Build Cordova Browser for production - apache

I have an Apache Cordova app which I have deployed for both ios and android. But i want to deploy it for my web server i.e. I want to deploy it on my server live so users can access it using their browsers. How can I go about it?
for android its cordova build android --release but for browser, I don't know which command to use for this operation.

For browser it is simply
cordova build browser --release


Is there any way to testing React Native project using HMS Toolkit cloud debugging?

I found huawei have HMS Toolkit Cloud Debugging for testing, is it support for React Native? or is there any way to install our apps into the cloud device?
You cannot run the react-native run-android command to directly perform debugging. You need to run the gradlew assembleDebug command to package the full APK and upload the APK to Cloud Debugging for testing.
You could directly access the CloudDebugging menu on the AppGallery Connect, as shown in the following figure:
Then select an appropriate test machine and upload the APK file for test.
According to the R&D team, we didn't have a specific adaptation for React Native. But if your app works fine on your test machine, it should be fine on Cloud Debugging as well.
To install app on Cloud Debugging, please download the HMS Toolkit plug-in in Android Studio firstly, then start Cloud Debugging and click Run app in the IDE to start the installation.
Pls kindly refer to the following link for more info:
How to install HMS Toolkit plug-in?
What is Cloud Debugging?

No option for adding New flutter Web Project in IntelliJ Dart Templates !!! Also tried Vs code, is asking for Which Dart template

I'm trying to start a new Flutter project in Intellij as well as Vs code.
Intellij there is no option provided to add a new flutter web project in Dart templates.
Vs code whenever I select New flutter Web Project after accepting the stagehand it asks for the Dart template which is why I'm stuck.??
Please help soon??
Since flutter 1.9 flutter_web is merged inside flutter, Follow the below steps to create and run your first flutter web App through IntelliJ IDEA.
Create a new flutter project.
Now change your flutter channel to master using flutter channel master
Upgrade flutter flutter upgrade
Install the flutter_web build tools flutter pub global activate webdev
Enable flutter web using flutter config --enable-web
Check available devices flutter devices and you will get a result like:
Chrome • chrome • web-javascript • Google Chrome 81.0.4044.92
Web Server • web-server • web-javascript • Flutter Tools
Inside your flutter project create myapp using flutter create myapp
Navigate inside myapp using cd myapp
Finally, run flutter run -d chrome
And you will be able to run your flutter web app into chrome. Hurray 🤟🏽🤟🏽🥳
Reference links: Building a web application with Flutter , flutter_web
It seems that the support for Flutter Web Apps was dropped in stagehand (that contains the dart templates). From this commit on github: (Dropping Flutter Web sample). Instead, this wikipage shows how to migrate/create a web package in flutter from command line.
Create your project from command-line.
Check out this tutorial.
Then just open the project in IntelliJ IDE.
Install or Update the dart and flutter plugins in Intellij and/or VS Code
For Intellij
Go to [mac] Preferences>Plugins>Marketplace and search for Dart and Flutter, install it.
For VS Code
Go to View > Command Pallet and type in Extensions: Install Extensions
then type flutter and install it
Its well documented in this link
Setup Flutter

Unable launch instant app from AS on phone

I want to debug my instant app from the android studio, but cannot:
try using the default configuration for the instant app, but get this
try using terminal by ia run (ia - jar from extras folder) or adb install-multiple -r -t --instantapp *.apk, but in both cases get the error db: failed to install \extras\google\instantapps\tools\apks\release\supervisor_armeabi-v7a.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE]
can anyone help me this it?
Versions: Android Studio 3.1.3, gradle plugin 3.3.0-alpha02, gradle version 4.8, ia sdk 1.3.0
PS: instant app published and work fine in store (now in an internal test)
PS2: ia can be deployed to another phone. So the problem only with a specific phone.
For anyone else who runs into this issue, make sure you have the newest version of the Google Play Instant Development SDK (at least SDK 1.5).
You can find it in the Tools > Android > SDK Manager > SDK Tools. Check the box next to the Google Play Instant SDK and apply the upgrade.

How to add browser platform to MFP cordova app?

I'm looking for a way to add browser platform to the current mfp cordova app for testing purpose. When I tried to run mfp cordova platform add browser, I got the error
Error: Hook not implemented yet for browser
By the looks of the commands, you're using 7.1. This release does not support the Web platform for Cordova apps.
Note that Mobile Foundation 8.0 supports standard Cordova apps, including the Web platform.

Tips/help to debug no apk file

My environment :
Eclipse sdk 3.7.2
Worklight pluin 5.0.5
Android sdk 2.2
First I tried a simple Hello World, everything works fine, android native project was created and I see the corresponding apk file was generated after a build and deploy.
Next I imported a sample project, successfully got it run on the test (localhost) server, able to see the expected result on the android Mobile Browser Simulator but the problem now is I am not seeing the corresponding android apk file got generated (the android native project was created). No errors on the logs, Any idea what could be the problem? How one debug such a problem.
APK will be generated under \bin\ folder once you run your app for the first time.
Connect your Android device to dev machine via USB cable (assuming you got Android SDK etc installed), right click on Android project and do Run as->Android app.
The app will be installed and started on Android device. APK will be generated in \bin folder.
In general, you don't need the device, same thing can be done with emulator.
You can also do an export on the android application project. This is what you would do if you are looking at doing some key signing. This is the way you would want to export it if you are uploading to Google play or an enterprise app store.
Keep in mind, Worklight doesn't build your .ipa, .apk, or etc. It builds you compile ready resources. It will build you the folder structure and the project layers needed to build in the corresponding Native Environment (for apple, you would export to xcode, build it, and run).