Transaction history API is not sending payer email address? - api

I have requested for the transaction history by using paypal sync api and getting the successful response but response does not contain payer email address in payer_info object is this bug or i need some permissions to get the email address


How to Validate Receiver Paypal Email before Payout , Is their Any API?

I am sending payment to user of my application but want to validate that Is Paypal account is exist on this email or not?
The only way to know if there is a PayPal account attached to an email address prior to a payment is to use Connect with PayPal to have the user log in with their account, and validate the response.
Otherwise, if you send a payment to an email address that has no account, they will receive a notification that there is money waiting and it will be auto-refunded after 30 days (with a reminder) if they do not claim it by creating an account or adding that email to an existing account.

How can I receive a payment notification when I receive Bitcoin in a wallet on Coinbase?

I am building a bitcoin payment processor based on Coinbase. I will receive Bitcoin from end users.
Coinbase lets wallet owners receive notifications of various events via a webhook.
Which event will be generated when a user sends Bitcoin to my Coinbase wallet addresses?
And how can I know from that notification webhook whether the transaction has been confirmed or not? If confirmed, how many times it has been confirmed?
I know there are transaction APIs, but I also need a response from the webhook, because this information is important.
I have got clear understanding after making payment.
I thought Coinbase will call my webhook each time when transaction get confirmed, But they call only once.
And the event responnsible for new payment is wallet:addresses:new-payment. Which is available in their post data
{"id":"5a6956f9-94bb-5c15-99f3-a90347674","type":"wallet:addresses:new-payment" ....

How to get sendgrid batch email request callback when all mail processed.

I am using Sendgrid to send email to our users
To fulfill our requirement i am making a batch request by adding a category Id.
I just want to call a functionality(update my email source).when sendgrid processed every email from requested batch.
Is their any way to set a callback in a email request that sendgrid call a link when all the mail of a batch is processed.

Shopify API refund email notifications

I am using the Transactions API to create refunds, then using the Order API to cancel the order. The cancel part generates a confirmation email to the customer according to what we have set up as our template just fine, however, the refund email is never sent. If we refund an order manually through the admin portal, the email is sent, but not via the Transactions API.
This email should be sent automatically, without having to send in a "notify_customer" parameter, correct?
The refund api has a boolean 'notify' property.
notify: true,

Payout to unregistered user with API REST

I use the Paypal REST API to do single payout ( As receiver, I give an email address. All works as expected if I give an email corresponding to an existing Paypal sandbox account.
When I give an email that is not registered among my testing sandbox accounts, I would have expected than the receiver targeted by the payout would receive an email and be invited to create his Paypal account to claim his payout.
However, I got a "RECEIVER_UNREGISTERED: Receiver is unregistered ("
To give an email as receiver linked to an existing Paypal is it really mandatory ? If yes, what is your app workflow to send a Paypal Payout to unregistered Paypal users ?
Thanks !
When you do a payout to an non-registered email, the status of the payout become "Unclaimed".
If the user is registered on PayPal, you will normally get a "Success" transaction status.
The error messages only have an informative purpose :
"message":"Receiver is unregistered",
The Sandbox is an isolated environnement and emails from the sandbox environnement are not sent to the end-users. That's why your payout receiver are not receiving any email asking to create a Paypal account. Same scenario if you send money to a phone number instead of an email address.
Receivers have 30 days to claim their money. After 30 days, the money is refunded to the payee.
You can read more about the status on the Payout API documentation.