Error in running trace32 with command line - embedded

I have a .cmm file which helps in debugging of Qcomm chipsets.
This file has a line : cd ../../../../../modem_proc
When I run this same cmm file using T32 GUI, it runs fine and does the work. But when I am trying to run the same file using windows command line using,
C:\T32\bin\windows64>t32mqdsp6.exe -c C:\T32\config.t32 -s D:\path\to\xxx.cmm
Following error is thrown in T32: syntax error in B::cd ../../../../../modem_proc
What am I missing here? I have no hands-on experience with T32 what-so-ever.

The problem probably results from different working directories. Type
in the GUI and add it to the top of the script. I'd suspect they are different.
Don't use working directory relative paths, instead use paths relative to the script, e.g.
CD ~~~~/../../../../modem_proc
The four tilde (~) symbols mean "directory of the currently executed script". There's still a possible issue with this solution when using multiple GUIs and the intercom, but for most use-cases this should be OK.

When starting TRACE32 (up to build 99518) without option "-s", it starts a default script t32.cmm form your TRACE32 installation directory. But t32.cmm is not executed, when "-s" is used.
So probably your t32.cmm is changing your working directory. If so you can fix the issue by adding the line
DO ~~/t32.cmm
to the top of your script xxx.cmm.
See also
The default working path is also set by the TRACE32 configuration file. That is the file passed with "-c". So if your are using a different configuration file than C:\T32\config.t32 when starting your TRACE32 GUI the normal way, then you should use that configuration file also when starting TRACE32 from the command line.
To get the path of the configuration file usually used, start TRACE32, execute command AREAand then command PRINT OS.PCF()
Furthermore dev15 is probably right here
Use paths relative to the PRACTICE script (cmm-file) by starting each path with four tildes.


How do I change path directory in Jupyter lab?

How do I change initial path directory in Jupyter lab, when i want to get a file via "~/"?
Have tried to generate config, and then change some parameters but only got confused.
You can change file directory like that.
import shutil
File= r'C:\Users\ivan\Desktop\Somewhereidonotknow\example.csv'
Whereyou_want= r'C:\Users\ivan\Desktop\example.csv'
shutil.move(File, Whereyou_want)
You should be using the %cd magic command to change the working directory. And then to set up using tab completion, you'd start by typing ./ before hitting tab at the place where you want to choose your CSV file.
In the demonstration set-up for the screenshot below I made a test directory in the root (home) location and made two CSV files in there.
Using %cd test first I am then able to use tab completion to get the option to select one of the two CSV files:
I probably should have included running pwd to 'print the working directoryafter I ran the%cd test` command to demonstrate things more fully.
Before I executed the command %cd test, the tab-completion was showing the root (home directory) when I tried for tab completion.
The tilde symbol (~) always means the HOME directory on the system. It won't change. So you were always specifying to start in HOME in your example in your post, no matter what the current working directory is in the notebook's active namespace. You want to use relative paths for when the working directory has been adjusted.
There are more complex settings you can take advantage of using inside the notebook in conjunction with the %cd magic.
For example, this post and answer shows how you can use the %boookmark magic to set assign a directory to a bookmark setting and then you can more easily switch around to various directories using %cd.

Is there a way for me to write a script in Robot Framework that utilize's the command line functions?

I'm currently working in Linux, and I know you can use Run Process to run certain applications, but I was wondering if there's a possible way to have my script running, open command line, input, for example: "clean" which in my case processes a few functions in my bash.rc. That would be extremely helpful in my automation right now.
Well essentially, what I did was I created a separate .sh executable file. Opened my .bashrc and copied my functions / aliases into my .sh file using the gedit editor. Then from my Robot Script, I used the Run Process command (I don't have my exact code at the moment) and called my executable file.

Run code formatter from the command line with PhpStorm open

If I go to my PhpStorm\bin folder I can run the format.bat command to format files from the command line e.g.
phpstorm format -r C:\path\to\my\code -r -s c:\path\to\my\settings.xml
and that works great. However I cannot run the command if PhpStorm is open, I get an error:
Only one instance of PhpStorm can be run at a time
Not ideal to have to close my IDE or have to use a 3rd party code formatter. Is there any workaround? Without installing another copy of PhpStorm.
It's a known issue, please see:
The link from y.bedrov led me to here with a potential solution.
Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to get it to work, I had to resort to copying my PhpStorm directory and using the copy instead. But I add it here in hopes that it helps others
Running Command-Line Formatter when the IDE is Running
On Linux/MacOS
Go to /bin directory where is a directory where Intellij IDEA or Intellij IDEA-based product is installed.
Copy to some other file, for example,
Modify as follows:
Uncomment the lines:
# idea.config.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/config
# idea.system.path=${user.home}/.IntelliJIdea/system
Change them to point to some directories which differ from defaults, for example:
Modify by adding the line with IDEA_PROPERTIES variable:
\# ------------------------------------------------------
\# IntelliJ IDEA formatting script.
\# ------------------------------------------------------
exec "$IDE_BIN_HOME/" format "$#"
Run without closing the IDE, it should give the following output:
IntelliJ IDEA ..., build ... Formatter
Usage: format [-h] [-r|-R] [-s|-settings settingsPath] path1 path2...
-h|-help Show a help message and exit.
-s|-settings A path to Intellij IDEA code style settings .xml file.
-r|-R Scan directories recursively.
-m|-mask A comma-separated list of file masks.
path.. A path to a file or a directory.
On Windows
You have to create a separate file as described above for Linux/MacOS.
Change format.bat file by adding a line with IDEA_PROPERTIES variable as follows:
:: IntelliJ IDEA formatting script.
CALL "%IDE_BIN_DIR%\idea.bat" format %*
Run format.bat, it will list the command-line formatter options.
This guide works for me. But ensure use PHPSTORM_PROPERTIES instead of IDEA_PROPERTIES when export environment variable as described in the article:
And what's more, from version 2022.1, IntelliJ IDEA supports dry run which is very useful for format validation based pre-commit git hook.

Using SSIS package to zip all the txt files and move to related folder [duplicate]

I am trying to zip the contents of a Folder in SSIS, there are files and folders in the source folder and I need to zip them all individually. I can get the files to zip fine my problem is the folders.
I have to use to create the zipped packages.
Can anyone point me to a good tutorial. I haven't been able to implement any of the samples that I have found.
This is how I have configured it.
Its easy to configure but the trick is in constructing the Arguments. Though you see the Arguments as static in the screenshot, its actually coming from a variable and that variable is set in the Arguments expression of Execute Process Task.
I presume you will have this Execute Process task in a For Each File Ennumerator with Traverse SubFolders checked.
Once you have this basic setup in place, all you need to do is work on building the arguments to do the zipping, how you want them. A good place to find all the command line arguments is here.
Finally, the only issue I ran into was not providing a working directory in the command line arguments for 7zip. The package used to run fine on my dev environment but used to fail when running on the server via a SQL job. This was because 7zip didn't have access to the 'Temp' folder on the SQL Server, which it uses by default as the 'working directory'. I got round this problem by specifying the 'working directory as follows at the end of the command line arguments, using the -ws switch:
For e.g:
a -t7z DestinationFile.7z SourceFile -wS:YourTempDirectoryToWhichTheSQLAgentHasRights

Executing Love2D scripts

The only way I found out to execute my script with the Love2d framework is to zip all of it and then rename the zip to love. This kinds of take a lot of time for a small modification. Is there a faster way to do it? I tried to command line and I get this error
'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
LÖVE also executes folders if they have the main.lua in them - you can just drag and drop the folder onto the application, or call it from the command line with the folder as the argument if you prefer.
LÖVE runs the contents of a folder if it can find a main.lua in it (Like Bill said).
[Note that it doesn't check subfolders].
There are three ways to run a love2D program, you can:
a) Drag the folder over the love.exe binary/link (This works in Win and *Nix, I don't know about OS X).
b) Navigate to the directory that is one level above the folder and type love [folder containing main.lua]
c) Zip it up and rename the .zip to a .love. Then double click the .love file
Option 'b' will fail if the binary is not in the %PATH%(Windows) or $PATH(*Nix) variable
(It will spout an error message like 'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. on windows and bash: love: command not found on linux).
There are two ways to solve this:
(Both require ADMIN/root privileges, )
1) Add the love binary to the PATH variable. Here's how to do this in windows and in linux (In linux you want to do something like this: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/where/ever/you/put/love/)
2) You can add a link to the love2D binary in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or /usr/bin/.
In windows you create a shortcut to the love.exe (wherever you installed it to) and then drag it into C:\WINDOWS\system32. In linux you can run this:
sudo link /path/to/love/binary /usr/bin/love && sudo chmod ugo+rwx /usr/bin/love
I hope this helps!
Google (the links above), Love2D and my knowledge :D
I found this to be very helpful when i started. Hope this helps
A Guide to Getting Started With Love2d
If you're using Mac OS, you should run using:
open -a love
To recreate a file as .love, you can run in command line:
zip file1.lua file2
If you just want to replace a file in .love:
zip -r file1.lua
I think this will make your work easier.
simple way:
create folder /path/to/Game
put your files (main.lua, conf.lua, ...) in folder /path/to/Game
you can run script like this:
love /path/to/Game/
or if you use Linux, you can go in folder (cd /path/to/Game) and type just:
love .
(dot means that you want to run it form in folder
I found a simple solution for save time.
You have to create a file .bat with this simple command:
7z.exe a ..\Project\*
For do this you need to download 7zip and insert this file (file.bat) into the folder of your project. Like this:
Good work!
If you're yousing Notepad++ to write your code, just open your main.lua file, then go to Run and add there this text including quotes:
Where Path is a Full path to love.exe.
The save it to a key combination and now you can test your code by using this combination in any script at Notepad++.
If you use Sublime Text, you can make a build which runs your application.
While in Sublime Text press CMD + B or Ctrl + B