How do I store an intermediate convolutional layer's result in tensorflow for later processing? - tensorflow

The image below describes the output before the application of a max-pooling layer of a single intermediate filter layer of a CNN.
I want to store the co-ordinates of the pixel with intensity 4(on the bottom right of the matrix on the LHS of the arrow) as it is in the matrix on the LHS of the arrow. That is the pixel at co-ordinate (4,4)(1 based indexing)in the right matrix is the one which is getting stored in the bottom right cell of the matrix on the RHS of the arrow, right. Now what I want to do is to store this co-ordinate value (4,4) along with the co-ordinates for the other pixels {(2,2) for pixel with intensity 6, (2, 4) for pixel with intensity 8 and (3, 1) for pixel with intensity 3} as a list for later processing. How do I do it in Tensorflow.
Max pooling done with a filter of size 2 x 2 and stride of 2

You can use tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax (link).
The indices in argmax are flattened, so that a maximum value at
position [b, y, x, c] becomes flattened index ((b * height + y) *
width + x) * channels + c.
We need to do some processing to make it fit your coordinates.
An example:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def max_pool_with_argmax(net,filter_h,filter_w,stride):
output, mask = tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax( net,ksize=[1, filter_h, filter_w, 1],
strides=[1, stride, stride, 1],padding='SAME')
# If your ksize looks like [1, stride, stride, 1]
loc_x = mask // net.shape[2]
loc_y = mask % net.shape[2]
loc = tf.concat([loc_x+1,loc_y+1],axis=-1) #count from 0 so add 1
# If your ksize is all changing, use the following
# c = tf.mod(mask,net.shape[3])
# remain = tf.cast(tf.divide(tf.subtract(mask,c),net.shape[3]),tf.int64)
# x = tf.mod(remain,net.shape[2])
# remain = tf.cast(tf.divide(tf.subtract(remain,x),net.shape[2]),tf.int64)
# y = tf.mod(remain,net.shape[1])
# remain = tf.cast(tf.divide(tf.subtract(remain, y), net.shape[1]),tf.int64)
# b = tf.mod(remain, net.shape[0])
# loc = tf.concat([y+1,x+1], axis=-1)
return output,loc
input = tf.Variable(np.random.rand(1, 6, 4, 1), dtype=np.float32)
output, mask = max_pool_with_argmax(input,2,2,2)
with tf.Session() as sess:
input_value,output_value,mask_value =[input,output,mask])
[[0.20101677 0.09207255 0.32177696 0.34424785]
[0.4116488 0.5965447 0.20575707 0.63288754]
[0.3145412 0.16090539 0.59698933 0.709239 ]
[0.00252096 0.18027237 0.11163216 0.40613824]
[0.4027637 0.1995668 0.7462126 0.68812144]
[0.8993007 0.55828506 0.5263306 0.09376772]]
[[0.5965447 0.63288754]
[0.3145412 0.709239 ]
[0.8993007 0.7462126 ]]
[[[2 2]
[2 4]]
[[3 1]
[3 4]]
[[6 1]
[5 3]]]
You can see (2,2) for pixel with intensity 0.5965447, (2, 4) for pixel with intensity 0.63288754 and so on.

Let's say you have the following max-pooling layer:
pool_layer= tf.nn.max_pool(conv_output,
ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
you can use:
max_pos = tf.gradients([pool_layer], [conv_output])[0]


creating a mask tensor from an index tensor

The problem is, I have an indices tensor with shape [batch_size, seq_len, k] and every element in this tensor is in range [0, hidden_dim). I want to create a mask tensor with shape [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_dim] where every element indexed by the indices tensor is 1 and other elements are 0. k is smaller than hidden_dim. For example:
indices = [[[0],[1],[2]]] #batch_size=1, seq_len=3, k=1
mask = tf.zeros(shape=(1,3,3)) #batch_size=1, seq_len=3, hidden_dim = 3
How can I get a target mask tensor whose elements indicated by the indices are 1, i.e.:
target_mask = [[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]]
This can be accomplished using tf.one_hot, e.g.:
mask = tf.one_hot(indices, depth=hidden_dim, axis=-1) # [batch, seq_len, k, hidden_dim]
I wasn't clear on what you'd like to happen to k. tf.one_hot() will keep the axis as is, i.e. you'll get a delta distribution for each [batch-index, seq-index, k-index] tuple.

How to implement tf.gather_nd in Pytorch with the argument batch_dims?

I have been doing a project on image matching, so I need to find correspondences between 2 images. To get descriptors, I will need a interpolate function. However, when I read about a equivalent function which is done in Tensorflow, I still don’t get how to implement tf.gather_nd(parmas, indices, barch_dims) in Pytorch. Especially when there is a argument: batch_dims. I have gone through stackoverflow and there is no perfect equivalence yet.
The referred interpolate function in Tensorflow is below and I have been trying to implement this in Pytorch Arguments' information is below:
inputs is a dense feature map[i] from a for loop of batch size, which means it is 3D[H, W, C](in pytorch is [C, H, W])
pos is a set of random point coordinate shapes like [[i, j], [i, j],...,[i, j]], so it is 2D when it goes in interpolate function(in pytorch is [[i,i,...,i], [j,j,...,j]])
and it then expands both of their dimensions when they get into this function
I just want a perfect implement of tf.gather_nd with argument batch_dims. Thank you!
And here's a simple example of using it:
pos = tf.ones((12, 2)) ## stands for a set of coordinates [[i, i,…, i], [j, j,…, j]]
inputs = tf.ones((4, 4, 128)) ## stands for [H, W, C] of dense feature map
outputs = interpolate(pos, inputs, batched=False)
print(outputs.get_shape()) # We get (12, 128) here
interpolate function (tf version):
def interpolate(pos, inputs, nd=True):
pos = tf.expand_dims(pos, 0)
inputs = tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0)
h = tf.shape(inputs)[1]
w = tf.shape(inputs)[2]
i = pos[:, :, 0]
j = pos[:, :, 1]
i_top_left = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.floor(i), tf.int32), 0, h - 1)
j_top_left = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.floor(j), tf.int32), 0, w - 1)
i_top_right = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.floor(i), tf.int32), 0, h - 1)
j_top_right = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(j), tf.int32), 0, w - 1)
i_bottom_left = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(i), tf.int32), 0, h - 1)
j_bottom_left = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.floor(j), tf.int32), 0, w - 1)
i_bottom_right = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(i), tf.int32), 0, h - 1)
j_bottom_right = tf.clip_by_value(tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(j), tf.int32), 0, w - 1)
dist_i_top_left = i - tf.cast(i_top_left, tf.float32)
dist_j_top_left = j - tf.cast(j_top_left, tf.float32)
w_top_left = (1 - dist_i_top_left) * (1 - dist_j_top_left)
w_top_right = (1 - dist_i_top_left) * dist_j_top_left
w_bottom_left = dist_i_top_left * (1 - dist_j_top_left)
w_bottom_right = dist_i_top_left * dist_j_top_left
if nd:
w_top_left = w_top_left[..., None]
w_top_right = w_top_right[..., None]
w_bottom_left = w_bottom_left[..., None]
w_bottom_right = w_bottom_right[..., None]
interpolated_val = (
w_top_left * tf.gather_nd(inputs, tf.stack([i_top_left, j_top_left], axis=-1), batch_dims=1) +
w_top_right * tf.gather_nd(inputs, tf.stack([i_top_right, j_top_right], axis=-1), batch_dims=1) +
w_bottom_left * tf.gather_nd(inputs, tf.stack([i_bottom_left, j_bottom_left], axis=-1), batch_dims=1) +
w_bottom_right * tf.gather_nd(inputs, tf.stack([i_bottom_right, j_bottom_right], axis=-1), batch_dims=1)
interpolated_val = tf.squeeze(interpolated_val, axis=0)
return interpolated_val
As far as I'm aware there is no directly equivalent of tf.gather_nd in PyTorch and implementing a generic version with batch_dims is not that simple. However, you likely don't need a generic version, and given the context of your interpolate function, a version for [C, H, W] would suffice.
At the beginning of interpolate you add a singular dimension to the front, which is the batch dimension. Setting batch_dims=1 in tf.gather_nd means there is one batch dimension at the beginning, therefore it applies it per batch, i.e. it indexes inputs[0] with pos[0] etc. There is no benefit of adding a singular batch dimension, because you could have just used the direct computation.
# Adding singular batch dimension
# Shape: [1, num_pos, 2]
pos = tf.expand_dims(pos, 0)
# Shape: [1, H, W, C]
inputs = tf.expand_dims(inputs, 0)
batched_result = tf.gather_nd(inputs, pos, batch_dims=1)
single_result = tf.gater_nd(inputs[0], pos[0])
# The first element in the batched result is the same as the single result
# Hence there is no benefit to adding a singular batch dimension.
tf.reduce_all(batched_result[0] == single_result) # => True
Single version
In PyTorch the implementation for [H, W, C] can be done with Python's indexing. While PyTorch usually uses [C, H, W] for images, it's only a matter of what dimension to index, but let's keep them the same as in TensorFlow for the sake of comparison. If you were to index them manually, you would do it as such: inputs[pos_h[0], pos_w[0]], inputs[pos_h[1], pos_w[1]] and so on. PyTorch allows you to do that automatically by providing the indices as lists: inputs[pos_h, pos_w], where pos_h and pos_w have the same length. All you need to do is split your pos into two separate tensors, one for the indices along the height dimension and the other along the width dimension, which you also did in the TensorFlow version.
inputs = torch.randn(4, 4, 128)
# Random positions 0-3, shape: [12, 2]
pos = torch.randint(4, (12, 2))
# Positions split by dimension
pos_h = pos[:, 0]
pos_w = pos[:, 1]
# Index the inputs with the indices per dimension
gathered = inputs[pos_h, pos_w]
# Verify that it's identical to TensorFlow's output
inputs_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs.numpy())
pos_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(pos.numpy())
gathered_tf = tf.gather_nd(inputs_tf, pos_tf)
gathered_tf = torch.from_numpy(gathered_tf.numpy())
torch.equal(gathered_tf, gathered) # => True
If you want to apply it to a tensor of size [C, H, W] instead, you only need to change the dimensions you want to index:
# For [H, W, C]
gathered = inputs[pos_h, pos_w]
# For [C, H, W]
gathered = inputs[:, pos_h, pos_w]
Batched version
Making it a batched batched version (for [N, H, W, C] or [N, C, H, W]) is not that difficult, and using that is more appropriate, since you're dealing with batches anyway. The only tricky part is that each element in the batch should only be applied to the corresponding batch. For this the batch dimensions needs to be enumerated, which can be done with torch.arange. The batch enumeration is just the list with the batch indices, which will be combined with the pos_h and pos_w indices, resulting in inputs[0, pos_h[0, 0], pos_h[0, 0]], inputs[0, pos_h[0, 1], pos_h[0, 1]] ... inputs[1, pos_h[1, 0], pos_h[1, 0]] etc.
batch_size = 3
inputs = torch.randn(batch_size, 4, 4, 128)
# Random positions 0-3, different for each batch, shape: [3, 12, 2]
pos = torch.randint(4, (batch_size, 12, 2))
# Positions split by dimension
pos_h = pos[:, :, 0]
pos_w = pos[:, :, 1]
batch_enumeration = torch.arange(batch_size) # => [0, 1, 2]
# pos_h and pos_w have shape [3, 12], so the batch enumeration needs to be
# repeated 12 times per batch.
# Unsqueeze to get shape [3, 1], now the 1 could be repeated to 12, but
# broadcasting will do that automatically.
batch_enumeration = batch_enumeration.unsqueeze(1)
# Index the inputs with the indices per dimension
gathered = inputs[batch_enumeration, pos_h, pos_w]
# Again, verify that it's identical to TensorFlow's output
inputs_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs.numpy())
pos_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(pos.numpy())
# This time with batch_dims=1
gathered_tf = tf.gather_nd(inputs_tf, pos_tf, batch_dims=1)
gathered_tf = torch.from_numpy(gathered_tf.numpy())
torch.equal(gathered_tf, gathered) # => True
Again, for [N, C, H, W], only the dimensions that are indexed need to be changed:
# For [N, H, W, C]
gathered = inputs[batch_enumeration, pos_h, pos_w]
# For [N, C, H, W]
gathered = inputs[batch_enumeration, :, pos_h, pos_w]
Just a little side note on the interpolate implementation, rounding the positions (floor and ceil respectively) doesn't make sense, because indices must be integers, so it has no effect, as long as your positions are actual indices. That also results in i_top_left and i_bottom_left being the same value, but even if they are to be rounded differently, they are always 1 position apart. Furthermore, i_top_left and i_top_right are literally the same. I don't think that this function produces a meaningful output. I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but if you're looking for image interpolation you could have a look at torch.nn.functional.interpolate.
This is just an extension of Michael Jungo's batched version answer when pos is 2D array instead of 1D array (excluding batch dimension).
bs = 2
H = 4
W = 6
C = 3
inputs = torch.randn(bs, H, W, C)
pos_h = torch.randint(H, (bs, H, W))
pos_w = torch.randint(W, (bs, H, W))
batch_enumeration = torch.arange(bs)
batch_enumeration = batch_enumeration.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
Out[34]: torch.Size([2, 4, 6, 3])
Out[35]: torch.Size([2, 4, 6])
Out[36]: torch.Size([2, 4, 6])
Out[37]: torch.Size([2, 1, 1])
gathered = inputs[batch_enumeration, pos_h, pos_w]
For channel first, we also need to enumerate channels
inputs = torch.randn(bs, C, H, W)
pos_h = torch.randint(H, (bs, 1, H, W))
pos_w = torch.randint(W, (bs, 1, H, W))
batch_enumeration = torch.arange(bs)
batch_enumeration = batch_enumeration.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)
channel_enumeration = torch.arange(C)
channel_enumeration = channel_enumeration.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)
Out[49]: torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 6])
Out[50]: torch.Size([2, 1, 4, 6])
Out[51]: torch.Size([2, 1, 4, 6])
Out[52]: torch.Size([2, 1, 1, 1])
Out[57]: torch.Size([1, 3, 1, 1])
gathered = inputs[batch_enumeration, channel_enumeration, pos_h, pos_w]
Out[59]: torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 6])
Let's verify
inputs_np = inputs.numpy()
pos_h_np = pos_h.numpy()
pos_w_np = pos_w.numpy()
gathered_np = gathered.numpy()
Out[68]: 0
Out[69]: 3
Out[71]: array([ 0.79122806, -2.190181 , -0.16741803], dtype=float32)
Out[72]: array([ 0.79122806, -2.190181 , -0.16741803], dtype=float32)
Out[73]: 1
Out[74]: 2
Out[75]: array([ 0.9282498 , -0.34945545, 0.9136222 ], dtype=float32)
Out[77]: array([ 0.9282498 , -0.34945545, 0.9136222 ], dtype=float32)
I improved the answer from Michael Jungo's implementation. Now it supports arbitrary leading batch dimensions.
def gather_nd_torch(params, indices, batch_dim=1):
""" A PyTorch porting of tensorflow.gather_nd
This implementation can handle leading batch dimensions in params, see below for detailed explanation.
The majority of this implementation is from Michael Jungo #
I just ported it compatible to leading batch dimension.
params: a tensor of dimension [b1, ..., bn, g1, ..., gm, c].
indices: a tensor of dimension [b1, ..., bn, x, m]
batch_dim: indicate how many batch dimension you have, in the above example, batch_dim = n.
gathered: a tensor of dimension [b1, ..., bn, x, c].
>>> batch_size = 5
>>> inputs = torch.randn(batch_size, batch_size, batch_size, 4, 4, 4, 32)
>>> pos = torch.randint(4, (batch_size, batch_size, batch_size, 12, 3))
>>> gathered = gather_nd_torch(inputs, pos, batch_dim=3)
>>> gathered.shape
torch.Size([5, 5, 5, 12, 32])
>>> inputs_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(inputs.numpy())
>>> pos_tf = tf.convert_to_tensor(pos.numpy())
>>> gathered_tf = tf.gather_nd(inputs_tf, pos_tf, batch_dims=3)
>>> gathered_tf.shape
TensorShape([5, 5, 5, 12, 32])
>>> gathered_tf = torch.from_numpy(gathered_tf.numpy())
>>> torch.equal(gathered_tf, gathered)
batch_dims = params.size()[:batch_dim] # [b1, ..., bn]
batch_size = np.cumprod(list(batch_dims))[-1] # b1 * ... * bn
c_dim = params.size()[-1] # c
grid_dims = params.size()[batch_dim:-1] # [g1, ..., gm]
n_indices = indices.size(-2) # x
n_pos = indices.size(-1) # m
# reshape leadning batch dims to a single batch dim
params = params.reshape(batch_size, *grid_dims, c_dim)
indices = indices.reshape(batch_size, n_indices, n_pos)
# build gather indices
# gather for each of the data point in this "batch"
batch_enumeration = torch.arange(batch_size).unsqueeze(1)
gather_dims = [indices[:, :, i] for i in range(len(grid_dims))]
gather_dims.insert(0, batch_enumeration)
gathered = params[gather_dims]
# reshape back to the shape with leading batch dims
gathered = gathered.reshape(*batch_dims, n_indices, c_dim)
return gathered
I have also made a demo Colab notebook, you can check it here. This implementation is way faster than TF's original implementation according to my poor speed test on Colab server with a GPU instance.

Tensorflow YOLO Object Detection Loss Exploding

I am trying to implement and train YOLO on my own, based on this implementation The problems I am having is the width/height values in my prediction tensor are exploding and I never see an IOU above 0 between my prediction objects and ground truth objects. This all goes wrong within the first few minibatches of the first epoch. The loss and most of my prediction width/heights are nan.
My image size is 416x416, I'm using 5 anchors, and have 5 classes. I'm dividing the image into a 13x13 grid for a prediction tensor of [batch_size, 13, 13, 5, 10]. The ground truths for each batch are [batch_size, 13, 13, 5, 5], without one hot for the class probabilities.
Below is my loss function (based on, which passes the image to my model and then calls predict_transform which reshapes the tensor and transforms the coordinates.
def loss_custom(true_box_grid, x):
# training=training is needed only if there are layers with different
# behavior during training versus inference (e.g. Dropout).
y_ = model(x, training=training)
# (batch, rows, cols, anchors, vals)
center_coords, wh_coords, obj_scores, class_probs = DetectNet.predict_transform(y_)
detector_mask = create_mask(true_box_grid)
total_loss = 0
pred_wh_half = wh_coords / 2.
# bottom left corner
pred_mins = center_coords - pred_wh_half
# top right corner
pred_maxes = center_coords + pred_wh_half
true_xy = true_box_grid[..., 0:2]
true_wh = true_box_grid[..., 2:4]
true_wh_half = true_wh / 2.
true_mins = true_xy - true_wh_half
true_maxes = true_xy + true_wh_half
# max bottom left corner
intersect_mins = tf.math.maximum(pred_mins, true_mins)
# min top right corner
intersect_maxes = tf.math.minimum(pred_maxes, true_maxes)
intersect_wh = tf.math.maximum(intersect_maxes - intersect_mins, 0.)
# product of difference between x max and x min, y max and y min
intersect_areas = intersect_wh[..., 0] * intersect_wh[..., 1]
pred_areas = wh_coords[..., 0] * wh_coords[..., 1]
true_areas = true_wh[..., 0] * true_wh[..., 1]
union_areas = pred_areas + true_areas - intersect_areas
iou_scores = intersect_areas / union_areas
# Best IOUs for each location.
iou_scores = tf.expand_dims(iou_scores, 4)
best_ious = tf.keras.backend.max(iou_scores, axis=4) # Best IOU scores.
best_ious = tf.expand_dims(best_ious, 4)
# A detector has found an object if IOU > thresh for some true box.
object_detections = tf.keras.backend.cast(best_ious > 0.6, dtype=tf.float32)
no_obj_weights = params.noobj_loss_weight * (1 - object_detections) * (1 - detector_mask[...,:1])
no_obj_loss = no_obj_weights * tf.math.square(obj_scores)
# could use weight here on obj loss
obj_conf_loss = params.obj_loss_weight * detector_mask[...,:1] * tf.math.square(1 - obj_scores)
conf_loss = no_obj_loss + obj_conf_loss
matching_classes = tf.cast(true_box_grid[...,4], tf.int32)
matching_classes = tf.one_hot(matching_classes, params.num_classes)
class_loss = detector_mask[..., :1] * tf.math.square(matching_classes - class_probs)
# keras_yolo does a sigmoid on center_coords here but they should already be between 0 and 1 from predict_transform
pred_boxes = tf.concat([center_coords, wh_coords], axis=-1)
matching_boxes = true_box_grid[..., :4]
coord_loss = params.coord_loss_weight * detector_mask[..., :1] * tf.math.square(matching_boxes - pred_boxes)
confidence_loss_sum = tf.keras.backend.sum(conf_loss)
classification_loss_sum = tf.keras.backend.sum(class_loss)
coordinates_loss_sum = tf.keras.backend.sum(coord_loss)
# not sure why .5 is here, maybe to make sure numbers don't get too large
total_loss = 0.5 * (confidence_loss_sum + classification_loss_sum + coordinates_loss_sum)
return total_loss
Below is predict_transform (based on which reshapes the prediction tensor into a grid in order to compare with the ground truth objects. For the center coordinates, object scores, and class probabilities it does a sigmoid or softmax.
For the width height coordinates it performs the exponential operation on them (to make them positive) and multiplies them by the anchors. This seems to be where they start exploding.
def predict_transform(predictions):
predictions = tf.reshape(predictions, [-1, params.grid_height, params.grid_width, params.num_anchors, params.pred_vec_len])
conv_dims = predictions.shape[1:3]
conv_height_index = tf.keras.backend.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[0])
conv_width_index = tf.keras.backend.arange(0, stop=conv_dims[1])
conv_height_index = tf.tile(conv_height_index, [conv_dims[1]]) # (169,) tensor with 0-12 repeating
conv_width_index = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(conv_width_index, 0), [conv_dims[0], 1]) # (13, 13) tensor with x offset in each row
conv_width_index = tf.keras.backend.flatten(tf.transpose(conv_width_index)) # (169,) tensor with 13 0's followed by 13 1's, etc (y offsets)
conv_index = tf.transpose(tf.stack([conv_height_index, conv_width_index])) # (169, 2)
conv_index = tf.reshape(conv_index, [1, conv_dims[0], conv_dims[1], 1, 2]) # y offset, x offset
conv_dims = tf.cast(tf.reshape(conv_dims, [1, 1, 1, 1, 2]), tf.float32) # grid_height x grid_width, max dims of anchors
# makes the center coordinate between 0 and 1, each grid cell is normalized to 1 x 1
center_coords = tf.math.sigmoid(predictions[...,:2])
conv_index = tf.cast(conv_index, tf.float32)
center_coords = (center_coords + conv_index) / conv_dims
# makes the objectness score a probability between 0 and 1
obj_scores = tf.math.sigmoid(predictions[...,4:5])
anchors = DetectNet.get_anchors()
anchors = tf.reshape(anchors, [1, 1, 1, params.num_anchors, 2])
# exp to make width and height positive then multiply by anchor dims to resize box to anchor
# should fit close to anchor, normalizing by conv_dims should make it between 0 and approx 1
wh_coords = (tf.math.exp(predictions[...,2:4])*anchors) / conv_dims
# apply sigmoid to class scores to make them probabilities
class_probs = tf.keras.activations.softmax(predictions[..., 5 : 5 + params.num_classes])
# (batch, rows, cols, anchors, vals)
return center_coords, wh_coords, obj_scores, class_probs
I have another doubt in creating the ground truth data, based on In the below box[0] and box[1] are the center coordinates, i and j are the grid cell coordinates (between 0 and 13), and box[2] and box[3] are the width and height.
They have all been normalized to be within the grid coordinates (0 to 13). Its placing the object in the ground truth grid with its corresponding best anchor. box[0] - j and box[1] - i ensure the center coordinates are between 0 and 1.
However I don't understand np.log(box[2] / anchors[best_anchor][0]), as the anchors are also on the grid coordinate scale, and the quotient may be less than 1, which will produce a negative number after the log. I often see negative widths and heights in my ground truth data as I am training, and don't know what to make of that.
if best_iou > 0:
adjusted_box = np.array(
box[0] - j, # center should be between 0 and 1, like prediction will be
box[1] - i,
np.log(box[2] / anchors[best_anchor][0]), # quotient might be less than one, not sure why log is used
np.log(box[3] / anchors[best_anchor][1]),
box[4] # class label
true_box_grid[i, j, best_anchor] = adjusted_box
Also here is my model, which is very watered down because of my lack of computational resources.
def create_model():
model = models.Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(6, 3, padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4)))
model.add(Conv2D(8, 3, padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4)))
model.add(Conv2D(12, 3, padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4)))
model.add(Conv2D(8, 1, padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4)))
model.add(Conv2D(12, 3, padding='same', data_format='channels_last', kernel_regularizer=l2(5e-4)))
model.add(Dense(params.grid_height * params.grid_width * params.pred_vec_len * params.num_anchors, activation='relu'))
return model
I'm wondering what I can do to prevent the predicted widths and heights, and thus the loss from exploding. The exponential is there to ensure they are positive, which makes sense. I could also do a sigmoid on them, but I don't want to restrict them to be between 0 and 1. In the YOLO paper, they mention that they pretrain their network so that the layer weights are already initialized when the YOLO training begins. Is this a problem of initializing the network properly?

Why Reshape and Permute for segmentation with unet?

I am doing the image semantic segmentation job with unet. I am confused with the last layers for pixel classification. The Unet code is like this:
reshape = Reshape((n_classes,self.img_rows * self.img_cols))(conv9)
permute = Permute((2,1))(reshape)
activation = Activation('softmax')(permute)
model = Model(input = inputs, output = activation)
return model
Can I just reshape without using Permute like this?
reshape = Reshape((self.img_rows * self.img_cols, n_classes))(conv9)
I found the training result is not right when when using the directly reshape way:
reshape = Reshape((self.img_rows * self.img_cols, n_classes))(conv9) // the loss is not convergent
My groundtruth is generated like this:
X = []
Y = []
im = cv2.imread(impath)
seg_labels = np.zeros((height, width, n_classes))
for spath in segpaths:
mask = cv2.imread(spath, 0)
seg_labels[:, :, c] += mask
Y.append(seg_labels.reshape(width*height, n_classes))
Why reshape directly does not work?
You clearly misunderstand the meaning of each operation and the final goal:
final goal: classification for each pixel, i.e. softmax along the semantic class axis
how to achieve this goal in the original code? Let's see the code line by line:
reshape = Reshape((n_classes,self.img_rows * self.img_cols))(conv9) # L1
permute = Permute((2,1))(reshape) # L2
activation = Activation('softmax')(permute) # L3
L1's output dim = n_class-by-n_pixs, (n_pixs=img_rows x img_cols)
L2's output dim = n_pixs-by-n_class
L3's output dim = n_pixs-by-n_class
Note the default softmax activation is applied to the last axis, i.e. the axis that n_class stands for, which is the semantic class axis.
Therefore, this original code fulfills the final goal of semantic segmentation.
Let's revisit the code that you want to change, which is
reshape = Reshape((self.img_rows * self.img_cols, n_classes))(conv9) # L4
L4's output dim = n_pixs-by-n_class
My guess is that you think L4's output dim matches L2's, and thus L4 is a short-cut that is equivalent to executing L1 and L2.
However, matching the shape does not necessarily mean matching the physical meaning of axes. Why? A simple example will explain.
Say you have 2 semantic classes and 3 pixels. To see the difference assume all three pixels belong to the same class.
In other words, a ground truth tensor will look like this
# cls#1 cls#2
[ [0, 1], # pixel #1
[0, 1], # pixel #2
[0, 1], # pixel #3
Assume you have a perfect network and generate the exact response for each pixel, but your solution will create a tensor like below
# cls#1 cls#2
[ [0, 0], # pixel #1
[0, 1], # pixel #2
[1, 1], # pixel #3
whose shape is the same as the ground truth's, but fails to match the physical meaning of axes.
This further makes the softmax operation meaningless, because it is supposed to apply to the class dimension, but this dimension does not physically exist. As a result, it leads to the following erroneous output after applying softmax,
# cls#1 cls#2
[ [0.5, 0.5], # pixel #1
[0, 1], # pixel #2
[0.5, 0.5], # pixel #3
which completely mess up the training even if it is under the ideal assumption.
Therefore, it is a good habit to write down the physical meaning of each axis of a tensor. When you do any tensor reshape operation, ask yourself whether the physical meaning of an axis is changed in your expected way.
For example, if you have a tensor T of shape batch_dim x img_rows x img_cols x feat_dim, you can do many things and not all of them make sense (due to the problematic physical meaning of axes)
(Wrong) reshape it to whatever x feat_dim, because whatever dimension is meaningless in testing where the batch_size might be different.
(Wrong) reshape it to batch_dim x feat_dim x img_rows x img_cols, because the 2nd dimension is NOT the feature dimension and neither for the 3rd and 4th dimension.
(Correct) permute axes (3,1,2), and this will lead you the tensor of shape batch_dim x feat_dim x img_rows x img_cols, while keeping the physical meaning of each axis.
(Correct) reshape it to batch_dim x whatever x feat_dim. This is also valid, because the whatever=img_rows x img_cols is equivalent to the pixel location dimension, and both the meanings of batch_dim and feat_dim are unchanged.
Your code will still be runnable since the shape will be the same, but the result (backprops) will be different since the values of tensors will be different. For example:
arr = np.array([[[1,1,1],[1,1,1]],[[2,2,2],[2,2,2]],[[3,3,3],[3,3,3]],[[4,4,4],[4,4,4]]])
>>>(4, 2, 3)
#do reshape, then premute
reshape_1 = arr.reshape((4, 2*3))
np.swapaxes(reshape_1, 1, 0)
>>>array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4]])
#do reshape directly
reshape_2 = arr.reshape(2*3, 4)
>>>array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 2, 2],
[2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3],
[3, 3, 4, 4],
[4, 4, 4, 4]])
The Reshape and Permute is done to take the softmax at each pixel location. Adding to #meowongac's answer, Reshape preserves the order of the elements. In this case, since the channel dimensions have to be swapped, Reshape followed by Permute is appropriate.
Considering the case of (2,2) image with 3 values at each location,
arr = np.array([[[1,1],[1,1]],[[2,2],[2,2]],[[3,3],[3,3]]])
>>> arr.shape
(3, 2, 2)
>>> arr
array([[[1, 1],
[1, 1]],
[[2, 2],
[2, 2]],
[[3, 3],
[3, 3]]])
>>> arr[:,0,0]
array([1, 2, 3])
The channel values at each location are [1,2,3]. The goal is to swap the channel axis(length 3) to the end.
>>> arr.reshape((2,2,3))[0,0]
array([1, 1, 1]) # incorrect
>>> arr.transpose((1,2,0))[0,0] # similar to what permute does.
array([1, 2, 3]) # correct
More examples at this link:

How to perform tf.nn.softmax in two selected dimension in tensorflow?

I want to implement the tf.nn.softmax() for the selected two dimension of a tensor with shape (batch_size=?, height, width, channel).
But it seems not possible for tf.nn.softmax() to receive 2 axis in the same time. Using tf.softmax(tensor, axis=[1, 2]) will raise axis error in tensorflow.
How can I implement this elegantly and in vectorized mode? thx :D
Instead of passing two dimensions at a time, I would first reshape the input accordingly, e.g.:
array = tf.constant([[1., 2.], [3., 4.]])
tf.nn.softmax(array, axis=0) # Calculate for axis 0
tf.nn.softmax(array, axis=1) # Calculate for axis 1
tf.nn.softmax(tf.reshape(array, [-1])) # Calculate for both axes
You can do
array = np.random.rand(1, 2, 2, 1)
s1 = tf.nn.softmax(array, axis=1)
s2 = tf.nn.softmax(array, axis=2)
rs = tf.reduce_sum([s1, s2], 0)
This will return tensor of same shape as initial array
It can be done with keras activation functions:
# logits has shape [BS, H, W, CH]
prob = tf.keras.activations.softmax(logits, axis=[1, 2])
# prob has shape [BS, H, W, CH]
check = tf.reduce_sum(prob, axis=[1, 2])
# check is tensor of ones with shape [BS, CH]