Export amazon mysql database to an excel sheet - amazon-s3

I have an ec2-instance on which mysql database is there and now there are multiple tables have huge values which i want to export into an excel sheet into my local system or even some place at S3 will also work , how can i achieve this ?

Given that you installed your own MySQL instance on an EC2 node, you should have full access to MySQL's abilities. I don't see any reason why you can't just do a SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE here:
FROM yourTable
INTO OUTFILE 'output.csv'
Once you have the CSV file, you may transfer it to a box running Excel, and use the Excel import wizard to bring in the data.
Based on your comments below, it might be the case that you need to carefully select an output path and location to which MySQL and your user have permissions to write.

Another way to export CSV files from RDS Mysql and without getting Access denied for user '<databasename>'#'%' (using password: YES) is doing the following command:
mysql -u username -p --database=dbname --host=rdshostname --port=rdsport --batch -e "select * from yourtable" | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\n//g' > yourlocalfilename.csv
The secret is in this part:
--batch -e "select * from yourtable" | sed 's/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/;s/\n//g' > yourlocalfilename.csv


Bash script to import the multiple CSV files into a mysql database using load data local infile command

I have Multiple CSV files which are stored in one of the folder then I need to use these folder to fetch the csv files then load them into Database Table.
This script need to prepare in Bash with parameterized fields like InputFolderPath(loop Csv Files), DatabaseConnection, SchemaName, TableName then pass these fields using
Load Data Local Infile Command.
This worked for me,
for f in /var/www/path_to_your_folder/*.csv
mysql -e "use database_name" -e "
load data local infile '"$f"' into table your_table_name FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' ESCAPED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES (column_name1, #date_time_variable1, column_name3)
SET some_column_name_which_contains_date = STR_TO_DATE(#date_time_variable1, '%d-%m-%Y');" -u your_mysql_username_here --p --local-infile=1
echo "Done: '"$f"' at $(date)"
This script will prompt password for mysql.
i am using this script on ec2 + ubuntu

Exporting SQL Table into a CSV file using Windows Batch Script

I am trying to create a windows batch file to export data from an SQL file to a CSV file.
I have an SQL file in %MYHOME%\database\NET-DB.sql which contains data that is:
insert into net_network (id, a_id, alias, address, domain, mask) values('NET_10.10.1.0_10', 1, 'Local Network', '', '', '');
What I have tried so far in exporting the data from net_network table into a CSV file in my .bat file is with this command:
if not exist "%MYHOME%\net\NUL" mkdir "%MYHOME%\net"
Since that does not work for me, what should be the correct approach for this implementation? Any help will be much appreciated.
You need to modify the code to make it work in your environment, but here goes.
if not exist "%MYHOME%\net\NUL" mkdir "%MYHOME%\net"
cd "C:\your path\to\sqlcmd"
sqlcmd -S YourDBServer -d DB_NAME -E -Q "select id, a_id, alias, address, domain, mask from net_network"
-o "CSV-EXPORT-FILE.csv" -s"," -w 255
Some explanations:
-S The database server to connect to.
-d Name of the database to connect to.
-Q Query to run, can also be insert, delete, update etc.
-o select the output file
-s"," separated by comma
-w column width, this has to be as big as your largest columns characters.

Executing the SQL from shell scripting

I have a table called query_master table which has 4 columns and the 4th column has SQL query as values. In total there are 5 entries in the query table.
Table Structure:
S.No --> Key --> Title --> Query
1 100 EG select * from dual
Now my objective is, I have to fetch the SQL queries using shell script from the query_master and execute it. The output of that each SQL query should be written on a separate log file, and the log filename should be equal to the name of the title.
Can you please help in achieving this scenario using stored procedures or stored functions which will be more helpful for me.
I need to achieve this using shell scripting.
Try this, assuming you're using mysql:
awk -F'\t' 'NR!=1 {system("mysql -u user -p -e " $4 " database")}' file
Where file is the file containing the table, user is the user and database is the database. Alternatively set these as variables instead of hard coding them like this:
awk -F'\t' -v db="database" -v user="user" 'NR!=1 {system(""mysql -u " user " -p -e " $4 " " db)}' file
Make a shell script that accepts a SQL statement from commandline (or inputfile or stdin) and does all things for you like exporting ORACLE_HOME, tnsnames, username, password, redirecting output, calling sqlplus, output formatting, deleting column headers and other sqlplus settings.
With your magicsql.sh (after testing), aim for a solution like
magicsql.sh "select key, query from query_master order by key" | while read key query; do
magicsql.sh "${query}" > /tmp/${key}.out

SQL Server :query for exporting to file

I'm trying to learn the basics of sql programming, I am working with SQL Server 2014. I have managed to import a file into a table with the command:
BULK INSERT Db.dbo.Co2_table
FROM 'd:\dataset_co2.txt'
I would like to do the dual operation, that is exporting the content of a table to a file. I have tried:
INTO OUTFILE 'C:\datadump\sqldbdump.txt"
FROM dbo.alarms_2_2014
bcp Db.dbo.Co2_table out "C:\users\ws5.en-cre\desktop\prova.txt" -T –c
sqlcmd -S . -d Db -E -s, -W -Q "SELECT * FROM dbo.Co2_table" > ExcelTest.csv
But none of these seem to work (I get error messages). Any idea?
I suspect you are running those commands from Management Studio. You should use console for this command.This works for me. Also check if you have permissions on that folder.
bcp "select * from Db.dbo.Co2_table" queryout C:\users\ws5.en-cre\desktop\prova.txt -c -T
bcp Db.dbo.Co2_table out C:\users\ws5.en-cre\desktop\prova.txt -c -T
Also you have suspicious symbol in c parameter -T –c. It is not a regular dash -.
Thank you for you answers and suggestions, and apologies for my lack of precision and my late reply (in this case I missed the notifications from stackoverflow).
Regarding the question on whether I use mstudio or console, what I do is clicking on “new query” from mstudio, write the code and press execute. So I guess the answer is that I use mstudio.
If I try:
bcp "select * from Db.dbo.Co2_table" queryout
C:\users\ws5.en-cre\desktop\prova.txt -c –T
it says
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'queryout'.
I guess in this case one of the problem is that the quotes are missing, but even adding them doesn’t solve the problem.
I am looking for a solution that can be implemented as a script. I am familiar with excel vba macros, I would like to implement something like that.

SQL Server : export query as a .txt file

I am trying to export my SQL Server query results into a folder in .txt format (this is for an automated job)
I know the equivalent in MySQL works with INTO OUTFILE. Does anyone know the best way to do this in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio?
WHEN s1.SGMTNUMB = '3' THEN '110'
WHEN s1.SGMTNUMB = '5' THEN '120'
END AS 'AccountType_id',
END AS 'AccGroupName'
FROM GL40200 s1
SELECT REPLACE ([ACTNUMBR_1]+'-'+ [ACTNUMBR_2]+'-'+ [ACTNUMBR_3]+'-'+[ACTNUMBR_4]+'-'+ [ACTNUMBR_5],' ', '') AS 'AccCode',
'' AS 'CodeDesc',
'0' AS 'AccountType_id',
'Default' AS 'AccGroupName'
FROM GL00100 a
INTO OUTFILE 'C:\Users\srahmani\verian/myfilename.txt'
You do this in the SSMS app, not the SQL.
In the toolbar select:
Query --> Results To --> Results To File
Then Execute the SQL statements and it will prompt you to save to a text file with an .rpt extension. Open the results in a Text Editor.
Another way is from command line, using the osql:
OSQL -S SERVERNAME -E -i thequeryfile.sql -o youroutputfile.txt
This can be used from a BAT file and shceduled by a windows user to authenticated.
You can use bcp utility.
To copy the result set from a Transact-SQL statement to a data file,
use the queryout option. The following example copies the result of a query into the Contacts.txt data file. The example assumes that you are using Windows Authentication and have a trusted connection to the server instance on which you are running the bcp command. At the
Windows command prompt, enter:
bcp "<your query here>" queryout Contacts.txt -c -T
You can use BCP by directly calling as operating sytstem command in SQL Agent job.
You can use windows Powershell to execute a query and output it to a text file
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "Select * from database" -ServerInstance "Servername\SQL2008" -Database "DbName" > c:\Users\outputFileName.txt
The BCP Utility can also be used in the form of a .bat file, but be cautious of escape sequences (ie quotes "" must be used in conjunction with ) and the appropriate tags.
.bat Example:
bcp "\"YOUR_SERVER\".dbo.Proc" queryout C:\FilePath.txt -T -c -q
-- Add PAUSE here if you'd like to see the completed batch
-q MUST be used in the presence of quotations within the query itself.
BCP can also run Stored Procedures if necessary. Again, be cautious: Temporary Tables must be created prior to execution or else you should consider using Table Variables.
This is quite simple to do and the answer is available in other queries. For those of you who are viewing this:
select entries from my_entries where id='42' INTO OUTFILE 'bishwas.txt';