When will a newer Cartopy version appear in official anaconda distro? - cartopy

I know I can install from conda-forge, but when will a newer Cartopy version appear in the Anaconda repository? Current version is 0.16.0. Is this determined by the Anaconda or the Cartopy team?

The cartopy developers have no determination in what is packaged in Anaconda unfortunately (though a number of the cartopy developers have collaborated with the Anaconda folks a lot).
Issues with Anaconda can be raised on their tracker at https://github.com/ContinuumIO/anaconda-issues, but note that there are a lot of issues on that tracker so YMMV. If you have a support contract contacting support#continuum.io can apparently speed things up.


Is there a way to run RAPIDS on windows pc?

I am trying to run Nvidia rapids on a windows computer but haven't had any luck. I have installed docker desktop for windows and downloaded the rapids image. Cuda 10.0 is installed, and Nvidia-container-toolkit isn't. I haven't been able to make it run. Any thoughts or guidance?
I'm not sure if anyone has given a more definite 'updated' answer to the original question. At this point (August 2020) the answer is "Yes!". You definitely can run RAPIDS in WSL2 on Windows 10 subject to a few conditions:
You must use RAPIDS in the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL2);
Windows 10 Version
2004 (OS Build 202001.1000 or later)
You have to sign up to get Windows Insider Preview versions, specifically the Developer Channel. This is required for the WSL2 VM to have GPU access. https://insider.windows.com/en-us/
CUDA version 455.41 in CUDA SDK v11.1
You must be using a special version of the NVIDA CUDA drivers (I'm using )
that you must get by a special download from NVIDIA's site. You must
join the NVIDIA Developer Program to get access to the version
-- then search for 'WSL2 CUDA Driver' and it should lead you to it.
Install the developer preview version of windows. Make sure to click the check box in 'update' that installs other recommended updates too.
Install the windows CUDA driver from the NVIDIA Developer Program
Enable WSL 2 by enabling the "Virtual Machine Platform" optional feature. You can find more steps here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
Install WSL from the Windows Store (Ubuntu-20.04 confirmed working)
Install python on the WSL VM, tested with Anaconda
Install Rapids AI (It's best to install this right now before you have hundreds of other packages for 'conda' to try to self-consistently reconcile with the rapids dependency graphs -- you can always install additional python packages via pip or conda later.)
After doing this, if you launch ipython...
Python 3.8.3 (default, May 19 2020, 18:47:26)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.17.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
>>> import cuml
>>> cuml.__version__
>>> import cudf
>>> cudf.__version__
>>> import dask_cudf
>>> dask_cudf.__version__
>>> import cupy
>>> cupy.__version__
...and you're good to go with RAPIDS AI.
Update 9/6/20: The answer written by Wesley is accurate with the latest Windows Insider Preview with WSL2. Rather than revising this answer, I've just made the edits to his. https://stackoverflow.com/a/59364773/6779504
No. As it exists now, RAPIDS requires a Linux host. This came up in a recent workshop by NVIDIA. It was also mentioned that RAPIDS won't work with WSL. It may work with WSL version 2, but I haven't tried it nor am aware of someone that as.
The only option would if you could assign a GPU to a Linux VM on the Windows host. This possible but sufficiently complex that dual-booting is a better solution.

Python Packaging Fix: Understand Differences between Wheel and Egg; How to get local fix to wider audience?

I'm trying to understand why the easy_install of pyicu works and pip install doesn't (see below). also trying to understand "What is the difference between a PyPi project with a universal wheel and one without?" Will installs be "easier?". If so, will this merge request solve the problem of polyglot not installing on an Anaconda machine?
Need help/advice/solutions on how to best resolve python project install issue that is tied to underlying dependencies. I have two local fixes in GitHub Gists but would like to know the best way to have this fix "out there" so people like me can find it. What is the normal Python Community approach? The problem centers around three projects:
polyglot - a python multilingual NLP toolkit
pyicu - Python extension wrapping IBM's International Components for Unicode C++ library (ICU).
pycld2 - CLD (Compact Language Detection) library as maintained by Dick Sites
The goal:
Install polyglot on a MacOSX computer running Python Anaconda Distribution
Make the fix I found available to everyone; lots of issues published about the problem.
Here's the error trace:
The Problem (Lots of them):
Core polyglot dependency, pyicu, does not properly install when you use pip install. Discovered you must use easy_install for it build properly and work on MacOSX. If you don't use the easy_install, you get:
polyglot requires icu 54.1.1 to run in Anaconda, but...
Homebrew, the MacOSX tool to install icu, only installs version 58.1. That version is too new. Old stackoverflows advise brew install icu4c to fix problem, but Homebrew evolution makes that advice obsolete now.
pyicu does not have a universal wheel; but I created a merge request to add one to pyicu. Only way to fix this is with this channel's icu, https://anaconda.org/ccordoba12/icu. conda install icu will not work, but that's the normal conda way of doing things.
*pycld2 - CLD (Compact Language Detection) becomes a problem because after I build the wheel file locally, have to download the project and run setup.py install locally. There has to be a better way to do this right?
What I've Done to Solve the problem (should I do more, what should I do next?)
Created two Gists that can successfully install polyglot on a Mac running Anaconda for Python 2.7 or Python 3.5
Python 2.7 fix
Python 3.5 fix
created the merge request for pyicu
Both Gist fixes work. But, is this error in install tied to the wheel? If I installed pyicu with easy_install, the install works. But, with pip, it doesn't?
What are the steps to take in the Python community to fix it so people can find the solution or just pip install with no problems?
I did a test, and if the wheel file is built, the pip works with no issues.

Installing Pandas using Pip on Windows 7

Having issues installing Pandas with Pip on Windows 7.
Seems like I did not have Microsoft Visual C++ installed.
The much easier approach, as someone kindly mentioned, was to install Anaconda and use it as the package manager as opposed to Python's native pip, although, for some packages (i.e PyBullet), you might have to default back to using Pip.
From your tags I guess you are using Windows as OS. Many people use Anaconda. It comes with many packages including pandas. The line is here It should be easy to install. Do you use any IDE?

Trouble installing scipy on Mac OSX Lion

I've installed new instance of python-2.7.2 with brew. Installed numpy from pip, then from sources. I keep getting
numpy.distutils.npy_pkg_config.PkgNotFound: Could not find file(s) ['/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/lib/npy-pkg-config/npymath.ini']
when I try to install scipy, either from sources or by pip, and it drives me mad.
Scipy's binary installer tells me, that python 2.7 is required and that I don't have it (I have 2 versions installed).
EPD distribution saved the day.

installing matplotlib on ubuntu?

I have:
Ubuntu 8.04
python 2.5.2 installed on this Ubuntu
matplotlib 0.92.0 installed
I want to upgrade to (atleast) matplotlib 0.99
so that I can do 3d plotting.
The synaptic package (also the command line apt-get)
tells me that whatever I have is the latest matplotlib (which is not true).
How can I install matplotlib 0.99 or matplotlib 1.0.1 ?
You have the latest available package version for your operating system. Given that Ubuntu is at version 11 now and you are using 8.04, the version difference in the matplotlib package might not come as very surprising.
As for installing the newest version, I'd suggest reading:
...if all fails, you can always install from source.
Note that support for Desktop versions of 8.04 LTS is due to expire shortly -- if this is a desktop machine, perhaps the easiest answer is to upgrade to 10.04 LTS, 10.10, or the very-soon-upcoming 11.04 release (or whatever they'll call the next release). Maybe not "the easiest answer", but an answer that includes security updates for Mozilla, Adobe Flash, the Kernel, and so forth.
Many newer versions of packages are supported via the Ubuntu Backports facility, but I didn't spot python-matplotlib in the list of available packages. Perhaps they would provide it if you asked nicely, perhaps it would be too much work.
You can always try installing newer versions from newer releases, but newer versions of python and libraries might introduce worse problems. (But probably will work fine.) See the apt_preferences(5) manpage for details on how to configure multiple APT sources and select some specific packages from a newer distribution (pinning), and rely on the older distribution for all the other packages.
Jim's answer of building the version you need from source is probably your best second option, if installing a newer version of the distribution is too daunting / otherwise impossible at this point.