securing Elasticsearch cluster on Elastic Cloud - authentication

What is the best way to secure a connection between an Elasticsearch cluster hosted on Elastic Cloud and a backend given that we have hundreds of thousands of users and that I want to handle the authorization logic on the backend itself not on Elasticsearch?
Is it better to create a "system" user in the native realm with all the read and write accesses (it looks like the user feature is intended for real end-users) or to use other types of authentication (but SAML, PKI or Kerberos are also end-user oriented)? Or using other security means like IP based?
I'm used to Elasticsearch service on AWS where authorization is based on IAM roles so I'm a bit lost here.
edit: 18 months later, there's no definitive answer on this, if I had to do it again, I would probably end up using JWT.


Authentication microservices, databases in Kubernetes

I am working in data platform on Kubernetes. Therefore, I will need to install
several databases like Ceph (or Minio), Postgresql, Elasticsearch
A kafka cluster
a SQL engine like Trino (former PrestoSQL)
several api servers
Multiple users and applications (internal to Kubernetes or not) will need to be authenticated and authorized to use theses components above.
For authorization I have found a project like Open Policy Agent which fits my wish to have a centralized and unified way to control it.
I would like the same thing for authentication but I am still looking for it.
There are different ways to authenticate, the most interesting ones being:
TLS certificate
But all the above components does not implement these methods.
For instance, I was interested to use Keycloak. It is perfectly suited for API servers, Kafka but not for Postgresql.
Do you know some solutions, alternatives to my problem?
Like Jonas good mentioned in the comment:
This totally depends on what your systems support. It is easiest if they support JWT-tokens for authentication, then the microservices can use its serviceAccount.
One of the solutions might be to use service-mesh, like istio and JWT (JSON Web Tokens). Here is also istio documentation about JWT. In simple terms, microservice will generate a JWT and istio will check if the token is correct. This guide shows exactly, how Istio Authorization Policy works.
Here you can find a very good article that explains how such authorization works step by step. It presents various methods of implementation. It shows their strengths and weaknesses.
It's also worth taking a look here. The official istio security documentation explains how to approach the subject of authorization. You can find there all supported authorization methods.
You can also create your custom action to delegate the authorization to external system. Here is the guide, how you can do it.
Kubernetes also supports 3rd party authentication tools: Keycloak, Auth0 or Google Auth. Here are guides, how to secure Kubernetes clusters with:
Keycloak and istio
Auth0 and Istio
Google Auth and Istio

Anonymous Authentication by default in Amazon Neptune?

I'm learning about Amazon Neptune, and noticed that:
IAM authentication is not enabled by default
IAM authentication requires AWS Signature v4 for API calls, which increases application complexity
By default, it seems that Amazon Neptune uses anonymous authentication, as I didn't have to provide any API keys, username / password combinations, or certificates for authentication. Additionally, the code sample provided by AWS doesn't include any authentication details.
It appears that the only default security options for Amazon Neptune are network-level VPC Security Groups.
According to the What is Neptune? documentation, the service claims to be "highly secure." In my opinion, a service that does not support application-level authentication by default, is not "highly secure."
Neptune provides multiple levels of security for your database. Security features include network isolation using Amazon VPC, and encryption at rest using keys that you create and control through AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). On an encrypted Neptune instance, data in the underlying storage is encrypted, as are the automated backups, snapshots, and replicas in the same cluster.
Question: Why does Amazon Neptune use an insecure configuration by default, and is there a way to enable authentication without using the complicated IAM integrated authentication?
You've got some very valid points in there, so let me go through them in detail by providing some context.
By default, it seems that Amazon Neptune uses anonymous authentication..
This is intentional for a reason. The query languages that Neptune support right now are Gremlin and SPARQL, both of which are built on top of HTTP/HTTPS without any sort of auth (Basic Auth is supported in Gremlin, but that is not something that clients use in production anyways. I'd need at least some form of message digest auth to call it secure, but unfortunately, the language spec does not include this). As these languages are open, there are a lot of open source client code that exist out there that assume that they are dealing with an unauthenticated endpoint. As a result, purely from an adoption point of view, Neptune chose to keep its request layer to be unauthenticated by default. If you explore other DB engines within AWS (say Aurora MySQL), the backing DB engine does support auth as its default posture.
This does not mean that it is the right thing to do, so I'll let someone from the Gremlin/SPARQL community comment on whether the spec should enforce authentication as the default posture or not.
It appears that the only default security options for Amazon Neptune are network-level VPC Security Groups.
SG's provide the network ACLs, and we do support TLS 1.2 by default (as of the newest engine versions), so that tightens up your client -> db connection as well.
The service claims to be "highly secure." In my opinion, a service that does not support application-level authentication by default, is not "highly secure."
In addition to the details called out above, the "highly secure" aspect of Neptune is not limited just to client -> db connection. Your data is replicated 6 way and stored in 3 AZs. This involves a lot of communication, not just from the DB, but within the backing storage nodes as well. All these communications are guarded by industry standard security protocols. Encryption at rest for the distributed store is a totally interesting case study on its own. Same standards apply to operator access to the machines, auditing, data safety which snapshotting and restoring etc etc. In short, I do agree that the default posture should be SigV4 (or some open standard) auth enabled, I do want to make sure that you do get some clarity on why we do claim to be a highly secure DB, much like any other product that AWS provides.
Is there a way to enable authentication without using the complicated IAM integrated authentication?
SigV4 is the standard that most AWS services do support. I do agree that it would have been a lot easier if there were an SDK that customers could directly use. We did vend out SigV4 plugins for some of the clients (especially Java and Python) and it actually has a pretty good uptake. Do try it out and share feedback on which areas in the integration seemed to be painful, and we'd be more than happy to take a look.
EDIT 1: The OP discussion here was around security between client and the database, so the security practices in the opaque backing data store that I've quoted above isn't really relevant. In other words, the discussion here is entirely around the data plane API of Neptune and whether we could be secure by default, rather than an opt in.

Is AWS Amplify insecure?

I've been given the task of implementing a user Sign In / Sign Up flow in a react native app. There is nothing too fancy about this app in particular. The usual Sign In, Sign Up (with SMS Verification) and Password Reset screens suffice. So I went looking for identity providers. Auth0 and AWS Cognito were the most suitable finds. Auth0 was considered too expensive by my managers so we discarded it. Which left me with the Cognito option.
According to the docs, it is possible to completely replace the default UI (which is something that pleases the UI/UX team) but still using the underlying infrastructure. One thing that concerns our team very much is security. According to this and this, authorization requests should only be made through external agents (mobile user browsers). So I went digging into the aws-amplify's source code and found that ultimately what it does (and correct me if I'm wrong here, please) is just a simple API request to the AWS auth endpoints passing my ClientId and other attributes.
This got me a little worried about the security of the interactions with AWS. As AWS endpoints are secure, I know a mitm attack is discarded.
But what keeps an attacker of decompiling my mobile app, getting access to the ClientId and making direct requests to AWS? Is AWS Amplify's really that insecure or am I missing something here?
There are many attacks that are possible but at a high level 3 stand out
Credential compromise
Social engineering
Credential compromise
Your account credentials should not be exposed, STS credentials are time limited and need you to specifically grant permissions to the pool to access aws services
you need to give a least privilege, follow approach outlined here
Social engineering attack
I guess exposed ClientId from a decompiled source could be used but would need to be combined with other user data so as a general rule lock down everything that links to your account that could be combined with the Client Id in a social attack
AWS provides what it calls "Advanced Security" in pools
this should be required when building Cognito Apps its comprehensive
Security threats constantly evolve, AWS do a good job, there are security advantages in using

Microservices - how to solve security and user authentication?

There is a lot of discussion about microservice architecture. What I am missing - or maybe what I did not yet understand is, how to solve the issue of security and user authentication?
For example: I develop a microservice which provides a Rest Service interface to a workflow engine. The engine is based on JEE and runs on application servers like GlassFish or Wildfly.
One of the core concepts of the workflow engine is, that each call is user centric. This means depending of the role and access level of the current user, the workflow engine produces individual results (e.g. a user-centric tasklist or processing an open task which depends on the users role in the process).
In my eyes, thus a service is not accessible from everywhere. For example if someone plans to implement a modern Ajax based JavaScript application which should use the workflow microservice there are two problems:
1) to avoid the cross-scripting problem from JavaScript/Ajax the JavaScript Web application needs to be deployed under the same domain as the microservice runs
2) if the microservice forces a user authentication (which is the case in my scenario) the application need to provide a transparent authentication mechanism.
The situation becomes more complex if the client need to access more than one user-centric microservices forcing user authentication.
I always end up with an architecture where all services and the client application running on the same application server under the same domain.
How can these problems be solved? What is the best practice for such an architecture?
Short answer: check OAUTH, and manage caches of credentials in each microservice that needs to access other microservices. By "manage" I mean, be careful with security. Specially, mind who can access those credentials and let the network topology be your friend. Create a DMZ layer and other internal layers reflecting the dependency graph of your microservices.
Long answer, keep reading. Your question is a good one because there is no simple silver bullet to do what you need although your problem is quite recurrent.
As with everything related with microservices that I saw so far, nothing is really new. Whenever you need to have a distributed system doing things on behalf of a certain user, you need distributed credentials to enable such solution. This is true since mainframe times. There is no way to violate that.
Auto SSH is, in a sense, such a thing. Perhaps it may sound like a glorified way to describe something simple, but in the end, it enables processes in one machine to use services in another machine.
In the Grid world, the Globus Toolkit, for instance, bases its distributed security using the following:
X.509 certificates;
MyProxy - manages a repository of credentials and helps you define a chain of certificate authorities up to finding the root one, which should be trusted by default;
An extension of OpenSSH, which is the de facto standard SSH implementation for Linux distributions.
OAUTH is perhaps what you need. It is a way provide authorization with extra restrictions. For instance, imagine that a certain user has read and write permission on a certain service. When you issue an OAUTH authorization you do not necessarily give full user powers to the third party. You may only give read access.
CORS, mentioned in another answer, is useful when the end client (typically a web browser) needs single-sign-on across web sites. But it seems that your problem is closer to a cluster in which you have many microservices that are managed by you. Nevertheless, you can take advantage of solutions developed by the Grid field to ensure security in a cluster distributed across sites (for high availability reasons, for instance).
Complete security is something unattainable. So all this is of no use if credentials are valid forever or if you do not take enough care to keep them secret to whatever received them. For such purpose, I would recommend partitioning your network using layers. Each layer with a different degree of secrecy and exposure to the outside world.
If you do not want the burden to have the required infrastructure to allow for OAUTH, you can either use basic HTTP or create your own tokens.
When using basic HTTP authentication, the client needs to send credentials on each request, therefore eliminating the need to keep session state on the server side for the purpose of authorization.
If you want to create your own mechanism, then change your login requests such that a token is returned as the response to a successful login. Subsequent requests having the same token will act as the basic HTTP authentication with the advantage that this takes place at the application level (in contrast with the framework or app server level in basic HTTP authentication).
Your question is about two independent issues.
Making your service accessible from another origin is easily solved by implementing CORS. For non-browser clients, cross-origin is not an issue at all.
The second problem about service authentication is typically solved using token based authentication.
Any caller of one of your microservices would get an access token from the authorization server or STS for that specific service.
Your client authenticates with the authorization server or STS either through an established session (cookies) or by sending a valid token along with the request.

Single SignOn - Best practice

I need to build a scalable single sign-on mechanism for multiple sites. Scenario:
Central web application to register/manage account (Server in Europe)
Several web applications that need to authenticate against my user database (Servers in US/Europe/Pacific region)
I am using MySQL as database backend. The options I came up with are either replicating the user database across all servers (data security?) or allowing the servers to directly connect to my MySQL instance by explicitly allowing connections from their IPs in my.cnf (high load? single point of failure?).
What would be the best way to provide a scalable and low-latency single sign-on for all web applications? In terms of data security would it be a good idea to replicate the user database across all web applications?
Note: All web applications provide an API which users can use to embed widgets into their own websites. These widgets work through a token auth mechanism which will again need to authenticate against my user database.
I would not integrate the authentication on the database level, as in replicating the db or allowing access from the other servers. This might become hard to maintain. I would prefer a loosely coupled approach by exposing a simple service on your central server that lets the other app servers run authentication requests.
You should look into the following issues (probably more):
How to avoid cleartext transmission of passwords between servers
You probably can't throttle the service if a network of application servers authenticates all their users from the same IP, so you might want to restrict access to certain clients to avoid rogue machines mass-probing for valid accounts.
How to centrally enforce things such as session expiration
How to handle / avoid service downtime
Techniques that might be helpful:
Cryptographic CRAM (to avoid password transmission)
Certificates (to prove the clients' identity)
Alternatively, you might want to have the clients use the central service to obtain a token that is then promoted to and verified by the target server. There's architectures that work similarly (e. g. Kerberos ticket servers) which may serve as inspiration.
You should go for Oauth2 or SAML.
