RedisGraph - Combining multiple directives with MERGE - cypher

I am currently running the below query on Neo4J
match (p:Initial{state: 'Initial', name: 'Initial'}), (c:Encounter{code:'abcd', state: 'Encounter', name: 'Encounter1'})
merge (p)-[:raw {person_id:'1234', type:'Encounter', code:'abcd'}]->(c)
However I am unable to do the same query on RedisGraph.
According to what I have found so far, Redis does not seem to support combining MERGEwith other directives
Is there any workaround to this?
Can the query be changed to allow it to execute the same functionality without the match statement?

The only option I see right now is to split this into two queries,
The first one checks to see if p is connected to c:
MATCH (p:Initial{state: 'Initial', name: 'Initial'})-[:raw {person_id:'1234', type:'Encounter', code:'abcd'}]->(c:Encounter{code:'abcd', state: 'Encounter', name: 'Encounter1'}) RETURN p,c
If the above query returns empty issue a second query to form the relation:
MATCH (p:Initial{state: 'Initial', name: 'Initial'})(c:Encounter{code:'abcd', state: 'Encounter', name: 'Encounter1'}) CREATE (p)-[:raw {person_id:'1234', type:'Encounter', code:'abcd'}]->(c)


How to persist column descriptions in BigQuery tables

I have created models in my dbt(data build tool) where I have specified column description. In my dbt_project.yml file as shown below
# Applies to all files under models/example/
relation: true
columns: true
materialized: table
+schema: examples
I have added +persist_docs as described by dbt as the fix to make column description appear but still no description appears in bigquery table.
My models/events/events.yml looks like this
version: 2
- name: events
description: This table contains clickstream events from the marketing website
- name: event_id
description: This is a unique identifier for the event
- unique
- not_null
- name: user-id
quote: true
description: The user who performed the event
- not_null
What I'm I missing?
p.s I'm using dbt version 0.21.0
Looks consistent with the required format as shown in the docs:
......relation: true
......columns: true
version: 2
..- name: dim_customers
....description: One record per customer
......- name: customer_id
........description: Primary key
Maybe spacing? I converted the spaces to periods in the examples above because the number of spaces is unforgivingly specific for yml files.
I've started using the vscode yml formatter because of how often I run into spacing issues on these keys in both the schema.yml and the dbt_project.yml
Otherwise, this isn't for a source or external-table right? Those are the only two artifacts that persist-docs is unsupported for.
Sources unsupported persist_docs -> sources tab
External Tables unsupported (Can't find in docs again but read today in docs or github issue)
Also Apache Spark unsupported (irrelevant here) Apache Spark Profile
Also, if you're going to be working with persist_docs a lot, check out this macro example persist_docs_op that Jeremy left for a run-operation to update your persisted docs in case that's all you changed!

Defining big query dbt sources with characters in table name?

After reviewing both of the below resources:
Source configurations
BigQuery configurations
I was unable to find an answer to this question:
Given a standard dbt project directory, I am defining a sources.yml which points to pre-existing bigquery tables that contain character names.
version: 2
- name: biqquery
- name: `fa--task.dataset.addresses`
- name: `fa--task.dataset.devices`
- name: `fa--task.dataset.orders`
- name: `fa--task.dataset.payments`
Using tilde as in ` was successful directly from a select statement:
(select * from `fa--task.dataset.orders`)
but is not recognized as valid yaml in sources.
The desired result would be something like:
{{ sources('bigquery','`fa--task.dataset.addresses`') }}
Edit: Updated source.yml as requested:
Try this!
version: 2
- name: bigquery # are you sure you want to name it this? usually we name things after the data source, like 'stripe', or 'saleforce'
schema: dataset
database: fa--task
- name: addresses
- name: devices
- name: orders
- name: payments
Then in your models can do:
select * from {{ source('bigquery', 'addresses') }}
It might worth checking out the guide on sources to wrap your head around what's happening here, as well as the docs for source properties which contains the list of the keys available under the source: keys.

choice equivalent in Jenkins scripted pipeline

I recently refactored my declartive pipeline into a scripted form. Even if everything seems to work fine, I have a problem coming from the initialization of a multiple valued paramenter.
In my declarative pipeline, I was using the following definition of multiple valued parameter (which was working as it should):
parameters {
choice(choices: ['fix', 'major', 'minor', 'none'], description: "Increase version's number: MAJOR.MINOR.FIX", name: "VERSIONING")
I refactored it into this form for the scripted pipeline:
choice(choices: ['fix\nmajor\nminor\nnone'], description: "Increase version's number: MAJOR.MINOR.FIX", name: "VERSIONING"),
The problem is that when I realised that something wasn't working as it should, and printed the variable value with a sh """echo "Versioning parameter check:" ${params.VERSIONING}""" step, I got this from the Jenkins' console:
Versioning parameter check: false
Which is both a value not in the list, and of a different type (boolean instead of string).
Is there a way to implement multiple value parameter initialization in Jenkins scripted pipelines?
Why this directive doesn't work out of the box in the scripted pipeline, whereas it does in the declarative type?
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Your definition is absolutely fine. You just need to pass the choices as list items and not as \n seperated values.
choice(choices: ['fix', 'major', 'minor', 'none'], description: "Increase version's number: MAJOR.MINOR.FIX", name: "VERSIONING"),
Try the other option for defining choice parameter:
[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition',
choices: 'fix\nmajor\nminor\nnone\n',
description: "Increase version's number: MAJOR.MINOR.FIX"
We use the following for a choice parameter, so it looks like your own definition but without the brackets:
choice(choices: 'fix\nmajor\nminor\nnone', description: "Increase version's number: MAJOR.MINOR.FIX", name: "VERSIONING"),
If you want the default value to be empty, just add an empty first choice like this:
choice(choices: '\nfix\nmajor\nminor\nnone'

Karate graphql variables inside query

I am trying to insert previously defined variable inside graphql query but I'm not able to find any example on how to do that except creating variables outside of query text and then making request with variables.
There is one problem for me for example in this example
queries: [{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldOne", value: "#(id)"},
{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldTwo", value: null}]
I want to insert value #(id) only for the first object in graphql query. Can anyone please provide some example for me or any suggestions on how to do that?
Alright I was thinking that it will be possible to directly replace text inside query, but I found solution from karate documentation with.
queries: [{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldOne", value: "<id>"},
{type: TERM, match: EQUAL, field: "fieldTwo", value: null}]
enclose id inside query text in angle brackets <> and then replace id inside query with id stored in variable id by calling
* replace = id

Prepend or append to values obtained from Knex js SQL queries

I have a simple people table which has two columns id and name.
I can query all the names along with the id as follows
const persons = await knex('people').select('id','name');
I want to add Dr. in front of all the names.
For example
{id:1, name: 'Tom'}
should return
{id:1, name: 'Dr. Tom'}
How do I do this in knex js ?
I believe you could easily do it in memory using JS map, but apparently you want to do it on db level.
Basically, you need the following query:
select CONCAT('Dr. ', as 'name', as 'id' from people;
(Tested in w3schools online fiddler)
So, effectively we could try the following (basing on Identifier Syntax from
knex({ people: 'people' })
id: '',
name: 'CONCAT("Dr. ",'
But I'm not sure if knex will substitute it properly.
The problem is, however, that CONCAT is not supported by all SQL dialects, as far as I am concerned.