How to connect to vault with github token? - spring-cloud-vault-config

Our Vault is configured to use github tokens. How can one use spring-cloud-vault and use github tokens? looked all over documentation and forums.
Thanks in advance.

Assuming "spring-cloud-vault" is the same as Hashicorp Vault (and according to this looks pretty much the same!), you first need make sure the "github" auth method is enabled.
Our Vault is configured to use github tokens
So this seems to be the case already.
Next you need to create a GitHub personal token on Click on "Generate new token" and in the "admin:org" scope, select "read:org", then generate the token and copy it.
See this GitHub guide for additional help:
You will get a token code. With this you can log in to your Vault. In the Vault UI select "GitHub" as Method, then paste the copied token.
If you are using the Vault API, e.g. with curl, you need to add the token as a HTTP header:
$ curl -X POST \
Note that in this example Vault is behind a reverse proxy, therefore not using the port 8200 in the URL.
You should get a HTTP 200 and a json reponse when you successfully logged in.
See for more details.


Access aws s3 bucket to stage file for mapbox tileset

I have a mapbox tileset that I want to add data to. So I installed curl and aws cli version 2 and I tried to run this command on from a Linux (WSL) terminal:
curl -X POST<secret access token>
That command is taken from the mapbox docs. But I get the following response:
{"message":"Not Found"}
This isn't much feedback to work with. How can I get the needed aws credentials? Is it that I need an aws account or something? In the curl command above I inserted my username and access_token, so that's not the issue.
Did you make sure that your access token is a secret access token with
scope enabled?
This can be done when creating the secret token from within your Mapbox access tokens page:
Make sure your username and password are correct, and make sure you're not putting it in quotes.
curl -X POST
Other than that, make sure you're not behind a VPN

Reset gcloud auth identity token?

I'm working on a gcloud service which is not publicly available, i.e. you need to connect to it with your Authorization Header set with your gcloud identity token.
The docs used curl to show how to use it from the command line, however as my case concerns a web application I used a browser extension to inject this header when connecting to pages.
Silly me, I forgot to turn if off after I was done, which resulted in accessing a few websites with that token set in the request header. This means some third parties may now have that code.
2 questions concerning this:
How bad is this? What can this token be used for by the ill-willed?
How can I reset/revoke/renew this token?
Identity Tokens are JWTs and are bearer tokens (as you are undoubtedly aware) and generally include a short-ish (60 minute) expiry.
As you suggest, you should be very careful with them as they could be used unscrupulously (while valid).
You may query your JWT using a (trustworthy!) tool to check the expiry:
I'm unsure (doesn't mean that there isn't) whether there's a way to forcibly expire Google-issued JWTs
Spoke with a Googler who's very well informed on auth and he confirmed that you must await expiry.
Independently, I reminded myself that Google has a( very trustworthy) endpoint to verify tokens too (I can just never remember the URL, but) it's:
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-identity-token)
curl \
--request GET \${TOKEN}
And, for completeness, for access tokens:
TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
curl \
--request GET \${TOKEN}

Format a HTTPS call to Google Cloud using simple API key

I am trying to connect to Google Cloud from an embedded device so I have no access to OAuth authentication. The documents show that I can use simple API key for connecting. I have created a simple API key but I am having problems using it.
I can test the API functions successfully on but on this developer's site I don't enter my API key (maybe one is generated automatically in the background).
When I try the same command using curl I get a 401 error:
"Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See", "status": "UNAUTHENTICATED"
But I am copying the GET or POST command directly from the online API tester and adding my key at the end:
curl -X POST -d '{"policy":{"bindings":[{"role":"roles/editor","members":["serviceAccount:charge...."]}]}}'
What am I missing?
With the limited information you have provided, it is tough to identify the root cause but these are some of the possible ones:
You have not used quotes for the URL argument to curl. This could lead to some characters which are part of the URL to be interpreted by your shell in a different manner. Characters like & are usual culprits although they don't seem to be part of the URL you pasted.
curl -X POST -d '{"policy":{"bindings":[{"role":"roles/editor","members":["serviceAccount:charge...."]}]}}' ''
You have not described how you're generating your API key and hence I feel that could be one of the possible issues.
You can go over the steps for using Google OAuth 2.0 from Google, it covers a lot about client secrets, access tokens and refresh tokens.
As long as you have your client ID and secret, you can call Google OAuth APIs to generate an access token.
You pass in the current access token as the key argument to your REST API.
Access tokens have very limited lifetime and might need refreshing periodically. If your application needs to periodically refresh access tokens, consider storing the refresh token in your application in a secure manner.

how do you access a jenkins api which uses Github OAuth using CURL

I have a jenkins server using the Github OAuth plugin and authorized in the "Authorized applications" section of github, it works fine from my browser, i can access to the jenkins server as long as i'm authenticated with github.
Is there a way to access to the jenkins server api using oauth credentials/token from CURL or a ruby client?
I've generated a token in -> Personal access tokens -> Generate new token (there is no option to scope it to a third party application)
that token works fine to access github :
curl -H "Authorization: token cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
however, that token is not valid for jenkins-server:
curl -H "Authorization: token cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" https://jenkins-server/user/restebanez/api/json/\?pretty\=true
It generates this error:
<html><head><meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=/securityRealm/commenceLogin?from=%2Fuser%2Frestebanez%2Fapi%2Fjson%2F%3Fpretty%3Dtrue'/><script>window.location.replace('/securityRealm/commenceLogin?from=%2Fuser%2Frestebanez%2Fapi%2Fjson%2F%3Fpretty%3Dtrue');</script></head><body style='background-color:white; color:white;'>
Authentication required
You are authenticated as: anonymous
Groups that you are in:
Permission you need to have (but didn't): hudson.model.Hudson.Read
... which is implied by:
... which is implied by: hudson.model.Hudson.Administer
the jenkins server has installed GitHub API Plugin 1.58 and Github Authentication plugin 0.19
I'm probably missing some fundamentals of oauth b/c i have googled this for a while and i haven't found anything
I'm not sure if you ever got to the bottom of this, but after trying several routes I finally got a scripted build using Github OAuth on Jenkins. The trick is that the API token is not one for GitHub but rather one from Jenkins.
For my setup I have a machine user on github, I logged in normally via the web with that user, then clicked on the username in the upper right corner. From there I clicked "Configure" on the left-hand menu, and finally "Show API Token" in the main content area.
Once I had that I could run:
curl --user <username>:<api_token> https://jenkins-server/user/<username>/api/json/?pretty=true
More information.
You should just use a Jenkins API token. This is configurable per user. See $JENKINS_URL/me
This will allow your scripted client to access Jenkins regardless of whatever authentication strategy is being used.
You should use "Basic" rather than "token"
For example:
curl -H "Authorization: Basic cfbcff42e6a8a52a1076dd9fcxx"
This worked for me (using getting commit statuses as an example):
curl -X GET -u :${GITHUB_TOKEN} ${url}

github api - create repo

I'm trying to create a repo using Github API, but it always return this JSON:
{"message":"Not Found"}
But this error appears only when I try to create using OAuth access token in request header, if I use username and password, API create the repo and return a successful message.
Anyone had problems with this API endpoint?
You can create a new repository using the Python library, PyGithub.
from github import Github
g = Github("your username", "your password")
g = Github("your token") # safer alternative, if you have an access token
u = g.get_user()
repo = u.create_repo("name-of-your-repo")
This should solve your problem.
I had a different message come up with this
curl -i -d '{"name":"NAME"}'
"message": "Must be an owner or admin of Organization."
But still not sure why I cannot create either
This worked for me
Create Auth Token
curl -u 'iwarner' -d '{"scopes":["repo"],"note":":NAME"}'
Create Repo - Need to contain "Authorization: token"
curl -i -H 'Authorization: token TOKENHERE' -d '{"name":":NAME"}'
This works, just tried it.
curl -F 'login=c00kiemon5ter' -F 'token=s3cr3t' -F 'name=testapi' -F 'public=0'
Are we talking about API v2 or v3 ?
I do not know what technology you are using. But just in case of iOS, you can use this demo app which describes 3 simple ways to interact with the GitHub API.
Note: This demo app provide only few selected functionality.
Hope this helps!!
As of today, the GitHub v3 API documentation explicitly states:
Create a new repository for the authenticated user. (Currently not enabled for Integrations)
The "not enabled for Integrations" means, if you get your OAuth token via one of your OAuth apps (which is an "integration") the GitHub API will refuse to create a repository with that function.
However, if you use some other access token (e.g. a personal access token you add yourself, see below) then the GitHub API will happily create a repository for you with the very same API call.
curl -u your_username -d '{"scopes":["repo"], "note":"Description of personal token"}'
That's the reason why the solution presented by Ian Warner works. The solution with PyGithub will suffer the same limitation. Only the token makes the difference!
EDIT: Not entirely true: With OAuth you can specify the scope to attach specific permissions to your OAuth token when authenticating (OAuth app flow). For creating repositories you need to have the 'repo' scope. (See also: Github v3 API - create a REPO)