I have a database with a table which I use as master and which is being updated and extended on a daily basis by a table with the same layout. Before I update almost the whole master with daily data, I want to test if the values from a specific column changed during the daily update. Usually this column only contains Null or an "X".
As a prototype I only compared the specific column of Table A and Table B and if there is a difference, set a value with more than one characters into the column (here yesterday's date).
This is the code which worked as a prototype:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN Update_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.Col3 <> Update_Import.Col3
SET ReiseMaster.Col3 = Date() - 1
Now, the column contains Null, "X" or a date in the master. For the next update I now have to make sure that this previously updated column values which are containing a date as a string will be excluded (otherwise ReiseMaster.Col3 <> Update_Import.Col3 will always be true for them in the future and the date will always be updated which is not intended to happen).
My approach was to exclude all datasets from the master table where the length of the values in the column is longer than 1.
Now here is my problem:
Running the SQL code makes MS Access not responding anymore, the whole program crashes. Can somebody advise me what could be wrong with the following code?
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN ReiseMaster_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator` <> ReiseMaster_Import.`Attachment Indicator` AND LEN(ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator`) <= 1)
SET ReiseMaster.`Attachment Indicator` = Date() - 1
Additional info: I use Access VBA to run a code and during that also the SQL-statements which are being saved in a string. About the reason I add a date once I observe a change, I want to use the dates as a reference when the value has been changed for the first time to do further analysis with them in a later stage.
Avoid using complex joins in update queries! Since the entire recordset needs to be updateable, Access tends to have problems with it.
Instead, use a WHERE clause:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
INNER JOIN ReiseMaster_Import
ON(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] <> ReiseMaster_Import.[Attachment Indicator])
SET ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] = Date() - 1
WHERE LEN(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator]) <= 1
Also, Access uses brackets to escape spaces in column names.
Note that if you're not using any information from the joined table, and just use it to select records, you should use an Exists clause instead:
UPDATE ReiseMaster
SET ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] = Date() - 1
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ReiseMaster_Import WHERE ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator] <> ReiseMaster_Import.[Attachment Indicator])
AND LEN(ReiseMaster.[Attachment Indicator]) <= 1
In MS-Access I'm trying to join three tables. The third table is created from a sub-query designed to aggregate dates because I don't want multiple records per day when aligned with the first table.
When I entered the left join sub-query, I got this error:
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to
add. Try inserting or pasting less data.
I've run the sub-query separately and it returns about 19,000 records. Which is quite smaller than the actual table. If I use the actual table, the query works just fine, but it includes the duplicate records when there is more than one entry per day on the third table.
SUM([ACD Calls]),
(SUM([Avg ACD Time]*[ACD Calls])/SUM([ACD Calls]))/86400,
(SUM([Avg ACW Time]*[ACD Calls])/SUM([ACD Calls]))/86400,
((SUM([Hold Time])/SUM([ACD Calls])))/86400,
((SUM([Avg ACD Time]*[ACD Calls])
+ SUM([Avg ACW Time]*[ACD Calls]))/SUM([ACD Calls]))/86400,
SUM([Time Adhering])/SUM([Total Time Scheduled]),
LEFT JOIN Adherence_WKLY ON (GroupSumDaily.[Day] = Adherence_WKLY.[Day])
AND (GroupSumDaily.Agent = Adherence_WKLY.Agent)
SELECT Evaluation_List.[Agent],
SUM(Evaluation_List.[Score]) as SS,
SUM(Evaluation_List.[Out of]) as SO
From Evaluation_List
Group By Evaluation_List.[Recording_Date],
as Evals ON (GroupSumDaily.[Day] = Evals.[Recording_Date])
AND (GroupSumDaily.Agent = Evals.Agent)
[GroupSumDaily].[Agent] = "LastName FirstName"
AND Month([GroupSumDaily].[Day]) =1
AND Year([GroupSumDaily].[Day]) =2018
AND [GroupSumDaily].[Day] > #2/23/2015#
It looks like you don't have a "main" table to query from.
I'd try removing the first two open brackets after the FROM statement (and their equivalent closing brackets.)
If that doesn't fix it, try moving the whole sub-query into a separate query and selecting from the results...
It turns out the subquery fields are automatically limited to 50 characters and this was the root of the problem. When I limited the return to LEFT([Agent], 50), the error disappeared. Is there a way to set character length is a subquery field?
The other odd things is, none of my fields were actually over 50 characters... when I ran Select [Agent] Where LEN([Agent]) >= 50, it returned only 1 records, and it was the "NEW" blank record from the bottom. I confirmed that it completely blank, with no spaces or tabs. Very confusing.
I have a table in MS Access which has stock prices arranged like
Ticker1, 9:30:00, $49.01
Ticker1, 9:30:01, $49.08
Ticker2, 9:30:00, $102.02
Ticker2, 9:30:01, $102.15
and so on.
I need to do some calculation where I need to compare prices in 1 row, with the immediately previous price (and if the price movement is greater than X% in 1 second, I need to report the instance separately).
If I were doing this in Excel, it's a fairly simple formula. I have a few million rows of data, so that's not an option.
Any suggestions on how I could do it in MS Access?
I am open to any kind of solutions (with or without SQL or VBA).
I ended up trying to traverse my records by using ADODB.Recordset in nested loops. Code below. I though it was a good idea, and the logic worked for a small table (20k rows). But when I ran it on a larger table (3m rows), Access ballooned to 2GB limit without finishing the task (because of temporary tables, the size of the original table was more like ~300MB). Posting it here in case it helps someone with smaller data sets.
Do While Not rstTickers.EOF
myTicker = rstTickers!ticker
Do While Not rstDates.EOF
myDate = rstDates!Date_Only
strSql = "select * from Prices where ticker = """ & myTicker & """ and Date_Only = #" & myDate & "#" 'get all prices for a given ticker for a given date
rst.Open strSql, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic 'I needed to do this to open in editable mode
sPrice1 = rst!Open_Price
rst!Row_Num = i
Do While Not rst.EOF
i = i + 1
rst!Row_Num = i
rst!Previous_Price = sPrice1
sPrice2 = rst!Open_Price
rst!Price_Move = Round(Abs((sPrice2 / sPrice1) - 1), 6)
sPrice1 = sPrice2
i = i + 1
If the data is always one second apart without any milliseconds, then you can join the table to itself on the Ticker ID and the time offsetting by one second.
Otherwise, if there is no sequence counter of some sort to join on, then you will need to create one. You can do this by doing a "ranking" query. There are multiple approaches to this. You can try each and see which one works the fastest in your situation.
One approach is to use a subquery that returns the number of rows are before the current row. Another approach is to join the table to itself on all the rows before it and do a group by and count. Both approaches produce the same results but depending on the nature of your data and how it's structured and what indexes you have, one approach will be faster than the other.
Once you have a "rank column", you do the procedure described in the first paragraph, but instead of joining on an offset of time, you join on an offset of rank.
I ended up moving my data to a SQL server (which had its own issues). I added a row number variable (row_num) like this
It worked for me (I think) because my underlying data was in the order that I needed for it to be in. I've read enough comments that you shouldn't do it, because you don't know what order is the server storing the data in.
Anyway, after that it was a join on itself. Took me a while to figure out the syntax (I am new to SQL). Adding SQL here for reference (works on SQL server but not Access).
Update A Set Previous_Price = B.Open_Price
ON A.Date_Only = B.Date_Only
WHERE ((A.Ticker=B.Ticker) AND (A.Row_Num=B.Row_Num+1));
BTW, I had to first add the column Date_Only like this (works on Access but not SQL server)
UPDATE Prices SET Prices.Date_Only = Format([Time_Date],"mm/dd/yyyy");
I think the solution for row numbers described by #Rabbit should work better (broadly speaking). I just haven't had the time to try it out. It took me a whole day to get this far.
I have the following FireBird query:
update hrs h
set h.plan_week_id=
(select first 1 c.plan_week_id from calendar c
where c.calendar_id=h.calendar_id)
where coalesce(h.calendar_id,0) <> 0
(Intention: For records in hrs with a (non-zero) calendar_id
take calendar.plan_week_id and put it in hrs.plan_week_id)
The trick to select the first record in Oracle is to use WHERE ROWNUM=1, and if understand correctly I do not have to use ROWNUM in a separate outer query because I 'only' match ROWNUM=1 - thanks SO for suggesting Questions that may already have your answer ;-)
This would make it
update hrs h
set h.plan_week_id=
(select c.plan_week_id from calendar c
where (c.calendar_id=h.calendar_id) and (rownum=1))
where coalesce(h.calendar_id,0) <> 0
I'm actually using the 'first record' together with the selection of only one field to guarantee that I get one value back which can be put into h.plan_week_id.
Question: Will the above query work under Oracle as intended?
Right now, I do not have a filled Oracle DB at hand to run the query on.
Like Nicholas Krasnov said, you can test it in SQL Fiddle.
But if you ever find yourself about to use where rownum = 1 in a subquery, alarm bells should go off, because in 90% of the cases you are doing something wrong. Very rarely will you need a random value. Only when all selected values are the same, a rownum = 1 is valid.
In this case I expect calendar_id to be a primary key in calendar. Therefor each record in hrs can only have 1 plan_week_id selected per record. So the where rownum = 1 is not required.
And to answer your question: Yes, it will run just fine. Though the brackets around each where clause are also not required and in fact only confusing (me).
I have a table with actions that are being due in the future. I have a second table that holds all the cases, including the due date of the case. And I have a third table that holds numbers.
The problems is as follows. Our system automatically populates our table with future actions. For some clients however, we need to change these dates. I wanted to create an update query for this, and have this run through our scheduler. However, I am kind of stuck at the moment.
What I have on code so far is this:
UPDATE proxima_gestion p
SET fecha = (SELECT To_char(d.f_ult_vencim + c.hrem01, 'yyyyMMdd')
FROM deuda d,
c4u_activity_dates c,
proxima_gestion p
WHERE d.codigo_cliente = c.codigo_cliente
AND p.n_expediente = d.n_expediente
AND d.saldo > 1000
AND p.tipo_gestion_id = 914
AND p.codigo_oficina = 33
AND d.f_ult_vencim > sysdate)
FROM proxima_gestion p,
deuda d
WHERE p.n_expediente = d.n_expediente
AND d.saldo > 1000
AND p.tipo_gestion_id = 914
AND p.codigo_oficina = 33
AND d.f_ult_vencim > sysdate)
The field fecha is the current action date. Unfortunately, this is saved as a char instead of date. That is why I need to convert the date back to a char. F_ult_vencim is the due date, and hrem01 is the number of days the actions should be placed away from the due date. (for example, this could be 10, making the new date 10 days after the due date)
Apart from that, there are a few more criteria when we need to change the date (certain creditors, certain departments, only for future cases and starting from a certain amount, only for a certain action type.)
However, when I try and run this query, I get the error message
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row
If I run both subqueries seperately, I get 2 results from both. What I am trying to accomplish, is that it connects these 2 queries, and updates the field to the new value. This value will be different for every case, as every due date will be different.
Is this even possible? And if so, how?
You're getting the error because the first SELECT is returning more than one row for each row in the table being updated.
The first thing I see is that the alias for the table in UPDATE is the same as the alias in both SELECTs (p). So all of the references to p in the subqueries are referencing proxima_gestion in the subquery rather than the outer query. That is, the subquery is not dependent on the outer query, which is required for an UPDATE.
Try removing "proxima_gestion p" from FROM in both subqueries. The references to p, then, will be to the outer UPDATE query.
I wrote the following query:
UPDATE king_in
It checks to see if a field has a value in it and if it does it puts a 3 in a corresponding field if there isn't a 3 already in it. When I ran it, I got a string or binary data will be truncated error. The field is a VARCHAR(3) and there are rows in the table that already have 3 characters in them but the rows that I was actually doing the updating on via the WHERE filter had a MAX LEN of 2 so I was completely baffled as to why SQL Server was throwing me the truncation error. So I changed my UPDATE statement to:
UPDATE king_in
FROM king_in k
SELECT ki.row_key,
FROM king_in ki
ON ki.Row_Key = km.Row_Key
INNER JOIN King_Recs kr
ON km.doc_loc_nb = kr.ACK_ID
) a
ON k.Row_Key = a.Row_Key
AND k.in_sqnc_nb = a.insr_sqnc_nb
and it works fine without error.
So it appears based on this that when doing an UPDATE statement without a FROM clause that SQL Server internally goes through and runs the SET statement before it filters the records based on the WHERE clause. Thats why I was getting the truncation error, because even though the records I wanted to update were less than 3 characters, there were rows in the table that had 3 characters in that field and when it couldn't add a '3' to the end of one of those rows, it threw the error.
So after all of that, I've got a handful of questions.
1) Why? Is there a specific DBMS reason that SQL Server wouldn't filter the result set before applying the SET statement?
2) Is this just a known thing about SQL that I never learned along the way?
3) Is there a setting in SQL Server to change this behavior?
Thanks in advance.
1 - Likely because your criteria are not SARGable - that is, they can't use an index. If the query optimizer determines it's faster to do a table scan, it'll go ahead and run on all the rows. This is especially likely when you filter on a function applied to the field like you do here.
2 - Yes. The optimizer will do what it thinks it best. You can get around this somewhat by using parentheses to force an evaluation order of your WHERE clause but in your example I don't think it would help since it forces a table scan regardless.
3 - No, you need to alter your data or your logic to allow indexes to be used. If you really really need to filter on existence of a certain character in a field, it probably should be it's own column and/or you should normalize that particular bit of data better.
A workaround for your particular instance would be to add a WHERE LEN(IN_PNSN_ALL_TP_CNTRCT_CD) < 3 as well.