Is there a way to ask (popup) if I want to flag the email after I press the send button?
Use the Application.ItemSend event to display a MsgBox asking whether to flag or not.
Then as noted in this question, you'll need to listen to the Items.ItemAdd event on the Sent Items folder and call MarkAsTask on the message passed to the event handler.
So add the following code to ThisOutlookSession - use Alt + F11 to bring up the VB editor.
Private WithEvents Items As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Dim SentItems As Folder
Set SentItems = Outlook.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
Set Items = SentItems.Items
End Sub
Private Sub Items_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
If TypeOf Item Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Dim property As UserProperty
Set property = Item.UserProperties("FlagForFollowUp")
If property Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Item.MarkAsTask olMarkThisWeek
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
If TypeOf Item Is Outlook.MailItem Then
Dim prompt As String
prompt = "Would you like to flag this item?"
If MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Flag item") = vbYes Then
Dim property As UserProperty
Set property = Item.UserProperties.Add("FlagForFollowUp", olYesNo)
property.Value = True
End If
End If
End Sub
I have VBA code in Outlook that adds a calendar event in a google calendar when the event is added in Outlook. The code is also able to delete an event in a google calendar when the event is deleted from Outlook.
I have this code at the top of the VBA code:
Dim WithEvents curCal As Items
Dim WithEvents DeletedItems As Items
Dim newCalFolder As Outlook.Folder
The private sub that adds an event looks like this:
Private Sub curCal_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim cAppt As AppointmentItem
Dim moveCal As AppointmentItem
End Sub
The code that deletes an event looks like this:
Private Sub DeletedItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
' only apply to appointments
If Item.MessageClass <> "IPM.Appointment" Then Exit Sub
' if using a category on copied items, this may speed it up.
If Item.Categories = "moved" Then Exit Sub
End Sub
Both of these functions work as expected.
Now I need to code a sub that will execute when the event is modified so I can send the modifications to google.
I assume I need to create Private Sub curCal_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(ByVal Item As Object) but I dont know what the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx would be.
Anybody know what the sub name should be where I can place code that will execute after an Outlook calendar event has been changed?
You may consider using the ItemChange event which is fired when an item in the specified collection is changed:
Private Sub myOlItems_ItemChange(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim prompt As String
If VBA.Format(Item.Start, "h") >= "17" And Item.Sensitivity <> olPrivate Then
prompt = "Appointment occurs after hours. Mark it private?"
If MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbYes Then
Item.Sensitivity = olPrivate
End If
End If
End Sub
But there is no information what exactly has been changed, only the item changed is passed as a parameter.
For that reason you may consider handling the AppointmentItem.PropertyChange event which is fired when an explicit built-in property (for example, Subject) of an instance of the parent object is changed. In that case the name of the property that was changed is passed as a parameter.
Also you may find the MailItem.Write event helpful. It is fired when an object is saved, either explicitly (for example, using the Save or SaveAs methods) or implicitly (for example, in response to a prompt when closing the item's inspector).
Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Private Sub myItem_Write(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim myResult As Integer
myItem = "The item is about to be saved. Do you wish to overwrite the existing item?"
myResult = MsgBox(myItem, vbYesNo, "Save")
If myResult = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize_Handler()
Const strCancelEvent = "Application-defined or object-defined error"
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set myItem = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
If Err.Description = strCancelEvent Then
MsgBox "The event was cancelled."
End If
End Sub
Once I tab to the email's body I want to check the subject.
If equal to a specific text then open a template.
I wrote the part about the template.
The difficult part is using the inspectors to check the subject while writing the mail.
Code in thisOutlookSession
Private Sub subject()
Dim subject As String
Dim item As Outlook.MailItem
Dim inspector As Outlook.inspector
Dim template As Outlook.MailItem
Set inspector = Outlook.ActiveInspector
Set item = inspector.CurrentItem
subject = item.subject
Debug.Print subject
If subject = "test" Then
Set template = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:test\test.oft")
End If
End Sub
Please, try the next way:
Create three variables on top of ThisOutlookSession:
Private WithEvents m_Inspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private WithEvents m_Inspector As Outlook.Inspector
Private WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Copy the next Startup event code in ThisOutlookSession module:
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set m_Inspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub
Or copy only the line Set m_Inspectors = Application.Inspectors inside it, if already used for other purposes.
Then, copy the next events code in the same module:
Private Sub m_Inspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
If TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then
'Handle emails only:
Set m_Inspector = Inspector
End If
End Sub
Private Sub m_Inspector_Activate()
If TypeOf m_Inspector.CurrentItem Is MailItem Then
Set myItem = m_Inspector.CurrentItem '!!!
End If
End Sub
And the PropertyChange event to be triggered when pressing enter after writing the subject (or clicking somewhere else: body, To, CC etc.):
Private Sub myItem_PropertyChange(ByVal Name As String)
Const specSubject As String = "mySubject..." 'use here the subject you need to open the template!
Const templFullName As String = "C:test\test.oft"
If Name = "Subject" Then
If myItem.Subject = specSubject Then
'do whatever you need...
myItem.Close False 'probably you want closing the new Email. If not, comment this line...
With Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(templFullName)
End With
End If
End If
End Sub
Now, manually press New Email button and play with the new mail window Subject...
The MailItem exposes aPropertyChange(String Name) event, which fires when the email subject field looses focus (among other).
You can hookup to it, but you need to declare the mail item WithEvents at module level.
See an example below:
Private WithEvents m_item As MailItem
Sub T()
Set m_item = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)
End Sub
Private Sub m_item_PropertyChange(ByVal Name As String)
If Name = "Subject" Then Debug.Print m_item.Subject
End Sub
I would like to get the dialog box for a follow-up flag and CategoriesDialog box to set a reminder when I close the mailitem.
I tried to modify the code from here. When I close a mailitem, all things remain normal and I get the category dialog. I can not get the dialog box for follow-up flag like this. There is no error message popup.
Public WithEvents objInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Public WithEvents colInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private Sub Application_Startup()
End Sub
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object)
End Sub
Private Sub Init_colInspectorsEvent()
'Initialize the inspectors events handler
Set colInspectors = Outlook.Inspectors
End Sub
Private Sub colInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal NewInspector As Inspector)
If NewInspector.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then MsgBox "New mail inspector is opened"
If NewInspector.CurrentItem.Class = olTask Then MsgBox "New Task inspector is opened"
If NewInspector.CurrentItem.Class = olContact Then MsgBox "New Contact inspector is opened"
Set objInspector = NewInspector
End Sub
Private Sub objInspector_Close()
If objInspector.CurrentItem.Class = olMail Then 'MsgBox "Mail inspector is closing"
objInspector.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("AddReminder") 'No error but not work
End If
End Sub
The Outlook object model doesn't provide any property or method for displaying the Add Reminder... dialog.
The best what you can do is to execute a built-in control programmatically:
CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("AddReminder")
But I don't think the Close event handler is the right place for such things.
I'm using code like this to catch the open event from an e-mail, but this only fires when you actually double click on an e-mail. Is there a way to also run the code when the e-mail is opened in the preview pane?
Public WithEvents myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Public EventsDisable As Boolean
Private Sub Application_ItemLoad(ByVal Item As Object)
If EventsDisable = True Then Exit Sub
If Item.Class = olMail Then
Set myItem = Item
End If
End Sub
Private Sub myItem_Open(Cancel As Boolean)
EventsDisable = True
'do something
EventsDisable = False
End Sub
That would be the Explorer.SelectionChange event:
I use 2007 Outlook.
I'm trying to get a code that upon creation of a new email prompts the user to pick one of the fixed radio button options as follows [A]: , [R]:, [F:] , [!]: , Blank (Option to get subject line blank).
I want that selection to be inserted into the subject line automatically.
I found code online but it errors out towards the end of the code.
Private Sub m_colInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
I pasted this code in the ThisOutlookSession module.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents m_colInspectors As Outlook.Inspectors
Private WithEvents CurrentInspector As Outlook.Inspector
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set m_colInspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub
Private Sub CurrentInspector_Activate()
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
If Len(UserForm1.SelectedSubject) Then
Set oMail = CurrentInspector.CurrentItem
oMail.Subject = UserForm1.SelectedSubject
End If
Set CurrentInspector = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub m_colInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Outlook.Inspector)
If TypeOf Inspector.CurrentItem Is Outlook.MailItem Then
If Inspector.CurrentItem.EntryID = vbNullString Then
UserForm1.SelectedSubject = vbNullString
Set CurrentInspector = Inspector
End If
End If
End Sub
I created a form with radio button and a command button where I inserted the following code.
Option Explicit
Public SelectedSubject As String
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If OptionButton1.Value = True Then
SelectedSubject = "Test"
End If
End Sub
This might get you want you want. Put it under ThisOutlookSession. When the user click on Sends this triggers, meaning they are not able to change the subject line before it is sent. I am using the UserForm1 and the code you are using for that. Add as many radiobuttons as you like and just amend the OptionButton1 to 2 and the value.
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim strSubject As String
Dim Prompt$
strSubject = Item.Subject
' Show RadioButtons
' Set Subject Line as the value from the selected RadioButton
strSubject = UserForm1.SelectedSubject
' Set the message subject
Item.Subject = strSubject
strSubject = Item.Subject
' Test if Subject Line is empty
If Len(Trim(strSubject)) = 0 Then
Prompt$ = "Subject is Empty. Are you sure you want to send the Mail?"
If MsgBox(Prompt$, vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check for Subject") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub