IEX: Historical market caps - stock

I'm using the IEX api ( and I've found how to get the market cap for a stock (/stock/aapl/stats) and historical close prices (/stock/aapl/chart/5y) but does anyone know how to get historical market caps? I could use the shares outstanding data from the /stats endpoint and multiple by the last close price but it appears $30B different than what google says for a market cap (markets are closed today so IEX and google provide the same price).

try to use Koyfin How to get historical market cap at Koyfin


Seller/Buyer initiated information

I am trying to calculate stock market liquidity by using the effective spread, quoted spread and price impact. one of the variables that I need is seller and buyer initiated trades. How am I able to extract that information from Bloomberg ?

OpenWeatherMap Get data for today

I am trying to create something similar to what the weather apps have which show a graph of the temperatures from today.
I am currently using the onecall endpoint which returns the current weather along with forecasts for the next 48 hours but this doesn't cover my case of showing earlier data from the day.
Am I miss using this endpoint or is there a way to show the data for the current day (both historical from earlier and forecast for later)? Or do I need to use the historical data endpoints?

Data Transfer V2.0 Campaign Manager : No Costs and Revenues inside storage CSV

We are trying to solve an issue of costs and revenues from DoubleclickCampaignManager/Campaign Manager.
The goal is to create a daily dashboard of media costs (paid search, display, videos and social) thanks to Google Cloud.
We have right now access to Facebook data, Google Analytics and Campaign Manager. The issue is on the last one.
For Campaign Manager, the bucket oustide our organization, have been added to our organization thanks to Data TransferV2.0. We have access to impressions, clicks, activity and match tables csv on Storage and so on, on BigQuery.
We have date, clicks, impressions, cities, ad name metrics, etc... but we only have 0 in costs metrics.
What i mean about costs, it's how much we paid for 1 impression. In revenues, DBM costs, total media costs... (Avertiser, Partner or Account Currency) we only had 0.
We ask Google to help us : they told us to check a checkbox meaning that "Check Campaign Manager and DV360 are linked into Data Transfer".
They told us, that it should work, but we still have 0 on Revenues and Costs.
We should have 32.00 for instance, instead of 0. Do you have any idea how to solve this issue ?
If after this solution you have not get any information. I reccomend you to send your offline reports to BigQuery directly.
You could do it following some steps as follows:
create a dataset in BigQuery and copy its ID,
Then, go to settings in CM360 and activate the BigQuery Export:
Copy the iam email account that CM settings has returned to you,
then after, go to bigQuery and include this account with only editor permissions to your dataset.
After all this procces the option will be available to activate in the delivery options of CM360's offline reports :
Have you tried to enable "Report Display & Video 360 cost to Campaign Manager" from Basic Details under Partnet level from DV360.
Report Display & Video 360 cost to Campaign Manager

Coinbase API v2 Getting Historic Price for Multiple Days

I'm having some trouble with a API call for historical data.
Previously, I was getting a variable length of days that would match the amount of space available on a terminal screen with a request URL that looked like this:
This would pull the previous 76 days of price history. An example of the old output is here:
This stopped working a few days ago. The closest I can get to this is with this request URL (though I don't get the data I want):
The output from this can be seen here:
In the second example, it is just displaying prices from the day of the query at different times of that day. What I really want is the first example output where it gives a single price per day going back as many days as the request is for.
The project this is connected to is here:
Links that do not work:
(No Results)
(Does not pull data from 7/15/2018)
Any reason you aren't using coinbase pro?
The new api is very easy to use. Simply add the get command you want followed by the parameters separated with a question mark. Here is the new historic rates api documentation:
The get command with the new api most similar to prices is "candles". It requires three parameters to be identified, start and stop time in iso format and granularity which is in seconds. Here is an example:
EDIT: also, note the time zone is not for your time zone, I believe its GMT.
Here is a wrapper for the CoinBase API for the export of Historical Data:
It should provide the required outcome through invoking:
pip install Historic-Crypto
from Historic_Crypto import HistoricalData
new = HistoricalData('ETH-USD',300,'2020-06-01-00-00').retrieve_data()
for a full list of cryptocurrencies available:
pip install Historic-Crypto
from Historic_Crypto import Cryptocurrencies
data = Cryptocurrencies(extended_output=False).find_crypto_pairs()

Amadeus Service 'No fare for booking code ' error in Fare_Informativebestpricing

I am working on to call the Amadeus Service and get the response for flight search and then book.
Amadeus service method _InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR is giving following error
Just to know that i am calling Fare_MasterPricerTravelBoard and then select one flight and call the Fare_InformativeBestpricingWithoutPNR , some of the flight is giving proper response in Fare_InformativeBestpricing but some of the are giving error,
Please help, i have read all the document provide by Amadeus extranet site and related document , there are no any solution provide for specific error.
If you haven't already read it, I'd definitely suggest you log in to and take a look at the Amadeus WBS Implementation Guide - Internet Booking Engine with Master Pricer.
Typically these errors occur because only a subset of the journey returned by Travel Board is being sent to Informative Bestpricing, and this subset is not valid for pricing on its own.
A typical case when this can occur is if you price each leg individually but the Fare Basis used may only apply for a round trip.
Could you please provide more information on the call you are making to Fare_InformativeBestpricingWithoutPNR?
The error says you are combining two different airlines that do not have interline agreements. So in this case you will have to price them separately. For example if you are flying american airlines for the outbound flight, then you cannot fly air france in the inbound flight and price them in one transaction. in this case, assuming American and Air France do not have interline agreements, you have to price them separately.