Ubuntu 18.04 immediately logs out with a specific user - crash

My Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't allow me to log in with GNOME. Immediately after logging in, it seems that a crash occurs and I'm back at the log in page. If I try with a different user it works.
I found this in /var/log/syslog
Dec 10 10:13:38 y-server indicator-multi[13236]: indicator-multiload: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.
Can anyone help?

I tried to uninstall the indicator-multiload and now everything is working. Hope this can help someone else.


apache shutdown unexpedly and i can not fix it anyhow?

xampp giving this error when i am trying to start apache.
Status change detected: running
Status change detected: stopped
Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
If you need more help, copy and post this
entire log window on the forums
I have taken many step to solve this problem but it doesn't solve.
I changed the port on httdp.conf and httdp-ssl.conf file but it's not solve
please help me...
If you have Skype open I recommend you close it because sometimes it generates conflicts.

Web HUE is not getting loaded though HUE is workin on the port 8000

I have installed the Hue on the Linux whixh is an instance from Azure. I have made all the required changes in ambari and hue.ini conf file. And when I run the supervisor job, it runs fine
hue 83933 sshuser 3u IPv4 15707246 0t0 TCP *:8000 (LISTEN)
But when I try to access the wb hue, I don't get any page loaded. It shows refused to connect.
Tried deleting caches and reset up was done.
I am using hue 4.7 version and I don't find any issues in error.log file. Yet, I don't see any data in access.log file. Could you please help me?
Do you have
in the hue.ini?
#Ruthikajawar here is a working hue.ini for ambari
I have noticed that sometimes, after initial install, it takes 1 or 2 restarts to get the WEBUI to work. I have also noticed sometimes, after a restart, it takes quite a few moments before the WEBUI starts to respond.
Give it some time after restart and check the WEBUI. If you still are not getting it to answer you need to check /var/log/hue/error.log as it should be very specific with errors causing the WEBUI to fail on startup.

Tomcat8 don't working, where is issue?

Yesterday all working great, but today, i went to work and tomcat didn't work. When i try to open page of tomcat, server not response, but in command line say that hi is running. I don't understand this problem. log - catalina.2016-02-09.log is very big, but not have error.
There's the likely culprit in the stacktrace:
java.net.BindException: Address already in use
That most likely means a zombie process of your tomcat was running and you started another instance.
And please, if you don't know what logs are, don't write stuff like "but not have error", there's at least two stack traces in that log.

Apache not starting, fails silently/hangs

I had a web server that got overloaded. I attempted to stop apache but it just hung so I kill -9 the apache pid.
When trying to run
sudo /etc/init.d.apache2 start
or any derivative thereof, nothing happens. The command doesn't return. There is no error in log or at command line. I just get Starting web server: apache2 and the cursor keeps blinking. I've waited 30 minutes and still nothing. The server has 10G of memory free.
I running Debian wheezy.
Start by looking at the log files. That should contain the reason.
If there is nothing in the log files, troubleshoot using strace shown here : https://serverfault.com/questions/150249/best-way-to-troubleshoot-apache-not-starting
strace showed it was hanging on an nfs4 mountpoint that was not functioning properly.

Phusion Passenger Not Logging

I've been having problems getting Passenger up and running on my Ubuntu 10.04 box (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9243272/passenger-ruby-on-rails-issues).
I've finally got it working, but now logging doesn't work. logs/production.log only sporadically gets notifications (and they come in chunks), and /var/log/apache2/error.log only logs cache misses.
I've set PassengerLogLevel to 2, but still am not getting much information in the Apache error log.
What did I do wrong?
Turns out it's a reported issue in Rails 3.2.x
Another possible solution is that the Passenger-process has no writing rights to your log-directory. If it cannot open these files for writing, you will start seeing log-messages in /var/log/apache2/error.log
At least it was like this in our case.