Message displayed "Downloading Update..." wont go away - linqpad

I have a licensed copy, currently on 5.3.1 and noticed in the top right of my window, I see this. Not sure how long this has been there. What can I check?

Version 5.3.1 sounds quite old as we're now on 5.36.03. It might be worth doing a once-off manual update as there could be a bug with the old version and it cannot download the new version correctly. Hopefully from then on auto update will work for you.
Also if you're behind a proxy, ensure your proxy settings are correct.


How to migrate extensions to work with TYPO3 10.x

I'm Looking for a kind of guide how to migrate extensions to work with TYPO3 V10.
I don't find much when I try my luck on google and don't really know where to start.
We are actually using TYPO3 9.5 and I will need to migrate Comsolit's owl_slider which we are heavily using on our website. TER doesn't offer a Version for TYPO3 V10.
Any hints are appreciated.
Since it is not built by you, if an update comes, all of your changes will be overwritten. With that being said, if you decide that you want to update it to TYPO3 10 by yourself then you should first avoid the "*" if you are on composer mode and you have to insert the current version so next time you run composer update, composer won't update the extension. Still, composer will check if the extension is compatible with TYPO3 v10 and if not then it will not run. So you will have to remove it from the composer and manually download it to your ext directory. If you are on non composer mode, just avoid clicking the update button in the extension manager.
For Frontend not much have been changed. The most common error that you can get is the <f:switch/> viewhleper where the defualt case has been changed from default="true" to defaultCase Changes.
Now you will have to deactivate the extension and update your TYPO3 installation to v10.
The first thing you need to do is to change the TYPO3 dependency to 10.99.99 or something greater than your current version (ext_emconf.php). From this point on, is try and error. You have to install the extension and go step by step through the errors that appear if any. Here you can find the changes that have been made. It would be wise to avoid deprecated function since in TYPO3 11 or 12, will be removed.
You can not know rom the start what can go wrong unless you test it. Even if you know exactly what has been changed, you will still need to try and error.
Best regards

UFT: SetCellData issue PbDataWindow for radio button

I have a radio button that is represented as a pbdatawindow, when I run setcelldata to pick an option it works fine on my laptop but fails on my colleagues laptop. If we try the run the command again on my colleagues laptop we get a fatal error from UFT.
The only difference between my UFT install and my colleagues is that my colleagues version is installed in French. Has anyone seen a similar issue?
PbWindow().PbDataWindow().SetCellData 1,1,""
Few things to try:
What version of uft are you using? - perhaps check for newer of see if there is a patch available?
Jump onto the microfocus knowledge base and see if there is anything around power builder.
You say the machines are the same but does that include every application too? In the past I've known that if you install applications after uft it can break its references. Try uninstalling and reinstalling uft. There is a repair option but uninstall/reinstall is normally more thorough.
Try and clear out all your temp and user settings.
In your user profile backup then remove all folders with mercury, hp, Hewlett-Packard and microfocus.
-The go to %temp% and clear evetything.
Try and pin down the problem - Has your colleague tried the English version or uft? - if that works, is it an option? (everyone use the same version)
If it doesn't work it suggests it's your colleague's machine as opposed to uft.
Is evetything such as the resolution and browser/application versions the same? Or simply try another French localised machine?
What's the fatal error? Does it provide any clues on why it failed?
Finally, You're paying a lot for commercial software. Don't suffer in silence :-)
Log a support call with microfocus. It's a bit long winded but Back in the day they used to be pretty good at helping. They'll ask you for logs and knowing how to get that is good to know.
There's more to try - let me know how you get on.

DNN 9 Persona Bar not visible after login

I am using DNN 9. I recently upgraded DNN from version 9.1.1 to 9.3.2. When I Login, the left side of DNN disappears with only the logo od DNN. Other options like settings,edit etc are not seen. Any Idea as to what the issue might be?
If you search the forums at, you'll probably find the solution. I'm afraid that I don't recall what it is.
I think, though, that upgrading to 9.4.4 will fix it, too. You'll want to do that in a test environment to make sure that your upgrade will work. There may be some third party modules that need to be upgraded before you upgrade to 9.4.4, so check with module vendors.
As an addition to Joe's answer: There were Problems with the Newtonsoft JSON versions. Maybe this thread is helpful:
" check with module vendors": There are known issues with DNNSharp modules. See - but better check with all vendors of third party extensions, if you use any.
Read a few things, tried this and it worked. Delete all from the Bin directory, grab and copy all from another bin directory from a currently working site with the exact version. You may need to install a demo/test site and spin it up to get a good working copy, but this worked for me.
Restoring the bin folder was the solution for me

Updating Old Thunderbird Plugin

I'm looking to update the Mozilla Thunderbird plugin found here. The current version was produced in 2007, and doesn't even allow thunderbird to install it. I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of where to start, or maybe even point me in the direction of a plugin that does the same thing.
Most of the knowledge for Thunderbird addons is located at ; the addon you can download from is a mere .zip file so you can definitely look at the source and modify it. contains instructions to setup a development environment, which will allow you to catch errors and figure out why exactly the plugin no longer works.

Jruby 1.7.x compatibility with Warbler gemjar

I have an application using JRuby 1.6.7, Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.1.3 and Warbler 1.4.0.beta2
For a while now, I have been trying to update the application to use JRuby 1.7.x. Every time I tried (with versions 1.7.3, 1.7.4, and most recently 1.7.6) I would get the following error:
org.jruby.rack.RackInitializationException: No such file or directory - /home/production/var/tmp/Jetty_0_0_.war/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/gems.jar!/gems/activesupport-3.1.3/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml
After some help from this question here: Warble not including active support locale files, pin pointed that that issue was with the warbler configuration in my application. We had enabled the following configuration:
config.features = %w(gemjar executable compiled)
Specifically, the gemjar feature was the one causing the issue. With that feature disabled, everything works fine (the WAR deploys perfectly)
I am wondering, if anyone else has run into this, or if anyone knows what the issue might be?
And then more specifically, what are the disadvantages to disabling the gemjar feature of Warbler? From what I can tell, there shouldn't theoretically be anything devastating by disabling it... but I may be overlooking something.
(I do also wonder if the full warbler 1.4.0 release might fix this... but I can't find anything about when a release might be coming out)
there are none - actually running a .war with gemjar might have issues on some servers (esp. if they do not expand the deployed .war, since then it's quite hard to reference files/resources packaged in a .war while still inside a .jar). on the other hand it should roll fine if things are expanded (even with gemjar) ...
you should definitely report this with Warbler's repository (if not reported already).
it should not be hard to fix - likely a one liner, I know a PR would be most welcome :)
NOTE: on the other hand if it worked in a previous JRuby and updating 1.7.x is the issue, than it might be a "regression" on JRuby's side and they might actually fix this if they knew about it ...