Getting the optimal number of employees for a month (rostering) - optaplanner

Is it possible to get the optimal number of employees in a month for a given number of shifts?
I'll explain myself a little further taking the nurse rostering as an example.
Imagine that we don't know the number of nurses to plan in a given month with a fixed number of shifts. Also, imagine that each time you insert a new nurse in the planification it decreases your score and each nurse has a limited number of normal hours and a limited number of extra hours. Extra hours decrease more the score than normal ones.
So, the problem consists on getting the optimal number of nurses needed and their planification. I've come up with two possible solutions:
Fix the number of nurses clearly above of the ones needed and treat the problem as an overconstrained one, so there will be some nurses not assigned to any shifts.
Launching multiple instances of the same problem in parallel with an incremental number of nurses for each instance. This solution has the problem that you have to estimate more or less an approximate range of nurses under and above the nurses needed beforehand.
Both solutions are a little bit inefficient, is there a better approach to tackle with this problem?

I call option 2 doing simulations. Typically in simulations, they don't just play with the number of employees, but also the #ConstraintWeights etc. It's useful for strategic "what if" decisions (What if we ... hire more people? ... focus more on service quality? ... focus more on financial gain? ...)
If you really just need to minimize the number of employees, and you can clearly weight that versus all the other hard and soft constraint (probably as a weight in between both, similar to overconstrained planning), then option 1 is good enough - and less cpu costly.


OptaPlanner: Is the "constraint match" associated with a score just a semantical thing?

I have a question about OptaPlanner constraint stream API. Are the constraint matches only used to calculate the total score and are meant to help the user see how the score results, or is this information used to find a better solution?
With "used to find a better solution" I mean the information is used to get the next move(s) in the local search phase.
So does it matter which planning entity I penalize?
Currently, I am working on an examination scheduler. One requirement is to distribute the exams of a single student optimally.
The number of exams per student varies. Therefore, I wrote a cost function that gives a normalized value, indicating how well the student's exams are distributed.
Let's say the examination schedule in the picture has costs of 80. Now, I need to break down this value to the individual exams. There are two different ways to do this:
Option A: Penalize each of the exams with 10 (10*8 = 80).
Option B: Penalize each exam according to its actual impact.=> Only the exams in the last week are penalized as the distribution of exams in week one and week two is fine.
Obviously, option B is semantically correct. But does the choice of the option affect the solving process?
The constraint matches are there to help explain the score to humans. They do not, in any way, affect how the solver moves or what solution you are going to get. In fact, ScoreManager has the capability to calculate constraint matches after the solver has already finished, or for a solution that's never even been through the solver before.
(Note: constraint matching does affect performance, though. They slow everything down, due to all the object iteration and creation.)
To your second question: Yes, it does matter which entity you penalize. In fact, you want to penalize every entity that breaks your constraints. Ideally it should be penalized more, if it breaks the constraints more than some other entity - this way, you get to avoid score traps.
EDIT based on an edit to the question:
In this case, since you want to achieve fairness per student, I suggest your constraint does not penalize the exam, but rather the student. Per student, group your exams and apply some fairness ConstraintCollector. If you do it like that, you will be able to create a per-student fairness function and use its value as your penalty.
The OptaPlanner Tennis example shows one way of doing fairness. You may also be interested in a larger fairness discussion on the OptaPlanner blog.

Unlimited vehicles in VRP

How to allow Optaplanner to use an unlimited or dynamic number of vehicles in the VRP problem?
The number of vehicles is minimized during score calculation, as each vehicle has a base cost. The solver should initialize as many vehicles as it thinks it is comvenient
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "vehicleRange")
public List<Vehicle> getVehicleList() {
return vehicleList;
Currently I just initialize the vehicle list with a predefined number of vehicles, such as 100 000, but I am not sure about the performance implications of that, as the search space is much bigger than necessary.
Out-of-the-box, this is the only way. You figure out the minimum maximum number of vehicles for a dataset and use that to determine the number of vehicles. For one, the minimum maximum number of vehicles is never bigger than the number of visits. But usually you can prove it to be far less than that.
That being said, the OptaPlanner architecture does support Move's that create or delete Vehicles, at least in theory. No out-of-the-box moves do that, so you'd need to build custom moves to do that - and it will get complex fast. One day we intend to support generic create/delete moves out-of-the-box.

Efficiently Computing Significant Terms in SQL

I was introduced to ElasticSearch significant terms aggregation a while ago and was positively surprised how good and relevant this metric turns out to be. For those not familiar with it, it's quite a simple concept - for a given query (foreground set) a given property is scored against the statistical significance of the background set.
For example, if we were querying for the most significant crime types in the British Transport Police:
C = 5,064,554 -- total number of crimes
T = 66,799 -- total number of bicycle thefts
S = 47,347 -- total number of crimes in British Transport Police
I = 3,640 -- total number of bicycle thefts in British Transport Police
Ordinarily, bicycle thefts represent only 1% of crimes (66,799/5,064,554) but for the British Transport Police, who handle crime on railways and stations, 7% of crimes (3,640/47,347) is a bike theft. This is a significant seven-fold increase in frequency.
The significance for "bicycle theft" would be [(I/S) - (T/C)] * [(I/S) / (T/C)] = 0.371...
C is the number of all documents in the collection
S is the number of documents matching the query
T is the number of documents with the specific term
I is the number of documents that intersect both S and T
For practical reasons (the sheer amount of data I have and huge ElasticSearch memory requirements), I'm looking to implement the significant terms aggregation in SQL or directly in code.
I've been looking at some ways to potentially optimize this kind of query, specifically, decreasing the memory requirements and increasing the query speed, at the expense of some error margin - but so far I haven't cracked it. It seems to me that:
The variables C and S are easily cacheable or queriable.
The variable T could be derived from a Count-Min Sketch instead of querying the database.
The variable I however, seems impossible to derive with the Count-Min Sketch from T.
I was also looking at the MinHash, but from the description it seems that it couldn't be applied here.
Does anyone know about some clever algorithm or data structure that helps tackling this problem?
I doubt a SQL impl will be faster.
The values for C and T are maintained ahead of time by Lucene.
S is a simple count derived from the query results and I is looked up using O(1) data structures. The main cost are the many T lookups for each of the terms observed in the chosen field. Using min_doc_count typically helps drastically reduce the number of these lookups.
For practical reasons (the sheer amount of data I have and huge ElasticSearch memory requirements
Have you looked into using doc values to manage elasticsearch memory better? See
An efficient solution is possible for the case when the foreground set is small enough. Then you can afford processing all documents in the foreground set.
Collect the set {Xk} of all terms occurring in the foreground set for the chosen field, as well as their frequencies {fk} in the foreground set.
For each Xk
Calculate the significance of Xk as (fk - Fk) * (fk / Fk), where Fk=Tk/C is the frequency of Xk in the background set.
Select the terms with the highest significance values.
However, due to the simplicity of this approach, I wonder if ElasticSearch already contains that optimization. If it doesn't - then it very soon will!

Discrete optimisation: large number of optimal solutions

TL;DR version: Is there a way to cope with optimisation problems where there exists a large number of optimal solutions (solutions that find the best objective value)? That is, finding an optimal solution is pretty quick (but highly dependent on the size of the problem, obviously) but many such solutions exists so that the solver runs endlessly trying to find a better solution (endlessly because it does find other feasible solutions but with an objective value equals to the current best).
Not TL;DR version:
For a university project, I need to implement a scheduler that should output the schedule for every university programme per year of study. I'm provided some data and for the matter of this question, will simply stick to a general but no so rare example.
In many sections, you have mandatory courses and optional courses. Sometimes, those optional courses are divided in modules and the student needs to choose one of these modules. Often, they have to select two modules, but some combinations arise more often than others. Clearly, if you count the number of courses (mandatory + optional courses) without taking into account the subdivision into modules, you happen to have more courses than time slots in which they need to be scheduled. My model is quite simple. I have constraints stating that every course should be scheduled to one and only one time slot (period of 2 hours) and that a professor should not give two courses at the same time. Those are hard constraints. The thing is, in a perfect world, I should add hard constraints stating that a student cannot have two courses at the same time. But because I don't have enough data and that every combination of modules is possible, there is no point in creating one student per combination mandatory + module 1 + module 2 and apply the hard constraints on each of these students, since it is basically identical to have one student (mandatory + all optionals) and try to fit the hard constraints - which will fail.
This is why, I decided to move those hard constraints in an optimisation problem. I simply define my objective function minimising for each student the number of courses he/she takes that are scheduled simultaneously.
If I run this simple model with only one student (22 courses) and 20 time slots, I should have an objective value of 4 (since 2 time slots embed each 2 courses). But, using Gurobi, the relaxed objective is 0 (since you can have fraction of courses inside a time slot). Therefore, when the solver does reach a solution of cost 4, it cannot prove optimality directly. The real trouble, is that for this simple case, there exists a huge number of optimal solutions (22! maybe...). Therefore, to prove optimality, it will go through all other solutions (which share the same objective) desperately trying to find a solution with a smaller gap between the relaxed objective (0) and the current one (4). Obviously, such solution doesn't exist...
Do you have any idea on how I could tackle this problem? I thought of analysing the existing database and trying to figure out which combinations of modules are very likely to happen so that I can put back the hard constraints but it seems hazardous (maybe I will select a combination that leads to a conflict therefore not finding any solution or omitting a valid combination). The current solution I use is putting a time threshold to stop the optimisation...

Approximation to Large Linear Program

I have a simple LP with linear constraints. There are many decision variables, roughly 24 million. I have been using lpSolve in R to play with small samples, but this solver isn't scaling well. Are there ways to get an approximate solution to the LP?
The problem is a scheduling problem. There are 1 million people who need to be scheduled into one of 24 hours, hence 24 million decision variables. There is a reward $R_{ij}$ for scheduling person $i$ into hour $j$. The constraint is that each person needs to be scheduled into some hour, but each hour only has a finite amount of appointment slots $c$
One good way to approach LPs/IPs with a massive number of variables and constraints is to look for ways to group the decision variables in some logical way. Since you have only given a sketch of your problem, here's a solution idea.
Approach 1 : Group people into smaller batches
Instead of 1M people, think of them as 100 units of 10K people each. So now you only have 2400 (24 x 100) variables. This will get you part of the way there, and note that this won't be the optimal solution, but a good approximation. You can of course make 1000 batches of 1000 people and get a more fine-grained solution. You get the idea.
Approach 2: Grouping into cohorts, based on the Costs
Take a look at your R_ij's. Presumably you don't have a million different costs. There will typically be only a few unique cost values. The idea is to group many people with the same cost structure into one 'cohort'. Now you solve a much smaller problem - which cohorts go into which hour.
Again, once you get the idea you can make it very tractable.
Update Based on OP's comment:
By its very nature, making these groups is an approximation technique. There is no guarantee that the optimal solution will be obtained. However, the whole idea of careful grouping (by looking at cohorts with identical or very similar cost structures) is to get solutions as close to the optimal as possible, with far less computational effort.
I should have also added that when scaling (grouping is just one way to scale-down the problem size), the other constants should also be scaled. That is, c_j should also be in the same units (10K).
If persons A,B,C cannot be fit into time slot j, then the model will squeeze in as many of those as possible in the lowest cost time slot, and move the others to other slots where the cost is slightly higher, but they can be accommodated.
Hope that helps you going in the right direction.
Assuming you have a lot of duplicate people, you are now using way too many variables.
Suppose you only have 1000 different kinds of people and that some of these occcur 2000 times whilst others occur 500 times.
Then you just have to optimize the fraction of people that you allocate to each hour. (Note that you do have to adjust the objective functions and constraints a bit by adding 2000 or 500 as a constant)
The good news is that this should give you the optimal solution with just a 'few' variables, but depending on your problem you will probably need to round the results to get whole people as an outcome.