Vuetify.js full page height scrolling layout - vue.js

I am trying to make a vuetify website on which i have a layout with multiple pages that are all full screen height. How can i do this using the vuetify.js layout/container/flex system?
A graphic to illustrate my goal


React Native FlatList Item with dynamic height and width

I have a screen in my design it will contain multiple images. Its looks like a gallery view. I need to display every item with dynamic width and height. please see the image.
This design pattern is called masonry grid layout. There're many packages that make those layouts.
You can try this

Leaflet map is not with full height size in Vuetify container on mobile

I added Leaflet map inside Vuetify container (fluid) with 'app-bar' - it is working fine on desktop (or in Device toolbar of Developer console) but on mobile map zoom controls located under the navbar panel (when we click on zoom control buttons).
What could be the reason behind it?
Proposed workaround to this Chrome specific behavior is to prevent Leaflet from focusing the map:
_refocusOnMap: L.Util.falseFn
Source: How to prevent Leaflet map resizing on zoom in Vue/Vuetify app

How to adjust content on different screen sizes in react native

I am using two different screens for a page but its not responsive.
I have used flex and percentage(%) to adjust margin but did not work for me.
Here is screenshot what actually my screens look like. click here

Is it possible to render a vue component offscreen and convert to an image?

I'm implementing a drag and drop grid dashboard similar to or microsoft's powerbi. I have the grid working using vue-grid-layout. I want to now implement a drawer to add in more tiles. Would it be possible to render a component on plan on displaying on the grid onto an offscreen canvas. From there convert that to an image and use the image as a preview so that user's know what the component kind of looks like before adding it to the actual grid?
edit: html2canvas offscreen
I found this. I'm wondering if adding to the dom off the window somehow to make a thumbnail would affect performance?

Collapsing bootstrap navbar on both tablet and mobile sizes

I want to collapse navbar when screen size is <=750px.
You can use Bootstrap's customization tool to build a modified version of Bootstrap. From here, you can alter #grid-float-breakpoint to another breakpoint defined by Bootstrap (ie, xs, sm, md, lg).
You need to modified according to highlighted red in below image.
When you're finished, navigate to the Download section, and click On Compile and Download
& then use it bootstrap js & CSS.
Did you not read the docs?
Changing the collapsed mobile navbar breakpoint
The navbar collapses into its vertical mobile view when the viewport is narrower than #grid-float-breakpoint, and expands into its horizontal non-mobile view when the viewport is at least #grid-float-breakpoint in width. Adjust this variable in the Less source to control when the navbar collapses/expands. The default value is 768px (the smallest "small" or "tablet" screen).