Unable to build APK file on Jenkins (react native) - react-native

I'm trying to integrate my react native project with Jenkins and i have successfully integrate my repository.
Unit tests are executing fine and gives positive result by using npm test but when i tried to build an apk file by using npm run build-android-dev_windows it gives following error. Can someone help on this?
:app:mergeDebugResourcesAAPT err(Facade for 2089038429) : No Delegate set : lost message:\\?\C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-23.0.1.aar\0f905b376ce921568ac300b16c931219\res\drawable-xhdpi\abc_list_longpressed_holo.9.png ERROR: Unable to open PNG file
AAPT err(Facade for 2089038429) : No Delegate set : lost message:\\?\C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-23.0.1.aar\0f905b376ce921568ac300b16c931219\res\drawable-hdpi\abc_list_divider_mtrl_alpha.9.png ERROR: Unable to open PNG file
AAPT err(Facade for 2089038429) : No Delegate set : lost message:\\?\C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\appcompat-v7-23.0.1.aar\0f905b376ce921568ac300b16c931219\res\drawable-mdpi\abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha.9.png ERROR: Unable to open PNG file
AAPT err(Facade for 2089038429) : No Delegate set : lost message:\\?\C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.gradle\caches\transforms-1\files-1.1\support-compat-26.1.0.aar\007e2a245d6f6256c0c6fa8758345ca4\res\drawable-mdpi-v4\notification_bg_normal.9.png ERROR: Unable to open PNG file


React native - Error with Google mobile ads

I am build a mobile app with react native
"react-native": "^0.71.1",
"react-native-google-mobile-ads": "^9.1.1"
Without google-mobile-ads, app is working okay. But with this module, I get this error
023-02-07 23:05:06.067 xcodebuild[92292:1835009] [MT] IDEFileReferenceDebug: [Load] <IDESwiftPackageCore.IDESwiftPackageSpecialFolderFileReference, 0x7fa23ae8f960: name:Docs.docc path:group:Docs.docc> Failed to load container at path: /Users/sangnlee/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/aaa-csqwegbowuhmbrehpztorwqemvkb/SourcePackages/checkouts/swift-protobuf/Sources/protoc-gen-swift/Docs.docc, Error: Error Domain=com.apple.dt.IDEContainerErrorDomain Code=6 "Cannot open "Docs.docc" as a "Swift Package Folder" because it is already open as a "Folder"." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot open "Docs.docc" as a "Swift Package Folder" because it is already open as a "Folder".}
The following build commands failed:
Ld /Users/aaa/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/aaa-csqwegbowuhmbrehpztorwqemvkb/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/aaa.app/aaa normal (in target 'aaa' from project 'aaa')
(1 failure)
Anyone knows how to solve this?

How to cache data on react-native-webview?

I want to create a simple webview app that shows the data of a website in an app. Is there a way to cache data in React Native Webview so that if there is no internet it shows cached screens.
I have tried react-native-offline-cache-webview but it does not work anymore. The app does not build and it shows the following error.
error Failed to install the app. Make sure you have the Android development environment set up: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup.
Error: Command failed: ./gradlew app:installDebug -PreactNativeDevServerPort=8081
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '/Users/<user_name>/Projects/<app_name>/node_modules/react-native-offline-cache-webview/android/build.gradle' line: 43
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':react-native-offline-cache-webview'.
> Could not find method compile() for arguments [com.facebook.react:react-native:+] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
Is there any other way to cache web pages in webview ?

impossible to excute a intellij idea beacuse of crack

When starting the program through the terminal, i get this error message
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /Users/thebettertech/dev/crack/JetbrainsCrack-3.1-release-enc.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
That folder and file don't exist.
I have a license. I don't know why they're sending this message to me.

Can't use SpeechKit Titanium module from iOS in my app

I want want to use Speechkit SDK in my app, since I found it recognize words better than the native tool did.
I found a Titanium module on GitHub but it is designed to work with Titanium SDK 3.1.3.GA . I am currently working with SDK 5.0.0.GA.
What am I supposed to do to import this module in my mobile app ? I updated the titanium.xcconfig file to reflect the version of my SDK. I also put my credentials into it and build the project. Then I compressed it and installed it via Help Menu > Install Mobile Module. I finally added it to the tiapp.xml file.
When I try to run the project, this is what I get :
[ERROR] : The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] : Ld Build/Intermediates/Hello5.build/Debug-iphoneos/Hello5.build/Objects-normal/arm64/Hello5 normal arm64
[ERROR] : Ld Build/Intermediates/Hello5.build/Debug-iphoneos/Hello5.build/Objects-normal/armv7/Hello5 normal armv7
[ERROR] : (2 failures)
TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 1
ERROR | Error: ti run exited with error code 1
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/feeder/.appcelerator/install/5.0.1/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:89:66)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:117:20)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:820:12)
I tried to create a new module by hand and drag-and-drop files into it, and also tried to install globally vs project-specific, I can't come with an idea for making it work. Thank you in advance if you could share an idea ;)
I have the same error and looking the console using Trace appears "framework SpeechKit not found".
I've successfully resolved this error by packaging the module to your project directly selecting "Mobile App Project" given that Module.xcconfig sets "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS" to find SpeechKit framework on "assets" folder from the project directly.

IBM Worklight - Build failed

My environments are failing to build after restart, cleaning, exiting the eclipse, deleting native folders, also I am looking for a reason and perfect fix of this below error as any developer wont be deleting every time when this issue arises, please help
error log
windowsphone build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Error while reading XML file: /Users/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/windowsphone/native/Properties/WMAppManifest.xml (No such file or directory) Nested exception: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/windowsphone/native/Properties/WMAppManifest.xml (No such file or directory)
[2013-07-30 17:39:20] FWLST1040E: ipad build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Problem reading info.plist file /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/ipad/native/testLogintestIpad-Info.plist (No such file or directory) Nested exception: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/ipad/native/testLogintestIpad-Info.plist (No such file or directory)
[2013-07-30 17:39:21] FWLST1040E: iphone build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Problem reading info.plist file /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/iphone/native/testLogintestIphone-Info.plist (No such file or directory) Nested exception: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/iphone/native/testLogintestIphone-Info.plist (No such file or directory)
[2013-07-30 17:39:21] FWLST1040E: windows8 build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Error while reading XML file: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/windows8/native/package.appxmanifest (No such file or directory) Nested exception: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/windows8/native/package.appxmanifest (No such file or directory)
[2013-07-30 17:39:23] FWLST1040E: android build failed: com.worklight.builder.exception.WorklightBuildRuntimeException: Resource Manager - Error while reading XML file: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/android/native/AndroidManifest.xml (No such file or directory) Nested exception: /Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/android/native/AndroidManifest.xml (No such file or directory)
[2013-07-30 17:39:24] A core eclipse exception has occurred: Failed to read project description file from location '/Users/test/Desktop/16th July/30thJuly-Map/test_Login/apps/test/android/native/.project'.
I got the same error in my eclipse after changing the project name by using Refactor->Rename
The below fix is for iPhone environment. You can try the same for other environment also.
The error says it cant find the info.plist file.Try to move to that location in your computer and see wether the file is there or not.
in your case ESILoginESIIphone-Info.plist
if you cant find the file. just see the ***-Info.plist in the same path and note down the ****
worklight will always append your porject name twice in info.plist file ( dont know why). For example if you have project name as ESI then your plist file name would be ESIESI-Info.plist.
i guess in your project file you have changed the name to ESILogin
Try to rename the project with **** which you found in above step.
Thats all.
Happy Building.
Please look in the Error Log view in Eclipse; there should be an exception trace there which could help us in identifying the root cause.
Can you reproduce this? Does it happen only when you create a new project and add all Mobile environments at once, or even when you add only one Mobile environment?
What is your Worklight version?
Delete the bin folder contents in your project and restart the server.
Deploy all the adapters and application again