Redis - Get total dataset size in a cluster - redis

When a Redis instance is setup and running, the dataset size (in bytes) can be retrieved from output of the below command by looking at used_memory_dataset field.
./redis-cli -h <ip address> -p <port> info
However, when I have multiple instances running in the cluster mode, how do I retrieve the dataset size across the cluster? Can redis-cli tool still be used for such cluster-based commands?

As of Redis v5 the cli includes cluster-smarts. You can use the following form to call a command, e.g. INFO, on all nodes:
redis-cli --cluster call ip:port command
To calculate the dataset's total size, you'd have to add up the different replies.


redis-cli --pipe yields MOVED errors when bulk uploading to Elasticache with cluster-mode enabled

I am trying to use redis-cli --pipe to bulk upload some commands to my AWS Elasticache for redis cluster. The commands come from parsing a file via a custom awk command, which helps generate some HSET commands. The awk command is in a custom shell script. When my Elasticache for redis server had cluster-mode disabled, doing something like the following worked like a charm:
sh $FILE_TO_PARSE | redis-cli -h <Primary_endpoint> -p <port> --tls --cacert <path/to/cert> --pipe
Due to an internal project requirement, the Elasticache for Redis server has been re-created with cluster-mode enabled, and hence I am adding the -c flag to the above command to specify as such.
I see the following results when trying to work with my Elasticache for Redis server with cluster-mode enabled:
I can connect to the cluster via the configuration endpoint no problem!
Single command uploads work (i.e: redis-cli -h <config_endpoint> -p <port> -c --tls --cacert <path/to/certs> SET key value)
It would be extremely convenient to just pipe output from my script to the cli:
sh $FILE_TO_PARSE | redis-cli -h <config_endpoint> -p <port> -c --tls --cacert <path/to/cert> --pipe
but adding the --pipe flag results in "MOVED" errors.
I have tried modifying the script to include {} (ex: HSET {user1}:hash field1 val1 field2 val2 ... brackets to try to force keys to the same CLUSTER SLOTS, but I still get the "MOVED" errors and I am attempting to bulk upload millions of keys so I don't think they would all fit in the same slot anyway.
Does anyone have experience getting --pipe to work with cluster-mode enabled Redis/Elasticache?
I am sure you understand that the core difference between Cluster Mode Disabled and Cluster Mode Enabled is that there is a split in your total Key slots.
Just to put in context;
CMD - Let's say we have 4 node cluster with 1 Primary and 3 Replicas.
if we have 100 key slots -
All the 100 key slots will be there in all the nodes. 3 of them will serve Read only commands and 1 of the node will serve all the commands.
CME - Let's say we have 4 nodes split in 2 shards - 1 replica and 1 primary each.
We can look at them as logical sub-clusters ie. they will have different sets of key-slots. Ideally a 50-50 split.
Now, the MOVED message is not necessarily an error.
When you connect to the configuration endpoint, by default you are being connected with one of the primary nodes (chosen at random, at first).
when you make a command, the client sends that command and the primary node decides if it has the correct hash-slot to serve that command.
As explained here, if the node does not have the hash-slot that your client is looking for, it will redirect you with a MOVED message.
So, I would assume MOVED messages are somewhat expected with CME clusters.

Why does Redis scan return keys which belong to another node

When I scan the Redis using below command:
redis-cli -h <redis_master_ip> -p 6379 --scan --pattern '*'
it returns keys which belong to this node, but it also returns many keys which belong to another redis node. Therefore if I run below command:
redis-cli -h <redis_master_ip> -p 6379 object freq <some_keys_from_scan>
I get error like Error: MOVED 90 <another_redis_master_ip>:6379
Due to the same reason, I get the same error when running:
redis-cli -h <redis_master_ip> -p 6379 --hotkeys
Note both the <redis_master_ip> and <another_redis_master_ip> are a part of redis cluster.
The document defines scan as: "iterates the set of keys in the currently selected Redis database". My understanding is it should only scan the keys belong to the current node. my redis cluster is 6.0.10.
Does anybody know why executing scan return the keys of another node? I am only interested in getting the keys of this node.
I see another link mentioned the same issue but no solution yet:

How to connect to redis sentinel and manipulate different dbs

I am struggling to connect redis in sentinel mode using redis-cli.
I've tried:
redis-cli -h my_host -p my_port -a my_password
I randomly picked up one from 3 sentinel nodes to connect.
However, when logged in, it seems different with single mode redis, where I can manipulate dbs with set or hset commmand.
For instance, when I am typing:
select 0 (trying to select db 0)
It returns:
redis_sentinel_node_1_ip:port> select 0
(error) ERR unknown command `select`, with args beginning with: `0`
Could anyone help ?
While Sentinel and Redis use the same communication protocol (and live in the same executable as well), they support a very different set of commands. Afaik, Sentinel does not have the notion of multiple databases, so SELECT wouldn't have any sense there. If you just want to test a random command, you can use PING which is supported by both Redis and Sentinel.
You may want to review the set of commands Sentinel supports on the official docs.

Redis cluster master slave - not able to add key

I have setup up Redis master slave configuration having one master (6379 port) and 3 slaves (6380,6381,6382) running in the same machine. Looks like cluster is setup properly as I can see the following output on running info command:
# Replication
But wherever I try to add new key in master, I get the following error:
(error) CLUSTERDOWN Hash slot not served
Using redis-3.0.7 in Mac OS X Yosemite.
I had the same issue, turned out I forgot to run the create cluster:
cd /path/to/utils/create-cluster
./create-cluster create
To fix slots issue while insertion:
redis-cli --cluster fix localhost:6379
You can use ruby script buddled with redis for creating clusters as mentioned below :
/usr/local/redis-3.2.11/src/redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1
There is a hash slot not allotted to any master. Check the hash slots by looking at the column 9 in the output of following command (column 9 will be empty if no hash slots for that node):
redis-cli -h masterIP -p masterPORT CLUSTER NODES
The hash slots can be allotted by using the following command.
redis-cli -h masterIP -p masterPORT CLUSTER ADDSLOTS SLOTNNUMBER
But this has to be done for every slot number individually without missing. Use a bat script to include it in for loop. something like,
for /L %a in (0,1,5400) Do redis-cli -h -p 7001 cluster addslots %a
Also, this command works before assigning slaves to master. After this ADDSLOTS step and completing the setup, the SET and GET worked fine. Remember to use -c along with redis-cli before SET to enable cluster support.
The issue comes when one or more Redis nodes gets corrupted and can no longer serve its configured hash slots.
You will have to bootstrap the cluster again to make sure the nodes agree on the hash slots to serve.
If the Redis nodes contain data or a key in the database 0, you will have to clear this data before rerunning the bootstrap.

How to Run YCSB for a redis Cluster on Ubuntu

I am new to YCSB and i want to benchmark Redis using more than one cluster. I have tried with only one Redis on my localhost with the following command.
./bin/ycsb load redis -p -p redis.port=6379 -P workloads/workloada -p recordcount=200000 -s > d.dat
I am getting the currect ops/sec and other data.
Now i need to know how can run YCSB for more than one cluster.
Can anybody give an answer (steps to run this).
And it would be helpful if anyone can help to run Couchbase YCSB too.
The following steps need to be done to perform YCSB bench marking with redis cluster
1) configure redis cluster with different nodes by referring to the document
2) open the ycsb terminal,set up redis host ip address, port and specify the required parameters needed
./bin/ycsb load redis -p"ip address" -p redis.port="port" -P workloads/workloada -p recordcount=200000 -s > d.dat