRecord(AuditRecord data)
// Get an audit repo
//IRepository<AuditRecord> repo = (IRepository<AuditRecord>)ctx.Resolve(typeof(IRepository<AuditRecord>));
using (System.Transactions.TransactionScope t = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope(System.Transactions.TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
public override void Audit(DateTime eventTime, AuditPoint auditPoint, Guid campaignId, Guid callId, IDictionary<String, Object> auditPointData)
// Add code here to write audit into the Orchard DB.
AuditRecord ar = new AuditRecord();
ar.AuditPoint = (int)auditPoint;
ar.EventTime = eventTime;
ar.CampaignId = campaignId;
ar.CallId = callId;
ar.Data = auditPointData.AsString();
My service code is started from a module level class that implements IOrchardShellEvents
public class Module : IOrchardShellEvents
private readonly IAuditWriter audit;
private readonly IRepository<ServiceSettingsPartRecord> settingsRepository;
private readonly IScheduledTaskManager taskManager;
private static readonly Object syncObject = new object();
public ILogger logger { get; set; }
public Module(IScheduledTaskManager taskManager, IRepository<ServiceSettingsPartRecord> settingsRepository, IAuditWriter audit)
this.audit = audit;
this.settingsRepository = settingsRepository;
this.taskManager = taskManager;
logger = NullLogger.Instance;
When the service is started during the "Activated" event, I pass this.Audit to the service instance.
public void Activated()
lock (syncObject)
var settings = settingsRepository.Fetch(f => f.StorageProvider != null).FirstOrDefault();
// Auto start the server
if (!StartServer(settings))
// Auto start failed, setup a scheduled task to retry
var tasks = taskManager.GetTasks(ServerAutostartTask.TaskType);
if (tasks == null || tasks.Count() == 0)
taskManager.CreateTask(ServerAutostartTask.TaskType, DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), null);
private void InitialiseServer()
if (!Server.IsInitialized)
var systemFolder = #"C:\Scratch\Plugins";
if (!Directory.Exists(systemFolder))
var cacheFolder = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/MyModule/Cache");
if (!Directory.Exists(cacheFolder))
Server.Initialise(systemFolder, cacheFolder, null, (FlowAuditSink)audit);
All of this works as expected and my service code calls the audit sink.
My problem is that when the audit sink is called and I try to write the audit to the database using this.repo.Create(data) nothing is written.
I have also attempted to create a new repository object by using the IComponentContext interface but this errors with object already disposed. I assume this is because the audit sink is a long lived object instance.
I have attempted both with and without the current transaction suspended which doesn't affect the result. I assume this is because the call is not coming through ASP.NET MVC but from a thread created by the service code.
Can anyone tell my how I can get my audit data to appear in the Orchard database?
Well, I have a solution, but as I'm not very familiar with Orchards architecture it may not be the best way.
After a good deal of delving into the Orchard sources it struck me that the crux of this issue can be summarised as
"how do I access the Orchard autofac injection mechanism from a thread that does not use the Http request pipeline".
I figured that this is what a scheduled task must do so I created a scheduled task and set a breakpoint in IScheduledTaskHandler.Process to discover how the task was executed. Looking at Orchard\Tasks\SweepGenerator.cs showed me the way.
I modified my AuditWriter thusly:
public interface IAuditWriter : ISingletonDependency
public class AuditWriter : FlowAuditSink, IAuditWriter
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _workContextAccessor;
public AuditWriter(IWorkContextAccessor workContextAccessor)
_workContextAccessor = workContextAccessor;
public override void Audit(DateTime eventTime, AuditPoint auditPoint, Guid campaignId, Guid callId, IDictionary<String, Object> auditPointData)
// Add code here to write audit into the Orchard DB.
AuditRecord ar = new AuditRecord();
ar.AuditPoint = (int)auditPoint;
ar.EventTime = eventTime;
ar.CampaignId = campaignId;
ar.CallId = callId;
ar.Data = auditPointData.AsString();
using (var scope = _workContextAccessor.CreateWorkContextScope())
// resolve the manager and invoke it
var repo = scope.Resolve<IRepository<AuditRecord>>();
scope.Resolve works and my data is successfully written to the Orchard DB.
At the moment, I don't think my use of ISingletonDependency is working correctly as my constructor is only called when my module injects an AuditWriter instance in its constructor and it happens more than once.
Anyway it seems that to gain access to the Orchard autofac resolution mechanism from a non Http thread we use IWorkContextAccessor
Please let me know if this is not correct.
I'm brand new to OData and WCF data services so this might be an easy problem. I'm using VS Web Developer Express 2010 where I have a very simple WCF Data Service hosted in a console app. It's returning an IQuerable collection of a simple 'Study' class from a repository (located in a separated dll project), which in turn retrieves 'Study' classes from a db project in another dll (so 3 projects in the solution).
I also have an 'Experiment' class in the db project and there can be multiple Experiments in a Study. When I exclude the Experiment class from the Study everything works and I get data coming back. The problem happens when I add a List collection to the Study class, then I get a runtime error when I try to run the service. In Firebug the error is '500 Internal Server Error', and the message in the browser is 'Request Error. The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details.'
I have IIS 7 and I also just installed IIS 7.5 but again it's brand new to me, so I can't figure out where the service is hosted or where to view the server / web logs. There are only IIS 7 logs visible in 'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1'. The VS web server (Cassini) doesn't start when I run the app, so this suggests it's being hosted in IIS 7.5 (?).
- how do I return child classes / complex objects?
- how do I know where my service is hosted and where can I find the server logs?
Here's the host app:
using MyStudyRepository;
using MyStudyDB;
namespace MyStudyService
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
string serviceAddress = "http://localhost:998";
Uri[] uriArray = { new Uri(serviceAddress) };
Type serviceType = typeof(StudyDataService);
using (var host = new DataServiceHost(serviceType,uriArray))
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop service");
public class StudyDataService : DataService<StudyRepository>
public static void InitializeService(IDataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.AllRead);
Here's the repository:
using MyStudyDB;
namespace MyStudyRepository
public class StudyRepository
List<Study> _List = new List<Study>();
//Add constructor to populate myStudies list on creation of class
public StudyRepository()
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
Study myStudy = new Study() { ID = i, StudyOwnerId = i, StudyName = "Study" + i.ToString() /*, Experiments = null */ };
public IQueryable<Study> Studies
return _List.AsQueryable<Study>();
And here's the DB:
namespace MyStudyDB
public class Study
public int ID { get; set;}
public int StudyOwnerId { get; set; }
public string StudyName { get; set; }
//public List<Experiment> Experiments { get; set; }
public class Experiment
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int StudyId { get; set; }
To debug the WCF Data Service please refer to this blog post: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/phaniraj/archive/2008/06/18/debugging-ado-net-data-services.aspx
As to why the collection of Experiment doesn't work, there are two reasons:
The Experiment class is not recognized as an entity type because there's no entity set for it. (Entity set is the IQueryable property on your repository class, which you don't have). As a result the Experiment class is only recognized as a complex type.
The currently released version of WCF Data Services doesn't support MultiValues, MultiValue is effectively a collection of primitive or complex types.
So you have two way to "fix" this. Either make sure that Experiment is in fact an entity, by adding IQueryable property on your repository class.
Or use the latest CTP (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astoriateam/archive/2011/06/30/announcing-wcf-data-services-june-2011-ctp-for-net4-amp-sl4.aspx) which does support MultiValues.
Thanks! And I guess it is missing the DataServiceKey attribute on the class as follows:
public class Study