Access token vs username/password for api request - api

I know this might seem like a trivial question but I can't find the answer for it to at least put my mind at peace.
If a mobile app is communication with a server then typically they sign in and they get an access token that they can use for the remainder of the session with any future request.
WHY not just pass the user name and password over HTTPS with every request instead of the access token. An access token will need to be verified with database and so is the combination of username/password. Why go through the added effort of access token if they do the same thing? I know I am missing something but I can't figure it out

You are right in that an access token is verified pretty much the same way as a username and password. For the period when the access token is valid, it is pretty much equivalent to the username and password. In some cases (depending on your threat model) it may even be ok to send username and password with every request, maybe not from a mobile app, but for example in server to server requests, with appropriate controls.
However, you don't want to send the password in every request from a mobile app primarily because then you would have to store it.
The problem with a password (or with users, actually) is that they are reused. A password is a valuable target, because the same password is likely to be used on multiple services. So you exchange it for a shorter-lived access token, which, if stolen, presents less risk for your user. And you can't easily revoke a password - forcing users to change their passwords is a hassle. Revoking an acces stoken is easy.
Also it's very unlikely, but sometimes there are vulnerabilities in TLS - not very often, but there have been a few in the past years. Such a vulnerability might allow an attacker to decrypt some of the traffic sent over https, or for example there was a vulnerability in openssl a while ago that allowed attackers to extract parts of the server memory, potentially holding whatever the user(s) sent. It's much better if it's just an access token, and not the actual password.
Another point is sometimes (in OAuth flows) your app won't be allowed to even access the actual password. When your user logs in with a 3rd party identity provider (like for example facebook), they would not like your app to receive their facebook password. They just go to facebook, exchange their credentials for an access token, and you only see the token which you can verify with facebook if you want. But you never actually get the user's facebook password. Of course this is only valid when the identity provider is a third party.

I think the answer is all about the security and safety.
IT'S ALWAYS RECOMMENDED to use access tokens instead of username & password, because:
Access tokens (in most services) can be easily generated, blocked, monitored for their usage & statistics from your account, can be set as expirable, can have restricted permissions, and so on... Of course, you can delete it at all. The Username & Password is the master, who can control the access tokens.
Access tokens are safer as I said, and that is the most important thing. If you use Username & password in your web-application (or whatever) and that application is hacked (which happens so frequently), or someone views its source, or even some log-system saves the request parameters - then your user & password can be viewed by 3-rd parties and all your account can be hacked (and probably others too, where you have same user/pw). Access tokens eliminate all these risks.
About speed - I don't think that authorization with USER & PW has any significant advantage in speed.


Recommended simple access token expire handling for app

I have a set of APIs purely for my own app, so I just have a simple API to create access token, when user provided the email and password
/api/access_token (return access_token when email and password matched)
The access_token was saved and matched against in the database sessions table with the expiry field, for now, the expiry is one week, so user need to re-login after one week.
So far it worked fine, but if I want to have the remember me functions as those Facebook / Twitter app, which mean user don't need to re-login so often, which I assume they are using something like the OAuth refresh access tokens approach.
Since I am not using those OAuth stuffs, given my current design and setup, what would be the simplest and secure way to achieve the same functionalities?
You have a few options to choose from, I'll try provide an overview. There is a significant difference depending on whether the client is a browser or a mobile app.
First, for browsers, plain old session tokens are generally more secure than JWT or other structured tokens. If your requirements don't force you to store stuff on or flow stuff through the client, then don't.
The most secure option for a browser client (single page javascript app or plain old rendered app) is the following:
When the user hits the login endpoint with their username and password, the endpoint creates a random session id, and stores it in a database.
The server sends back the session token as a httpOnly cookie, thus it protects it from potential XSS.
The client then automatically includes the session token in all subsequent requests.
Additional data can be stored server-side for the session.
This above is basically plain old stateful session management. The length of such a session should be limited, but if your requirements and threat model allows, you can make this a very long session, like months even if you want, but be aware of the associated risk. These tokens can be inspected in the browser and stolen from a user if not else then by physical access to the client, so a very long expiry has its risks.
Note that mobile apps can pretty much just do the same. The difference is that mobile apps do have a way to store secrets more securely on current mobile platforms. As the storage is protected by user login, and also segregated by app, a session id stored correctly in a mobile app has a lot less chance to be compromised, meaning a longer expiry presents lower risk than in case of a plain browser.
You can also implement a refresh token. However, the point in refresh tokens is that you want to store them in a different way than the other token. If they are stored the same way, a refresh token provides very little benefit (sure, it won't be sent with every request, but that's not where it will get compromised anyway, TLS / HTTPS is secure for transport). In case of OAuth / OpenID, the authentication server can for example set the refresh token on its own origin (like, and then forward the user to the app with an authorization code for example, which can be exchanged by the application (service provider) for an access token, that is set for the application domain (like This way, the two tokens have different access models, a compromised app will not leak the refresh token, even if the current access token is leaked, and the access token can be refreshed relatively seamlessly.
If you don't have a separate login endpoint, all this doesn't make a lot of sense, except in one very specific case. Thinking about browser clients, you can set a refresh token in a httpOnly cookie, so it's protected from XSS, and you can store an access token in something like localStorage. However, why would you do this? Pretty much the only reason you would do this is if you need to send the access token to some other origin, which is the whole point in OAuth and OpenID.
You could also argue that statelessness is a benefit of such tokens. In reality, the vast majority of services don't actually benefit from statelessness, but it makes some features technically impossible (like for example forcing logout, as in terminating existing user sessions - for that, you would have to store and check revoked tokens, which is not stateless at all).
Ok so to provide "remember me" as in auto-login, you basically have two options. You can either just make your sessions very long (like months, years, forever), which is more ok for mobile apps as they can store the token more securely than a browser, or you can implement some kind of a refresh mechanism. As discussed above, this only makes sense if the refresh token is stored and accessed differently than the session token.
In case of a browser app with a single origin (no auth/login service), this is not really possible, there is no real separation, and a refresh token doesn't make a lot of sense. If you want an auth service, you should be looking into OpenID Connect (OIDC).
For a mobile app, what you could do is store a refresh token in secure storage, and use access tokens from the localStorage of something like a webview, but unless there are very specific requirements, this would likely not be worth the complexity, as you could just store a longer lived session token in the secure storage.
As for remember me, you can just implement it in a way that users that choose to be remembered will have a sessino token with a longer expiry - as you already store expiry for each token in your database, everything is already set up for that, and in many usecases this is fine. There is some additional risk for users that choose this, but there is also some additional benefit in terms of convenience - it's always a compromise.
What you can consider doing to make such very long sessions more secure is check and store some kind of a device fingerprint (there are Javascript libs for this). If you have a very long lived session, but only valid for a specific fingerprint (ie. it only works from the same device), that mitigates the risk somewhat. However, almost everything that is used for a device fingerprint can be spoofed by an attacker, but it still makes it significantly harder for an attacker to steal a session, and you can have approrpiate monitoring in place for attempts. There will be UX considerations too, like the fingerprint might change with browser/app updates and so on, but it's still worth it sometimes.
Another new-ish feature you could consider is WebAuthn and Passkey, for passwordless authentication. These basically provide device authentication, a key will be seamlessly generated for the user on the specific device, and that will be used for logging in. UX is now getting better, but there are still challenges. The way device authentication translates into user authentication is that the key is associated with the user session (the user "unlocks" the keystore, ie. decrypts the stored keys upon login, with their login credentials). This can also provide "remember me" (seamless auto-login), but in my experience the technology is not fully ready yet, though it's getting there.
While I fully agree with the comments above, I would like to create a clear solution in the minds of other readers by giving a clear and directly understandable concrete answer to your problem.
Let's take an example for JWT;
RefreshToken is the structure that will be activated when the AccessToken expires and will complete the Authentication phase without the need for login. The logic is as follows: AccessToken has a very short lifespan compared to RefreshToken. This time is up to you. The purpose is this: AccessToken is destroyed in short time intervals so that it does not fall into the hands of anyone. However, for this reason, the need to login to the system again arises. To make it easier to login again; When you take the previous AccessToken, you will take another token (RefreshToken) that can be used for a longer period of time and keep it in your pocket. The part I call your pocket depends on the technology you use. For example, you can also keep it in the browser. Keeping it in a browser is not an ideal method (It would be DB, file, cache what you use), because it can create a security vulnerability when someone has access for browsers. So where to keep it depends on the situation and you decide, but; RefreshToken will be activated when AccessToken expires on your client Login functionality.
It has become customary to set a default period of 100 days for RefreshToken. however, this time is up to you, depending on your application business preference.
I found a very clear example when I googled, you can check it below.
You can use the same functionality on your serverside code for all your clients (mobile or web not important)

Refresh tokens: security & implementation

When a user is authenticated by the server, the server sends, according to the most common implementation I found(which is were my question stems from), sends BOTH access token and the refresh token to the client.
-- My first questions is:
What is the point of sending both tokens to the client if, to my understanding, we have the refresh token in the first place to help us mitigate the consequences of an access token being leaked?
If both tokens are sent to the client and are stored together (in the same place, localStorage, sessionStorage, one in former, one in latter - I don't think it matters to the questions how we decide to store them on the client), if an attacker manages to steal the access token, then it is safe to assume he would also find a way to steal the refresh token from the same client since they are most likely stored together. I don't understand why most implementations and answers I find online mention sending both tokens to the client since its basically like putting all eggs in the same basket.
(A big part of my confusion comes also from the fact that those answers and implementations don't mention anything about storing the tokens in HttpOnly cookies, which I'd think would be a common practice if we want to prevent tokens getting leaked, so I'm getting a feeling I'm missing something)
-- My second question would be:
Would it be a correct solution then to persist the access and refresh tokens upon issue in an "accessT <-> refreshT"(like a key=value pair) table on a server, so that only one token is ever sent to the client - the access token? And when that access token expires the process of "refreshing" would be the following:
ResServer = resource server
AuthServer = authorization server
The request with the expired token is sent to the ResServer.
ResServer checks and sees that the access token has expired.
ResServer then sends a request to the AuthServer to look up the refresh token by the access token in the table mention above.
If AuthServer finds a refresh token by using the expired access token as a key - good, AuthServer generates a new access token.
AuthServer then responds to the ResServer with that new access token.
Having received a positive response, ResServer proceeds on with it's usual flow for authorized users.
^^ This seems to me to be a more rational way of keeping the refresh token safe - making it serve its primary function, which is why I don't understand why most other implementations on the web always mention sending both tokens to the client.
-- And my third question is:
Not having much experience implementing microservices, I am confused about why we would ever prefer to implement this token back and forth approach, when, from what I understand, the entire point of tokens is that they are supposed to be a stateless solution(well, the refresh token is always kept on the server regardless of implementation, which confuses me even more about that "stateless" part). Doesn't it make more sense to just use cookies that basically serve the same function, but are easier to implement, secure by default("Secure", "HttpOnly" flags), and, as it appears to me, are much easier to revoke in can they are leaked?
Thanks you for taking your time to read this entire post, I appreciate your help.
Regarding your first question:
The advantage of having two tokens is not that you can store one of the tokens more securely. The advantage is that if the Resource Server gets compromised, it does not allow lateral escalation. For this to make sense, your access tokens must be bound to specific resource servers.
As an example, assume you have two resource servers ResA and ResB. Then your Authentication server would allow you to obtain one access token for each of these servers, and one refresh token (that allows refreshing both access tokens). If resource server A gets compromised (or the network path between the client and that server), then the access token to that server will expire at some point, and the attacker will not be able to access resource server B with the access token issued for resource server A. At the same time, only the legitimate user is able to refresh their tokens, since they only provide the refresh token to the AuthServer, such that a compromised or malicious resource server never sees at.
That leads directly to your second question:
Your proposed model prevents key rollover. If a resource server gets compromised, all its tokens are eternally compromised, unless the Authentication Server voids all refresh tokens. Voiding refresh tokens would lead to users being logged out of all resource servers (even those who are not compromised).
As an example, consider the following scenario: Tour authentication provider is a large public service, such as "Sign in with Google", with thousands of resource servers using this service. Now one of those resource servers gets compromised, and attackers steal the authentication tokens.
In the commonly employed auth-refresh token pattern, the auth tokens will expire, which means that the service will be inaccessible for attackers as soon as the used vulnerability is fixed + the time it takes for tokens to expire (since the attackers could not get hold of the resource tokens), without the need for the AuthServer to do anything. Additionally, the AuthServer does not need to keep track of the issued tokens, if it uses cryptography to sign the tokens with a private key only known to the auth server, as it (and all resource servers) can trivially verify token authenticity by validating against a public key (please also see the end of my answer).
In your proposed approach, the AuthServer (which is Google in this example) would have to void all refresh tokens OR they would have to selectively delete all auth-refresh token pairs for the affected resource server from the key-value store. That key-value store will be gigantic, since it has to contain EVERY auth token ever issued, for any service that uses "Sign in with Google", and apart from storage costs, this delete operation will take quite some time.
Regarding your last question:
You can store access tokens in Cookies. There is a bunch of advantages to that (including the Secure and HttpOnly flags that you mentioned). It has two disadvantages: If you want to implement something like a CLI client that runs outside of a browser, you would have to implement Cookie handling. The other disadvantage is the CSRF risk as Cookies are automatically sent on every request. Using local storage prevents this, as an external website cannot access the local storage of your website to extract the token.
In the end it comes down to the concrete scenario, if Cookies or Local Storage + Custom Header are the preferable solution.
However, I think you have a misconception regarding statefulness:
Access and Refresh tokens do not need to be stored on the server. Instead, the Auth Server signs the Token Contents with a cryptographic private key, before sending them to a client. In doing so, the AuthServer includes an expiration date in the token, which is included in the signed content.
To validate the token, the Resource Server (or the AuthServer) checks if the signature comes from the AuthServer's private key, and then checks if the expiration date has passed. In particular, the resource server does not need to communicate with the AuthServer, apart from obtaining its Public Key from time to time. This makes this solution scale really well for very large deployments. See the Microsoft Azure docs, which do a great job on explaining the difference between Auth and Refresh tokens.
What you are alluding to are traditional session ids, which are stored on the server until they expire. Thats obviously a much simpler solution, and works well for smaller, more monolithic applications. It just does not work for hyper scalers.

When needing to authenticate a client, use a long-term token or store username and password encrypted?

I'm making an parental application and I need the client (Windows Service) to update with the server every X seconds/minutes. For obvious reasons, I cannot have the user enter the password every time the client needs to update with the server, so I was wondering whether it would be better practice:
To send the username + password once, and get a token that doesn't expire until a new one is issued or
Store the username and password encrypted on the client computer
Using a token for authentication is always better that username+password because if someone manages to get access to the saved credentials (token or password) the damage by a revealed password is always higher that by a token that is random and is only used by your service and that can be replaced at any time.
Additionally humans tend to reuse passwords, which means a reveled password would raise security problems in more than just your service.
In my opinion OAuth2 is a good example of a token based authentication system: It has two types of tokens: refresh and access. The access token is like you have described and the refresh token allows to generate a new access token and invalidates the previous access token. This makes it possible to "update" the access token e.g. every week or month.

Security and reliability concerns about JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

I'm creating an API along with a SPA for a personal project and I'm hesitating between the following solutions to authenticate users (note: over HTTPS):
HTTP Basic Authentication (send username/password wich each request)
Token based authentication (store SHA1-ed user tokens in the database)
JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication
I don't even consider OAuth cause it seems like a real pain plus I don't need to authenticate with other apps, I'm only concerned about authenticating users.
From what I've read, JWT seems to be a growing standard. It basically holds the caller's data so everytime he makes an API request you encrypt(base64(header) + "." + base64(payload)) with your secret and you compare it with the signature provided in the last part of the token itself. It avoids having to perform DB transactions.
The problem is that if I use JWT 1) I have no possibility to manually revoke specific tokens, and most of all 2) if I change a user's permissions, the previously granted JWT will still have the old data with his old permissions which could grant/restrict him continuous access to some data as long as he doesn't get a new token with his new permissions, which is really problematic and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mentionning this problem yet. Moreover, 3) JWT claims to allow the server to validate access without having access to DB but I can't imagine any API request that doesn't involve the database somehow, if only to return data the user asked for. So this argument doesn't make any sense to me.
To me, my best option right now is option 2. Website will have restricted and small traffic so storing tokens in the Database seems like a small and worthwhile trade-off and allow me to do anything I want with these tokens, including managing their lifecycle and permissions. It also avoids exposing the users' credentials like in option 1, in case they use the same ones for other online services.
I just want to know if my concerns about JWT are right or if I misunderstood its functioning? Also, even if I've already read a lot about these different options, feel free to link anything that could enlight me and help me make a better choice. Thanks.
You are right and invalidating tokens before expiration time is a common JWT problem. There are several reason to consider: account deleted/blocked/suspended, password changed, permissions changed, user logged out by admin.
With JWT, you can also set a token blacklist to store tokens that were between logout & expiry time, mark expired and check it in every request. You can include only the ID (jti claim of JWT) or use the last login date and the iat claim (issued at)
Other technique to invalidate tokens when user changes their password/permissions is signing the token with a hash of those fields. If the field value changes, any previous tokens automatically fail to verify.
Finally, be aware that the token is signed with server private key (not encrypted)
sign(base64(header) + "." + base64(payload))

what's the point of refresh token?

i have to confess i've had this question for a very long time, never really understand.
say auth token is like a key to a safe, when it expires it's not usable anymore. now we're given a magic refresh token, which can be used to get another usable key, and another... until the magic key expires. so why not just set the expiration of the auth token as the same as refresh token? why bother at all?
what's the valid reason for it, maybe a historical one? really want to know. thanks
I was reading an article the other day by Taiseer Joudeh and I find it very useful he said:
In my own opinion there are three main benefits to use refresh tokens which they are:
Updating access token content: as you know the access tokens are self contained tokens, they contain all the claims (Information) about the authenticated user once they are generated, now if we issue a long lived token (1 month for example) for a user named “Alex” and enrolled him in role “Users” then this information get contained on the token which the Authorization server generated. If you decided later on (2 days after he obtained the token) to add him to the “Admin” role then there is no way to update this information contained in the token generated, you need to ask him to re-authenticate him self again so the Authorization server add this information to this newly generated access token, and this not feasible on most of the cases. You might not be able to reach users who obtained long lived access tokens. So to overcome this issue we need to issue short lived access tokens (30 minutes for example) and use the refresh token to obtain new access token, once you obtain the new access token, the Authorization Server will be able to add new claim for user “Alex” which assigns him to “Admin” role once the new access token being generated
Revoking access from authenticated users: Once the user obtains long lived access token he’ll be able to access the server resources as long as his access token is not expired, there is no standard way to revoke access tokens unless the Authorization Server implements custom logic which forces you to store generated access token in database and do database checks with each request. But with refresh tokens, a system admin can revoke access by simply deleting the refresh token identifier from the database so once the system requests new access token using the deleted refresh token, the Authorization Server will reject this request because the refresh token is no longer available (we’ll come into this with more details).
No need to store or ask for username and password: Using refresh tokens allows you to ask the user for his username and password only one time once he authenticates for the first time, then Authorization Server can issue very long lived refresh token (1 year for example) and the user will stay logged in all this period unless system admin tries to revoke the refresh token. You can think of this as a way to do offline access to server resources, this can be useful if you are building an API which will be consumed by front end application where it is not feasible to keep asking for username/password frequently.
I would like to add to this another perspective.
Stateless authentication without hitting the DB on each request
Let's suppose you want to create a stateless (no session) security mechanism that can do authentication of millions of users, without having to make a database call to do the authentication. With all the traffic your app is getting, saving a DB call on each request is worth a lot! And it needs to be stateless so it can be easily clustered and scaled up to hundreds or even thousands of servers.
With old-fashioned sessions, the user logs in, at which point we read their user info from the database. To avoid having to read it again and again we store it in a session (usually in memory or some clustered cache). We send the session ID to the client in a cookie, which is attached to all subsequent requests. On subsequent requests, we use the session ID to lookup the session, that in turn contains the user info.
Put the user info directly in the access token
But we don't want sessions. So instead of storing the user info in the session, let's just put it in an access token. We sign the token so no one can tamper with it and presto. We can authenticate requests without a session and without having to look up the user info from the DB for each request.
No session ... no way to ban users?
But not having a session has a big downside. What if this user is banned for example? In the old scenario we just remove his session. He then has to log in again, which he won't be able to do. Ban completed. But in the new scenario there is no session. So how can we ban him? We would have to ask him (very politely) to remove his access token. Check each incoming request against a ban list? Yes, would work, but now we again have to make that DB call we don't want.
Compromise with short-lived tokens
If we think it's acceptable that a user might still be able to use his account for, say, 10 minutes after being banned, we can create a situation that is a compromise between checking the DB every request and only on login. And that's where refresh tokens come in. They allow us to use a stateless mechanism with short-lived access tokens. We can't revoke these tokens as no database check is done for them. We only check their expiry date against the current time. But once they expire, the user will need to provide the refresh token to get a new access token. At this point we do check the DB and see that the user has been banned. So we deny the request for an access token and the ban takes effect.
The referenced answer (via #Anders) is helpful, It states:
In case of compromise, the time window it's valid for is limited, but
the tokens are used over SSL, so unlikely to be compromised.
I think the important part is that access tokens will often get logged (especially when used as a query parameter, which is helpful for JSONP), so it's best for them to be short-lived.
There are a few additional reasons, with large-scale implementations of OAuth 2.0 by service providers:
API servers can securely validate access tokens without DB lookups or RPC calls if it's okay to not worry about revocation. This can have strong performance benefits and lessen complexity for the API servers. Best if you're okay with a token revocation taking 30m-60m (or whatever the length of the access token is). Of course, the API servers could also keep an in-memory list of tokens revoked in the last hour too.
Since tokens can have multiple scopes with access to multiple different API services, having short-lived access tokens prevents a developer of API service for getting a lifelong access to a user's data on API service B. Compartmentalization is good for security.
Shortes possible answer:
Refresh tokens allow for scoped / different decay times of tokens. Actual resource tokens are short lived, while the refresh token can remain valid for years (mobile apps). This comes with better security (resource tokens don't have to be protected) and performance (only the refresh token API has to check validity against DB).
The following is an addition to the benefits of refresh tokens that are already mentioned.
Safety First!
Access tokens are short-lived. If someone steals an access token, he will have access to resources only until access token expires.
"...But what if a refresh token is stolen?"
If an attacker steals the refresh token, he can obtain an access token. For this reason, it it recommended that a new refresh token is issued each time a new access token is obtained. If the same refresh token is used twice, it probably means that the refresh token has been stolen.
When the refresh token changes after each use, if the authorization
server ever detects a refresh token was used twice, it means it has
likely been copied and is being used by an attacker, and the
authorization server can revoke all access tokens and refresh tokens
associated with it immediately.
Of course, this is just another layer of security. The attacker can still have time to obtain access tokens, until the refresh token is used a second time (either by the attacker or the real user).
Always keep in mind that the refresh token must be stored as securely as possible.