Why does WiX Torch giving me an error code 0279? - wix

I have a problem when building .wix MST difference file. I get the following error:
"The table definition of target database does not match the table definition updated database. A transform requires that the target database schema match the update database schema".
I tried finding solution on internet for almost 2 hours but no luck. I know It is probably caused by difference in MSI tables schema but I have no idea how to fix that.


Trouble Importing csv into pgAdmin 4 - Internal Server Error: 'columns'

I have added six empty tables with SQL into pgAdmin. I have six csv files with the same columns and I am trying to add them in concordance with an entity relationship diagram that includes column names, and key information. 5 have imported relatively easily. Trying to work out a different error with the last. However, I am frequently getting this error:
internal server error: 'columns'
This error seems to occurs before the request to add the csv can even be created. when I look at the "columns" tab in the import/export utility, none of the columns in the csv I am trying to import appear. When I use
SELECT * FROM table;
I can tell that the table columns have been created with the right names. This error is confusingly inconsistent as sometimes when I drop and add a table, using the same code I did previously, it seems to appear and disappear without cause. I have tried editing the SQL that I use to create the tables, changing the order in which I import the tables, changing FK and PK around in different tables, and reinstalling different versions of PGAdmin.
I had the same issue and resolved it by refreshing the DB connection (right click DB > refresh)
I think it doesn't know that you have added the columns so it's trying to tell you to add them, so refreshing should fix the confusion.

SSAS corrupt string store data file for one of the table columns error

I'm getting error on SSAS when redeploy the project. The error is;
The JSON DDL request failed with the following error: Error happened while loading table data. Possible cause is: corrupt string store data file for one of the table columns.Error happened while loading table data.A duplicate value has been detected in the Unique Value store associated with the dictionary.Database consistency checks (DBCC) failed while checking the data segments.Error happened while loading table '', file '1245.H$Countries (437294994)$Country (437295007).POS_TO_ID.0.idf'.Database consistency checks (DBCC) failed while checking the data segments.Error happened while loading table '', file '1245.H$Countries (437294994)$City ....
I checked the table Countries but there is no duplicated data.
Is there anybody who can help please?
As the error implies, the model has some corrupted data (not to be confused with duplicated data).
Microsoft has some resolutions for there kinds of errors here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/analysis-services/instances/database-consistency-checker-dbcc-for-analysis-services?view=asallproducts-allversions#common-resolutions-for-error-conditions
Depending on the error, the recommended resolution is to either
reprocess an object, delete and redeploy a solution, or restore the

SSAS Tabular Model. Column disappears after SSAS sevice restart

SSAS Version:
Visual Studio Version: 4.7.02558
Issue: once model is delployed to the server, it is processed w/o any errors. But if the SSAS server is rebooted, one of the dimensions throws an error while processing. It just loses one of the column. Here is the error that I get (Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'The 'Global_Code_SKU' column does not exist in the rowset.):
The column data sample looks like this:
The model contains 2 dimensions and a fact table with 632 million rows in it. May it be that the fact table size is an issue? Maybe dictionary's too big?
How I fix it: by deploying model again without partitions and roles, just metadata, and this fixes the issue, however sometimes servers can be rebooted without notification, so the processing job fails next day (it runs once a day).
Is there any suggestion I can consider to fix this? I searched for a while, haven't found any solution though.
There was a hidden sign in right before the first symbol in one of the names, so after comparing binaries of the two strings we wound that we just should recreate the table and that solved the problem
Some suggestions to try:
After reboot, connect to the SSAS server using SSMS and right click the database in question and choose Script -> Script database as. Is the column Global_Code_SKU still there? Is it hidden? Is it available in the source?
What datatype is the Global_Code_SKU? I've had problems with columns with similar values being auto-identified by SSAS as binary and therefore excluded from the load.

How to get Merge Join to work for two different data sources in SSIS

I have been working on creating/loading data into a database for a school project and have been having some issues with Merge Join. I’ve researched many issues the others have had with Merge Join and typically solve my own problems but this one is a bit tricky. I’ve created an SSIS package that should pull a column from a table in Access (this column contains duplicate names to which I utilize a sort later on in the data flow) as well as pull another column from a table in my SQL Server database. For both of these OLE DB Sources I have tried using the simple method of selecting the table through the data access mode but I thought perhaps this was contributing to many warning messages because it would always pull everything from the table as opposed to the one column from each that I wanted. I am now using the SQL Command option with an extremely simple query (see below).
FROM NameTable
For both OLE DB sources the query is the same except for the parameters selected. Following the source, I have a data conversion on each (because I found that Merge Join is a pansy when the data types don’t match) and I convert the Access one from DT_WSTR to DT_STR, while the SQL Server source is converted from DT_I4 to DT_STR. I then follow both with a sort, passing through the copy of Name and Tid, checking the “removing sorts with duplicate rows” option. Following that step, I then begin utilizing Merge Join with the Access source being my left input and the SQL Server Source (by source I am just referring to the side of the data flow, you’ll see in the image below) being the right input. Below I will also show how I am configuring the Merge Join, in case I’m doing it wrong. Lastly, I have my OLE DB Destination setup to drop this data into a table with the following columns, PrimaryKey column (it auto increments as new data is inserted), the Name column and the Tid column.
When I run the columns it says that it succeeds with no errors. I check my database and nothing has been written, I also note that in SSIS it says 0 rows written. I’m not sure what is going on as I enable the data viewers in between the sorts and the merge join and can see the data coming out both pipelines. Another important thing to note is that when I enable the data viewer after the Merge Join, it never shows up when I run the package, only the two after sort appear. At first I thought maybe the data wasn’t coming out of the Merge Join so I experimented with placing derive columns after the Merge Join and sure enough, the data does flow through. Even with those extra things in between the Merge Join and Destination, the data viewers never pop up. I mention this because I suspect that this is part of the problem. Below are also the messages that SSIS spits out after I run the package.
SSIS messages:
SSIS package "C:\Users\Liono\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\DataTest6\Package.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043006 at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043007 at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Pre-Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300C at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x40043008 at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Post Execute phase is beginning.
Information: 0x4004300B at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: "OLE DB Destination" wrote 0 rows.
Information: 0x40043009 at Data Flow Task, SSIS.Pipeline: Cleanup phase is beginning.
SSIS package "C:\Users\Liono\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\DataTest6\Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
The program '[9588] DtsDebugHost.exe: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Lastly, I did ask a somewhat similar question and solved it on my own by using one source with the right SQL query, but the same thing doesn’t apply here because I’m pulling from two different sources and I am having issues with the Merge Join this time around. The code I used last time:
SELECT a.T1id,
FROM Table1 AS a join
Table2 AS b
On a.T1id = b.T2id,
Name AS c
I post this because, maybe someone might know of a way to right some SQL that will allow me to forgo using Merge Join again, where I can somehow grab both sets of data and join them, then dump them in my table in SQL Server.
As always, I greatly appreciate your help and if there are any questions of clarifications that need to be made, please ask and I will do my best to help you help me.

SSIS - Check OLE DB source schema

I have a ETL project that I need to load data from some 50K Access .MDB databases in a folder to sql server. Problem with those 50K databases files is that they have different schemas and I need the ETL process to be able to identify the differences and respond correctly.
For example, in some of the .MDB files there are table A, B and C. However in some other tables there are only table A and B (Same table A and B as compared to the other tables, just table C is missing). I need to put a check on each OLE DB source to see what tables are there to achieve logic like IF table A exists, load table A, otherwise, bypass the load.
I've done my googling and searched SO but all the error handling or check methods I could find are for the execute SQL task or data conversion task. So if anyone could shed some light on solution to my above case, I would be deeply appreciated.
In a nutshell - SSIS assumes that metadata does not change.
However, with some tricks, this restriction can be reduced; below is the list of suggested tricks:
Test for existence of specific table (see example here How to use SQL to query the metadata in Microsoft Office Access? Like SQL Server's sys.tables, sys.columns etc) and based on the result - do conditional execution of the following tasks.
All SQL requests to MS Access tables should have DelayValidation property set to True. Reason - postpone SQL command validation from package start to specific task execution. Some tasks (for missing tables) will not be executed; thus, it will not be validated and will not fire validation error.