Spreadsheet Scripts IFTTT - spreadsheet

I added a spreadsheet script to to increment the value of a cell when the value of another cell is changed but the problem is that the script doesn't run if the value of the cell is changed by a service like IFTTT. 😐
Is there a fix for that?


VB.net copy and paste excel cell to elsewhere in the workbook

So i am currently using Visual Studio to create a application that takes info out of an excel sheet and then does some calculations on the data and then pushes back to excel.
This bit i have managed to do but the bit i am struggling on is using a 'Parameters' sheet. I want to be able to enter a formula into a cell in one sheet of the workbook and then paste that formula into another sheet but to have it updating,e.g. as the cells go down the formula changes like it would in excel. I used a manual work around by hard coding the formula and then having variable as the row number, however i want to be able to just change the formula in the excel sheet and then when the code runs it applies to the rest.
Currently i have tried saving the cell value/text into a variable and then making the new cells equal that variable, however this then applies the same identical formula to the whole of the column(All required rows).
What i am currently trying to do is paste the variable into the top row and then copy and paste that cell down to the last one,
I have tried making the variable a formula but it evaluates the formula before it is equal to the variable and therefore just sets all the new cells to the formula answer, so i changed the cell to be text instead which then meant the formula did appear in the new cell however it was the identical formula for all cells.
The copy code works as below
bjExcel.cells(rown, colval) = param1
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).copy
This is working fine
But when i use the below the paste won't work
Do Until rown = 10
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).copy
rown = rown + 1
objExcel.cells(rown, colval).paste
Paste is not a recognized with the error:
System.MissingMemberException: 'Public member 'Paste' on type
'ApplicationClass' not found.'
Could be you need to use PasteSpecial instead?
Depends on what you're using to interop with excel.

Auto populating rows from another sheet conditional to a specific cell value

Hello i am trying to autopopulate rows from another sheet if a specific value if found in a specific cell. So far, i managed to do it manually by adding this line in Sheet #2 for each cell.
=IF(OR('Le 2250'!$C48="Nouveau locataire",'Le 2250'!$C48="Décès", 'Le 2250'!$C48="Retention"), 'Le 2250'!$B48,"")
I am trying to create a vba script that will generate each column in Sheet#2, and that will dynamically update regarding if i add a row in Sheet 1 or delete it.
Sheet1 is:
Sheet2 is:
Your help is appreciated
What your looking for is the INDIRECT function
As an example:
This always pick up the value in Sheet1 Cell B5, regardless of changes in Sheet1.
For more information: Excel INDIRECT Function
Edit: To directly answer the question with INDIRECT.
=IF(OR(INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!C48")="Nouveau locataire",INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!C48")="Décès"),CELL("contents",INDIRECT("'Le 2250'!B48")),"")

How can I check the time a cell was edited and set the time and date in other cells? Google script

I have spreadsheet and I'm basically going to use it for inventory tracking and management.
In one sheet I'll have an app on my phone fill a list when it reads
a QR code.
In the second sheet there is also a list with the
specific QR codes of each item.
I need to know when a cell in the first sheet has been updated and put that information in the following two cells.
I'm using this trigger to check if ANY cell in the document has been updated.
function cellEditTrigger()
It works fine and it runs the 'coolFunction' function. However I can't seem to be able to get the time and date for the cells that have been edited and put that information in the next two cells.
I know I could use onEdit(e), but I still can't get the information from e.range and I would like my script to not have to be bound to the Spreadsheet.
Is there any way to accomplish this?

When the value in a cell changes change the filter on a pivot table

I have been reading around for a bit and reached the ask SO point. I have a drop down selector in excel that lets me change names and when the name is changed, the value in "C3" is changed (c3 references another cell on another sheet if that matters) and when the value in "C3" changes I want a pivot table on another sheet (sheet6 for now) to update its filter on territory id to reflect the new value of "C3".
It sounds like an event to me, so I went digging around and found out VBA has events (yay!), but I have been unable to get my event to actually do anything. The code I have there works when I run it as a macro, but I would really like it to automatically run everytime the value in cell "C3" changes.
Here is what I am trying so far:
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Sheets("Current Status").Range("C3")) Is Nothing Then
Sheets("Sheet6").PivotTables("PivotTable5").PivotFields("territory_id"). _
Sheets("Sheet6").PivotTables("PivotTable5").PivotFields("territory_id").CurrentPage _
= Sheets("Current Status").Range("C3").Value
End If
End Sub
Update: I have found that if I put the above code in the sheet section (sheet 2) instead of in a new module I can get it to run if I physically enter the code and then hit enter. Now I am wondering if there is a way to make it do it without me having to manually enter the value and hit enter. I just want to be able to use my drop down menu to select a new name and when the value in c3 changes due to the drop down selector update the pivot table.
Thank you as always SO.
The problem is that C3 is not actually changing, because it's just formula reference that is updating. Is the "drop down selector" on a form or based on data validation and in a cell?
If it's based on a cell, set your target to be the target cell, not C3 -> because C3 is just a
formula reference, and your drop down cell is the one actually changing.
If it's based on a form, but code in the on_change event of the form control.

Need to Update External References in an Excel Sheet while a Macro is Running

I have an excel macro that sets Cells to an external location.
Range(NamedReference) = "='http://webaddress/ExcelSheet.xlsx'!NamedReference
Other cells use that location to calculate new values.
"A1" = NamedReference + 1
The problem is that I need to read the new calculated values back into the macro to export data, but the external link has not yet been calculated to any value. It is a #NAME? until the macro is done running. Is there any way to force excel to get those values during the macro run time?
I have tried a variety of things including
Any help would be appreciated. My current solution is to just close the macro on error and have the user re run the macro, but it is really kludgey.
**Edit: Forgot equals sign in formula
You could try
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources
See on MSDN