Vue returning from a promise - vue.js

I am trying to return some value from this dispatch
this.$store.dispatch('setValue', this.Value)
.then(response => {
In my vuex action I have
.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status === 412) {
return "some message"
How can I pass the error back to the .vue file where the vuex dispatch is made?

I think the correct way of doing this is to have a status property in your store.
Your status object would consist out of error, success, loading.
So if your action throw exception you can handle it like this:
catch (error) {
commit("error", `Some Message`);
Your error mutation would look like this:
error(state, payload) {
state.status.success = false;
state.status.loading = false;
state.status.error = payload || false;
Your template would just listen on the store.state.status
<div v-if="store.state.status.error">{{store.state.status.error}}</div>
I might be wrong but in my personal opinion I feel it is wrong to use actions to return stuff. Your using the store so might as well leverage it best you can.
Other extra benefits is, you can indicate to your .vue file if api is loading or when something is successful.

What I ended up doing was pretty simple. I chained the catch to my dispatch:
this.$store.dispatch('setValue', this.Value)
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status === 412) {
return "some message"
Then I returned the Axios call from the action:
return axios({
method: 'post',
url: `/mypath,
data: mydata,
json: true,
This means I could deal with the returned data/errors locally where I wanted to trigger an action.

.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status === 412) {
throw error
Vue element with async method:
let response = await this.$store.dispatch('setValue', this.Value)
} catch(error) {


axios interceptor blocking api calls in redux saga

I have a react native project in which I'm calling some API's using redux-saga mechanism. Now when I added response interceptor for axios my saga api's are not working anymore. Does any knows how I can fix this?
here is the code for my axios instance class and response interceptor
const getLoggedInUser = async () => {
const savedUser = JSON.parse(
await getDataFromAsyncStorage(APP_CONSTANTS.SAVED_USER)
if (savedUser?.user_id != null) {
return savedUser
return null
const baseapi = axios.create({
headers: {},
async (config) => {
const token = await getLoggedInUser()
const userId = token?.user_id
const authToken = token?.token
if (token) {
baseapi.defaults.headers.common['userId'] = token
baseapi.defaults.headers.common['token'] = authToken
return config
(error) => {
return Promise.reject(error)
// Response interceptor for API calls
(response) => {
return response
async function (error) {
const originalRequest = error.config
if (error.response.status === 403 /* && !originalRequest._retry */) {
return baseapi(originalRequest)
return Promise.reject(error)
This is my saga class code and it fails directly when I add a response interceptor
function* getTopicList(action) {
try {
const {payload} = action
const res = yield call(getAllTopicsOfBatch, payload)
if (res?.status == APP_CONSTANTS.SUCCESS_STATUS) {
yield put({
payload: {data: res?.data?.topics},
} else {
alert('OOPS Something went wrong! Please try again')
yield put({
payload: 'Something Went Wrong Please Try Again',
} catch (error) {
console.log('RESPONES error', error)
alert('OOPS Something went wrong! Please try again')
yield put({
payload: 'Something Went Wrong Please Try Again',
The code looks mostly fine, the only two things I found that are likely causing problems are:
In the request interceptors you are likely wrongly passing the whole token as userId instead of userId
baseapi.defaults.headers.common['userId'] = token // 'token' should be 'userId'
In the response interceptors error handler, you are not guaranteed to have 'response' property on error.
if (error.response.status === 403) // use error?.response
If neither of these things will fix your problem my guess is you have a problem in your endpoint and so you should examine the response errors you get to guide you.

React Hook does not set on first API call

So I am sure I am messing something up, but I am not super skilled at API.
So I am trying to make an API call to check if the user exists, if user exists then move about business, if not then do other stuff.
So my first call gets the data, and the user DOES exist, the hook is setting to true, however in my log it fails and the next API is ran. However if I do it a 2nd time, it is true...
What am I doing wrong.
const handleSubmit = async () => {
const data = await axios
.get(`URL`, {
.then((resp) => {
if ( {
return data;
.catch((err) => {
// Handle Error Here
if (!checkUser) {
console.log('No User Found');
//Do Stuff//
I think the problem here is that setCheckUser(true) is an async operation, so there is no guarantee that the checkUser variable will turn to true right away.
Maybe you can solve this by using a useEffect block like this
//somewhere on the top of your file, below your useState statements
useEffect(()=> {
if (!checkUser) {
console.log('No User Found');
//Do Stuff//
}, [checkUser])
const handleSubmit = async () => {
const data = await axios
.get(`URL`, {
.then((resp) => {
if ( {
return data;
.catch((err) => {
// Handle Error Here

Pass data from FormulateForm to a mapped action using Vuex

I'm currently using Vue Formulate to pass data, using #submit="login" on a FormulateForm, to a login(data) function.
Everything's working nicely as long as I keep the logic inside the component and I can send the data to my server using axios.
Thing is, I would like to put this login function in my Vuex store, as an action, but when I refer the #submit="login" from FormulateForm to the ...mapActions(["login"]) function, there is no data passed inside.
I logged data in the login(data) action, and I get this:
Response from console.log(data) in the vuex module
I could bind values from my inputs into the store and get them from there, but I'd prefer to keep this simple and use #submit.
Is it at all possible to do so?
Overview of the actual code that is working:
methods: {
login(data) {
.post("http://localhost:3000/api/auth/login", data, {
withCredentials: true
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
.catch(err => {
if (err.response.status === 404) {
// TODO: gestion d'erreur
} else if (err.response.status === 401) {
// TODO: gestion d'erreur
<FormulateForm #submit="login">
Overview of what I want, that is not working:
methods: {
<FormulateForm #submit="login">
Inside Vuex module user.js:
const actions = {
login: data => {
.post("http://localhost:3000/api/auth/login", data, { withCredentials: true })
.then(res => {
if (res.status === 200) {
.catch(err => {
if (err.response.status === 404) {
// TODO: gestion d'erreur
} else if (err.response.status === 401) {
// TODO: gestion d'erreur
As stated, the console.log(data)does not return my FormulateForm values as it does currently.
You did not dispatch the action login.
Do this
<FormulateForm #submit="handleLogin">
methods: {
...mapActions(["login"]), // here, you have mapped `this.login()` to this.$store.dispatch('login')
handleLogin(data) {
this.login(data); // pass data as a parameter
Then your vuex user.js store should be changed to
const actions = {
login: ({commit, state}, data) => { // it takes two arguments here
For more on actions, please check the Vuex documentation
Do these things and it should work.

Axios call always ending in then() callback

I am calling this Vuex action that is triggering Axios request that is put in the try/catch block.
I am calling this:
.dispatch('api/get', { url: url })
.then(data => { console.log(data) })
.catch(error => { console.log(error) })
The Vuex action
async get({ commit }, payload) {
try {
let response = await this.$axios.get(payload.url,
} catch (e) {
commit('notifications/PUSH_ALERT', {
My API returns error which is intercepted in the Vuex action in the catch {} block.
Why the .then(response) callback is still called? Of course by response being empty.
I would expect that .catch(error) would be called?
You can throw it again like this:
async get({ commit }, payload) {
try {
let response = await this.$axios.get(payload.url,
} catch (e) {
commit('notifications/PUSH_ALERT', {
// Throw error again when it is handled, so outer catch can handle it too
throw e

vue resource promise callback

Id like to parse a vue resource data and send callback request depending on the data i receive from server , how would i achive this either using Vue.interceptors or .then callback :
methods : function(){
var resource = this.$resource('index');{name: 'jimmy'}).then(function (response) {
//success callback
//resend request lets say if == 'test'
}, function (response) {
// error callback
Simply do the call again and make sure you return the Promise created by it:
methods: { someMethod: function(){
var resource = this.$resource('index');{name: 'jimmy'})
.then(function (response) {
//resend request lets say if == 'test'
if ( === 'test') {
// do request again and return the Promise.
return{name: 'jimmy'})
} else {
return Promise.resolve(response)
.then(function(response) {
// do something with response
// if there was a retry, `response` will be the second one.
.catch(function (error) {
// catch() will catch any errors in the Promise chain, not just the first level.